
Sports Greatness Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Michael Jordan is widely recognized as the greatest player of all time. If that statement triggers you, then you're not acknowledging reality."
"The greats don't need to be great every single time, especially at his age; he just needs to be great when we need him to."
"This is the happiest I've been with my football club since we won the league."
"She's the greatest female tennis player ever."
"LeBron is absolutely one of the greatest players ever."
"You don't have to minimize Michael Jordan's greatness for LeBron James to be great."
"He is indeed one of the sport's true giants."
"He's the most complete basketball player ever."
"If this man could pull off a 3-1 comeback in the finals you can't tell me he's not the GOAT."
"The challenge for the 2020s is how do you reduce the risk of War by accident?"
"Novak Djokovic is the greatest of all time, there's no question."
"He's definitely stamped his authority as one of the greatest of all time."
"I think he's, you know, he's the greatest ever."
"He's the greatest featherweight of all time."
"Ernie Johnson has officially the greatest player of all time."
"Steph Curry would catapult into the debate as the greatest player of all time."
"George St Pierre is the greatest MMA fighter of all time, he set the standard unlike any other."
"Messi is the GOAT because he has six Ballon d'Ors and six Golden Boots."
"Tom Brady was the greatest game manager of all time." - Freddy T
"Freddie Cousins just like that, he is in GOAT conversations with the other dude whose name I forget who was a point guard."
"Michael Jordan is the greatest combination of focus, determination, and clutch."
"I think he's the greatest fighter of all time, drug test or not."
"In a way you can consider that if you combine genders right now nunes is the greatest of all time."
"We probably will not see another tennis star as great as Serena Williams in our lifetime."
"Penalties are penalties, but the two headers... we are witnessing greatness."
"Probably like the greatest WNBA player of all time."
"I think he's the greatest welterweight ever... he's obviously the pound for pound best fighter in the world right now."
"Surely now has to be known as the greatest big top player of all time."
"Every generation or so we were able to witness a basketball player that is able to transcend the meaning of the word dominant."
"But there's no getting away from the fact that he is one of the greatest of the sport of all time."
"Buster Douglas may not be remembered as an all-time great heavyweight, but on that one fateful night in Tokyo he truly was greatness personified."
"Only special players can do that. That greatness that he actually did there was why he did what he did for the next 10 years."
"I'm the greatest of all time heavyweight whoever lives."
"I've just seen God disguised as Michael Jordan." (Larry Bird's post-game comment)
"He's the greatest basketball player of all time, maybe the greatest athlete."
"Ronaldo is the absolute GOAT of proving people wrong."
"Jerry Rice, one of the greatest wide receivers if not the best wide receiver of all time."
"Jones is just coming back to reinforce why he's the GOAT."
"He's got to be considered the greatest athlete of all time."
"Jordan might well be the greatest scorer in basketball history... his acrobatic layups are underscored by his unerring technique."
"Reggie White to me is the greatest defensive player of all time."
"It's gotta be one of the greatest basketball players of all time, hence Numero Uno."
"For me, Aqua... the best player of all time, hands down, no questions asked."
"Anybody deny this guy as the GOAT anymore? I don't think anybody would deny it."
"Kobe Bryant changed the game, he's one of the greatest players of all time."
"Dale Earnhardt Jr. is maybe the greatest superstar in all professional sports."
"Two or three more wins and you could regard him as the greatest lightweight of all time."
"He's got a chance to stake his claim to being the greatest Yukon player."
"His legacy is undeniable: Roger Federer is the greatest of all time."
"Some say the greatest of all time, I put my name in that hat also to say he is the greatest of all time." - Dan Merle
"For anybody to dispute that this woman is the greatest ever is crazy."
"Derek Henry's one of those dudes that we're all witnessing greatness right now."
"This man is about to surpass absolutely everybody for the best player ever without a ring."
"Conor McGregor, when he's on point, when he's at his best, is one of the greatest of all time."
"LeBron is just different from the all-time greats."
"Spence out the gate, the GOAT Manny Pacquiao."
"We are watching a really tremendous player, an all-time great player, really just entering his prime which is really exciting."
"There's nothing that'll ever top it, there'll never be anything like that in football again, period."
"Gareth Potts is probably in the running for, like, the greatest of all time."
"You don't have to give your all to the game you just got to be you and by being you that's what that's where your greatness shines."
"The greatest of all time, I would put you up there with like pound for pound."
"Jerry Rice is the best no matter how you slice."
"I'm gonna go with the great one, I'm gonna go with Gretzky."
"Tom Brady, the greatest football player of all time."
"Sad for the game of football because it's the greatest to ever do it, but what a gift we got."
"It's just an honor to be named with the greats, being in a conversation with the greats that played this game before me."
"He was the best player on the best dynasty ever."
"Put yourself in 26's shoes, you're one of the greatest midfielders ever to play the game."
"Respect to LeBron James, he's in the GOAT conversation."
"He's either the first or second best player of all time."
"He's got the game to be there with the all-time greats."
"He's the greatest quarterback that's ever played football."
"It's over at this point; he's the best ever."
"I think LeBron is one of the greatest players I ever watched play basketball."
"Verstappen will be the greatest of all time."
"LeBron James is a top two player of all time, he's incredible."
"I don't think we've ever seen or ever will see anything like Lionel Messi again."
"I'm not gonna say Ronaldo's best, I'm not gonna say Messi's the best, I'm just gonna enjoy the greatness."
"Tom Brady the greatest of all time."
"He's going to have to be considered one of the best to ever play."
"He's the greatest team sport athlete of all time."
"He could compete with all the greats and remains one of the greatest to never win a championship."
"Simone considered by many the greatest female player of all time."
"He's going to be the best defensive player ever, better than Lan, better than Bill Russell."
"LeBron was the greatest player to everything after his first ring."
"LeBron's the greatest person that's ever touched a basketball, bro."
"When you compare greatness, you have to go by eras. You cannot necessarily transmute judgment of players or evaluation of players across that length of time when they were playing under different circumstances."
"LeBron James is the greatest foundational piece in the history of American sports."
"One can also make the argument prime Dream was as great as any center that's ever lived."
"He's one of the greats, there's no denying it."
"No one can say you cannot be at least considered the best player in history."