
Altercation Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Did he hit you first or did you start the fight?"
"Well yeah, well let's get into it man, recently you were in a fight at the casino."
"When law enforcement is engaged in an altercation, that intent must be established in order to call it a homicide."
"A gesture that was made in an attempt to keep the peace turned into both players literally choking each other."
"I went to prison because we had a two-year anniversary at my gym. At the gym party, there was an altercation that took place and I struck somebody in the head with a wine bottle after they called me the n-word."
"Tom Hanks beat his ass and said you think you're Mr Ferrari I'm Mr Ferrari took his hat."
"He literally went over there and kicked him in his face bro."
"a nice swinging truck driver and a gun toen motorcyclist faced off in the street"
"Brendan Jones and an Australian man drew a gun during a wild road rage incident"
"She was beating me in the head in the back while he was trying to hit me."
"She said she simply acted in self-defense as Joshua grabbed her and then he kind of tripped over his own big feet out the window."
"Karen lost her crap in the street, but the driver just shut the door and drove off."
"Authorities in Martin County, Florida say that a disgruntled Philadelphia Eagles fan got his wings clipped this week after he went full Birdbrain inside of a local Firehouse."
"He didn't take anything. He had only punch with something a little stronger in it."
"Anybody that fights [ __ ] somebody gonna come out with a busted lip black eyes something wrong if you get out but I'll beat your ass [ __ ]."
"Woody Haroldson had an altercation with a photographer just after he finished filming Zombie Land."
"He looked scared when he pushed Ryan and Ryan screamed at him. That's when the whole fight changed."
"Ahmed went out there and when I met hitch it looked like he hurt you because he probably did but it was believable."
"Randy Orton's temper exploded, and he struck Triple H."
"The more you talk to me, I'm gonna get pissed. He just kept talking, so I stood up. Easter, I got this fella, said do not say anything else to me."
"He was in it. It was like he was arguing with the other dude, right?"
"Clara hit him several more times in their legs and arms."
"...cono got into a verbal altercation with his wife Esther which apparently led him to stealing her purse and refusing to give it back."
"Jay kept hearing Lance Rivera's name and allegedly Jay blacked out with rage, and Lance Rivera was ultimately stabbed."
"So I take the keys out her hand and I open up the door. He storms out, he pushes me out. Which I feel like he should have put her out but he's steady pushing me out."
"This is all caught on camera. Literally, from the moment they're outside arguing, you see them all the way until they're leaving."
"Batista allegedly got into a real backstage fight with fellow wrestler Booker T."
"Harper attacked me and suddenly we were fighting like wild cats."
"After a short dispute between her, Kirby, and Brooks, she saw Brooks get back into the red SUV and heard him saying something to the effect of, 'I don't swear so f-u-fing B's you're dead.'"
"That's how dude drink hit me and I tried to go up in the stands and everything I had cats tugging at my waist yeah man I had people in the stands they was fighting the people up oh hey look yeah that was that was that was the malice before the pal right there."
"She literally grabs me from my jacket and punched me straight in my face."
"The groom let it flow shortly after midnight I went for a smoke break in our beer garden after a few minutes the bride's father and the groom came outside arguing and shortly after the groom received a good hook to his face."
"That's insane. Um, and then a scuffle broke out between Roger and Ed resulting in the Warren leaving."
"Florida man Henry AR cabier got into an argument with workers at a Checkers restaurant."
"He says rodman has put his hands on gorgeous George and now quote you will die."
"Apparently someone thought that when the guy shoved up against them in the mosh pit he was hitting on their girlfriend or something."
"The entire altercation lasted no more than 45 seconds."
"Tensions rose further and the verbal confrontation turned physical."
"Minutes before seeing the girls, Huntley had a furious telephone argument with Carr."
"This woman is banging on my car, hollering saying that he owes her money."
"He bare knuckle buried me and then he alphabet me bro."
"That's the same reason Alfred Payton tried to sucker punch J Crawford."
"I get rolled down on by like eight [__] for what he a [__] ain't you that [__] with [__] the [__] RBS..."
"That [__] wasn't cool, Delano touched Delano first, then went over to Pleasant Valley, and then from there, I went to a lower level to, uh, down south to a prison called Blythe."
"If a punk with a mullet talks [ __ ] for more than 14 seconds and a guy's got a hundred pounds on him and is standing a foot taller than him punches him in the face we're like good."
"Nobody got punched, nobody got kicked, nobody got spit on, nobody got slapped, nobody got physically assaulted by myself."
"You see, fury the rapper? Yeah, Derek glass him and Jinxy got a few going on."
"You think you come run when he did that I hit him boom I hit him with a an uppercut he goes hits his head against the wall starts going down I grab his hair and it and I am pounding that mother I him up so bad"
"She stormed out of the house, attacking and beating up Travis. Travis does nothing to retaliate, he does not touch her, he doesn't hit her, he tells her to calm down."
"Suddenly an argument erupted in a back booth. Several people were shouting at one another, and before anyone realized what the racket was all about, we heard two loud gunshots."
"When you hit it, and you're known as a sucker, you get punched twice and it's broken up."
"This girl completely omitted the fact that she threw the first assault. She omitted the fact that she was the one that first triggered Per. She first pulled off the duvet of Pere's body."
"She hit her hard she stunned that girl and then not only she punch in the face she kicked her the form of the leg like sarisha said bam like it was a [ __ ] punt [ __ ] Girl I would not show my face for 5 years girl you kiic you punched her then you kicked her"
"She hit him in the face he demanded she pulled over so he could get out his seatbelt got caught and she just took off great."
"They had interviewed Cherry Valance and she said Bob had been drunk and the boys had been looking for a fight when they took her home."
"I once had a guy throw a meatball sub at me for putting a flyer on his car. It was hilarious."