
Seaside Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Wow, talk about right on the water, walking up to Nobu you can hear the waves just rolling in."
"Lana Del Rey reminded us of the glamour of the seaside."
"...it's where I fell in love with the seaside."
"A private boat trip may sound like a lot, but cruising along the seaside without the sound or smell of a motor is pretty cool."
"It's that opportunity to just step right out and enjoy that beautiful Ocean Air"
"Sozopol is a charming seaside town that offers a unique blend of history and natural beauty. Its old town is a maze of narrow streets and cobblestone alleys that lead to quaint squares and hidden courtyards."
"I just really, really want a night away with good food, fresh air, and running by the sea."
"And I reckon this is going to be our bed for the night, just a little car park overlooking the sea and yeah, it's not too bad at all."
"You can't come to the Seaside without having an ice cream, yeah? You've had one, I haven't."
"The most fashionable place in Edwardian England to come and spend some time by the sea."
"That's a sea organ built in 2005. It has a series of pipes tuned to make harmonic sounds from the waves lapping against the promenade."
"Feels good to be here by the ocean."
"Everyone likes ice creams at the seaside."
"It's a fantastic seaside picture, and you don't even need a paintbrush to make it!"
"There's restaurants, takeaway places, places to get clothes, places to get little knick-knacks and seaside treats."
"This just reminds me of my childhood so much, so we came for some chips and fish and curry sauce and we're eating it by the sea."
"I loved it there, the ocean air, the many low bridges linking different parts of the town over parts of the ocean, the perfect warm weather."
"Seaside towns across the UK are going through a period of upheaval."
"Bournemouth, the nicest way to make it to the sea."
"It feels more like a seaside holiday than a canal mooring here."
"...beautiful in the summer, you can just come here, sit by the seaside, have a pint, and enjoy the views of the harbor."
"The family loved the seaside and had brought an element of it into their Garden."
"Is there anything more British than fish and chips right by the sea in a little box like this?"
"What puts a smile on every face? What gives the seaside style?"
"The sun was shining and all we could hear was the sounds of birds singing and waves crashing."
"We're just gonna chill, we're gonna do all them seaside things."
"This looks to me like something by the seaside, like if you live in a cute little seaside cottage, this would be absolutely adorable."
"Sophie walked alone along the front of the seaside town feeling sick and dejected."
"New Brighton's a very interesting place because they wanted a seaside resort for the working class."
"Oh, we do like to be beside the sea."
"It's nice to be back at the seaside again."
"It's a fantastic seafront, there's just so much going on down here which is great."
"The house was a charming old beachfront cottage with peeling blue paint and a wraparound porch that faced the water."
"I composed Eden Rock by imagining an arrival by sea: the salt, the sun, the light-colored rock, the lush plant life."
"It was one of those beautiful, naive seaside panoramas for which the Brittany and Picardy beaches have provided the setting ever since the birth of plage and bandamere more than a hundred years ago."
"Go to any seaside town off-peak season; it's our recommendation for travel basically anywhere in the world."
"This was the best trip to the seaside ever!"
"You've got the beach wall, the sea wall you can sit on too with your hot chocolate or your ice creams."
"Each British seaside has that unmistakable charm."
"When you come to the seaside as an adult, it's okay to act like a kid."
"We're spending our vacation by the seaside."
"I do love it down by the seaside on a sunny day."
"The love of the sea has given rise to the Danish tradition of summer houses by the beach."
"A beach house is not just a home, it's a sanctuary by the sea."
"I love a proper British Seaside town."
"We're moving on tomorrow morning to Penang, back on the coast again, back at the sea."
"Every time I go to the seaside, I'd always have fish and chips because I love the romance of it all."
"Castara is a picturesque seaside village with its economy dependent primarily on fishing and agriculture."
"It's another weekend, and this weekend we're heading for the seaside."
"This is Minehead, a bucket and spade sort of town with all the attractions of the English seaside."
"I couldn't imagine not being by the Sea and the beach."
"It's amazing what two days at the seaside can do to you."
"You join me by the seaside, a drizzly seaside, a slightly cloudy and inclement seaside."
"Look at that gorgeous seaside scene."
"It's nice to be beside the seaside."
"Oh, Mom, I found a place right here by the Sea, and guess what it's called? Rabbit Cove," I said.
"Oh Mom," I said, "Rabbit Cove was perfect."
"It's a lovely place, it's the seaside and it's so special," I said.
"It was everything which the perfect seaside holiday has."
"It's a beautiful seaside town in England. It's sandy beaches, beautiful buildings nearby."
"We hired a bungalow by the seaside."
"Let's take advantage of this quaint little seaside town and walk around."
"It's lovely, Weymouth is one of my favorite seaside resorts in the country, I think it's gorgeous around here."
"I think the seaside is a very romantic place."
"It's like being in the Lake District but at the seaside. Oh beautiful, just absolutely stunning."
"Seaside looks like someone invented a beach town and put it on the coast."
"It's easier for towns near the sea to get run down because of the moisture, the salt in the air."
"It's a romance by the sea, and it's passionate."
"Welcome to Ramsgate, East Kent, one of the great English seaside towns of the nineteenth century."
"It's by the sea so her children really loved it."
"To have such a long walking path along the sea is wonderful."
"Our town is called Sunny Sands because it's always sunny and it's by the sea."
"We're having a great time by the sea together."
"This is the best looking seaside vlog yet."
"Oh, it's so nice waking up by the sea; this is the life I want."
"Look at this, isn't this lovely? I'm literally right here, right on the edge of the sea."
"It's a beautiful, beautiful little spot on the sea."
"Restored Edwardian shelters, the King's statue, and the centerpiece, the Jubilee Clock, add their elegance to what is still one of England's finest seaside esplanades."
"It's called Sunny Sands because it's always sunny and it's by the sea."
"It's once again time for seaside, isn't it? Good times, right?"
"With my loved one, catching the sunset at the seaside."
"I used to come here as a child when it was a little seaside village."
"Riding the crazy coaster on the South Pier in Blackpool is fantastic, especially when the tide is in."
"It's a small little seaside type town here on the Wild Atlantic Way, and it's very, very cute."
"There's a real buzz like a real seaside town buzz feeling."
"Colwood... the new and emerging version of Colwood is definitely modern seaside living."
"Good morning, my friends, it's Seaside day!"
"It's days like this that make paying a fortune to live by the sea so worth it."
"I just love the seaside, there's my boys, there's my girl, I'm very happy."
"Especially when you're in a hotel so near the sea, it's nice to see it in the day."
"I wanted to live somewhere close to the Sea, and everything just kind of fell into place."
"Got our first lobster roll, pizza, and a sub, and we're eating it at the beach."
"Together by the sea is my favorite place to be."