
Stage Fright Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"My first couple of shows, I was very scared of performing."
"I get nervous every time before I go on stage, but usually, as soon as I'm out in front of the crowd, it goes away."
"It's almost liberating for me before I get on stage to be like, 'Yeah, my bomb, let's hope I don't bomb or something,' just to acknowledge the thing and then it's like, 'Alright, what happens, happens.'"
"You don't know until you're on that big stage how you're going to react to pressure."
"I still suffer from kind of sickness and up before I go on... but I love hearing an audience laugh."
"It's surprising how many people you talk to over the years and they go, 'Oh yeah man, I was a basket case. I used to be a basket case before going on stage.'"
"It's fun though. It's fun to be nervous again. You're like, what do I say?"
"I remember being so nervous I thought I was going to poop my pants, I think I was just so overwhelmed I had no idea what to say to parents."
"I'm nervous to get on stage. I've never been in front of so many people before."
"And then you know, just terrified for the first two years of just like getting up there and just, you know, panicking."
"All your fears on stage... everything happened to me."
"I was shaking when I got off the stage."
"I still get nervous before I go on stage."
"So I'm scared to death of public speaking, so for me to dance in here on stage, the Delta is a little bit wide, I must confess."
"I was so paranoid that I was going to trip on that podium because I'm an ex-model and I'm an ex-model because I twirled off the one R that's right and you're never supposed to to look down."
"Whatever anxiety you were feeling before that didn't come on stage with you."
"I had terrible stage fright. Terrible stage fright."
"My imposter syndrome starts to trigger and I don't want to get on stage."
"I've come to realize, and this took me like 30 years of doing shows, if I can see the people's faces, it totally messes me up, sure, I hate it."
"I still go to a spot to perform and I get nervous. I enjoy that nervousness."
"There's nothing scarier than the first time you go up, right? And you're backstage and you're like, 'Oh my God, I have to actually do this.'"
"I will talk to anybody. I don't have stage fright. I'm horrible with toasting. It fills me with dread."
"Surefire cure for stage fright is to picture everyone in the audience as a bunch of chickens. Chickens! A little cluck cluck and it'll pluck you right up. You never heard of this trick? Everyone does it. I mean, everyone."
"Maybe the great Optimus Prime has stage fright."
"I haven't been this nervous for performance in a really long time like if you're about to put me on stage do a whole song and dance number in front of thousands of people piece of cake but whatever this room is for a stand-up routine I am my pants."
"Every time I would go onstage I would get nervous and most people think oh you're doing the same show every night you're probably so comfortable now no I get nervous after it before every performance."
"You know that thing where you get really nervous and you forget what you're gonna say?"
"I'm in fear, I've got to get up on stage tonight in front of 10,000 people."
"I feel incredibly uncomfortable, I don't like people looking at me, I don't like all the attention being onstage."
"I got just the trick for stage fright. I bet I could help too in half the time, as Applejack. It ain't a contest, but if it were, I'd win."
"I always want to do well and I hope those nerves never go away."
"I think the very first time I ever appeared on a stage at all, I was absolutely petrified."
"If you get nervous, just think of every berry in their underwear. Gross."
"The audience, who's all talking amongst themselves, their heads snapped and they look at the stage and I go 'oh my God, I can't forget this riff.'"
"I was about to go on stage yeah and then I just switched it and then there is something some nights you're just like I don't like this yeah you try something new and you're like this doesn't feel good and now I'm gonna be out on stage you know for an hour."
"We're more afraid of dying on stage than destruction of life on earth. That to me is an amazing statistic."
"It's both fun and terrifying to be up there on stage."
"Love you guys, love you guys so much, but stop getting stage fright, just say something."
"Nothing helps stage fright except two things: preparation and performing experience."
"I was bombing so hard I started mumbling on stage."
"Regular life scares the heck out of me, on stage I'm king."
"It's maybe like getting stage fright."
"One of the best remedies for stage fright is just practicing, just putting yourself in that situation."
"Stage fright is real, and it's okay if you feel it as a singer because we all feel it."
"I used to have really punishing stage fright."
"It's really hard to have courage to get up on stage and even want to do my job."
"Performing in front of 80,000 people is way easier than performing in front of eight people."
"I'm more of a freestyler, and I have stage fright."
"I've been suffering from stage fright."
"Being on stage with Queen in the very beginning was a bit nerve-wracking."
"If you do have stage fright, try and pinpoint your fear."
"You guys helped me get rid of my stage fright, to be honest."
"You could see people coming off that stage, their hands still shaking."