
Student Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"This evil student has been acting very weird and suspicious." - Unknown
"He was believed to be Wang Fei's best student."
"...he did what he should have done, and now the student should also think about what he needs to do."
"He was known to be a very smart student."
"I'm a high school student, and I'm an aspiring filmmaker."
"The student has become the champion."
"I'm a 20-year-old college student who works part-time on weekends as a night shift security officer on campus."
"A beautiful student named Tennu who tries to flirt with him."
"The diligent student always completes assignments on time and with care."
"I'm a student at the University of Birmingham."
"As a student, you go for the best value. And sometimes the best value is the best food."
"This is a good time for progeny, especially if you're a student or going to study overseas."
"All Might basically views Izuku as his favorite student."
"The student surpasses the teacher."
"The MacBook Pro 14 is the one to get for students looking for a laptop for video or photo editing."
"For students studying software development, the best laptop to get is the MacBook Pro 14."
"What do you do for your job? I'm a student. What are you studying? Engineering. Genetic engineering like bridges and stuff."
"For most of my students, I know what they are going to get. In Oscar's case, it's really scary because I literally don't know how he's going to perform."
"We're introduced to Bast, who appears to be Kote's student."
"Imagine being Celestia here, she lost a student under her wing and therefore had the duty to inform that student's family."
"My student of the week, I think, is a very obvious student. It's Meline Prior, baddie extraordinaire."
"An ideal student is someone who is engaged, they're motivated... they really just need help to advance their skills."
"Why is a support student dressed in a hero costume and armed?"
"The leader will appear when the student is ready. Well, the student's got to be also not only ready but open and observant."
"I'm looking for love, but I'm also a student and also working."
"His student had discovered an unprecedented genius."
"An irresponsible student with an unhealthy obsession for wildlife photography."
"To be a teacher, you have to be a good student."
"Teachers always. Being a teacher is being a student."
"Be a good student yourself of scripture so that you can know what is true from what is heresy."
"Fellow students, this my state of the union. I'll do my best to fix the mess 'cause I know we can improve it. Now, thank you for your belief in me even though I can't satisfy all you need."
"Are you a student or are you like 28 years old and just snuck yeah I actually turned 23 a couple weeks ago I think I might be the oldest in the room but second oldest I'm a senior right now."
"He's a secret. Became a student of the game."
"Looks like the student surpassed the master."
"If you have a student email, you can get Amazon for a reduced price."
"I actually was a pretty good student."
"Felix definitely has the most personality in my classroom."
"It's like she woke up, you know, the fifth year senior."
"I was actually an ordinary student who was full of the desire to absorb knowledge."
"My name is Ellie Moses, I'm a 22-year-old law and film student here from Sydney, Australia."
"Not everyone has thousands of dollars to spend on a laptop, and when you're a student or just exploring web development, you want to buy a laptop that has a good cost to performance ratio."
"I'm currently a second semester student at the Berkeley College of Music."
"If you guys don't know, I'm a second-year medical student studying at King's College London."
"True to his artistic flare, he took an interest in student theater plays."
"Never invite me to teach on finances, please invite me to be a student."
"I continue to learn, I continue to remain forever a student of Alcoholics Anonymous."
"The student really at the end of the day needs to prove that they can be a good student."
"I'm always learning, I'm always a student."
"I'm a third year medical student at Warwick Medical School on the Graduate Entry Program in the United Kingdom."
"I'm a first-year undergraduate student at McGill University."
"Always a student, we are always called to learn; we never have it figured out."
"We are always a student; we are always called to learn."
"You're changing your status from student to worker, and the postgraduate work permit is how you do that."
"I was now a yeshiva student who was also a multi-platinum recording artist."
"She's a good student, she tries and puts all her effort into her work and her grades."
"I'm a PhD student, so I'm like a researcher."
"I'm Masa Sanada, second year student here at Smoney High School. I also play around with social media."
"The happy student... they're aware of their weaknesses."
"Hi, my name is Dia, and I recently finished up my freshman year at Carnegie Mellon University."
"In conclusion, I am a student with a passion for learning, a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, and I am excited about the opportunities ahead."
"Every student of psychics... desires to know how to develop his own powers and faculties."
"Perpetually your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."
"Eric was a real goody-goody most of the time; he was a pretty good athlete and an A student."
"I started taking flying lessons while I was still a student in high school."
"You're a really good student, and I think that's part of what makes you a good teacher."
"It is the student who carries with him scrap paper, he writes when he writes and he writes when he walks."
"As a college student, is it a good car? Yes, a great first car."
"Working as a Hostess was a good job for a college student."
"Love from Kenya, you really inspire me as an upcoming international student."
"I am so happy that I finally found a student who is responsible enough to do it on his own."
"Huge congratulations to 22-year-old journalism student from Welling Garden City."
"We learn that Amanda is a diligent student who prioritizes her studies."
"She was described as an excellent student and athlete."
"She was described as a good student who enjoyed a number of activities like volleyball, soccer, track, dancing."
"Zach Taylor was a student who attended Angel Grove High School, a very enthusiastic, upbeat person."
"She was a great student; she made straight A's."
"I was able to make some money during the school year."
"He was the model student, he was the model team player."
"I feel like a student that is just here to learn."
"For those of you that don't know me, I am a first-year psychology student at the University of Southampton."
"I love dogs, I hate cauliflower, my favorite subject's math, and I am desperate."
"See yourself as being a lifelong student."
"I'm a poor graphic design student."
"Student credit cards are designed specifically for students, so they tend to have lower spending limits and lower interest rates."
"Elizabeth has performed well in all of her schoolwork."
"Everyone be quiet. Representing the students is Katsuki Bakugo from class 1-A."
"She was an exceptional student who gained a first-class honors degree in Zoology."
"He's an excellent student and always takes first places everywhere."
"This green ring represents the knowledge level on each one of these arrows of a final year medical student and this is where you want to achieve in order to do really well in your final exams."
"If you're a student and you're trying to communicate with us, we're not here to hurt you at all."
"I am myself a student of Indian dialects."
"I am a third-year PhD student at the University of Michigan in its Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology."
"I'm very happy to be acquainted with a brilliant student like you."
"Violet is the strongest student at Suang College, also known as Valkyrie; she shouldn't be underestimated," said the director.
"I'm a college student and I work, and I'm also in the middle of trying to figure out what I'm doing with my life."
"I'm quite proud to be part of the student body as well."
"She's a good student, she gets high marks in most exams."
"Congratulations on becoming a student at Aries Academy."
"I'm still a student. I am here to learn as much as possible."
"She was a hardworking student who was trying everything in her power to make her life and her children's lives better."
"Every student knows the situation when it hits May; it's time to be in the library from like 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m."
"This was a typical day in my life as a first-year engineering student here at McMaster University."
"Hi there, my name is Alice, and I'm a third-year game art student from the UK."
"If you have a student email, you can get the premium version for free."
"I'm always going to be a student, always willing and wanting to learn."
"I'm a college student; I'm not from around here. I first read about the twin beacons online a few years ago, and it piqued my interest."
"It is the student's responsibility to take advantage of the various opportunities on offer."
"I must admit here, this student, he was well prepared."
"The student card works like a credit card, and each student can spend up to 100,000 Yen per month."
"I'm gonna take you around my week and show you what I spend in a week being an eighteen year old student."