
Natural Quotes

There are 2798 quotes

"Not all that long ago, I made an episode explaining what the word 'natural' means for the average consumer. After all, cyanide is natural, but that doesn't mean people should be inclined to consume it because of that, you know."
"Staying positive no matter what is just natural for me."
"Action and effort done skillfully following nature feels effortless."
"The best kept secret in medicine is that sometimes, given the right conditions, our body can heal itself."
"If you naturally induce sleep, you get healthier."
"True love is natural; it's not something that you need to make work."
"We can't all be as naturally beautiful as you are."
"Empathy tends to be something that comes naturally."
"That hair is natural. Sometimes he might dye his roots black. Right now his roots are blonde, changes with the seasons."
"There's a sense of relief with this decision, like it's just right and feels natural."
"Deciding to free yourself, even mid-path, feels right and natural."
"It just feels like an enhanced version of walking barefoot."
"You can't just announce yourself as the leader either. The people follow you or they don't, like leaders, true leaders, just emerge naturally."
"I feel like when it happens organically, that's always the best way."
"You're trying to get that feeling of natural, helping the planet."
"Not about tensing everything up trying to get as much breath, just a natural breathing, easy flow in and out of the nostrils."
"You really can't compare true ripened mangoes to store-bought mangoes."
"Magic is just it's very natural and there's nothing dark about it."
"It's like smooth power, super powerful but at the same time, you have the feeling as it would be, like a natural power evolution."
"The blink human beings blinking is the equivalent of in film cutting from one shot to another that Harriman himself is editing his own movie."
"I think it's natural, but I don't think that it's necessarily rare."
"Frozen grapes are one of my favorite snacks; they are super yummy and refreshing and taste like nature's candy."
"To say natty or not really makes no sense. It's to what degree are you natural?"
"It's not about inventing the technology, it's about learning how to harness what already exists."
"As a natural lifter, this is the fastest way you're going to look like you lift."
"There's something so beautiful about [home birth], and I know so many women who have done it as well, and it has been such a beautiful experience for them."
"Mixing decor that has a natural vibe with your color palette decor is a great way to make it look well designed."
"Fresh fruits and veggies: Nature's original fast food."
"The yellow aromatic pulp can be eaten raw in desserts."
"This is the Platinum era of real natural lifting. It's beautiful to see."
"It's full coverage but in the most natural way ever."
"It's going to make it look really nice and natural."
"The best way to get to know someone is still up relaxed fully and just let it take its course."
"It's all about giving the carp something that looks natural, and they will pick it up without hesitation."
"What we use is intermittent fasting... it's a completely natural process."
"Everybody has breakouts; it's a natural part of being human."
"The new experience of life that we're going into and the new beginning, it's not meant to be forced, it's not meant to be pushed, it's meant to happen naturally and easily."
"Sometimes in order to let something happen easily and naturally, you have to wait until you feel it and wait until the time is right."
"Native deodorant is paraben free, aluminum free, it's clean, simple."
"This lash and brow growth treatment actually works, and it's all natural."
"...it truly looks like I'm not wearing any product."
"...it's so natural but it's your skin but better."
"It's like when a woman's gonna give birth, she goes through contractions; it's not like something's going wrong, this is a part of the thing."
"I like the amount of blush color that I have, the amount of warmth and shape that I have to my face looks extremely natural."
"It adds this earthy, natural color; I really love this combo of white jeans or white trousers in general, a white or black T-shirt, and brown blazer."
"This is the tower 28 highlighter I recommend this for anyone who's looking for a very natural no fuss no added jazz or anything kind of highlighter."
"You can definitely achieve a lot of fitness goals naturally through the gym."
"It's nice to have a garden that looks like it was there all along; you don't want your effort to show too much. If you do it cleverly, it looks like it's always been that way."
"The benefits of food because it's so much more natural because it leverages your body's own defense systems, the benefits take time and they build up over time."
"I'm trying to let my hair dry naturally more."
"Eat real food, because that's what our body is set up for."
"You wear sunscreen to protect your skin, so why poison it with chemicals?"
"Fasting is just part of that natural cycle."
"It's a completely natural way to do it, surgery-free, and it's been done for thousands of years."
"Whole food describes natural foods that are not heavily processed."
"It looks very natural for these meshes to be here."
"It's entirely natural and healthy because you're actually getting rid of all this kind of excess junk in your system."
"I just love the finish of it; it just literally reminds me of skin."
"The majority of food is unprocessed food."
"This is the most full coverage foundation that you can get while still achieving a natural look to your skin."
"It looks amazing on my skin when I initially apply it, it is so natural, incredibly moisturizing, it looks really healthy."
"It's very natural, very fresh, so lightweight."
"It's like natural with just the slightest hint of a glow."
"The best thing is to look natural, but it takes makeup to look natural." - Calvin Klein
"Makeup don't make you beautiful, you're beautiful naturally."
"A proper human diet is not factory made; it grows, it creeps, it crawls, it runs, it jumps, it slithers, it flies."
"They're amazing for that and these ones are really cool because they're 100 natural."
"It's not about putting up a lot of makeup, it's about just enhancing and giving you the best look possible without masking your face."
"This is very natural but it also brightens very well."
"I've always loved art, so I feel like it just happened naturally."
"It's a very natural conclusion to her story and I think it's perfect for her."
"It honestly just looks like my cheeks are flushed completely naturally."
"Everything looks so natural and beautiful, you can build it up, everything blends like a dream."
"Everything's soft, it's well blended, there's no harsh lines, it's just soft and natural."
"Native deodorant checks a lot of boxes: 24-hour odor protection, naturally derived ingredients, a smooth, residue-free application, and over 10 scents to choose from."
"Vinegar is a natural disinfectant, and it's a more natural supplement than using any type of bleach or any other chemicals."
"It's subtle, but it's a lot of movement; it's nice and natural, nice and cool. I think it really captures the spirit of the piece and the atmosphere."
"They were able to execute it in a way that just felt so natural... It adds a lot of substance to the show in my opinion."
"There is so much authenticity coming from you; there is this charm about you, you're very, very charming, and it is natural."
"You just want a light wash of coverage. In real life, that's the most flattering."
"Native speakers love using phrasal verbs, so knowing them will help you sound more fluent, more natural."
"I love the earthy natural combination of the linen and the wood."
"Don't judge me and don't worry, it's a natural chemical and you can actually eat it."
"My skin just looks like naturally beautiful."
"Manifesting is not this weird magical thing; it is a natural process that you are just learning to replicate deliberately."
"It's not oppressive or backwards or wrong to acknowledge that or crave it because once again, it is natural."
"It was just natural, like we didn't think anything of it."
"These are natural materials, these are timeless."
"It didn't smell like artificial, you know what I'm saying? It just smelled like you go to a spa, you smell lavender essential oils."
"Every film that I have seen you in, you have such a natural way on camera where you don't see the acting."
"this will also be extremely helpful for you if you are transitioning over from having used conventional shampoos and conditioners and you're now wanting to try out a more natural and historically inspired routine with minimal products"
"Your natural smell is perfectly fine and your husband will likely enjoy it more than he would a pineapple."
"There's a level of natural immunization that occurs."
"I think that if your budget allows this is an incredible first wig or a wig for somebody that is looking for a very low density very natural feeling very comfortable lightweight wig."
"This feels weightless on the skin, it looks like skin, it feels like skin."
"Sailing Stones, also called sliding rocks, walking rocks, rolling stones, and moving rocks, are part of the geological phenomenon in which rocks move and inscribe these long tracks along a smooth valley floor without animal intervention."
"I feel like you just have an aura about you where I feel like you guys just come off very natural, like naturally attractive."
"Beeswax is the most natural of all waxes."
"The spectrum of light that comes off of a beeswax candle is like that of the Sun."
"Outdoors, think large format tiles, olive trees, eucalyptus—modern with a natural, earthy touch."
"It feels really natural, like it should have been here all along."
"The goal would be to have it so natural, it doesn't have to be organized, it just is."
"I'm interested in capturing someone in their natural state."
"Immersion in comprehensible input material is key for learning the language naturally."
"What God made is not something to be ashamed of."
"But that's not the case, right? Because all I want to do is present a lure to the fish that is going to be natural."
"Serendipity letting things happen organically."
"This feels natural, this feels comfortable. It's like I'm just looking at you across the table."
"...ensemble recordings allow the cast to improv off each other more effectively... resulting in dialogue that's a little messier, with a little more crosstalk, but everything feels more natural and human."
"It's a very intuitive, natural feeling riding experience."
"Spring water is kind of this naturally ripe water the Earth has filtered and seasoned with minerals."
"Religion is a natural phenomenon. It's part of what the universe does in its human form."
"True love is never forced; it's built on choice."
"Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's good for you."
"um I wouldn't say this is like I mean I feel so maternal and I feel like it does come naturally but it probably doesn't come as naturally as it would to some other mums to be."
"I offer a clean cocktail option with nothing artificial, made with real fruit juice."
"You can just walk into it like this and decide to make the spiritual your natural."
"Unbelievably talented without even trying."
"...definitely he has gained a little bit of weight but yeah they naturally put on weight when it gets cold."
"I think the natural Edge is definitely cooler."
"Glass bottle, they're made with real sugars, not HFCS, and all-natural flavors."
"She ran as though it was in her nature. It reminded him of the flight of wild ducks in the autumn."
"The flow is very natural because each piece of information is given to you one after the other in a natural way, and you don't even notice because it just feels like a normal conversation."
"This bronzer has a nice little kind of ashy undertone. Wow, that's really natural."
"It's a lot more natural, I just feel like it does a much better job than creams do."
"I just want something very, very natural, very soft, something that just enhances my lips."
"Change is an interesting thing. You cannot be forced into it, it has to come naturally."
"I'm just trying to do stuff that's more natural and organic and not toxic for you."
"A species that goes extinct through natural processes, I don't think that we have any reason to feel bad about."
"I'm on a different diet of anything that falls from the ground and grows from the tree."
"We're animals designed to eat natural foods."
"It's very natural. That's, again, the way you want to have your enclosures. The more natural the better."
"It's giving me that natural Contour without even using a contour product."
"This is very much so a your lips but better kind of lip color. Very natural, understated, and works within any eyeshadow color you pair with it."
"Because all of this is so intrinsically tied to the concept of fire bending itself, none of that feels forced or clunky."
"The characters are still very natural."
"Natural is always better when it comes to makeup."
"It gives light to medium coverage that looks very skin-like and very natural."
"It looks so natural on the skin like your skin just looks like skin."
"It's more a natural effortless makeup."
"It's about being comfortable and playing with this stuff until it's in your toolkit and it comes out naturally."
"Anything that strips your face off your natural oils is just not good for you."
"I think every time I just, like, read up on skincare, I just realized more and more that anything that strips your face off your natural oils is just not good for you."
"This garden isn't about perfect. It's about natural and flowing, and sort of to a certain extent, letting nature take care of itself."
"A supernatural and natural interconnected world."
"I feel like this is a very no makeup makeup kind of a look for me."
"It was all so natural and normal. That's the jacket that a street kid wore."
"...Adrien is complete natural with the new Power which is super refreshing."
"I love the way it gives me a natural glow without wearing makeup. I love that."
"It was just the most natural thing to see."
"It's a very natural way of going about it."
"All the inputs in the BRZ have been set up... just user friendly... it just feels natural and organic."
"Be you, and if you change along the way, that's natural. Everybody changes."
"Islam is a natural religion. It goes with the way of life that Allah has created."
"If there's true love there, then obedience is just a natural thing, it's not even anything that you have to make happen."
"God wants us to be naturally supernatural and supernaturally natural."
"When you love someone, you don't think, it comes natural."
"Be authentic and act natural. Short form content is all about capturing raw, real, authentic moments."
"...where it's naturally Supernatural..."
"And it just when you do this it just looks so natural like I did wake up like this thank you so much."
"It looks very natural, it does, doesn't it? Really nice."
"It's a true Park, rather like a Japanese formal Garden - nature manipulated to be more natural than the real thing."
"They view you as very beautiful, a natural beauty."
"...and really letting it just manifest and explode in a way that is very wild and natural and primal and primordial."
"It just becomes so one with the skin."
"Believe It or Not shotgun shooting should be as natural as pointing your finger is is my belief."
"There's nothing more natural in this world than meditation."
"That is radiant. Maybe she's born with it."
"Extinction is a natural and indeed essential component of evolution."
"Love is almost like breathing for a nymph."
"It looks like natural, not like a four-year-old."
"A good facelift is one where people are not going to tell you, 'Oh wow, you had a great facelift,' they're going to look at you funny and they'll go, 'Wow, you look great. Did you do something with your hair?'"
"To me, it's so natural, like breathing."
"...the most natural lash out there."
"You do nothing else to obtain your desire. If it is necessary to take some action, you will be led to do so in a normal, natural manner."
"Your actions must seem natural and executed with ease. All the toil and practice that go into them, and also all the clever tricks, must be concealed."
"Your body is 100 [__] natural, okay, and we are in a society that shames anything natural."
"It is easy and natural for me to share my ideas in a group setting."
"You look really pretty without makeup too."
"It was just naturally funny. Not only the crowd laughter, but the rest of us fellas, but we liked him too."
"Intuition works just like the planets; it's normal, it's natural."
"Soap nuts are actually berries that grow mainly in India and Nepal says on the box they contain large quantities of saponin in their shelves which acts as a natural gentle detergent."
"Women flaunt your natural beauty, especially today. I think there's gonna hopefully be more of a rise of that natural beauty that's gonna become like the trend. I feel like it's kind of coming back, all that clean beauty trend."
"The sapphires, in fact, are naturally developed, the sapphires are not, in fact, synthetic, right?"
"That's using natural vegetable-derived compounds."
"The 6.8 in size just feels a lot more natural like reading a real book."
"Farting is as natural as breathing. You want me to apologize for breathing too?"
"...each character feels like a naturally evolved version of themselves and I must admit it works for me."
"This is all natural, this is all natties, oh this is non-GMO, baby, you know what I'm saying, 100 organic."
"You don't coach that, you don't teach that. He's always had it."
"When something becomes a way of life to you, it's just natural."
"I felt like it was too magic feeling, where this one felt more like this is naturally happening because people are so careless."
"I think Bubba Dub is just the truth. He's just that natural."
"Everything just flows so naturally; it's going to feel like life meeting you halfway."
"It happens naturally, we don't have to force these changes."
"Hypno birthing, highly recommend it if you're looking for an unmedicated birth."
"None of it really seemed forced, it was very natural and absolutely hilarious."
"There's no special equipment. There's no special surgeries. It's completely natural and it's been used for thousands of years."
"I love it when the skin looks like skin."
"Ganja is a natural plant made by god almighty himself."