
Stretch Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Find what feels good here in the body for a little deeper stretch."
"This right here is called the world's greatest stretch, and it's called that for a reason; it just feels so dang good."
"It's stretching more than the waistbands of my sweatpants on Thanksgiving day."
"Beautiful job, release your leg, pop yourself up onto your side and let's take our mermaid stretch."
"I love this hamstring stretch because it gets from where it connects your booty all the way underneath your knee into your calf."
"Stretch the front of the left hip here as we pull the right knee to your chest."
"You always been a fresh, stretch better."
"It makes me feel like I'm in control of my creative process again. It felt like taking a big stretch in between sessions of working on more serious projects."
"And let's take a big good morning stretch."
"Let's counter, give our knees a little hug, stretch the back the opposite way by bringing the knees in, and giving ourselves that hug again."
"Feel the stretch in the legs, reach the crown to the sky."
"Thank you that our strength is in our stretch."
"Beautiful. Reach everything up towards the sky."
"Everything is tied into everything, so to work the full body in a stretch is going to benefit so much."
"I hope that this felt good, gave you a nice little recovery stretch whatever it was that you needed it for today I hope that it gave you that."
"Keep sinking the hips down, finding a side body stretch in your goddess pose."
"Last breath here, and then using your next in-breath, come back up through center, reach the fingertips up overhead, full body stretch kicking through the heels, reaching through the fingertips."
"Pull both knees into the chest, bending into both knees, hands hold on to both big toes at the same time, happy baby."
"Good job, walk your hands back to your feet, bend your knees a little bit, take your hands behind your back, and release your fingers, pull your arms up and over, and feel a nice stretch for your shoulders."
"Rolling off the knees to the right look over to the left for a little twist."
"Opening up that torso, big stretch through the spine."
"Stretch it out and breathe into it."
"Very, very good stretch to those of you who get really tight in the hips and in the glutes and the thighs."
"Just allow your right ear to release down towards your right shoulder, again the shoulders are relaxed and down, we're not letting them come up to meet the ear, relax them down, breathe into that good stretch all the way down the side of the neck."
"Feel as if every time you're releasing to the side, you're getting more stretch in the body."
"Because it's cut this way, it does have a slight stretch to it, which makes it ideal for going around curved edges as well as straight edges."
"Trust yourself, feel the stretch through your shoulder, take back through your foot."
"You're going to feel a great stretch on the sides of your lower back, and we're working our core and our obliques here."
"Wherever you are is fine. I just want you to feel a stretch in your shoulder, neck."
"Do you feel the difference? Great stretch all the way in the back of the legs."
"This is really gonna stretch deep inside the abdomen to the psoas muscle."
"Remember, it never matters how deep we get into a pose, just as long as we feel a stretch."
"It's a great stretch for the abdomen, the hips, and the thighs."
"Lift your chest and chin up towards the sky, feeling that stretch across the upper body."
"Soft knees, inhale, reach it up. Full body stretch."
"Inhale, reach all the way up, full body stretch."
"Bring your head to one side, feel the side of your neck stretching."
"Reach and dive for the toes, pull yourself up to a tall spine."
"Reach and get that really nice stretch."
"Inhale, stretch up, exhale, round it forward."
"Good, you're gonna feel so much better after this stretch."
"Let's just take it out, little side lunge, big reach."
"Stretch up, touch the ceiling for long."
"Inhale stretch long, exhale crunch it in."
"I really do feel the enormous stretch at the very top, so the full range of motion is very important."
"Two opposing sources of energy moving out in two different directions really helps to create the sensation of stretch and space in a pose."
"Sometimes our practice is just to be with a really comfortable stretch, knowing that for now, that's enough."
"Lean out into your left side waist and look over your right shoulder to just stretch out and release."
"Push all the way out into that lovely mermaid stretch."
"Reach up, inhale, right ear toward right shoulder, left arm out, flex your wrist."
"Reach, reach, reach, reach, and relax."
"Stretch the arms out, flare the fingers, reach of the fingertips."
"One of my favorite stretches for sure."
"Exhale to pull straight down, you're going to feel that nice stretch as you reach the ceiling."
"Straighten the front leg, come up onto your heel, and fold over that leg for half Hanumanasana."
"There should always be a stretch inside the body when performing Tai Chi, a gentle stretch."
"Choose to stay here if you'd like to go a little further, reaching the arms up overhead."
"Lift the hips, lift the chest as you reach, finding that opening and that space through the heart."
"Feeling that deep stretch to your chest."
"Triangle is about expansion, so really stretch the arms out, spread the toes, expand."
"Continue breathing, enjoying that stretch, checking in with your alignment."
"Great with a deep breath in, left arm rises to the sky."
"Inhale your arms up, reach up, build space between each rib."
"Inhale, expand and reach, reach, reach long like taffy."
"Keep the arms reaching up to the sky, slide one arm down your side, look up to your fingertips, and open up the side of your body."
"Feel your spine as long as you can here, don't arch your back in the stretch."
"A vertical stretch if A is greater than one, and a vertical compression if A is between zero and one."
"If K is between zero and one, then it's a horizontal stretch by a factor of one over K."
"Inhale, arms up overhead, chest forward, little mini backbend, pelvis forward, gaze up towards the sky."
"So in this practice, we're looking to open up the shoulders and the hips and give ourselves an overall stretch while slowing down the heart rate so we can just relax and start to unwind."
"We're looking for a stretch to the outer right hip and glutes, okay?"
"Stretch into your fingertips, lengthen your tailbone, press into that back leg heel."
"Try bringing your chest towards your thighs, just let your head hang, and feel that stretch."
"Downward facing dog is both an inversion as the head falls below the heart, but it's also a great stretch for the hamstrings; it decompresses the spine."
"Yearn your sits bones back towards your heels as you tuck the chin into the chest, big stretch for the lower back."
"Standing Forward Fold is a great stretch for your whole body, especially your hamstrings."
"Downward dog is probably one of my favorite stretches; it just really elongates the whole body."
"Embracing this beautiful stretch in the tops of the thighs, the hips."
"Slip your palm to the sky, reach up and back to reverse your warrior position, stretching the side of your waist."