
American Values Quotes

There are 1091 quotes

"Americans have a right to know all they can about a war they're implicated in. Freedom of speech is our birthright."
"I work hard and I think that's what the American people should expect."
"Our power, the American superpower, is our democracy, is the fact that we live in conflict all the time."
"Our country is grounded on the idea that our creator endowed us with certain unalienable rights."
"Our American liberty is your God-given right."
"None of us are perfect, and we're the people we are because of what we do with our mistakes. It's a symbol of the fabric of America."
"It's not just economics that we're going to talk about tonight. We're going to ask what it means to American democracy."
"Freedom of speech, baby, it's what America's all about. It makes America a stronger place, a better place."
"America was founded on freedom: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly."
"The generation born during and after the fall of the Soviet Union is abandoning core American values and embracing socialism."
"When we sent our boys to Normandy, they didn't leave one person down on the battlefield. They ran back, they put themselves in danger. That's what we do. That's who we are as Americans."
"I am a free speech zealot myself. I believe that's part of what it means to be American."
"That's the power of American capitalism: it's actually unifying people."
"Our freedom, our liberty, our independence, the Fourth of July is a sacred day in our country, a day of history, of hope, remembrance, and resolve, of promise and possibilities."
"I'm certainly not prepared to take anything down off the Statue of Liberty. We have a long history of being one of the most welcoming nations in the world."
"Non-compliance is like a truly American virtue... it's what basically birthed this country."
"Identity politics... it's called equality. Look into it. It's called America."
"The notion that it's completely American to just sort of say, 'I'm not going to do whatever you tell me,' I think is wrong."
"America is false to the past, false to the present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the future."
"Social Security...stands as a monument to decency, dignity, and birthright of hard-working Americans."
"This is America. People fought and died for these principles. Not because they're a joke, but because we have freedoms that distinguish us from the rest of the world."
"Freedom, personal freedom, is fundamental to who we are as Americans. There's nothing more important, nothing more sacred."
"This kind of setup is not how America was built; it's not even capitalism, really."
"The American experience has been built around the idea that dangerous things happen with the excessive accumulation of power in the hands of the few."
"We have the tools to confront these challenges, to promote American values and interests around the world, to advance the safety, health, and economic well-being of all Americans."
"We are Americans. We look out for people; we don't turn our backs."
"It's dangerous because it's a radically anti-democratic ideology. It rejects the principles of pluralism and equality that represent the best of the American promise."
"We need to inoculate our kids and allow them and teach them to appreciate our American values: honesty, individual responsibility, hard work, equality under God."
"Even if you disagree with someone's speech, you'll defend their right to express themselves. That's a value that we need as Americans and that's a value that we need online."
"This kind of political violence is not normal, it is Un-American."
"At that point in time, I have never in my life been so proud and so very happy to be an American."
"Since we were little kids, we learn America is special and it is. We do hold the power here, not some dictator or tyrannical murderer. We have the say."
"Americans like to celebrate our long history of free expression and, as a result, we really hate when something looks or even just feels like censorship."
"Now is the time to keep faith with the American people."
"A lot of these principles are not just conservative; they're just basic American principles."
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free."
"Why can't we have ethnic studies that's taught in a pro-American way, in a way that honors the pluralism and the wonderful value of all these different ethnicities and cultures that have contributed to the fabric of America?"
"The wonderful thing about America: we believe that no one is above the law."
"America the country is much better off when America the government respects America the country."
"I'm aware that there are forces, powerful forces at work in this country, that would dominate us, substituting a kind of regimentation for the competitive system which has made America great among nations."
"The beauty of America is you don't have to give a crap what I think."
"The beauty of the country is that you don't have to care what I think."
"What sets America apart from the rest of the world is the drive to reach our fullest potential."
"Muhammad Ali, he is the GOAT. He has put everything on the line for what he believes in and that's what a true American does."
"America is about the pursuit of a more perfect union. The pursuit of happiness. America is about the pursuit."
"We're the first nation to put freedom of religion in the Constitution... the idea of America is that if you invent it, you own it."
"The greatest strategic advantage for America has always been the fact that our country has stood for values shared by humanity."
"The American way of life means you follow the law, you work hard, you honor God, you raise your kids with strong values."
"The premise that we’re all created equal is the opening line in the American story. And while we don’t promise equal outcomes, we have strived to deliver equal opportunity -- the idea that success doesn’t depend on being born into wealth or privilege, it depends on effort and merit."
"Protecting our hard-fought American Way of life is one of the greatest gifts we can pass on to the next generation."
"The correct message, the true conservative message is that you are an American, we love you, and we're gonna do whatever it takes to facilitate the best quality of life for you and for your family."
"That's America, and the American people in a nutshell: we're given the freedom to fail, which means we're given the freedom to succeed, and we're held accountable for our failures."
"I love the United States, and I'm not going to let what's going on right now run me out of it. I'd rather stay and fight because I don't think there's any better place than America to me."
"We demand equality before the law, making the law supreme and inflexible."
"Americans tend to think that civil rights are paramount."
"America's values, human rights are a strategic interest of the United States."
"E pluribus unum - from many, one. And that one thing that we had in common was the idea of liberty and freedom and justice for all."
"Thomas Jefferson said American democracy can only survive if it's based on tens of thousands of independent freeholds owned by individual Americans."
"We exercised our first amendment rights there was no pepper spray, no chemicals used, no confrontations. We got our point across and it showed the greatness of America."
"America is a great place; it just needs some more love and pride."
"What makes America great is the spirit, the American spirit that resides in each of us."
"We are about the pursuit of a more perfect union... We're a lot further along than we were 250 years ago."
"The true foundation of American exceptionalism should be our capacity for moral and constitutional renewal, not our instinct for self-destruction."
"The architecture of America rests fundamentally on a Bedrock of Christianity without which the entire thing falls apart."
"America is the greatest country in the world, but not for the reasons you think it is."
"There's almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president."
"The great freedom of being an American woman is that we can decide how to build our lives, whom to marry, what kind of person we are and where we want to go."
"Being an American involves the embrace of high ideals and civic responsibility."
"If we wish to have a country at all, people who hope to be part of the American bargain are going to have to use things like reason and discussion."
"Donald Trump is trying to act like a king, and we don't have kings in the United States of America."
"That tradition, the great speculation, the respect for other people's inner lives and their inner choices and their freedom, that is what America should stand for."
"The common American philosophy is expressed beautifully in the Declaration of Independence."
"This experiment we call America is worth defending."
"We are Americans. We're supposed to stand up to bullies."
"I would love to see America embrace a little bit more meritocracy in their system."
"I'm optimistic about the American people... they're not going to walk away from the Republic that they inherited."
"Every right and liberty we know is what makes the American justice system unique."
"Most Americans believe the decision to have a child is one of the most sacred decisions there is."
"America remains the greatest country on Earth, not because the government is so spectacular, but because Americans are great, because Americans care for each other."
"This country is about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It's about freedom of expression and freedom of speech. These are core principles of America."
"It strikes me as just like a profoundly anti-American thing to do, to try to ruin somebody's livelihood because you disagree with them politically."
"Americans are fundamentally decent people; they don't like to see their money, their guns, and their government supporting what has now been called the plausible genocide by the highest court of the world."
"America is an idea that all men and women are created equal, that everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity."
"It is the processes and liberties guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution that have allowed for the massive change that has led to racial equality in the United States."
"I'm the product of this country's compassionate, welcoming embrace to millions of people."
"The beauty for me of America is it's a place where your destiny is constructed by you."
"Let's restore the basic idea of the American bargain, go back to the Declaration of Independence, its founding principles, and the basic ideas that brought America together as a country."
"The civil rights movement was a grand and glorious movement... it presented itself and was understood by the American people as consistent with the principles of the founding."
"Americans have something all those who were forced to bend the knee did not: a constitution, a Bill of Rights, rule of law."
"America matters, and America's traditions matter, and the American tradition of freedom matters."
"Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-nazis, white supremacist, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans."
"We are Americans and we believe in liberty, individual liberty."
"We've got to passionately affirm the American ideal of treating people as individuals, which we are in danger of losing forever."
"The idea of rugged independence, of freedom of speech, of the idea that you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps, these ideas now that we try and paint or the left tries to paint as extremism, they used to be truths held to be self-evident."
"Part of what makes our country great is that our membership is based not on our bloodline, not on what we look like, what our last names are. It's not based on where our parents or grandparents came from or how recently they arrived, but on adherence to a common creed that all of us are created equal."
"The American tradition prioritizes free speech for democracy, not civility."
"We as black Americans have always wanted what the Constitution stated: All men, black, white, and today Latino, Asian, Italian, etc., should be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness."
"If you can show me a country whose mission statement is better than those truths that we hold self-evident, that all men are created equal, I'll lose my Americanism."
"It's so anti-American...free speech is so important to a free society."
"America is America because we overcome adversity and challenges. That is how we were born. That's what we have done all our life. We overcome challenges."
"If you are an undocumented immigrant and you've been living here peacefully and contributing to the American economy... and you get into a car accident, you should die? That's the alternative? Hence the values and freedoms that made this country so desirable in the first place. I think that's just wrong."
"The true genius of America is a faith in simple dreams, an insistence on small miracles."
"I believe that every American has a fundamental right to breathe clean air and drink clean water."
"There's people coming here genuinely to like, some, bro, there's some people that come here, they're more patriotic than [__] Americans."
"We will not rest until every American enjoys the fullness of freedom, dignity, and opportunity as our birthright. It is our birthright as citizens of this great Republic."
"We will win because America was built on truth and on decency."
"Free speech is the bedrock of American democracy. Our founding fathers protected this sacred right with the First Amendment to the Constitution."
"The freedom to experience your own land, your own dirt, your own mountains, your own rivers, these are cornerstones of the American experiment."
"We're talking about justice, we're talking about freedom, we're talking about a lot of the fundamental principles that are so important to us as Americans."
"There's a very American ideal that I will die for freedom, I will die for the right to make my own decisions."
"What America represents to me is one of the most profound and brilliant things ever... the government is derived from the will of the people."
"We are the United States. That is the country. That is the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence."
"We are a nation defined by principles and values that are enshrined in the Constitution...but when you take a look at how we're actually governed, we don't believe in any of that."
"America's founding principles are explicitly couched in universal human terms. That is why the United States has been able to adapt to a more diverse population."
"The left is pushing... a false narrative about you. They say that you are a racist if you believe in America's systems. They're pushing a false narrative about America's founding principles and using that as a fake crisis in order to ram through tremendous change to a system that is not only functional but is the greatest system created in the history of mankind."
"The intersection of law and politics is a battleground where the soul of America is at stake."
"Being American is about having freedom to think and choose your own decisions and be able to debate but still be American."
"We have friends and allies because America is a force for good in the world."
"For most of American history, the Judeo-Christian value system was the value system that simply prevailed."
"Americans think through a lens of capitalism, opportunity, and freedom."
"The right to vote is one of our foundational principles here in America."
"The First Amendment is one of the greatest things about this country."
"Education should focus on logical thinking, critical thinking, more than anything else. That's the true beauty of the American system."
"It's weird, you know, to grow up in America with the adage of 'I don't have to agree with what you say but I'll defend to my death your right to say it.'" - Joseph Arthur
"Freedom, equal opportunity, pursuit of happiness."
"In America you should be free to do what you want if you aren't hurting anyone else."
"Small business is the backbone of the American economy."
"We must build a better immigration system that reflects our values as Americans, enforces our laws, safeguards public health, and moves away from cycles of irregular migration."
"The key to maintaining [freedom and prosperity] is a coherent America that believes in its values."
"A vote for my father Donald J. Trump is a vote to uphold our American ideals."
"We don't settle our differences in America with a riot, a mob, or a bullet or a hammer."
"For me, being an American is not an accident of birth; it's not 'hey, I happen to be born in a particular state.' No, we were born outside the country, I came here, I love this country, I want to defend the ideas and the ideals that it stands for."
"We're a pro-American movement, and if you stand for those values, we're on the same team."
"A conservative is someone who conserves the ideals of the American Founding."
"I want the 2020s to be our decade of celebrating what still binds us together as one people: the American ideals."
"The thing that nobody said could happen just happened anything can happen in America because of how beautiful our system is."
"An independent press is not a liberal ideal or a progressive ideal or a democratic ideal; it's an American ideal."
"Nothing irritates me more than the president of the US saying it's not about Freedom it's about safety America is freedom"
"We need a president that believes truly in every American being able to have shared Prosperity by their own two hands."
"We don't believe that guns everywhere philosophy as Americans is consistent with our heritage and certainly isn't consistent with our Public Safety."
"This is a nation that was founded by people who were open to immigration."
"If you value American exceptionalism, the rule of law, the Constitution, and you're rooting for our duly-elected and beloved President Donald John Trump... then you have come to the right place."
"To fight the medical war, we've mobilized the unbeatable strength of American determination, ingenuity, and compassion."
"This is America and we have to keep on knocking."
"We love america we love our freedoms we love the bill of rights."
"Children should not have to sleep on the ground, huddle under miler blankets—this is the United States of America, we can and we must do better as a country."
"That's fundamental within the American order... freedom of speech."
"It's just great to have those principles that we grew up understanding were a fundamental right of ours as American citizens as humans and then protected by our government would be there for us."
"You cannot tell me that it is in the conservative or American values to say that the best opportunity for future leadership is yesterday's leadership."
"The flag is a symbol of E Pluribus Unum, our credo. Out of many, one."
"That's what makes America great: we can exchange ideas and work for the betterment of all of us."
"All men have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"He's a guy that loves America, which means you can't sit a vote out. If you love America and you truly are a patriot, you lose the option to not vote."
"Don't let believing that get in the way of making America better."
"We're still the United States of America. Those words meant something."
"Standing up for human rights is in the DNA of Americans."
"The traditional American virtues of vigilance, adaptation, and innovation, we're confident will see us through."
"You're the voice of American exceptionalism. We should be proud of that. The world needs VOA's clarion call for freedom now more than ever."
"Freedom. Liberty. Democracy. American democracy."
"Freedom. Liberty. Democracy is still a sacred cause."
"America is targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world."
"Let's get our priorities straight: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"The core ideas of the American experiment are now under fire."
"I don't think the American people are particularly radical, particularly corrupt, or particularly vicious. Quite the opposite actually."
"Like General Pickens, all of us here today are in a battle for American Liberty and Independence."
"The underlying fundamentals of America are eternal and good."
"It's incredibly American to be deeply selfish."
"Masks are an instrument of freedom for Americans."
"In the end, it's our ideals, our values, that built America."
"Say your prayers, eat your vitamins, be true to yourself, treat your country, be a real American."
"Your identity is an American individual with freedom and opportunity."
"It's a freedom issue. We're talking about America and the Constitution and what they can mandate in the laws."
"There's nothing more American than protesting for your rights."
"I think the average American is actually pretty honest and pretty solid. I think unfortunately, you know, we've got what the founders created, the greatest political system the world has ever seen."
"No one is saying America's perfect, but we have the documents written to fix things."
"When you begin to judge people based on race creed call a sexual orientation a country of origin that's antithetical to what American values are."
"The progressive left is trying to make America into a grievance culture when in fact we've always stood on the foundation of greatness."
"We need to get back to a core American value of trust."
"America treats capitalism and democracy as these two very sacrosanct elements of our founding... let's field the best team right."
"Nothing should be censored here... it's un-American."
"I'm very sorry for what happened to you. Shouldn't happen in America."
"A strong and proud America is a safe America."
"It means you're pursuing life, liberty, and happiness right? That's uniquely American."
"America is the last best hope on earth." - Dennis Prager
"Freedom is the American way. Live free and die free."
"I still believe in this country, I still believe in America, I still believe in the principles that make this country the greatest on earth."
"I'm for freedom. I mean, I love this great country."
"For all its imperfections, America is still the beacon to the world, an ideal to be realized, promised to be kept. There's nothing more important, nothing more Destiny."
"Fundamentally though bro, the point of America is all men are created equal everybody's entitled to the same opportunities."
"Americans are culturally confident, self-reliant, patriotic, procreative, religious, democratic, constitutional rednecks who believe in national sovereignty rather than ineffectual poser multilateralism."
"The best candidate for me is the candidate who says in America rights come from God."
"We're getting back to where America should be."
"We need to restore our American values and we need responsible gun ownership."
"We need more freedom in America, lower taxes, less government regulation, and a lot less government spending."
"Now's our time to continue to choose and secure the sacred cause of American democracy."
"The soul of an American is defined by the sacred proposition that all are created equal in the image of God."
"America has elevated Freedom, kept its promise to the world."
"Buffets speak to an American dining culture that prizes consistency, value, and choice."
"I don't want to tell you how to live... I just want to have life liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
"We Americans pride ourselves on a culture of free speech."