
Image Of God Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"All humans in the image of God have the same dignity."
"You were made in God's image and that distinguishes you above every other creature."
"The Christian Perspective starts with all human beings made in the image of God."
"How christian nationalism has turned the image of god into a nation-state as opposed to a universal being, I think is just a beautiful note."
"Jesus sees us by faith restored into the image of God."
"humans were made in the image of God and they have a you know just a little lower than the Angels"
"...we could be like Christ because the image of God according to which we are created is Jesus Christ."
"Adam was made in the image and likeness of him that was to come."
"Man is triune in nature because he was created in the image of a triune God."
"The Messiah is the image of the invisible God."
"We are creatures made in the image of the Creator, in order to achieve happiness and further His work here on Earth."
"What was that all about? That was all about, 'No, I'm hearing you. You're a human being made in the image of God.'"
"Let us make man in our image: you can see the plurality of a singular God."
"God feels a full range of emotions like we do because we're made in His image."
"It's all about man being restored to his image so that he can dwell in us."
"Humanity really is special in the eyes of God, and that we're made in His image, and that's a unique honor and privilege."
"Let us make man in our own image and in our likeness and let them have dominion over the earth."
"God created man in His image, according to His likeness."
"We're talking about working with real people who have souls who are made in the image of their Redeemer."
"God is a relationship, and we are made in His image, therefore we are made for relationship."
"You're a glorious human made in God's image."
"God making man in his own image and after his own likeness is speaking of that spiritual nature and those capacities of God: self-determination, love."
"We're all made in the image of God; this was about access."
"The cross of Jesus is fulfilled when his nature's restored back to the image of God."
"Let us make man in our own image and likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air."
"Whoso shedeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man."
"God is a Spirit and He created man, male and female, in His image."
"God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
"You were made in God's image for the glory, meant for the using of God."
"Forward in faith, God image recovery I think is really important."
"In Christ we too can bear the image of God and display his glory."
"God created all of us in His image."
"In Him, and particularly in His resurrection from the dead, He created us anew - after His own image."
"We are all created in the image of God; we are all equal in God's eyes."
"If people are truly made in the image of God, then as Christians we must treat everyone with dignity."
"God created man after His image and God being self-determined, created man also self-determined, giving to man a free will."
"Only Jesus is the exact image of God."
"You are my glory when I created you, I created you in my image and in my likeness."
"God is faithful; God has made man in His image to glorify Him."
"God made man in His image and likeness."
"What we lost in Adam, that is being in the image and likeness of God, we might recover in Christ."
"God has created us in His image; we are in the imago Dei."
"They determined that they were going to make man in their own image because they wanted to be able to have communion and fellowship."
"So God made man in his own image, in the image of God created he him."
"God is love and so he created us in His image."
"God creates us in God's own image, which means we actually bear the characteristics of God."
"We were all designed in God's image for a relationship with Him."
"Creating the human race in his own image, God inscribed in the humanity of man and woman the vocation and thus the capacity and responsibility of love and communion."
"God made man in His image... to multiply who He was through the man, to reproduce Himself after His own kind."
"It is through gender that we glorify God best because that's what's in His image."
"Every single person you come into contact with is made in the image of God."
"Tell a child that they were created in the image and likeness of God."
"I think all of us are created in the image of God."
"We must understand that we were created in the image and likeness of God."
"God created us in His image... we bear something about God."
"Christ created Adam in His image."
"Human beings are made in God's image, male and female."
"He created us in His image, meaning we're his ambassadors here on earth."
"Love as a value, but love that is directed metaphysically to the belief that you have the image of God in you."
"When the rapture takes place, we get a glorified body then we'll be in the image of Christ, which is the image of God."
"The theory of evolution makes no contradiction to the idea that we are made in the image of God."
"God has created man, that He has made him in His own image."
"God made Man In His Image, not as a dialectical opposite."
"Man was made in the icon, the image of God."
"Everyone is an image bearer of God and they have dignity regardless of who they are."
"You're beautiful because God is beautiful, and He made you in His own image."
"We're created in the image and likeness of God, men and women, as it says in the Book of Genesis."