
Role Model Quotes

There are 3519 quotes

"You gotta put the oxygen mask on yourself first and be a role model to get well."
"Being an example of excellent health is the starting point so you can be a role model."
"When I started making videos last year, showing my belly rolls, being honest about my insecurities, and embracing my body as she is, I never thought I would end up becoming a role model for young people in the body-positive sphere."
"I'm here to spread positivity and be a role model for people who are exactly like me, who look like me, talk like me, sound like me, helping them be confident in their own body."
"A good man is a good man, and he's a great example for being a family man."
"Your mother is your first example of help... when a mother is fulfilling her role, she is helping."
"I want to be an example for her. What kind of example would I be if she said she doesn't like her ears, and then I didn't like them either?"
"I feel proud and privileged to be in this position, just trying to be a good example and still chase my dreams at the same time."
"Be kind to one another. A simple but powerful precept and one that to many Ellen appeared to live by herself."
"I would hope [my legacy] felt that I helped move science forward...and that I served as a good role model for how humans should live their lives."
"President Barack Obama called her the perfect role model for his girls."
"My approach with parenting is to be very loving, very tender, a very good role model."
"I love being an older sister to my younger sisters."
"Name a current male role model who demonstrates patience, wisdom, understanding, and emotional resiliency."
"That gift is one we only bestow upon students who achieve truly remarkable feats. Expect you to honor what the badge represents by striving always to serve as a model for your fellow students."
"People actually look to you for inspiration."
"What am I showing my kids if I'm hiding or not standing up for what I believe in? It's important to set the right example."
"If you're a father, a mother, a son, a student, a doctor, or a priest, people should be able to look at your life as a great witness of how to live according to holiness."
"The greatest example that you can give, the greatest way to teach is being it."
"Thank you for being a great dad and somebody I look up to."
"I have to be the example I want to see in the world."
"Being a fighter is the greatest example a black man can show to another black man because so many people give up."
"He treated women right, he treated children right, he was forgiving, he was strong, he was everything."
"The role model mindset says, how can I deal with life as my highest self, and how can I do it in a way knowing that I'm an example for other people?"
"Being a role model is about my free-spiritedness and sometimes my unapologetic attitude for decisions that I feel comfortable with."
"Nipsey Hussle is a shining example of the best of what we can be and the best of what it means to seek and carry out a redemptive charge."
"The best thing any parent can do is be a good example. Pitching doesn't work worth a damn."
"If there is somebody to look up to... Chandler is really a great influence on the community."
"It's always a blessing to be able to hear another athlete say they look up to me. I don't take that for granted."
"Follow the example of Jesus Christ. Everything He did on this earth was for others."
"I'm trying to be the girl that I needed when I was younger."
"It's not about being perfect; it's about being an example. As we learn, we teach."
"If you're going to imitate me, I need you to see the right moves I make as well as the wrong moves that I make."
"Mark Rober is making entertaining videos, being a great role model, and literally helping the FBI."
"My mom has never needed any man for anything, so I feel like in seeing her be like that, that's made me kind of be like that."
"Being a role model is what I love. If I can inspire one or two young athletes to really take it seriously and give it their all, I'll be happy."
"I am doing my very best to be the person I needed in the world."
"Yurichi is one of the best role models ever, not because he was super strong, but because he had such a faultless character."
"Just look at what Elizabeth Taylor did with her life, that's the role model."
"He is a model for us of success but at the same time of giving back."
"I want to be a role model for thought processes."
"When somebody does look up to you, you really can't be selfish."
"The best example for mankind is in Muhammad sallallahu Salam. He is the best example."
"If representation is important to you, then be the role model for other people."
"Always try your best, and one day you can be as awesome as Adam from Lanky Box."
"Abraham was faithful, a great example for us."
"I just wanted to thank you for saving me back there. I hope that in time I can be as strong and fearless of an ultra recon squad member as you."
"She modeled the kind of change we hope for in this world."
"Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the best to ever do it, his work ethic, his discipline, all of the attributes he has now, something that we all should strive towards."
"I think it's important to me to be a good influence for people. Like, I don't want to be a bad influence on people."
"I think most celebrities should take a page out of Selena Gomez's book."
"You shouldn't be running gyms, you should be showing gym owners exactly what you showed me."
"Common Ground served as a model for disaster response."
"I want them to feel like if she did it, I can do it too."
"Despite all of his controversies, Jay is a successful entrepreneur, an artist, and a role model for a lot of people."
"He's what you want your son to grow up to be if he gets into MMA."
"He's my biggest inspiration, he's the person I strive to be like every day."
"I love being a father, I love being a role model."
"My dad is my best friend and role model. I'm just glad I was able to tell them that as many times as I did."
"My grandpa's my favorite. He's my role model and best guy in my life."
"Be an example... if you're going through difficult times."
"Part of who they are today is because of you; they kind of modeled themselves on you."
"Bridget is passionate about making sure that she can be a role model and source of inspiration for others."
"You are a leader and must be the beacon others look to."
"He's someone that the entire locker room can look up to."
"Who would I be to throw my middle finger to that kid?"
"Deliberately choosing to set a good example for those around you will further motivate you to consistently improve."
"Be a beacon and leader, guiding others with your brilliance and determination."
"Sometimes we feel the need to check off all these boxes... but just live your life and let your life be an example."
"Take care of your own life, live the best you can because then you'll be a model when you go outside that other people want to do it like you did."
"I think she's a great role model for a lot of young girls who are struggling in a world obsessed with diet and appearance."
"You are in real-time showing these babies what it is to be a grown-up, what it is to be a woman, what it is to be like a being with your own hopes and dreams and desires."
"Hermione taught kids everywhere that it's okay to be smart."
"Hermione is an important role model for lots of girls around the world."
"Real greatness is often best measured by the greatness you inspire in others."
"I am NOT a perfect man but today I get to decide the example that I set for my children."
"You're very mature; they see you as an idol."
"Be someone that my generation can look up to."
"You're a role model to men out there, truly."
"I think there's so much good you can do with this kind of position. Of course, I'll never swear on a video, nothing like that."
"Be that light and be that example for everybody else."
"Dorothy Kilgallen: a role model for women across the country."
"Through your hard work and dedication, they are able to look up to you. You're going to be respected in some type of field, niche, or community."
"Set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity." - 1 Timothy 4:12
"Instead of being persecuted... he should be commended... looked at as an example to emulate."
"You are a better Spider-Man than I will ever be."
"Hearing someone like you who's a role model to so many different people... will just help people so much."
"I'm for my people... and I want to leave a positive example for them."
"Israel has become the global role model for its COVID-19 vaccination campaigns."
"I recognize the fact that I haven't always been the best role model and that sucks."
"He's done everything the right way... he knows how to be good for the game."
"We could all try to be a little more like Audrey Hepburn."
"He set an example for young people to follow and do a legacy worth of Celebration."
"He's my role model. As a teacher, he really included the students."
"I know that oftentimes classrooms can be boring and just not interactive, but this teacher, he's my role model."
"Captain America is a fantastic role model for kids."
"I am the woman that every adolescent little girl wants to be when they grow up."
"Donald Glover seems like a decent good role model."
"My twelve year old boy looks at me like a superhero."
"Simeon was a spirit-filled, spirit-led servant, and he's a model."
"We are called to follow an example, I can't mimic God but I can follow Jesus."
"Sam Briggs just truly one of the best ambassadors that the sport community has to offer."
"Congratulations, Joel and Jill, you are role models and everybody should be doing what you're doing."
"I worked to build this... I want to show my daughter that I am a strong woman."
"Taiwan, viewed as the world model for combating the CCP virus."
"He isn't one of the eSports pioneers, others walk that path first, but someday to some aspiring eSports pro, he might become their role model."
"You made that flow smoothly and just a model for people to follow around the world."
"I'm so excited for her. I'm so very proud just the role model that she is." - Michelle Williams
"Your biggest growth in life will come when you start becoming more of that secure, father figure."
"Superman is the greatest hero we have, he's our fireman in the DC Universe."
"You were really a role model and like you said, not only as an actress, but really as a person and a partner."
"I think William's got it in him to be a good king."
"The show, the franchise simply wouldn't be as great without the example Jason set."
"LeBron did it better, all he does is help kids, invest in companies, make movies, pave the way for entertainment, put his homies on."
"You can't motivate somebody that you are not being."
"The mambo mentality was real but I also think Kobe had that kind of girl dad vibe."
"She can carry her sport and she can carry a generation of kids."
"I think it's important that people be able to look to the president and say, 'Hey, you know, that's somebody that's worthy of emulating.'"
"He led us in war and in peace, and he led us by example."
"If they want to see India as a role model, we ought to be there for them... the Indian experience is a sort of defining principle for the 21st century world."
"The heart of Christianity is Jesus Christ and living like he did."
"Hope is the youth for me, and hopefully, Don Fletcher in that role can bring that forward."
"You have to be the best version of yourself for your family to feed off that. Kids are little sponges."
"He is a shining example of making it happen."
"Jim Brown's awesome, I mean, not only stuff he's done on the football field, but how he completely redefined what it is to be a football player."
"Jordan Peterson as your kid's godfather? That would be a freaking good godfather."
"A country that not only proves that escaping poverty is possible, but one that also became a role model for other countries on the continent."
"I'm just so proud of him, it opens doors for all of us."
"Scott, when I grow up, I want to be like you because you're super inspiring."
"That ain't salty, that's being my hero. That's a really wholesome way to combat common homophobia."
"I wish that more actors would realize how important their position is."
"There's a bunch of students right now who are looking at you like I want you to be my teacher."
"It's important that we have more figures like Bill Nye."
"Look to him as your example in selfless humility."
"Baseball has lost one of the greatest heroes, America has lost an inspiring role model and philanthropist." - President Bill Clinton
"The greatest thing we can do for our children is to be the living example of everything we want them to be."
"Your father was a hero to everyone, especially for young kids."
"Taylor's actions now carried weight, influencing and inspiring thousands of young girls who looked up to her."
"She's a role model and a goat for a lot of people."
"In a world of tarnished idols... Brady stands out as a true role model."
"It just goes to show you the impact that a positive role model has."
"He's the example that you want to have in your team."
"That suit and those costumes were no longer necessarily about making him feel brave but to bring bravery, strength, joy, to other parents, children, doctors, nurses."
"Be an example for other people in your life."
"You're being such a good role model to your daughter."
"You're setting a really good example right now."
"Think about that little girl you got who's looking up to you."
"Thank you to a genuine man who has found his calling, showing love, truth, kindness, and integrity."
"His humility and decency remain a model for all young Americans to this day." - Narrator
"Desmond Tutu is kind of a role model of mine growing up."
"I just want to be a spokesperson or a role model for people who felt like they didn't have that choice or that they can't aspire to be something great."
"Ronaldo is a role model you could not name me a better one in the history of football."
"He's been a great example to the young players."
"I saw him being a great leader all the time."
"He's also a guy sets the tone for everybody else. Aaron Rodgers will be that guy."
"Elon is the classic paradigmatic example of... the hero of entrepreneurial capitalism."
"Being a good role model is one of... the biggest things I want to do for disc golf."
"You have to be an example sometimes, to break the curse and to learn how to create your own reality."
"He's the greatest, he's the greatest to ever do it out here."
"My uncle was like a father figure to them guys."
"Leadership isn't just about talking and galvanizing your team. Leadership is sometimes just doing and showing, and De Bruyne does." - De Bruyne's leadership qualities on and off the pitch.
"The military can be a great exemplar for the rest of society."
"You can be a king like DC, don't we all want to do that sometime?"
"Our words and actions present a role model to everyone."
"We follow Jesus. He did come to earth as God. We he knew that he was the model today he is the model today in the 21st century that he was in the first century he hasn't changed in 2000 years and he never will change."
"Be a hero. Be the intelligent hero that everybody needs."
"You're always gonna be an example to someone. You might not realize it, but there's always someone that wants to be where you are right now."
"Captain Marvel is a badass role model for little girls."
"They see you as the star, you really give them a sense of hope."
"I know that um I try to hold my head high in every situation... You should be a pillar of strength to yourself and to anybody else."
"He was the dad figure for teenagers who couldn't go to dads."
"This person is an inspiration. This person is meant to be looked up to."
"I'm here to be a star, I'm here to be an example for everybody."
"Gerrard was our hero growing up, not just because he was a good football player, but for the man that he was."
"Be the model of that person who's not condemning because frankly, when you're dead and gone and your soul goes somewhere else, that thing that's not condemning you maybe it would want to be more friends with you."
"It's kind of crazy, being the first girl ever. But I'm not that pressured with it. I just want to be a good role model for other girls out there."
"It's important that the girl carries herself in that same way... Louisa did this beautifully." - Commentator
"Someone out there looking up to you, looking up to me, let's set an example."
"For Rachel, despite the controversy, she hopes she can be a role model to young women in every shade."
"If we cannot again be a great power, we can be a great example."
"I just want to keep doing that and set the example not only as a player but as an individual."
"He's an example for all people of color to look up to because this is an incredibly brilliant man with a brilliant legal mind and who has a kind heart."
"The most powerful, most spiritual thing you could probably do is be an example for other people."
"Taiwan shows the entire world that there is a better path that can be taken."
"Make yourself available to people who want to ask questions because it's... you have a unique position."
"If I can serve as a beacon for a young generation of makers, then that's a life well spent."
"I want to make sure my young ones don't make mistakes and stuff like that. I just want to be a good example."
"This person is an amazing father, this person is an amazing mother."
"If in some way I can be a person that they look and say, 'Okay, I'm not alone,' then great."
"Women feel that the trials and tribulations she's gone through, they've grown up listening to her."
"So many people fell on you, you made it, you set the path, everyone else saw that it was possible."
"I really look up to him as a quarterback, him as a person."
"Be the voice of reason, be the balanced individual, model the behavior of somebody that you yourself would like to emulate."
"I want to be a good positive role model to everybody that I meet."
"Captain Marvel is this hero for little girls and women to look up to as an idol, but it's just everyone."
"I want to be a role model man. I do it for my son, my daughter, my team members, the people I mentor. I do it for you."
"For the congregation to bleed, the priest must hemorrhage. I want to be a role model, the man needed in our lives."
"There can only be one one man that fits that model and it's John Jones it has to be."
"What if I decide who I'm going to be and become it?"
"What if I can be the one people look up to?"