
Clear Skies Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"The gray skies have cleared into blue, and it seems like there is a lot of interest in today's launch."
"It's stupid nice out right now. There's literally not a cloud in the sky."
"The weather in San Francisco is going to be 61 degrees and clear, just gorgeous everywhere."
"It's actually a nice morning, I think it's going to be bright blue sky today."
"Let there be peace and clear skies, that's the main thing."
"Welcome to a new dawn and a new day where the skies are blue and there's not a cloud in the sky."
"Once again, I appreciate everybody's time, we'll see on the next video, and clear skies."
"We've got a bit of clear blue sky, sun's been out, really nice drive over."
"Good morning Tucson, today's weather report looks like a high of 70° and not a cloud in the sky."
"Until next time, you guys have a good night, clear skies."
"It was truly an Autumn Paradise with temperatures comfortable in the '70s and clear skies."
"It's gonna be a beautiful day, gorgeous day, not a cloud in the sky."
"It is such a beautiful day outside, there are clear blue skies."
"You had a beautiful sunny day and blue sky."
"Not a cloud in the sky today, it looks like it's going to be a really beautiful sunrise."
"It was a sunny day, not a cloud in the sky and no wind."
"We lifted up into a beautiful clear sky."
"An early morning fog has been replaced by crystal clear sky."
"It is a picture-perfect night in Detroit, not a cloud in the sky."
"It was absolutely unbelievable, I mean I woke up on the morning of the game against the Mexicans, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky."
"It's a really clear night sky now, so we're hopefully going to get some amazing stars tonight."
"It's beautiful blue skies, we had an amazing clear night last night looking at those stars, and everything just looks so pretty in the snow."
"After a cold front passes, barometric pressure usually rises often quite rapidly with clearing skies."
"It's a fine day for flying; skies are clear, good visibility."
"The sky is perfectly clear, stars are very crisp, it's very dark outside - it's honestly perfect stargazing conditions."
"It's a sunny day today, according to the weather forecast; looks like we're in for a few days of clear skies."
"It's wonderful because the skies are clear, it's only partly cloudy, and the vessel or the aircraft is coming through absolutely beautifully."
"Thanks so much for watching and clear skies."
"Until next time, I'm Simon. We wish you clear skies."
"Clear blue skies, not a cloud in sight."
"Clear blue skies and sunny weather greeted the riders for race one."
"With the dry season, you can normally expect it to be like 33 degrees on average each day, blue summit sunny skies, and really nice clear weather."
"Being able to see all the stars in the sky is something incredible; when there's a clear night, you go outside, there's no light pollution, and you can see millions, literally millions, maybe even billions of stars."
"As always, I just really appreciate all of your guys's support, and until the next video, I hope you all have clear skies."
"Good morning guys, it is Sunday today and it's another beautiful day, not a single cloud in the sky."
"It's finally spring, we finally don't have a sky full of clouds."
"Nothing but blue skies from now on."
"I hope you get great data, I hope you found this useful, and I wish you clear skies."
"It's bright and sunny out here and not a cloud in the sky."
"Now go ahead and get them installed, configured, and start imaging, and as always, clear skies."
"In the country, you have what we call clear blue skies."
"Skye's full name is Clear Blue Sky."
"Nothing like a little sunshine, clear skies, love it."
"It's such a beautiful day, like there's literally no clouds in the sky."
"Have fun with this project and, of course, clear skies."
"It's a nice and fresh morning and not a cloud in the sky."
"It is a beautiful clear sky here in South Africa today."
"We really lucked out with blue clear sky today, not a cloud in the sky really."
"We wish everyone clear skies of course, and good luck with the special events."
"Clear skies and have fun with this thing, it's great fun."
"Look at how incredible it is, look at those blue skies, we didn't see a single cloud."
"And you couldn't have a better day for a race, hardly a cloud in the sky here at Daytona."
"The skies are clear and the crowd that has returned is going to be rewarded."
"We started the day with beautiful clear blue skies."
"It's all gone away now, beautiful clear skies over the Tour de France."
"It's a hot afternoon, clear skies, and we're on the search for the Royals."
"It's another sunny day, blue skies, there's absolutely no weather at all."
"Once you leave the forest grounds, the sky clears; it's like an invisible boundary."
"Until next time, I wish everybody clear skies."
"It's a very clear night, the stars are out, there's no rain predicted for tomorrow and the next day."
"On the day of the engagement, the skies were boundlessly clear."
"Clear skies and let's get out there and do some imaging, guys."
"It's beautiful, 67 degrees, not a cloud in the sky."
"It's gorgeous here, a beautiful crystal-clear blue sky day."
"It's an absolutely stunning day today, not a cloud in the sky."
"Beautiful sunrise, not a cloud in the sky."
"It really does feel like a crisp winter's morning. I love it when it's a clear blue sky day."
"It's a very warm afternoon and a lovely winter's day, there's not a cloud in the sky."
"The weather's playing along: beautiful clear skies, 54 degrees, barely any wind, and a zero chance of rain."