
Prominence Quotes

There are 407 quotes

"Self-care has become so prominent but that in itself is a task."
"She has blown up in prominence in a shorter length of time than you've been here on YouTube. She has blown you the [ __ ] out."
"Diana became officially the Princess of Wales."
"You're gonna be on that ship, like front and center and VIP."
"He's a first ballot future Hall of Famer... he stood out like a sore thumb."
"He was one of the most prominent wrestlers in the Monday Night Wars."
"Referee Aubrey Edwards has quickly asserted herself as the top official here in AEW."
"Your social life is gonna start being even more active and prominent."
"This account really has come from nothing as it literally didn't exist and then became one of the most prominent accounts in the United States. That's crazy."
"I think what honestly might be the best part about this movie at all is the fact that they made Nebula a prominent character."
"For the most part, those who obtain the status have assumed roles of exceptional prominence."
"I like talking to somebody that's trying to stay true to their morals and their philosophy."
"Then took him a knee apparel and the horse and arrayed Mordecai and brought him on horseback through the street of the city and proclaimed before him thus shall it be done unto the man whom the King delighteth to honor."
"India is not just the biggest democracy, in a way it's the most well-established democracy."
"It's phenomenal because it's the nicest looking building in that area."
"Plans are underway at Saint Peter's Church in Camarthen to move his tomb to a more prominent position. Now is the time to bring him into the limelight, to retell the story, to emphasize his importance to Welsh history and to British history."
"Triple H was consistently in the main event spots during this time period."
"The second coming... it's the second most prominent reference in the Bible next to salvation."
"They knew it too. Stephen was a very prominent presence."
"When Heaven showered good luck onto the Earth Violet Ripkin must have been standing there front and center."
"At six foot five inches in height, he towered over his contemporaries."
"Artificial intelligence is a very prominent phenomena."
"He became the most conspicuous man on earth and the first modern celebrity."
"William and Kate are the golden couple of the House of Windsor."
"AJ Styles is the face that runs WWE... never mind Smackdown because he's the WWE Champion."
"Your manifestations are going to be very, very, very prominent."
"John Moxley should be number one, he's basically redefining wrestling wherever he goes."
"Why do you think little Israel... is in the center of the news of every newspaper in the world?"
"The creation of puppet technique is one of the things that catapulted the hidden sand to the forefront of shinobi power."
"Man of the moment here, perched behind the dice boxes."
"You're meant to be the star; you can't try to half that or hide that."
"Bitcoin is still in the spotlight, it's the household name, it's the one that everyone is looking at right now."
"Marketing darling: 'She's a marketing darling already.'"
"I'm so impressed with Robert Downey Jr. ... he has the best spot."
"Possibly the most prominent figure in the West to take that position."
"All the presidents are here, all the various American economists, and a good foreign contingent as well."
"The tower stands over 400 feet tall."
"Of all the generals of the Mongol Empire, none stand taller than Subutai."
"He's going to be the one person above everybody."
"Conor's still the biggest star, it just appears that it's closing."
"Fernando Alonso is just the main character of Formula One right now and nothing will change that."
"These are cities on a hill that cannot be hidden."
"Magic is the biggest now that it's ever been by a lot."
"Even before her elevation to female pharaoh, her status was particularly prominent."
"You've got to have floodlights when you get to a certain level."
"It's too beautiful to be covered up under something; it needs to be the star of the show."
"The Osage constituted the wealthiest group of people in the world at one time by the end of the 1910s and the start of the 1920s."
"The main event would be all about The Rock."
"You're the producer, the host, the main attraction."
"The Osage were the richest people in the world."
"Astrology came to assume an increasing prominence as the main mode of divination."
"He's this Titanic figure at the center of everything."
"It's a return to Big Time boxing with full-fledged cards."
"Pantera was the one band that was out there being big."
"Those characters are bigger than life."
"Gunther's the guy like he's the [ __ ] guy."
"Sulu rises to one of the highest positions and becomes a significant figure."
"...more than any other state by a long shot."
"In a time in this country where Women's Basketball is at an all-time high."
"The Savage King making his way to the Square Circle everybody inside the square circle better take notice right now."
"The limelight is really in its prime."
"The celestial event coming up eclipses all the other stories."
"That's the thing that is like at the forefront of my brain about it."
"Among their children, two names stand out prominently: Cain and Abel."
"He's the biggest active star in the sport."
"Monaco has always punched about its size."
"He was once again at the forefront of fashion."
"You meet some of the most successful, prominent men, right?"
"You're going to have more visibility on you."
"From the beginning, now it's on ESPN."
"Yes, we talking about big dog in the game with very little introduction needed."
"Y'all know this brother's face, he's been on every major platform, biggest dog in the game."
"New York City: the heart of the financial world."
"Despite her beauty, she never stands out."
"She's giving main character energy."
"He's literally one of the most illustrious personages in the land."
"I feel like these pieces should be the star of the show, you know, right on that cover."
"This person was as big a star as there was in American celebrity."
"The guitars are like really up front and they are the stars of the show."
"I never realized how big of a figure he was in New York. He's huge in New York."
"He's the big dog OG in the vlog space."
"Sheffield's rise to prominence began when he was barely 18."
"He strategically made every decision possible to just be the biggest thing whenever possible."
"unlike nucleoluche in the pitcher's bracket but it's Costner's crash Davis who's at the Forefront of the film"
"We are the light of the world, set on a hill."
"The story takes the main stage, which is really cool."
"This season stands as a legendary chapter in American baseball history and the Reds were at the forefront of it."
"The main floor is the main attraction."
"Main character, showstopper, main event perfume."
"A talent that is so great and shines so bright it's almost bigger than the group."
"He is the star of the show, not just in the fact that he is the titular character, but in terms of being the best character."
"This is an incredibly influential lady."
"Douglas was one of the two biggest aircraft manufacturers in the entire United States."
"Is OpenAI gonna become the biggest company in the world? One of, probably top five."
"You're gonna be a flower among the flowers, but the bigger one, the brighter one."
"Captain Universe has been featured really prominently in some recent comic book stories."
"Nas is in an amazing space of where he is in the culture. Like we have Hov and we have Nas."
"...characters the stars of the show."
"Institutional investors are quite prominent on this list, as managers of it."
"Columbus is the new Midwestern star."
"A man that requires little to no introduction."
"Being the star of your production, place yourself center stage."
"Every prominent family in America and the world is not more prominent than God himself."
"These are kings in their own right."
"What that is, if you don't know, I know we all know what it is already. It's been number one and I - well might not be number one anymore, that's a long story."
"Tonight, Wu Cha-ching is a giant among men."
"These top four here are probably going to be viewed by most people as the real big dogs of the year."
"The Vanderbilts - who put this family on the map?"
"Every genre has his standouts of course."
"I'm gonna stand out. Regardless if it's the crown or an outfit or whatever, I'm gonna stand out."
"This one ended up standing out quite a bit."
"His father ahed Abdullah jafali was a prominent figure in the business community and the founder of EA jafali and brothers one of Saudi Arabia's largest companies."
"You are slowly becoming one of the premier faces of the franchise."
"She's practically a fixture in the society section of the Sunday papers, garden parties, opening nights, and all that."
"The flavor of the meat is the star of the show for sure."
"Ghana is really the star of Africa."
"The spotlight well and truly back on the Premiership now."
"Ghana is really on the map right there,"
"This guy is definitely one of the biggest guys on this planet right now."
"You always hear everyone talking about the overlooked spots. Well, those overlooked spots are now becoming the most obvious ones."
"I definitely think he's the face of boxing now."
"Your prominence is God's Providence."
"This technology is on everyone's lips."
"Good design shines through and they are just blasting away."
"It is definitely one of the top places to be in Chilliwack."
"Brad Pitt just is the lead, is the leading sentence he needed one more of these."
"The duo were no longer some obscure production duo."
"This might just be the centerpiece for the entire room."
"Misunderstandings lie at the forefront of eminence in Shadow."
"The largest supermarket chain in the world."
"I want to be the star of the show right till the end."
"There's one event above all others that stands out."
"Nunes is bigger than all these other options."
"Alcohol played a prominent role in his personal life."
"This living room is the star of the show, don't you think?"
"We want to shine for you as a city that's set upon a hill that can't be hidden."
"The biggest show, the biggest platform, the biggest brand."
"I really think she's the front runner in fashion at the moment."
"Why do sports fans turn to ESPN first? Because baseball is always in your face, in your face, in your face!"
"Chicago's gonna show up big time."
"This blue is going to be really the star of the show."
"It's huge, you've got to look a long way to find anything better, particularly in a covered world."
"He's literally the biggest DJ in the world."
"Einstein was a moderately distant second and everybody else famous as a scientist a distant third to him."
"I reckon Origin is back in the biggest way."
"Richie Escalante's name comes up all the time."
"In all of this, there's obviously one man that stands head and shoulders above everyone else."
"There's only one name in the game: Bob's Prop Shop."
"This larger-than-life-sized statue of Chaucer is kind of lording over High Street."
"He's going to be the big name in golf."
"He was the foremost communicator of his day."
"People start and rise to prominence all the time, you know."
"Winfield Scott is one of the most preeminent names in American military history."
"... the voice that cuts through perfectly..."
"As a fan who has been a fan for over a decade, the Cosmere is much more in the forefront of people's conversations now."
"The main city of Malé is the international airport."
"Oh, that's fine, that's about a thousand, that's fine, that's I'm saying what I'm saying when she comes to the game, first and foremost she is the number one out, she's bigger than Mahomes."
"The HP Omen is really standing out this year which is pretty neat I'm excited to see its developments."
"The front fountain is massive, a true statement piece on the street."
"China looms very large, very large."
"America remains the most powerful nation in the world."
"NVIDIA is what everyone around the world is talking about."
"NVIDIA's CEO name-checked these names on stage."
"It's pretty apparent when you walk in what the main feature of this room is: it's the view."
"This building itself is one of the best in the city. It's our architectural jewel."
"Do I even need to say it? This is quite obviously the star of the show, the whole show, this whole video I think for me."
"It's definitely one of the most heavily reported on cases in the whole world."
"She shot her to the forefront as one of the most iconic DC characters."
"There's a reason she is one of the most talked about young talents in America."
"Rum's eventual worldwide prominence began with Barbados' discovery in the early 1600s."
"Denny has emerged as easily one of those main guys."
"The prominence, perfections, permanence, and preeminence of love."
"By far the biggest most marquee player in that region."
"Football is definitely the most prominent team on campus, just the history behind it. It's like when you think of Notre Dame, you think of Notre Dame football."
"Doom is the absolute star of this story."
"America stepped up into that position out of nowhere."
"I alone am shining forth in all these ways."
"The statue of Matthew Boulton overlooks centenary square."
"He and Phillips, two gentlemen seemingly cut from the same cloth, now sharing the limelight at this featured table."
"The face of boxing is Devin Haney for real, on some real time."
"It is the one that put them on the map."
"He was a focal point of the show."
"There is no bigger artist in the world."
"The concept of the Mahdi brought to Limelight."
"Surely many more can be listed but there are two that will definitely always pop up in the American mind."
"It would make the Darcys among the largest landowners in all of England, as well as the richest."
"There is a lot of focus on Meadow this season."
"It's one of the highest points around here, and it is situated to just be seen really, isn't it?"
"That was like by far the most exciting thing."
"In terms of moments he's up there with the very best."
"There's a reason why we always hear the news talk about Florida, Texas, California... they're the biggest, they're the most powerful."
"She's the number one woman in American politics."
"I really do feel like more people in positions of prominence like this as much as it sucks hold on guys this is my like spicy hot canceled take for the day."
"It looked bigger and healthier than the other trees around it."
"Germany is not just Europe's largest economy; it is one of the largest in the entire world."
"Among the litany of feelings Yakumo holds towards Sukeroku, romantic love was the most prominent."
"Dundee became known as the whaling capital of the world."
"...Ebola viruses have risen to prominence for reasons you can probably guess."
"Having such a complex structure take center stage here."