
Turnover Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"People don't leave the business because of the internet; they leave because they're not supported by their managers and co-workers."
"Work conditions cause high turnover, which means a new set of unknowing workers, whereas higher retention means seasoned workers can gather their thoughts on the matter."
"The most expensive thing is turnover."
"Companies should want unhappy employees to quit."
"The team’s roster had changed endlessly over the years, a revolving door of promising faces joining Kelly, Pyke, and Blake, before leaving months later, frustrated, wearied."
"This story does add more credence to what I've said in other videos though, that in most cases, people don't leave a job, they leave a manager."
"Costco actually turns their inventory 12.4 times per year."
"Turnover rates are definitely something to pay attention to, it's a warning sign that something's amiss in the organization."
"You've got to, you've got to have a look at it now. You've got a lot of sporting directors who see a lot of managers off, yeah, they do."
"The skin takes about 30 to 60 days to turn over or renew itself, so you can imagine if you have pigment sitting in those upper layers of your skin or even if that skin is thicker there, it needs to go through a few cycles of turnover before you see those improvements."
"Another problem is turnover, which is very expensive, followers are more likely to exit a group or an organization when they are working under an autocratic leader."
"The 4-day work week has strong arguments for increasing productivity and reducing turnover."
"The ability to play the ball in the air and create turnovers, guy just has a natural feel playing deep."
"Almost all managers were replaced for people coming from the company that had acquired us."
"Every single year has always been, you know, one person comes in and then the following year they're gone."
"People join a company but they leave their manager."
"With each log worth up to $5,000 US dollars, that's a turnover of $5 million dollars a day."
"Rapid employee turnover is a big sign that things are bad or about to get worse."
"There was an interference, who was the managing director at the time, he moved on out of the company unsurprisingly."
"When you look at us turning over the ball and they're getting 20 points off of those turnovers, it's about valuing every possession."
"People quit bosses, they don't quit jobs."
"...you can move out of tenant and self storage and same day put another tenant in at 40 higher rate and we do that all day long."
"Each time he would get rid of one of those larger names of yesteryear he would bring in one of these new names."
"People don't quit jobs, they quit bosses."
"Tigers turn it over McNamara the freshman from Scranton into the front cooked."
"Over 65 assistant District Attorneys left the office in the first half of 2022, most were experienced veteran prosecutors that cannot be replaced."
"Employees don't quit jobs, they quit Bad Bosses."
"If your people are not willing to stay, it is going to be so expensive for you to keep bringing people in and training them."
"Now, what do I mean by bad practices? As a dealer, I buy cars. I usually sell them within 30 to 65 days. I don't want to keep any car longer than 90 days because what happens is the book changes."
"I think it's really interesting, but because this actual venue turned over three different concepts, one it was a modern Korean Cafe that was serving fried chicken and beer."
"Despite the polarizing position they have exploded with their turnover in a very short period of time."
"One of the biggest companies, I believe it's Microft, they were looking for an engineer overnight, a specialist engineer. And they couldn't find one. The other one had just left the job abruptly."
"The fact that people are leaving at a much faster rate than they had in years prior."
"LSU forces the first turnover of the game."
"Lots of Departures very quickly suggest a problematic leadership style."
"Turnover on downs, we got a turnover on downs which, it's not an easy game."
"For everyone that says they're owning Tesla for the 2030 robotic earnings, it jars with the fact that Tesla turns over its public float every five weeks."
"So you didn't bring your real phone? You have had three new phones in the last month."
"Turnover is not taboo. Turnover is a good thing as long as you have an edge."
"The measure of Horizon's reliability or success can be seen through the number of sub postmasters that are leaving the business."
"It's crazy to think that they produce a new coat every single year."
"People don't leave companies, they leave bosses."
"For you know someone like Rav that I that gets it and understands and wants to stay for sure in the history of the company we've had people that just wanted the money and they've left and that's fine you know."
"Leadership turnover is very high."
"Georgia turns a sack and a strip into a touchdown."
"Whenever your defense gets a turnover, going down and getting points is what you need to do."
"People don't leave jobs, they leave bosses."
"The key thing was, as you get the turnovers, you got to make sure that you don't turn the football over."
"It's been a revolving door at the quarterback position this season for the Raiders."
"Low-profit books keep the store moving."
"Fast sell-through rate is key to making more money."
"What being able to sell things well and quickly does for me, it gives me a turnover of ready money."
"That's the NFL, like, I think it's publicized more this year because it's bigger names, but every single year, the amount of turnover on a team is insane."
"There's kind of this brain drain in the field. We had some really smart people who got into it, were really excited about the technology, but then left because things were stagnating."
"We provided this four plane debt and every six months we would turn over the people."
"That area could be finally reviewed, inspected, punched, and turned over."
"A little tougher here for Yalmar to throw the turnover backhand."
"People don't leave jobs, they leave managers."
"I'm dying for the word 'consistent', like not a lot of turnover."
"ETFs are a great structure through the creation Redemption mechanism, but also due to the fact that they have low turnover."
"I don't think people leave a job when they like it."
"They ended up hiring a professional porter, but even that person left after 3 months."
"Jackson takes it himself for the touchdown, Ravens get the turnover and they instantly turn it into points."
"It is a huge waste of resources for a consulting firm to hire and train someone only for them to leave after 6 months or so."
"Whoever has the highest turnover will win."
"It's going to decrease the amount of turnover that you experience."
"Persistence, penetration, definitely the arm was not going forward, definitely a fumble, and absolutely a pressure. Great play and an answer from this Pittsburgh defense."
"Employment is up by 10%, exports are up by 48%, turnover is up by a fifth."
"We had a lot of turnover in the last year, a lot of new faces."
"Dinosaur ecosystems seem to turn over every 300 to 500 thousand years."
"That's the first turnover of the game, and it's a big one."
"A 40 percent decrease in annual full-time turnover for firms that prioritize talent management translates into huge cost savings."
"They took the ball away four times and won."
"Eddie Stobart is one of the busiest companies in Britain with a turnover of almost half a billion pounds a year."
"It only takes 90 minutes for every molecule of glucose in your blood and extracellular fluid to turn over."
"That's what we want to see is throughput, things turning over."
"He runs with it, oh big defense by the Giants and they take over."
"What a stop by that Omaha defense, the powerful Atlanta offense gives it up after four downs."
"75 percent of people who leave jobs leave for the managers, not for the actual job itself."
"It's really about a combination of organic accumulation but it's also about organic turnover."
"Penn State's got it, a turnover just when Iowa's offense finally had mounted a drive."
"Truck driving has a huge turnover rate, and it's because this process is not talked about enough."
"A high inventory turnover ratio means that a company is managing its inventory well."
"Through flexible work arrangements, we can essentially work to reduce work-family conflict, increase job satisfaction, and decrease turnover intentions."
"The number one thing in your resell business that's going to help you grow is turnover."