
Modern World Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Everything is ones and zeros, okay? Literally, the whole way the world works right now is computerized."
"The use of military aggression has no place in our modern world."
"Make no mistake, this was more than a fight over the future of AI; this was about the fate of the modern world."
"The world has so moved on and shifted, and the church has to engage the world all the time."
"We live in a bizarre, nonlinear world with a kind of profusion, a superfluous surplus of information that makes anybody's brain short-circuit."
"We live in a world that is more connected than ever before."
"The perfectionists: how precision engineers created the modern world."
"In the modern world, you've got the best chance you've ever had to be financially stable and independent."
"The world today is much more complex than ever and much less certain than ever."
"It's incredible to see the direct link between the ancient world and our modern-day world."
"Globalization is the miracle that has enabled us to transship our bodies, minds, and ideas around the planet ever faster and ever cheaper."
"I just love the real-time nature of the world."
"We are living in a world of intelligent rebellion."
"We live in a world that's modern and we don't need to do it, so let's frickin change the world."
"The world is much more interconnected, much more fragile than it ever's been."
"The church needs to speak to the modern world, needs to be integrated in it."
"The reality is if you were to take anyone from 500 years ago and put them in the modern world, they would probably die of an embolism shrieking in horror at the sight of concrete."
"We are the nation that invented the modern world."
"And I think it's just a really cool time to be alive with so much flexibility in travel visas and passports and digital nomad visas and other types of long stay permits that you can get in countries around the world."
"The ever-changing world has never been easier for someone to find their special someone out there in the world."
"And that is how the workhorses shaped the modern world."
"Many inventions and discoveries upon which the modern world rest come from the great minds of ancient China."
"I'm glad to see that young love still happens in this strange modern world."
"The modern world would not exist without transistors."
"Ha ha, shit like that just doesn't happen anymore, man. The world's decided to collapse in on itself in other ways."
"The ancient world is on the verge of the second Persian war. The outcome will lay the foundation for the modern world."
"We're obsessed by peasant architecture because we're frightened of the modern world."
"It's unfortunate, but in today's world, people don't give a [ __ ] about your resume. They care about will somebody click on it."
"Flexibility is the most important single quality for success in the 21st century."
"It's no secret that in today's modern world loneliness is something of an epidemic."
"...these people who do have this kind of Puritan Streak For Better or Worse but you know want Doctrine to be pure want practice to be pure and are not comfortable with the accommodations with the modern world that so many Catholics have made even clerics."
"Calculus has infinitely many applications that are extremely important to our modern world."
"The modern world wouldn't exist without mathematics"
"To navigate the modern world and not fall behind, you need STEM skills."
"The haunting and paradoxical events of the modern world were on full display in Pittsburgh."
"Rothschild bonds played a crucial role in shaping the modern world."
"Being your authentic self in the modern world seems harder and harder to do."
"Maybe in today's world, the truth is the fairy tale."
"So potash itself is irreplaceable. It has helped us make the modern world what it is today."
"What would it look like for Jesus' followers to do the same thing today in our modern Western democracies or in the larger councils of the world?"
"We need a common understanding of what is the nature of the modern world."
"I think it's probably one of the key things in our modern world but the gets completely overlooked."
"The act of hurry is the greatest threat to spiritual life that we face in the modern world."
"Seeking stillness isn't about shunning the modern world, it's about finding pockets of peace amidst the noise."
"Our modern world doesn't know what to do with him because to argue with Chesterton is to lose."
"Without calculus, our modern-day world would not exist."
"Why is it that we our data is so difficult to manage in the modern world it seems like in fact we've gone backwards a bit."
"...to some extent, our excesses in engineering got us into this mess in the modern world; we need the same kind of ingenuity to get us out."
"The modern world demands a steep price that we are not free not to pay."
"The secret of the modern world lies in those strange places and in those long gone centuries."
"Singleness in today's modern world, how to navigate singleness, and to do it in a way to find fulfillment."
"Can the Bible make sense of the modern world?"
"Cotton's Empire inaugurated the modern word in which we all live today."
"It is often stated that the one constant in the modern world is change."
"Kring wanted to take the narrative structure and magical superhuman abilities of comic books and combine them with a grounded relatable setting of the modern world."
"Being a scald or scalded works or just poetry in general I think we need to see more of in our modern Norse pagan heathen world."
"I love seeing the modern world like bump up against them and them reacting to it I I don't want to bring a book concern which which I think is very a very real concern at least for me and that is the idea that a lot of what makes era 2 good are the arrow one callbacks."
"In today's world software really does run everything."
"We are living in crazy times as Christians."
"Some people might call me overprotective, but you just can't take chances in today's world."
"We're living in a world where there can be rapid success."
"You start to realize that, okay, there's a lot of people are questioning what's going on in the world these days in this electronic world."
"We are living in a dramatically different world today."
"It doesn't matter if you're a designer, an engineer, a student, or a business owner, creativity today is a fundamental skill."
"You become aware through a study of Diop's life not only of great issues that affect the history of African peoples but you also become aware of the tragedy of the modern world."
"Without long-distance communication, the modern world would not function as it does."
"Mathematicians can justly claim to have invented the modern world."
"I love living in a world where all of these things are possible."
"Education that is relevant to the world in which we live is definitely a component of it."
"The great achievements of the modern world are to understand how the world works."
"We're living in a world of extraordinary opportunity."
"Tesla practically invented the modern world, and the fact that we know so little about him is really a travesty."
"In a world like ours today, this is still a very good little citadel to hide on."
"We've never lived in a world like this."
"The whole world is too commercial now."
"World War II transformed the world into the shape as we know it today."
"This is the world we live in; this is the future we asked for, kids."
"Alaska, in the modern world, it truly is the last frontier."
"We're living in a world today where there is a very, very desperate need for enlightened beings."
"The world's changing at a much faster pace than it ever has before."
"The United States played a central part in crafting the modern world."
"There are a lot of opportunities out there now, especially in today's world."
"We live in a radically disintermediated world for better or worse."
"We don't have time for small talk, especially in 2024, the world is listening."
"If you want to see what is really special, what's really important in this country, you need to go and see those buildings constructed between 1760 and 1930 which are the buildings that created the modern world."
"We're living in a world where things that seemed impossible are here right now."
"We live in a world that is increasingly an economic one."
"That is your currency in today's world."
"The world is now a smaller place."
"You become the most important asset in this distracted world which is present."
"We can all agree that we live now in a world of seismic, unshakable, constant change."
"This is the most significant existential threat to democracy in the history of the modern world."
"We're living in a world where we have access to all sorts of data."
"The world today is full of anxiety."
"The important thing isn't about saving a civilization... but to achieve an inner state that is not of the modern world."
"This example demonstrates how the Internet helps to strengthen democracy in the modern world."
"The world as we know it is changing at a very fast pace."
"It's insane, right? It's insane and I'm here for it. What a world we live in."