
Community Learning Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Prior to social media, if you're going to get information, you're going to read a book, you're going to ask people, you're going to be in the community and learn from people around you."
"First and foremost, I want to thank the forums and Reddit for having the discussions they've had to allow me to gather so much information."
"Parents get a divorce I'm at a refugee camp we got people from Czech Afghanistan Pakistan Yugoslavia you know you know Poland and you're all in the community you're learning what it's like to get along with you to get along with this person."
"Let us use our collective knowledge to share what we know with other people so we can ask questions we can learn we can come away from this knowing a little more than we did before."
"Skillshare, as I'm sure you know, is one of the world's largest online learning communities."
"Start having book clubs so that as you read you can talk... See how it changes your business, how it changes your life."
"Sharing Brian's story, mistakes and all, we can create an opportunity for learning and teaching."
"Life is about a community of people learning and sharing."
"Let me know all of your thoughts and opinions because one of the best ways that I can learn is by learning from you guys."
"Each thing has its own feel... it really does take a village to teach people how to speedrun this."
"This is going to change how we study as a community."
"Scientists are often wrong but they are aware of it. They admit that they're wrong and then as a community move forward."
"The Minimalist lifestyle is an interesting experiment in moving together as a group and learning together."
"I train with people who are better than me, because by being with them, doing class with them, they automatically make me become good."
"Community makes you guys teach each other, and in turn, it results in a better"
"Join us on this journey of seeking knowledge together."
"I'm not an expert. I'm just a dude trying to share what I'm learning as I'm learning it."
"Collaborate and share your detailing tips to increase everyone's knowledge."
"I learned a lot, I learned a post of our community."
"I'm always interested in your comments and what you can do to help us all learn."
"I seek approval from God only, but the brothers that are righteous, I have to get my eyes opened. I'm like a sponge, I'm just trying to receive all the knowledge I can get so I can pass it on to other brothers."
"Thank you, Reddit for teaching me to be a decent human."
"I'd love to hear what you're challenging yourself to because I think we can all learn together."
"Learning alongside other creatives who just want to improve their skills is really inspiring."
"It's in community where I've learned to hear the voice of God."
"I'm just sharing with you all what I have and what I've learned, and then hopefully I can learn even more because of what you're going to tell me."
"This can be a lot of fun and together when we're all asking these questions."
"God don't make no mistakes and he allows things to happen so we can learn from these things and get better as a community as a people and as a world."
"Everyone is discovering new things you can do, sharing those things online, repeatedly exposing others to those things and infecting them with curiosity as well."
"This hasn't just been about us learning this process, it's been much more of recognizing who we are as the people of faith, unified together."
"Sharing all of our sewing information and knowledge is how we all get better."
"We're all here to learn, work together, and grow together."
"You guys taught us a lot, a lot of stuff. So yeah, you have renewed my love for me. Wow, that's awesome."
"Shout out to the fans who learned from us and who were kind."
"We want everyone to be able to learn from each other."
"I know you don't like to give timelines, but I've had people say, 'When is your new book coming?'"
"There's no internet so the children still left huddle together to learn." - Richard Engel
"We can all as a community learn from this together."
"Definitely looking forward to sorta evolving these patterns based on what we learn from the community."
"I've learned more from the folks that watch these videos and that send me comments or send me private messages or whatever I have learned more from you guys than anybody's probably learned from me."
"Public debate makes people understand a catastrophic problem or a difficult problem or simply a major problem when you could not just thinking about it get it you hear from others you discuss. Humanity has always learned from each other."
"I think it's very helpful that we can all learn from each other with actual experiences instead of paid reviews."
"Immersing yourself is not just you studying on your own, but it's also you having other people to encourage you to study or maybe other people who can help you study."
"For the next 15 years, children would live at home with their families during this time they would be educated by their parents, their relatives, and their local community on how to be a proper Aztec."
"That makes it so exciting for scientists to learn from everybody's experience."
"I promise you I do read them, so please don't stop them because that's how I do my learning, and also how other people do their learning as well."
"I've learned lessons from that community, and that's how I go about things."
"We can all learn together, that is my advice."
"We as the security community as a whole have the benefit to learn something from these leaks."
"We're learning a development community; we work with each other, we talk, we share."
"If you've got a different way you do it, let us know in the comments; we can all learn from each other."
"I love seeing what people have built from these tutorials; it really is good to see people learning."
"It's not just up to you to create a great place to learn, it's up to your kids too."
"I get good feedback, I feel good about learning, and then they're more willing to share and learn."
"We want people to make stuff, we want people to know how to make stuff, and we want them to learn it from each other here."
"It's perfect, good crowd, good people, we're learning in the middle of the winter when we would not be running at all."
"Whatever we learned we would show each other, each one teach one, but that's just like how we do it in Islam."
"Every single thing that people learn in the community can be applied toward any aspect of their life."
"If you believe in it, throw it out there; you might get something from somebody else, you might learn something."
"My carnivorous plant community is just amazing, it's growing, I'm learning so much from you guys."