
Diagrams Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Our world is full of diagrams, graphic representations of everything from the solar system to the hidden origins of life."
"I love Venn diagram questions, I always find them like really interesting."
"As I promised you earlier in the semester, anything I do with a diagram I will also do verbally, so if you find this in any way confusing just listen to the narrative and then we'll see whether you get it that way. But so now we have a diagram with two people on it."
"These diagrams are actually also mathematics, and they're morphisms in various categories which are using functorial semantics to convert to differential equations."
"Diagrams help reduce cognitive load."
"So let's jump right down here into these two diagrams."
"Phase diagrams don't have to be composition, temperature, and pressure. They can be electrical potential in PH."
"This is a book you can learn from when there is this much writing between moves and diagrams."
"These diagrams actually ignore rotation, but in fact, it's a requirement."
"Alright and finally we get to question 100. the diagram below represents a rainwater tank um collection tank you wish to paint the exterior of the tank so basically the sides and the base..."
"These things aren't hard so don't be scared of timing diagrams."
"It's a really cool diagram that I think you'll find useful."
"That wiring diagram is going to come in handy."
"You want to make sure that framework with these three diagrams is really solid and secure before you start adding details."
"If you are working on your multi-year project or on your diploma thesis and you need some nice class diagrams for your solution, you can easily use this class diagram feature from Visual Studio."
"By having this diagram, you actually have something really cool which is improve the communication between technical people and the non-technical people."
"A perfectly completed covalent bonding diagram."
"Block diagrams are really useful if you're trying to do diagnosis because it can help you narrow down where something is probably occurring."
"If you can't show it in a Venn diagram, the principle probably wasn't worth teaching."
"Entity relationship diagrams are graphical ways of describing the relationships among the various entities."
"This diagram, that's my favorite."
"I'm a huge lover of Crochet Diagrams and have been since I was 14 years old."
"So while you see less diagrams today, they are not obsolete and are still extremely useful."
"The diagrams are a useful tool for communications without having to say much."
"In time, reading diagrams becomes as simple as reading fun updates on Facebook."
"Diagrams are super, super exciting, a lot of fun."
"Block diagram is the pictorial representation of each and every component in control engineering or control system."
"I've never seen something like this inside of a microwave before, but mine actually has a circuit diagram on how everything should be wired up."
"These are seven hot diagrams, fire diagrams, power diagrams, give them extra weight in your revision."
"Entity relationship diagrams help us understand our data."
"It's been really helpful for making diagrams and outlining things for people."
"Use diagrams... I actually understood them. Drawing the diagram really helped me understand what part is where."
"Left outer with this Venn diagram, you can see it's all from the left but only matching from the right."
"Those diagrams really show the complexity of civil engineering involved in these projects."
"Understanding how to do workflow diagrams is highly critical for this role."
"The block diagram has been used in the past and it is continued to be used."
"This is the first diagram of IMS that I ever saw, and it covers basically everything that we talked about."
"Diagrams are the best form of a pattern."
"Diagrams... they make you a lot of money."
"The more boxes and lines you have in your diagram, the more funding you can get."
"If you have the opportunity to draw out the answer to this question and make these Venn diagrams, it's a really helpful way for you to explain your point."
"It's time for one of my all-time favorite topics: Venn diagrams."
"Venn diagrams are a beautiful way to solve overlapping set questions without the need for a table or any formula."
"The slope of the shear diagram is equal to the distributed load intensity W."
"I love functional diagrams; you can step through them and think."
"PV diagrams are kind of the free body diagram, as it were, for our thermodynamics unit."
"Effectively, we have a broad understanding about object orientation and where this use case diagram fits into the overall scheme of things."
"If there is a PID that you are creating, there would definitely be a use case diagram."
"We are converting this into the use case diagram first."
"So let's go to the diagram and let's decipher this even further."
"By combining these three binary systems, we can actually interpolate between them to create a full ternary diagram."
"I actually really like drawing diagrams; it's one of my favorite things to do."
"It's to do with three-way Venn diagrams, or three overlapping sets."
"This is one of the reasons why it's so important to do Freebody diagrams because they give you the context that you can take your answers and know what they mean."
"Once we have our functions, we actually need to draw a complete shear force diagram and bending moment diagram underneath the free body diagram."
"It's just worth reading it; there's a nice little circuit diagram as well."
"Your classes of lever and your Freebody diagrams depend on what application you're actually using it in."
"Sun, Wind, and Light does a really great job of diagramming some of the complex concepts."
"TTT diagrams provide us information about the time and temperature dependence of the transformation."
"Sometimes it's helpful to create math formulas and influence diagrams to describe your model."
"You have to develop a vision for looking at Venn diagrams."
"Timing diagrams are very important to your understanding of digital systems."
"Create yourself revision diagrams for memory."
"These line diagrams are very beneficial just to give you that higher-level overview of what this system, how it's laid out."
"Let's first start with a little diagram; this diagram depicts how warehouses are typically organized."
"So that's the general usefulness of this diagram."
"The secret to these problems is drawing perfect free body diagrams."
"The different PNG diagrams of different phases are plotted on a same curve as a function of temperature."
"We're going to look at a few examples of filling in Venn diagrams with numbers."
"The ultimate goal of this lecture is to teach you how to generate the diagrams that you can see over here."
"A finite state machine... can be specified or represented in the form of a state table or in the form of a state transition diagram."
"You can create and edit all sorts of diagrams."
"Try to draw the bending moment and shear force diagram before you actually compute then using calculator using the concept of structural analysis."
"Drawing the trellis diagram is very easy."
"Another thing you could do if you're familiar with crochet diagrams or crochet charts, you can literally chart out this diagram for yourself."
"With the sequence diagrams and the class diagrams, we're going to be easily able to write our program."