
Childlike Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"The child is the purest form, and that's why they don't care."
"Be like a little child. Children are full of love."
"Their energy is very pure, innocent, and childlike."
"Having faith like a child is where you're just so sure that God is going to take care of you."
"That kind of stuff really brings out the big kid in me, you know?"
"There's a real sweetness, almost childlike about them."
"You remind him of his past, like his childlike self. Because I feel like you're very playful, my pile twos. You bring a lot of playfulness into this person's life."
"...like a child and get yourself into that space that you were as a child when you're really open..."
"I couldn't sleep all night. I mean, I was so excited, like a little child who is given a new toy."
"He was just like a little kid in an older person's body, you know?"
"He was like a big child, you know, with the wisdom."
"Honestly, that's how I'd love to live my life. Every adult that I know that acts like a kid is the happiest adult."
"He made an effort to stay childlike because he believed it kept him creative."
"Just like a little kid, it may seem silly, but child-like obedience."
"Even to come into the kingdom you have to become like a child."
"The more childlike you are, the more ahead you are."
"He was like a little child, although he's already 32 years old."
"You have this childlike enthusiasm with so many things."
"Embrace childlike wonder, give in to magic."
"When you imagine when you think like a child, you start to see the patterns."
"...there is no expiration date on childlike fun..."
"I'm just like a kid on Christmas."
"It's like it popped out of the imagination of a child, and that's great."
"One of the good sentences in the Bible, anyhow... One very good line is by this man Jesus Christ: 'We all have to become like children, not stay like children.'"
"You're heading to greatness by becoming like a child; you're becoming great because you're becoming the way you were designed to be."
"Because this man has a childlike wonder that follows him everywhere."
"We're all just big kids at the end of the day, aren't we?"
"He's pretty much a humungous child at heart."
"I fell asleep like a little child within five minutes."
"It's like a childlike innocence around it."
"I was like a big child. I was so excited."
"Able to retain some of that childlike wonderment of when you look at the natural world."
"This person is always evolving, but they do have some childlike qualities to them. Childlike could be really adorable."
"I'm so surprised, yeah, I'm like a child."
"Be childlike and not full of your own wisdom."
"If you have a child's heart, then you have their mind 100."
"He gladly gives his kingdom to the childlike in heart."
"The real way of wisdom is to be childlike and humble because that's how your eyes will open up."
"Retain your childlike sense of curiosity."
"She's just introduced this childlike wonder back into my life with this fantasy series."
"Being like childlike and silly is a kind of wisdom, I feel like those people are way wiser than the people that wear a suit and take themselves way too seriously."
"She was a really good friend of mine, and she loved kids. I mean, I think she was like a child herself in lots of ways."
"The ability to know means you need to be like a little child, always curious, always interested, there's always more knowledge."
"A child is never offended with anything."
"He's like a child, you know, a three-year-old baby. He can't get the words out to tell you, to make you understand what he wants."
"It's actually a good thing to be like a child, have a childlike mind."
"We should be more like children because with children, they go out and it's with such great enthusiasm they're playing these games."
"Do I love children, and do I want to be like one? Trusting, innocent, cheerful, easy to forgive, and easy to love."
"I have the appetite of a child, but it's okay because it's my favorite thing and I love snacking."
"He's just like a six-year-old, isn't he? But he's so kind, does anything he can for any of us."
"This canvas is among the most superficially childlike of Klee's paintings but on long contemplation, its tones shift and merge until it becomes an icon of almost hypnotic power."
"I am an adult, but sometimes I have the mind of a child."
"The innocence of a child, this Gungan has."
"Make us like little children, humble and receptive, full of life and joy."
"It was light and delicate, like the touch of a child."
"God speaks a lot about being childlike, not to be childish but to be childlike in faith."
"It's very, very childlike, kind of cartoony, very satirical to look at, isn't it?"
"Every single one of us has the right to feel our relationship with God as like a little kid."
"You dream just like a child, so vivid and so far out there."
"You are like a child, you can easily forgive people or you can easily let go of such situations."
"I love her childlikeness, I love her attitude, and I love that she's not afraid to just put her emotions right out there."
"That childlike outlook that you have is a positive thing."
"They can be such playful and childlike and fun-loving people."