
Moral Consequences Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Karma is real. Yes, you can believe in God, yes, you can make amends, but karma is real."
"Justice can have meaning, but Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene’s obsession with vengeance, by murdering children and starting wars, can only end badly."
"The willingness to knowingly falsify your speech, perception, and action... that's the pathway to hell."
"He liked taking things from people without their permission, even their lives."
"Pride is argued as the deadliest of all the sins... as it gives birth to all the others."
"If you wish to do somebody a great harm, you couldn't do much more than to kill one of their children and then try and cover up that fact and lie about it."
"Karma is very much real and everybody gets it in the end."
"When you compromise yourself in order to win, not only do you feel compromised, but you don't even win."
"The time of grace for the wicked has thinned out, and one after the other shall fall down suddenly."
"God stops working for you and starts working against you when the Holy Spirit is saddened by your speech or how you're treating people wrongly."
"Karma is real... They will pay the price when God decides."
"Six is a reminder that acting on your most hateful urges has transcendental consequences doing so will haunt the world and it will place the most grotesque villains in your path."
"With every lie we tell, we incur a debt to the truth."
"Well, the real damage comes when you know what you should do and then you decide not to do it anyways."
"The killing of the women and children sticks in my craw more than anything else."
"In the absence of [taking responsibility], you would be a conduit for terrible things to enter the world."
"There is no place in the Bible or in our contemporary world where lust produced a good result. Its effect has always been damaging."
"The righteous will be rewarded and the wicked will be punished."
"Just because something is subjective doesn't mean that there isn't some social consequence from doing the wrong thing."
"Simply put, Matt Murdock must pay for his sins..."
"He killed his brother – one of the most horrifying things imaginable."
"God is judging America by giving America what, in essence, it has demonstrated it wants."
"Cowardice allows all the other sins to proceed with impunity."
"You kill a lot of random monsters (sometimes even humans) in every RPG and the consequences for this are never addressed. What if they were?"
"People have lost their jobs, their healthcare... for doing the morally right thing."
"These people are going to face judgment for this, they're going to face Divine judgment."
"Children, obey your parents in everything. Obedience to parents leads to blessings and long life."
"Divine retribution will be brought down on both of them in short order."
"Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained."
"He that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul; all they that hate me love death."
"Every action you do towards another person leaves a mark on you."
"Covenant Keepers win, Covenant Breakers lose every time."
"Everything you do in large fashion impacts your legacy for good or bad."
"Justice can make a man do some really messed-up things."
"So, if you think about this Bible quote I gave at the beginning, 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.'"
"Every day we make decisions... they could have eternal consequences."
"The ungodly may seem to prosper for a season, but their way ultimately leads to ruin."
"Using the dark side even a little bit leads to corruption and tragedy."
"Justice will prevail. You will get your just desserts. What you sow, you will reap."
"When we do something good, we're rewarded. When we do something bad, there's a penalty."
"Let us go out realizing that the Bible is right: 'Be not deceived; God is not mocked: whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.'"
"Positive karma, the wheel goes to the right. Negative karma, it goes to the left."
"If one murder is justified that may entail that two murders are justified and that entails that two million murders might be justified."
"But the pursuit of these base desires can lead to some truly nightmarish consequences, and nobody knows this better than former Director Elliot Emerson - who’ll be paying for these sins until the end of time, and perhaps even beyond."
"While he will never be held accountable for the murder in a court of law, some say there is Poetic Justice in the way he died."
"The fate of fallen angels serves as a warning of the consequences of turning away from God."
"Sexual sins will make a wreck out of your life."
"Life will make you pay back every cent with interest for every bad thing you do, you pay for it times two, just believe that right now."
"When you kill a human being, you kill everything that human being could have contributed."
"You'll only be left with emptiness and blood on your hands."
"People love doing the foul [__]. But when it comes time to face those consequences and look in the mirror, suddenly nobody wants to do that."
"When you live by principle there are byproducts that come from you living that way."
"Every lie you tell incurs a debt to the truth."
"Shame and guilt over bad actions is good. Being sorry for what you did and scared of certain consequences and dealing with those consequences is good."
"Something built on lies and manipulation has to fall, it has to crumble."
"I did bad, I dishonored my worth, I did not show up in a way that was good, and so that hurts, that feels bad, but it's good that feels bad because it's incentive."
"King was eventually arrested for abandoning his duties as the fairy King and for failing to stop his best friend hellbrunn from murdering innocent humans for revenge."
"If you begin to enjoy other people's suffering you are hammering nails on your own coffin."
"The land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein but by the blood of him that shed it."
"Judgment is facing them now. Karma's waiting for those who cast negativity."
"Karma means you cannot escape your sins no matter how fast or far you may run. They'll always catch up to you. Don't ever make that mistake again, son."
"I believe in karma, and I believe that maybe if I didn't, I might have the capacity for it."
"For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life."
"Civilian casualties matter, the corruption and moral degradation of our heroes feels like this ocean wearing away at the rocks."
"Nobody, not even the fans, can walk away without blood on their hands."
"When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth."
"Our moral choices must have consequences, otherwise we cannot have moral responsibility for our choices."
"Karma is a universal law; you can't pick and choose which ones you are going to use."
"The labor of the righteous tendeth to life; the fruit of the wicked to sin."