
Taxation Quotes

There are 2131 quotes

"Reading the Internal Revenue Code...that's what's mentally draining."
"It is the scariest thing when tax people call you up on the phone. It's like your dad is calling you up and he's just visibly angry."
"It's insane when I was researching the IRS. That is the number one thing: you can mess around with a lot of things, but not the taxman."
"The importance of wealth in our economies and the inequality of that wealth have been going up for decades, but the tax revenue raised from that wealth has not followed suit."
"A smart wealth tax is the quickest and simplest way to reduce dangerously high inequality."
"Rich people hate tax; if tax was a person, rich people would spend all day long making tons of money and then flogging that person."
"This legislation would expand Social Security benefits and fully fund Social Security for more than 75 years, by demanding that the very wealthiest people in this country pay more in taxes."
"The real money in investing is not like it's trading... You get taxed different on trading."
"As vehicles become more efficient and we pursue electrification, sooner or later, there will be questions about whether the gas tax can be effective at all."
"The idea of a minimum tax on billionaires so billionaires pay their fair share the way teachers and firefighters do."
"Taxation is like a tool. It's not good or bad to pay taxes or not to pay taxes; it's just a matter of whether or not the programs that you want are getting funded."
"Limited resources are often limited artificially by the choice to lower taxes to permit corporate tax avoidance or to just spend that money on other stuff."
"Increasing the tax rate is a great short-term solution but over the long term, if that budget per citizen isn't brought in line, there is no way to tax the base enough without causing the tax base to leave."
"The American independence movement was inspired by the desire not to be taxed without representation."
"It doesn't matter how much we're taxed if we don't have an Earth to live on."
"Taxation is an affliction, and every time you hear 'tax relief,' that is what goes in your mind."
"Undocumented immigrants pay taxes amounting to tens of billions of dollars in local, state, and federal taxes per year, even though they can't access most benefits that US citizens are entitled to receive."
"Quiet as is kept, our taxes go everywhere that we ain't got no control over."
"Investors get tax breaks... portfolio and passive income get lower tax rates than the income you get from a job."
"The whole idea with the Roth IRA is you pay taxes on your money right now... then when you hit the retirement age you can pull your money out and you don't have to pay taxes."
"Tax the rich, and all that stuff, and I'm like, 'How about we tax the Hollywood rich?'"
"I don't think American the American wealthy are going to move offshore and not pay their taxes; we know that they aren't because there have been a number of experiments."
"If used well, taxes also free us from natural inequality."
"There are certain social programs that we should advocate for in the United States; we should have those social programs and then we should tax people accordingly."
"I don't gauge my patriotism by paying a higher tax rate. I'm not more patriotic now than I was five years ago; I'm just getting screwed by the government harder."
"Once the war ends, to the degree it ends, government tends not to recede, the taxes tend to be in place at least for quite a while."
"They want to take more money from the citizens... and use that money to pay for something that doesn't benefit the citizens."
"Inflation is a tax, so instead of sending your money to the government, you send your purchasing power."
"Non-profit is a tax status, not a business model."
"The itemization on your taxes... It is welfare for rich people."
"Taxation is the way towards a prosperous society; it can provide some good things like roads and schools."
"If that tax money is going to be used to open tracks or keep more parts of Australia open and beautiful, well then sign me up. I'll pay more tax tomorrow."
"That is a non-taxable event folks, that is passive income as passive income gets."
"The fact that, unlike FedEx, the New York Times paid zero federal income tax in 2017 on earnings of $111 million dollars."
"The ultra-wealthy have hoarded an ungodly amount of money offshore where it's being kept illegally from taxation from the people."
"The craziest thing about America's system of tax returns."
"Even though government taxes shouldn't be a savings plan, people don't save."
"I personally am okay with paying higher taxes... for a better situation for people overall."
"There are 195 countries in this world. How many of those 195 countries do you think tax their citizens regardless of where they live in the world? Did you guess two? That's right, one percent of the world's countries."
"I think you said the corporate tax rate should be 100%, that's probably too extreme."
"Everyone gets taxed, but on the plus side, you have a legal system that protects you from random violence, and people get like welfare or UBI."
"Your tax return is a confession every year you make."
"I happily pay my taxes. I would be happy to pay more if I thought the government was competent and it was going to make for a better life for people."
"Avoiding taxation on your Social Security benefits will add on average about seven years to your retirement income."
"The marginal tax rate actually reached a peak of 94% during World War II."
"The national consumption tax is actually a really good idea because it encourages the economy to grow by encouraging employment, saving, and investing."
"Rich people can't cheat on their taxes; there are no tax loopholes because people pay their taxes the moment they buy something."
"It's time billionaires paid at least 25% minimum tax."
"In Korea...when you go to a restaurant or when you buy something there's no taxes...and when you go to a restaurant...you don't have to pay tip."
"The rich need to pay their fair share of federal income tax."
"The United States has the weirdest and most unfair property tax system that I know of... it taxes the kind of property that middle and lower income people have... it exempts... stocks and bonds and cash."
"This map... actually tells you the exact federal sales tax rate in every single country."
"Bhutan really does have a 50% sales tax rate, higher than any country in the world by almost a factor of two."
"Taxes should fall more heavily on corporations and on the very wealthy."
"We have citizens that live in the United States that pay taxes, that have citizenship, but they get no representation in Congress."
"If Trudeau does not declare today an end to his forthcoming tax increases on food, gas, and heat, we will introduce a motion of non-confidence in the Prime Minister."
"The only thing that's ever really led to substantive, proportional wage increases in this country is fair tax policies and unionization."
"I'm not looking to punish anybody. Let's make corporations and wealthy Americans start paying their fair share."
"Under my plan, nobody... nobody earning less than $400,000 a year will pay an additional penny in new taxes. Not a single penny."
"China's large economy demands a level of government spending which requires a large and broad tax base to fund, unfortunately, the country does not have that."
"Filing taxes in the United States has two huge problems: it's too complicated and it's too expensive."
"In other countries, tax day is a breeze because the government just sends you a pre-populated form you can either approve or amend."
"Presidents from both sides of the aisle have been making an effort to simplify tax filing, why has it failed? The one-word answer is TurboTax."
"Universalize security by having people's taxes find like security guards, but for the whole public."
"If you want to talk about tax-related issues, I am all ears because capital gains taxes, I think, should be brought in line with ordinary income."
"The country is incredibly progressive, 76% of the country says raise taxes on the rich, don't lower them."
"If you look at examples in Sweden and Denmark, they have been lowering or cutting property taxes."
"The idea that wealthy people are gonna flee, that these corporations are gonna flee...we still subsidize oil companies to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Where are they gonna go? The oil is here."
"Swedes, who on average pay more than half of their income in tax, see access to health care as the most important issue."
"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul."
"A progressive tax... the more power you have, the more power you can gain, and a progressive tax slowly starts to chip away at how much you're really gaining."
"Having to pay a higher tax rate is a good thing. That means you made more money."
"Tell us the truth... Your taxes will go up, but your costs will go down. Thank you, Bernie."
"It's fiscally responsible because our investments are paid for by making sure that corporations, wealthy Americans pay their fair share."
"I believe in a progressive tax. I'm currently supporting a couple of Democrats."
"I'm not saying no one should be rich, I'm not saying taxes should be 60%, I'm just saying for the little, comparatively, that it would take just to make sure that there's no hungry kids."
"Taxes are how we have society, and I like society."
"Knowing the IRS doesn't have Jack on me because my taxes identify as paid."
"Everyone should pay their fair share, and everyone should have free healthcare, free at the point of usage."
"I will not impose any tax increase on people making less than four hundred thousand dollars."
"Remember if you're making money on Doge that you need to declare all that stuff as capital gains, oh yeah, for tax purposes, well if you sell it, if you sell it right."
"Low taxes: People should have their money in their own hands."
"Taxes is one of the largest expenses you ever have you really got to know how to manage that thing and get that under control so that you can do well."
"Make all the money you want, just begin to pay your fair share at taxes."
"It's really exhausting because all his buddies in the private Equity industry don't have to pay their fair share."
"Good Patriots are willing to pay taxes so that complete strangers will have education and welfare."
"The promise of slightly lower taxes is very tempting, but it's a short-term reward that causes a bigger problem."
"Econs are in favor of a death tax. Because if you tax it, there'd be less of it."
"You pay taxes for the roads but they can tell you driving is a privilege and we can take away your driving privilege for roads that you pay for."
"Windfall profits tax is exactly what is needed right now."
"We should demand that the wealthy start paying their fair share of taxes."
"Taxing the rich is the way out of today's crises."
"Regulation and tax policy recommended by this administration is deeply damaging to the economy."
"What he's done is throw back what we pay in taxes do, how much this cost us billions upon billions of dollars, what we're doing to our kids, what our safety I you don't really have the words to say but it's easy to fix."
"The topic of taxes is so important for you to understand."
"We aren't taxed as an S corporation when you're a single member LLC."
"We should entertain ideas like a fairer, higher marginal income tax rate on those earning the most."
"Bitcoin is a chance to defund the state, reduce tax payments, and achieve freedom."
"The new capital gains tax in the United States will be 43.4%, excluding the state taxes. And if this happens, it will make America or the United States the most tax country in the entire world."
"Voting is how you have a say in how your tax dollars are spent."
"Millions and millions of Americans who are voting based on the fact that they pay income tax and are subject to all of the nation's laws."
"Those aren't splitting hairs about a 25% effective tax rate versus 27%. It is a bunch of people who fundamentally do not believe in the rules that have governed our entire system."
"America's teachers and firefighters pay a higher tax rate than billionaires."
"The Affordable Care Act continues to lower healthcare costs for American families."
"If you live in New York City, your taxes are supporting that system. You're voting incentivizing those people to do those things."
"In Britain, the aristocrats still had to pay tax to the monarch. They were still accountable."
"If you add tax to the gas company taxes, can you make them set their price?"
"Government is never a source of goods; everything that government gives you it must first take from you."
"The President remains committed to his pledge that nobody making under $400,000 a year will have their taxes increased."
"The whole idea of taxation without representation is tyranny."
"Taxes are high, but the economy freaking booms."
"I'm for higher taxing but with more Nuance than that."
"It is one of the few places where you can actually reduce your taxes today and never pay taxes in the future."
"Tariffs are bad policy... a tariff is a tax that taxes all other Americans on behalf of one industry."
"Taxing companies is really taxing rich people."
"We need more freedom in America, lower taxes, less government regulation, and a lot less government spending."
"Somebody's going to have to come up with answers after they find that I should be tax-exempt."
"Expect taxes to rise right across the board."
"I cannot get over the top marginal tax rate conversation. I want to know who originally lied about it because whoever started this conversation had to have done it with the express purpose of lying to people."
"Hamilton's a ninja right. He comes up with a scheme that makes it in the interest of the most well-off people in America to see higher taxes."
"The very richest...pay fewer taxes...because they have most of their income from capital gains."
"Raising taxes on the wealthy is one part of Governor Cuomo's proposal."
"If we collect unpaid taxes from the wealthiest 10 percent, we can pay for infrastructure, childcare, and student debt."
"We all pay them in taxation, but the soldier pays the biggest part of the bill."
"We do need to be taxing the rich to properly fund our public services."
"Republicans will take taxes away from hard-working families and give them to billionaires."
"We believe we should be rewarding work not wealth in this country."
"Why should a firefighter, an educator, a nurse pay the higher tax rate than someone making literally a billion dollars?"
"America is unique in a lot of terrible way but one we rarely talk about is how needlessly complicated our tax system is."
"One of the biggest taxes out there is inflation. It's a hidden tax many people don't know about."
"It's long past time the wealthiest people and the biggest corporations paid their fair share."
"We believe that a dollar in the hands of the person who earned it is always more powerful than in the hands of the politician who taxed it."
"We need a wealth tax and strong rules to hold big tech accountable."
"Taxation: charge on real estate to pay for government services."
"Stimulus check is actually a tax credit as well, they're both actually considered advanced refundable tax credits."
"Inflation is really an invisible tax on your wealth."
"The top one percent paid 27 of the taxes but that's still lower than their overall wealth."
"Kansans will pay their fair share of taxes, but they do not expect, do not want the federal government to have more information, intrude upon their privacy."
"Always think long term when it comes to taxes."
"I paid millions of dollars in taxes... I paid 38 million dollars one year."
"If you're making $100k from 10 grand, your profit's $90k. You've got to give $45 away."
"In my view we should not be taxing work we should be taxing wealth."
"You can't ask that generation to pay for the care of a generation who've not contributed through the tax system that isn't right."
"Sure, Millennials want a tax break, but it's a window of opportunity for the conservatives."
"When is government too big? When is the tax code too complicated? When are there too many regulations?"
"This battle is much bigger than who gets to decide the next tax rate on the top bracket in the United States."
"Tax filing should be as easy as looking at the info the IRS already has."
"There should be laws which force the social platforms to pay taxes to support local news, that would change the country."
"There should be some sort of a dividend for living in America and paying all these taxes."
"Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society."
"Under a Biden tax plan, who wins? Who loses? I actually think everybody loses."
"It's amazing how much money you make when you don't have to pay for schools or police."
"If this happens wealthier investors won't give an f about short-term versus long-term capital gains anymore."
"It would be wrong to tax it away, for example, so that's the argument about well, John Rawls refers to the moral arbitrariness, the contingency of talent."
"You cannot tax your way to growth nor can you tax your way to an election victory." - Steve Baker
"War is a racket that takes the tax dollars of the American people and just blows it."
"The simplest way of putting it: what you tax decreases, what you subsidize increases."
"Elizabeth Warren seems to think that people who are wealthy are the cash cow in the United States and can be milked and milked and milked."
"I'm the only thing they're working on now is the feds want to see how they can tax it."
"The simplest solution is to tax the mother effing Rich."
"We need high taxes on rich people... if we don't do it, it will mean poverty for the rest of us."
"It's wrong for a teacher or a nurse to pay a higher tax rate than somebody raking in $50 million."
"Illegal immigrants need a path to citizenship so that they come in under the tax base. So that we see them under the census and then we move forward with our country."
"They should definitely be held to a standard that they have to help with the world problems. They should at least be held to the standard that they have to pay the same tax rate as the man that makes thirty thousand dollars a year."
"I'm not rebutting them because I agree with Parks completely. They should be taxed all right. I'm saying the laws should be equal so there's nothing to argue out there. No, Jeff Bezos should be taxed the same way."
"It's not social spending that's causing the federal deficit to soar; it's Republican tax cuts, especially on corporations and the wealthy." - Robert Reich
"This belongs to the people... it belongs to me because I pay my taxes."
"Taxation under capitalism is a method thus far used only to redistribute wealth upwards."
"If the government picked up their pace a little bit and actually did something good with the taxes that they were taking from us..."
"Inflation is an invisible form of Taxation that irresponsible governments inflict on their citizens."
"There's no reason that the school teacher, the bus driver, the workers should be paying more taxes than the billionaires."
"We will make the largest corporations in this country and the wealthiest people stop paying their fair share of taxes."
"The only way the government gets money is if it takes it from the public."
"If you raise taxes in one place and lower them in another, producers and manufacturers are gonna move."
"You can't tax an economy into prosperity, nor can a poor person spend himself into wealth."
"The best argument against my argument assumes that if you raise tax rates you increase revenues."
"China's taxation problem is not even just a singular matter; it is a multi-layered issue driven by a complex web of factors."
"I want to abolish the income tax entirely and institute user fees."
"The dominant zombie idea is that cutting taxes on rich people has miraculous economic impacts and pays for itself."
"Big idea number one: Your wealth tax... He retired with over 70 million dollars."
"Taxes can definitely be, should we say, a lot."
"Me, Elon, Oprah and the rest of the illuminaa—rich people are happy to pay more in taxes before we blast off for Elysium."
"There's something about filing as an S corp that just protects... you save like 15.3 percent in taxes."
"Inflation is a tax on every American every single day."
"Republicans are pushing a tax bill that will hurt our economy, hurt middle-class families, and explode the national debt for the sake of big donors."
"The existence of the so-called 'tampon tax' has less to do with the necessity of these items, and more to do with who has a seat at the table."
"Taxes essentially the government's GoFundMe page."
"We have to properly tax the very wealthy and make investments in the country."
"The tax benefits... are a direct form of cash flow."
"Let's just keep taxing the rich because man they're successful and they deserve it."
"Threatening a corporation with higher taxes if they don't stop blasting smog into the air that we all have to breath becomes an empty threat when the corporation can just move to a different country but still serve the same market."
"Knowledge is the only currency that you can't be taxed on."
"The government has a higher claim on our property than we do."
"Joe Biden said that he wouldn't raise taxes. Look, we know giving away free money has consequences."
"If you want them to do that, all you have to do is lower the tax burden in the United States."
"Tariff is just a tax. It is a tax on everyone to the benefit of a few."
"This is really about taxation without representation... We just can't tax people without allowing them to be represented." - Delegate from Chintan DC
"DC statehood is the only way to end taxation without representation."
"Suddenly everyone is very eager to raise taxes on the 26-year-old doctor who earns $150,000 a year."