
Identification Quotes

There are 2086 quotes

"I've never related to Peter Parker more in my life than I did with him in this story."
"Facial recognition websites have also been used to identify suspected war criminals."
"People naturally root for people like themselves; people root for people that they see themselves in."
"Even when resting, athletes keep their backs very straight, by looking at it, it's easy to differentiate them from ordinary sofa people."
"X has always been in my personal top ten... I've always identified with X way more than I identified with Jay-Z."
"You can't work on a problem until you've identified it, become aware of it."
"People identify with the unknown aspect of an improvised storytelling."
"This training module is to practice quick reaction skills on determining if something is a friend or a foe."
"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, that you love one another."
"Do you mean this is my laptop, my name is literally engraved on it."
"Let's give everybody an ID so everybody can get one, then nobody has an excuse."
"If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it's probably a duck."
"Maya, from her first scene on, I related to this character, I rooted for her, and I empathized with what she wanted."
"I love every one of y'all, and I identify with what we have to go through to make ends meet out here."
"Young men especially feel ignored, they don't feel identified with most media platforms."
"If it looks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it's a duck."
"General American accents are almost always given to main characters since we are supposed to identify with the hero of a story."
"Are we moving towards ID cards by stealth and further empowering massive centralized authorities?"
"I think a lot of us want the author to succeed because a lot of us see ourselves in this otherwise goofy story about vampires and My Chemical Romance."
"Of course people have to prove who they are but not in a way that makes it them it almost impossible for them to prove who they are. It's almost impossible."
"If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck."
"Fingerprinting works for two reasons: first, no two people share print patterns, and second, a person's fingerprints remain unchanged throughout life."
"There's that state of mind which I love, I embody that."
"The reason this case was so traumatic for so many people is that so many could identify with them."
"And it shows you that these bulge cells are stem cells."
"Bungling burglar left his own birth certificate at crime scene."
"You have to be able to identify a problem before you try to solve it."
"The Antichrist has 33 different names in the Bible...Prince to come is one of them."
"I'm a dreamer, and something about Overhaul's dream just strikes with me. It's like my dream that's stronger."
"The forensic anthropologist must literally put the pieces back together to try to get a picture of the victim's identity and to determine what happened."
"If there's eyewitnesses, if there's four of them, they know the difference between a stork and a 50-foot object."
"Identification with a brand creates a sense of community and reinforces brand loyalty."
"Brand loyalty is related to brand identification and self-awareness."
"No one has ever objected to having to prove who you are to vote."
"Matthew and I both got badges with no identification."
"Camp taste identifies with what it is enjoying."
"That's the Chris Watts salute. He felt absolutely helpless."
"Princess Doe finally identified after 40 years."
"I had so much fun watching it, I was laughing, I was smiling, I was identifying with the characters."
"With certain other games you might have to think, 'Oh is that Elder Scrolls? Is that Final Fantasy 14?'"
"It's this internet community. That's what it is."
"Boss, I'm pretty sure that was you. It said boss next to it."
"Agents showed the jewelry to Ruth Mayer's husband, who confirmed it was stolen from their home."
"We should have some idea who our subjects are."
"I'm not positive, does that look like a gun you've seen before?"
"Confirmed, we've got an eyebrow piercing sir, proceed to bingo."
"If it smells like a duck and it looks like a duck, that means it's a duck."
"Tick Tock becomes Tick Tock like after dark basically for adults and stuff and you have to you have to provide identification of some kind or something to be allowed to use it."
"When there's any injustice, it's very important to correctly identify the victim and the perpetrator."
"If it looks forks and quacks like a duck, then absent compelling evidence to the contrary, we have warrant to conclude it's a duck."
"If they were able to identify... (continues)"
"If you love something, you have to hate that which threatens it, and if you want to solve a problem, you have to identify it correctly."
"Aphis promised to revolutionize the field of fingerprint identification."
"Who is your favorite Titan shifter and which of their motivations can you relate to the most?"
"Ginger Rogers acting so poignant that Kitty is not a girl up there on the screen but she is you and you and you."
"Biometrics will replace ID and paper as the go-to method of classification and identification for all."
"An experienced aviator would know the difference between a weather balloon and a flying saucer."
"Every single person who showed up at that torch rally Friday night will be forever identifiable as someone who showed up."
"Do you know black people? They can get photo IDs."
"You consistent, if that's the case, but the way that he explained it was, you gotta identify what those things are that got her."
"This is a perfect example of why we need to identify what's in our airspace."
"This creature's object ID is named visitor corpse zero one... remember that word means trespasser."
"Any officer that appears out of uniform must identify."
"Can I get some ID? The man hands it over. He doesn't deal with this guy again after this."
"Mission accomplished, himar strikes are hard to confuse with anything else."
"You will probably have to identify a lot of images throughout the test."
"No street address on your ID? Then you can’t vote."
"Dental records finally gave the victim a name: seventeen-year-old Darcy Frackenpole was a runaway from Seattle."
"It's vastly easier to identify plants when they're flowering so start with the ones that are doing that."
"Natasha Teasley was the one to announce that Mostly Harmless' identity had finally come up with a match."
"We're going to call fascists fascists, we're going to call traitors traitors, we're going to call idiots idiots."
"I love that character... where everything he does... makes so much sense to me."
"We actually take the DNA evidence... tell you who someone is."
"The victim is telling you that this is him, what better proof do you need?"
"Lab examiners compared the fingerprint lifted from the shell casing found at the shooting to Kanzi's fingerprint on file at the INS. They matched."
"Chances are whether you were in a bar or a store you'll be asked for ID."
"She was able to speak with investigators, identifying her brother Daniel as the culprit."
"It's okay to see pieces of ourselves in the wins and losses of our heroes."
"Snake identification: look at their heads, venomous snakes have triangular heads."
"There is only one organization in human history that matches all 10 of these characteristics with perfect accuracy."
"This guy genuinely has just been cheesed by the gameplay I think that's fair to say this guy is me basically this guy's me and Phut champs man."
"Boys, we are Iron Man. Check out our abilities."
"Every time a bullet is fired through a firearm, it creates almost a fingerprint, a distinctive fingerprint for that gun."
"Each character is easily identifiable by their personality traits and silhouette, making it really easy to pick a favorite."
"You can't fix a problem like that if you want to deal with individual instances of racism you need to be able to identify them."
"Barabbas is more than just a bystander here. He’s a representative of you and I."
"I think if you find yourself feeling this way it's probably because you're a super fan of the show."
"A new spiritual experience: identification with a united field of Consciousness."
"I was a very alienated young person. When I heard Black Sabbath, my life had a soundtrack."
"A characteristic can tell them which lighthouse they are looking at and what its purpose is."
"After 20 years Grateful Doe finally had a name, all thanks to Reddit."
"It answers questions right so it's like is he from this area or um does he have blue hair, blonde hair whatever right yeah."
"We found the van... It's most definitely Gabby Petito's Ford Transit van."
"Do you believe in one God? Do you believe in the prophets He sent? Yes? Then you're a Muslim. That's all the testimony is, right?"
"Women feel that the trials and tribulations she's gone through, they've grown up listening to her."
"I knew exactly who he was, and it was Jesus."
"It's as good as having the fingerprint. It really is."
"It's the typewriter's DNA. It's like it's specific to that. The same thing happens with tire impressions."
"The birth certificate is literally evidence that you're a government employee."
"Never leave anything at the crime scene that might be used to identify you."
"We want to put ourselves into the narrative, feel like we could save a ship and crew. Captain Phillips is the everyman, he's all of our dads."
"You know it's him, you see the hat, you see the glasses, you see the headphones, you see the pen, you see his sketchbook, you know exactly who it is, but that image tells an incredible story."
"Mimikyu was only recently identified as a Pokémon. Previously, people thought it was just a ghost wearing a cloth."
"But your heartbeat is just as unique as your face. NASA has invented a system that can id you from your heartbeat using a laser."
"That's right, I remember now, this little rodent's name is Chad."
"Who is 9 mother 9 horse 9 and why was he trying to tell us?"
"Putting that name to the painting today will be crucial."
"Realistically, if boyfriend is your favorite character... you are probably super persistent."
"Okay, so wait who does uh who does the the uh equal guy have eagle guy has like the triangular shield in his right hand triangular um like like it has cutouts in it and stuff."
"It's almost like it's designed specifically for certain type of people and that's certainly you."
"We are removing the spell that we of you feel this way right now because I do too."
"There is a difference between identifying a conspiracy and being a conspiracy theorist."
"Finally, after 20 years of being nameless, William was identified, and this also led to his killer being apprehended."
"Derrick Rose lived around here so around here but he lived in this there's one very specific part of the neighborhood has lived in bird Ridge."
"The victim was identified as Danielle Bonfield, a 12-year-old reported missing that morning."
"When you get carded at the bar, give them your pilot's license."
"Natalya proudly identified around 30 victims in these photos, naming them and linking their pictures from when they were alive to the other more gruesome pictures."
"It identifies people, animals, plants, foods, sceneries, skies, etc."
"It's name has been shown on maps and posters before."
"The calipers? The covers-- It had like rotor covers or something right?"
"When you recognize the humanity in the other person... you end up with the highest number of people lacking of photo ID being black."
"Your path to happiness is about to be revealed."
"The breakthrough in the case came with the identification of Forest Clyde Williams III as the perpetrator."
"I know we had one that was pregnant. I don't think that's the same one though."
"For future reference, bring your ID everywhere you go."
"The painstaking work of investigators and scientists give little Stevie Crawford back his name."
"But measurements were taken before sending and it was determined that the bones could belong to a woman of Amelia Earhart's size."
"Spider-Man is the everyman superhero, the hero that could be you."
"If you took the badge off, you said it's McLaren, everyone would believe it."
"I felt like I was one of the Warner Brothers, Mario in Mario Kart. I felt like one of them. I felt like Mario just driving and just it was just like amazing."
"It's exciting times we live in you know these ufos are all of a sudden just not going to be they're going to be identified they're not going to be unidentified."
"Manual was identified by Mary McLaughlin, who bravely talked her way out of the situation."
"What's the Mission Impossible movie? What's not? This is the Mission Impossible part of the movie."
"I still don't know my fish, this was tasty, this is really tasty, this one I know is salmon because it's orange."
"God said Jesus said all men will know you are my disciples by your love for one another."
"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck."
"What year do you think we should recognize as marking the end of the true Showah age?"
"It's more than that, I think we need to name it, we need to see what it is, we need to name what the problem is and it's human trafficking."
"Jesus loves you, he can identify with whatever you're doing."
"If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, smells like a duck, it's a duck."
"Do you know a woman who's received said injection, can you point them out for me?"
"We have found the one Moses wrote about in the law, Jesus of Nazareth."
"Delta Dawn finally identified as 18-month-old Alicia Ann Heinrich."
"Can you point him out? Boom, that's it, that guy did it."
"Is it a pastor is it a prophet is it a file."
"I'm allowed to like these characters, they're my age."
"Everybody has a story, no matter who you are, no matter where you are."
"If it stinks, if it quacks like a duck, it's a duck."
"He's a proper hobbit, he is a proper hobbit."
"This is a movie for people who've identified with their dark side."
"You can't solve problems until you identify what those problems are."
"It only took a week after the discovery of the wreckage for the remains inside to be matched to Mold."
"Just an easy way to know which glass is yours."
"We recovered the vehicle last night, we have located a decedent inside the vehicle, we believe it is our missing person."
"I remember walking out of that movie theater and thinking, 'I want to be like the blue people, the Navi.'"
"Based on the red hair, I would say Ron is a native from Ireland."
"Fingerprints have been used to identify individuals and solve crimes since the late 1800s."
"I've lived here for so many years and for some reason my fingerprint isn't in the system."
"It is better to cast it out now, let's identify it tonight."
"The DNA Doe Project wasn't going to give up until they found her."
"Jane Doe Kern was finally identified as a Cree woman named Shirley Sus."
"Two sets of remains were identified as Joseph and summer McStay, ruled a homicide."
"Tell me if you can identify this creature because the uploader is certain that this is a skinwalker."
"What would you call it? You'd call it a monster, you'd call it Beast."
"Call this what it is, it is domestic terrorism."
"The question remains: is it a jaguarundi, a black panther, another cryptid, or something else entirely?"
"Being fingerprinted, being photographed, maybe even being handcuffed."
"You have a face that you can identify the movement with... and suddenly it will have a personal connection to you."
"Narmer is now often identified with the king known as Menes from Manetho's chronology..."
"He chose Deku because he saw basically like himself."
"The victim in that structure has been identified as Christina Anderson."
"I want you to take a look at the logo on her shirt and tell me if it matches up with the logo on my shirt."
"You've got to identify what's going on, you've got to name it, you've got to look at evil in the eye."
"You cannot begin to solve a problem unless you can name it."
"Putting a name to the vines you have suffered is very often the first step towards healing."
"Fake basically just means unauthorized or bootleg, counterfeit or a copy of an authorized or real item."
"He sees himself in Hino, just as Kirihito had hoped."
"If you're voting Trump, wear red on Election Day."
"Precise and accurate identification of hole points is essential for the success of the broadcast in situ piling technique."
"After 58 years, they know the killer's identity and they feel that justice has been served."
"That film has touched a lot of people, and people go, 'I recognize myself in that character,' and that makes me feel proud."
"You'll know him, black and gray, about 10 feet and 700 pounds."
"Lenka is a 1980 passport 42, I think she's hull number four."
"It's amazing but it's also amazing because obviously this is in Latin but you can clearly see Barkley right there."
"If we ever see that ratio of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, we know it's benzo triazole. Boom, there you go."
"Kung Fu Panda spoke to me as a young fat boy that liked to do karate."
"I don't think that I have ever seen any character in cinema that I personally identify with stronger than this."
"It's like in Toy Story when Andy writes Andy on the bottom of all of his toys."
"Gertrude is not a toy; she is a miniature locomotive."
"Maybe it is petty, but every so often I will spray paint the spot where the surveyor hammered the pins in, with super bright orange paint so you can see it from a mile away."
"Personally identifiable information can identify an individual."
"Dock of the bay, Otis Redding, you are correct."
"I know it's Ethan. You know it's Ethan."
"The true turkey tail... it's got the multicolored concentric zones on the top; it's kind of leathery and velvety."
"As children, you watch it's like, 'Oh yeah, funny fish adventure,' but as an adult, you really identify with Marlin."
"It's great that there are fish out there that you can identify as being very much from a lake and a time."
"The DNA analysis identified Alan legere. It was his genetic material that was left at both of those crime scenes."
"Moving up to the leaves, this is where a lot of the identification will take place."
"I think that could be a medieval horseshoe."
"That is no doubt about it, that is a hammered medieval coin."