
Shape Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"What did the triangle say to the circle? You're so pointless."
"Why is a pizza box square if the pizza is a circle and a slice is a triangle?"
"If we know the distance to this shape, then this is going to be the closest distance for this whole thing."
"A pizza is a circle, it comes in a box, you cut it up in a triangle."
"It's the ashes form a distinct dog shape in the air."
"The soul is a circle and is like a sphere."
"Rectangles are nice and straightforward."
"Optimizers of neural networks have the same shape as neural networks themselves."
"This thing is shaped like a pyramid."
"Energy into shape creates function."
"What we think of as shape is simply a momentary snapshot."
"These ceramic candle jars... I love the shape of the container."
"All that was based off of the sphere, so getting information onto a rounded essentially a rounded ball."
"It's a properly beautiful and well-proportioned shape with a very usable hatch as well."
"This shape actually picks up flow over the stock valve."
"It's a shape that just keeps on giving."
"A fractal can be colloquially defined as a self-similar shape for example one that contains within it multiple smaller versions of itself."
"When it comes to shape, I think that there are so many possibilities."
"All I'm looking for really when I sketch is the silhouette, the shape of the thing."
"But whatever you use it for, that ball shape is really useful because no matter what the angle of the head, a ball generally looks roughly the same."
"In reality, the Earth doesn't quite look like a perfect sphere."
"The new shape is a burlesque of everything that is womanly."
"It's a big brain [ __ ] role safe pointed head kind of thing."
"If I have a smooth, finite shape, and it has no holes, then can I turn it into a sphere? That's pretty much the Poincaré conjecture in a nutshell."
"The highlights bring them to life in my visual opinions so I like those highlights to really kind of pop and be telling of the shape and of the light source and all that good stuff."
"It's in pretty good shape overall."
"These Planters will give a little bit of variance to the other planters that we have on the channel so far, they have that vshape to them so gives it a little bit of shape and um they just look classy, you know."
"I'm actually shocked at how well these potato rods keep their shape"
"The difference in surface tension from the inside to the outside of the chip produces the curled shape."
"The Pringle is a wonderful geometric form. What's special about it is this point right here at the center."
"Maintain your silhouette and the silhouette of your model. This allows us to maintain the overall form and allow it to look like the original model."
"Your book photo shape, that overall big shape that everybody has that you can recognize who you're looking at or what you're looking at no matter how small it is without any details."
"Now you can really see it's boat shape, isn't it?"
"We're never not going to be in shape."
"I am seeing a lot of brushes coming out that are similar to this, this is such a good shape."
"Finally, my word of advice is to not overwork these details. You really just want to suggest the general shape without defining every hair strand."
"...you're going to just let it take its natural shape just like that."
"It's an oddly satisfying shape giving the same sort of weight one might see from characters like Mega Man or Sora from Kingdom Hearts."
"Finding out that big middle value shape is vital for me."
"That's the best shape I've ever been in my life, doing monkey bars."
"The teardrop. And the reason is that the perfect shape in nature is a teardrop or a raindrop coming out of the sky."
"We were in a really perfect shape from the 13th round till the 23rd round."
"I say it was for observation, it was tilted a little bit, ground, I'd say, but maybe 30 ft, and the configuration, the shape, what would that be? Just like a saucer, like two pie pans on top of each other."
"That shape was out of this world!"
"I got these obviously because the shape is like really, really interesting."
"This shape is just so dainty, so feminine."
"Now, when I show this out of shape, I sort of like, you know, like, the tie sort of like gently comes down so you want the highlight kind of coming down it."
"...he uses a triangle as a base shape...it makes the character look very heroic, it gives the character a lot of power."
"I feel like Patty was in better shape and was probably more prepared, but I just felt like the size difference just kind of made it almost impossible for him to win."
"Now, I like it, you know what, and I know I'm biased, but I do like it. I like that it's a circle right and it doesn't go all the way there because otherwise, it, like, where would you start?"
"This fat tail shape has developed a cult following after the all-time shred Master Stephen Vera showed us how capable the shape is in multiple videos."
"You know an oval is the best shape."
"These look like my pants, but the only difference is that on the waist and on the butt, they still hold your shape."
"So aerodynamics... I'm not an expert on aerodynamics but I'm sure it's quite aerodynamic if it's got that teardrop shape."
"The overall profile of the sole is very square, including the roofline."
"The Mosasaur was an extremely massive marine reptile, with a body shaped like a monitor lizard streamlined for swimming."
"The shape of them just drew me right in."
"One of the ways to get a perfect shape is to flip the hand to look at the nails from the client's perspective."
"It's starting to resemble a little bit of a star shape."
"I can't afford for the audience to mistake it as fat, so I’m taking the opportunity to reinforce the same shape design that we've seen up there down here."
"This is more of an oval shape than what we had at the beginning."
"A square is a shape that has four equal sides."
"For an ellipse, it also goes around and around but in an oblong kind of shape."
"Knowing the shape of the universe is more than just an intellectual curiosity."
"It's presenting a very strange shape to us, we initially thought that this thing was something like a pickle, as we're getting closer it looks like it's more like a banana."
"The Bible knew that the earth was a circle."
"The Earth is what's called an oblate spheroid, meaning it's wider at the equator and narrow at the poles."
"Elliptical galaxies appear as large, more or less elongated balls of relatively old stars."
"243 Ida... has an average diameter of 31.4 kilometers and it is irregularly shaped and elongated."
"The most beautiful shape... the circle."
"They all taste good, doesn't matter how they're shaped."
"I absolutely love the shape of that one."
"I can't go over this, like look at the shape of it, it's like an eye."
"Our planet is not fully spherical as it slightly flattens when rotating."
"The universe is ball shaped or globe shaped."
"Earth is not flat, but it's not a perfect sphere either. It bulges at the equator because of our planet's wild spin."
"I think with the pleats, you get like a bell shape to the skirt, which is really cute."
"To create the illusion of a bigger bust, or just to create more shape, think about choosing a shirt with chest pockets, swooshes, or pleating."
"The basic shape of most bonsai is triangular or conical."
"The circle is not laying flat anymore; it's starting to take this bowl shape, which is exactly the shape that you want for your beanie."
"The first thing to look for is its overall shape. What's the shape that you're looking for? What the major large shapes you're looking at?"
"That's how we can tell that it's round."
"Look at that heart shape, such a gorgeous plant."
"You just want it to feel full and round; round doesn't mean perfect, round just means roundish."
"I'm just trying to really make sure I have that perfect shape down pat."
"The only shape that could cast a curved shadow like that at every different perspective was a sphere."
"Now isn't the chicken lucky that eggs are the shape they are, not square, not rectangular, but perfectly egg-shaped."
"I think the color is perfect, I love the shape of it, I find it surprisingly flattering and not too dramatic, which is rare for COS."
"The Texas Star fungus... has this star-like shape which is why it's called the Texas Star."
"This kitchen makes excellent use of shape; it's a U-shaped kitchen."
"Soon as you're done blowing your balloon, press your ribbon against the floor to give your balloon part rounder shape."
"If I mold the whole thing into a shape and suck the air out, it maintains its shape, making a solid mass."
"I'm effectively trying to get the overall shape of the panel back in."
"This is a heart shape, how lovely."
"It's like a big crescent, and yeah, really excited."
"It's so substantial, this is definitely enough. I love this pasta too, this shape, and it is imminently forkable."
"One of the most famous shapes of tea that we'll see is this guy called the 'bing'. It presents as this big flattened disc."
"The cytoskeleton... gives the cell its shape, determines where things inside the cell are to be located, and is used for locomotion."
"It's a very large shaped puzzle, which is really cool that it's actually this shape."
"When the rolls emerged from the oven, they had a distinct folded pocketbook shape that made them light and puffy on the inside while staying crisp and buttery on the outside."
"I'm out of shape. Oh, that's not true. I'm actually round. That is a shape."
"It's a 3D square, how interesting."
"Help you to see and recognize shape, help you to analyze shape."
"Your bag should be starting to take shape now."
"Is the Earth flat or round? Definitely round."
"The shape of this distribution will be normal, meaning Gaussian bell-shaped."
"I'm maintaining the shape and just cleaning it up."
"Little black fin tuna on the jig, this is why they call them footballs, shaped just like a football."
"I just like to kind of make a Pringle kind of shape."
"This is not what I was expecting from a puzzle to some extent dictated by the purity of the shape you are conveying."
"The earth is not a perfect circle; it is actually an oblate spheroid, squashed and wider at the equator."
"That's a quick way of getting the rough shape of the head."
"The shape of a protein is extremely important."
"Our planet's shape? No, it's not flat, but it's not a perfect sphere either."
"The gradient of a scalar function always has the same shape as the inputs."
"The earth is slightly misshaped, not a perfect sphere, and in fact slightly elongated rather like an ostrich egg."
"One triangle is the same shape but not necessarily the same size as another triangle."
"A seven-sided shape is called a heptagon."
"This is square planar. It's not only planar, it's planar and it's a square."
"It's a cone; it's literally a cone."
"The bank should be puffy, have rounded sides, and with a good cone on top, not a concave piggy bank that has no dirt in the sides."
"I love little shaped cards like this and this works so well for that."
"Round relics are the shape of wishes."
"You can see it makes this hourglass shape."
"We call this an ellipsoid because all the traces are ellipses."
"It was about the size of a tank, it was triangular in shape."
"The skeleton provides a simple and compact representation of shape that preserves many of the topological and size characteristics of the original shape."
"Most people can get in decent shape."
"Shape is of course a topological property."
"Topology really describes a more general notion of shape."
"It's like a little bit more like an oval and I think it smells amazing."
"I love anything that's pumpkin shaped."
"This shape that it gives you is just really, really pretty."
"It's kind of in a heart shape, cute."
"Peeps are not round; they're meant to have almost like an egg shape."
"It's uncanny, it's in the shape of Africa."
"I love this little sort of twist over in the middle that kind of nips your waist in a little bit and just gives a really lovely flattering shape."
"It kind of goes a little bit more tapered in the waist and then flares out at the bottom."