
Cultural Differences Quotes

There are 848 quotes

"A happy and thriving relationship can look very different across different cultures."
"In many ways, Canada and the United States are very similar culturally... yet the moment you cross the border, you feel a bit more lightness."
"Especially when you escape the black community, right? You can tell people the stuff that you see that you might deem as normal, and when you get in these other rooms, they don't see it as normal necessarily."
"The world is incredibly diverse, but it's also understanding that outside of the Western World, the rest of mankind lives in very unique and very different ways of life."
"Women in different cultures tend to wear different clothing, but it's not as though the biology of an English woman is different from the biology of an Indian woman."
"You don't see any other wizards walking around waggling wands in people's faces. That's pretty rude no matter where you're from, am I right?"
"They are Romeo and Juliet; they are West Side Story because they came from two worlds and they came together."
"My middle-class lifestyle in the US is better than a rich person's lifestyle in mainland China."
"You're tweaking 'cause you just heard some gunshots. Where do you live, not America?"
"Muslims are marrying much more than non-Muslims. Muslims in Muslim societies have far higher rates of marriage than current liberal societies."
"Each culture has a different orientation to the world, whether that be to nature, to each other, and even to time."
"The West focuses on sculpture and the Islamic world is more of a calligraphic textile art aesthetic."
"The reason for this isn’t because the United States or Europe have different eggs from each other – it actually comes down to the washing process, or lack thereof."
"How was your Fourth of July? Well, I am Canadian, so I quite honestly couldn't care less about the Fourth of July, if I'm being honest."
"The highest percentage of depressed people in the world is in North American cities; the lowest percentage of depressed people in the world are in rural communities in Africa."
"The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there."
"There's a reason we have a bunch of people with us today, and the reason is today we're going to talk a lot about cultural differences."
"You mean the patriarchy won't let you wear a dress? I don't know about your country, but I can wear a dress anytime I want."
"We must move beyond our differences in ideas and cultures across generations as we strive to transcend the boundaries of nationality, race, and gender."
"It's like romantic in Korea, and then here we're like, 'I'm stuck in the washing machine, step bro.'"
"The language you speak can literally change how you see the world."
"Westerners think in a linear fashion... Easterners tend to see things as a series of interrelated pieces."
"The bigger point here is that there are very real psychological and processing differences between different cultures."
"It's not like good side bad side... it's just a Clash of Civilizations."
"In Korea...when you go to a restaurant or when you buy something there's no taxes...and when you go to a restaurant...you don't have to pay tip."
"That's how Americans see Earth: the world is just a cat playing with Australia."
"Morality varies across cultures and nations... Left and right were as different as different countries. We lived in different moral worlds."
"I spent the majority of 2023 overseas... other than family, is there stuff that you realize you were missing? Mexican food."
"In Dubai, they don't like the Flintstones but Abu Dhabi do."
"In Europe... their job isn't like their main source of pride... I would much rather live my life... I want to work so I could live, not live to work."
"Growing up in a Mennonite culture, I feel like some Mennonites have been taught that other people, if they look different in the way we do, they're bad."
"You go to Europe and you feel lighter. That's because they're moving. We never go anywhere without hopping in a car, also avoiding walking at all costs."
"Your brain has never been on page with Hollywood."
"China, culturally different from America, reacts differently to crises."
"Does somebody in upstate New York have more in common with Manhattan or with Pennsylvania? Obviously Pennsylvania, no question about that."
"Millennials can take a joke implying that the Zoomers cannot."
"In Scandinavia politeness signifies something else here it's polite not to inconvenience it's polite not to interfere it's polite to let them be."
"If you're going to judge people's merit based on just country of origin, you cannot pretend that all countries of origin are equally likely to produce the same level of assimilatable citizens. That would just be silly; it's obviously untrue."
"Why do Eastern people not like randomized controlled trials?"
"Do you think that trying to give somebody a really hearty, fatty, meaty meal at the beginning of the day is like their body's not ready for it?"
"I meet women coming from Somalia and Egypt and Iran which is a kind of you know talk about a Handmaid's Tale I mean that's like 1984 for women."
"Being mean and horrible is easy I can assure you for me to sit here and slag somebody off it's so easy but actually trying to be slag is such a good word I wish we used that here in America more destructive."
"If I pick up any of the Viz Originals, this is American and it's primarily published in the West. So even though it's still manga, the reading orientation here was done from left to right because that was the decision."
"Everything that we enjoy in the West that we think is normal is actually absolutely not the norm around the world."
"There's obviously going to be some personal, cultural, and religious differences in the weddings."
"I do see mandelic acid a lot in Eastern skincare but not as much in the USA which I don't know why, we need to catch the (beep) up."
"Confucianism was labeled as a religion by the Western popular imagination."
"There's so many great qualities of Americans, there's a ton of entitlement that I find exceedingly irritating that Aussies simply don't have."
"Innocent until proven guilty. Remember, UK is totally different to us."
"I sympathize with Ben's need. Hummus right out of the tub because I do the same thing with tzatziki."
"The Americans respect talent which we don't because of the hangover of the British. We are jealous people, petty-minded, so on so this is something that we need to acquire."
"Let's talk about cultural differences that may actually if we want to talk about solutions within these communities not just brow beat and go white people aren't doing enough for the indigenous community first off that's a stupid term."
"The things that are the same about the great religions are the most important thing, and the things that are different, we should look at where those things might be cultural inflections."
"The left does not operate on the same meme wavelength as the right."
"There are cultures that have not demonized gay people, yet they still exist. Demonization doesn't determine their existence."
"Recitation in the UK is different from the East."
"While Kirby was always intended to be pink, on the American box art for Kirby's Dreamland, the first game in the series, he was actually white."
"Women are more promiscuous here than back home."
"I grew up in Louisville Kentucky, so that's not a sensible thing to do when you grow up there."
"The Eastern Empire because the differences in language tradition and custom and not mutual understanding and tolerance or different ways of celebrating the faith led to the church's growing apart."
"If you're just a kid in the middle of England or the middle of the US who doesn't have family who understands this..."
"White people have a lot of room to let their hair grow out."
"Progressivism really does seem to believe that if there were no oppression happening, then everyone, every person, every group, every culture would be the same."
"Victory, if yes, what's worked in Saudi and UAE etc., is still not working with the western world and that should tell you a lot."
"The contrasting fates of black men and women highlight the importance of cultural compatibility."
"It's quite like a stark difference between the UK side and the American side."
"Without you yeah I never heard that in the midwest I didn't play from playing the Spokane."
"But one time we went to vacation in Utah to visit my dad's family and my dad's family got upset that we didn't speak English."
"This series is an homage to the offcuts, body parts that in the West get thrown in the trash."
"There's a big difference between the way the press works in Britain and the way it works in the United States."
"I understand the main thing is the whole ambush thing. But the thing is, I'm from the mainland. I don't know, right?"
"Germans from this era constantly made fun of Americans for wanting cup holders in their cars."
"I think he's boat in China, definitely Japan though."
"Nobody forgot to take a propaganda banner innocent roti give me two chili let me talk good hostess."
"Travel is fraught with cultural differences. Celebrate them ...it's fun...that's why we're here."
"Failure is a career ender in Russia, but in a learning organization, you fail better."
"If you walked in with potato salad, it's like, 'Who the [ __ ] is this guy?'"
"I had a conversation with a local named Kiko... Dominicans value their time with family and friends much more than Americans."
"And I'm saying black American women because the only good relationship I've ever had with a black woman was one that was not even from America."
"Washington Post and Bloomberg op-ed writers are telling us we should lower our expectations and live more like Europeans by simply getting used to the idea of empty store shelves."
"What was so patently wrong about slavery in the eyes of Western civilization of the past two centuries was almost incomprehensible to many non-Westerners."
"The stickiness of religion is not nearly what it is in the west as it is in other parts of the world."
"She basically said, 'When you slice through the [ __ ], I want to go to America but I don't want to kiss David.'"
"If a man do not have social skills to be succeeded dating in his own country, why the hell he thinks it can be succeeded?"
"It's important to understand that the way people in Asian countries, especially Japan, view the supernatural isn't the same as Americans or Europeans view them."
"What cracks me about New Yorkers is that they go to LA and try to get a bacon egg and cheese."
"Pineapple doesn't belong on a pizza, it just doesn't belong."
"In the US, Doctor Who is like nerd niche fandom television; in the UK, it's like just what's on on Sunday nights, it's not this prestige television we're making it out to me."
"Chinese netizens flooded the comments section with sarcastic remarks."
"Women overseas tend to have a lot more substance."
"Caffeine's never going to make that right, um, you know the adderall stuff, no one's popping that without a medical exemption anymore, it was never big in Europe anyway."
"This isn't us throwing shade, but bro, we're not gonna sit here and cap. It is easier to pull Colombian chicks in Colombia as an American citizen than it is here in Miami."
"Aesthetics Define what looks good and what doesn't look good, of course what looks good is cultural."
"I kind of like the American way of being more direct with each other, having less Small Talk."
"Melania was one of the most successful models… In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common."
"When I met Ted in 1988, I had no word to describe him, but only because I didn’t speak German. Thank you Germans, for ‘Backpfiefengesicht‘."
"I don't know why people live in a world where they get offended by other people having an opinion that's not theirs."
"Below could explain... in the states it's really common to call stepmoms by their first name."
"Ridiculous in the NFL ownership is different in American sports compared to soccer football."
"What if I told you that Western music does not use all the notes that exist?"
"You have to understand that different countries, different cultures, you're working in Korea now."
"It blows my mind when I go to other countries and the cops don't have guns."
"If you're in Japan there's one understanding, if you're in China there's another understanding, if you're in the United States, yeah you know there's still another understanding."
"The culture war issues are the places where the progressive left is the most separated from the rest of the American population."
"Explicit language in everyday life is more accepted in Germany."
"The prevalence of smoking in Germany surprises Americans."
"Physical distance awareness in Germany is just brutal for Americans."
"This racism that's baked into Chinese society, it's just accepted and it will blow your mind. It will blow your mind, anyone from a Western country that's been PC their whole life."
"I nearly fell out of my skin because they were so polar opposite from the garbage that was being portrayed to us here in the USA."
"We do it our way. They did it their way. It's beautiful."
"I think it's weird when you're like it bothers you that people have accents."
"What separates America from China? Ideas. We believe in freedom, they believe in oppression."
"Nothing is cut and dry, and even within the Dunmer houses that want to resist the empire, there exist cultural differences and ancient rivalries."
"The point still stands that unlike Western dragons, Eastern dragons have never appeared in folklore as the big bad monster the hero had to slay."
"I wanted to explore elements of Japanese cuisine more alien to the Western palate."
"The things that make different populations function differently have to do with a lot of arbitrary things that are not inherent to the creature."
"Yeah, man, I don't know. I don't really have green fans, and Americans all over, oh, they're all gonna hate you guys!"
"You know nobody's tripping about you out here like for the most part you'd have to really be on some weird [__] to be from Chicago and to have like serious problems in LA if you've never even been out here before."
"Is this something that you can handle, knowing that he's never going to be completely American?" - Friend
"Disparities between racial groups are normal due to different histories, demographics, and cultures."
"Something so simple was so odd to me. I'd never had the privilege of sharing a meal with either of my grandparents."
"It Ain't Easy to figure out what is going on in a very different culture and in a very different political system."
"You're only talking about yourself. You're not listening to what we're finding over here in the West."
"The feeling is that it's always Portuguese press which is fine but the reality is that we've not really had much English press."
"This career mode is quickly becoming one of the best, legit, the one to beat on this shed."
"Like salt so that's why they're called crisps and not chips. Is that crazy?"
"Mental health can't even be fully defined without a cultural backdrop because what it means to be well changes based on culture."
"A very big contrast drawn between the way China envisions the world and the way the West views the world."
"We seem to ignore the European experience as valid in the United States."
"There's a massive lack of drama, and I really love that about the Japanese virtual YouTuber community."
"Brazilians eat a lot less fast food and a lot more fruit and veg than the British."
"While Ne Quittez Pas might sound strange to Westerners, is it really any weirder than Botox injections and fake tans?"
"There's always an agenda and it always seems to be with the foreign players."
"I guess my resistance is because so often the idea that differences between groups are cultural is understood as intrinsic."
"What separates a person in Mexico from a person in America? Nothing except a border."
"Just because our lifestyles are different doesn't mean you won't show respect to that person."
"It seems like they do things a little bit differently in Russia."
"These are the kind of people that are in China because of the girls, because of the cheap booze, because of the cheap food."
"In America, it's a different culture, it's completely different."
"At no point is that mirror ever going to be held up to people in China and in other countries who are hostile not just to the United States but to our values." - The importance of accountability and self-reflection.
"I did not eat grits until my older age, but they got different types of grits cause some people like sugar in their grits, me personally, I like cheese and eggs mixed in the [__]."
"Sorry, we're Progressive unlike your [bleep] hole state of Missouri."
"The existence of people who make radically different choices from you is proof that society is free, not that it's broken."
"It's crazy that these little kids just take the trains by themselves and they go to school. So responsible. So many responsibilities that they get to take care of."
"European vampires, while deadly and seductive, are probably the least terrifying imagining of a blood-sucking immortal."
"Isn't it crazy that we're all human beings, yet if I were to land in Korea, I can't communicate with the same species? It's [__] crazy!"
"Reading Lawrence has taught me much about risks and challenges of trying to intervene in a culture that is so alien to your own."
"Sweden has better candy than America. Better candy, or better snacks, but everything's fresh."
"We need more of the Alaska type mentality around the lower 48, don't we?"
"We wanted to find out all the differences between Wendy's in Japan and the US."
"A lot of our problems between us and China boiled down to cultural differences, and I think you really just hit it right on the head there because in America, you know, we're always going to value our freedom over anything else."
"From calorie count to portion sizes, we wanted to find out all the differences between McDonald's in Japan and the U.S. This is Food Wars."
"In Japan, one drumstick of original chicken on average has 237 calories."
"There's a subtle but important difference between a stuffed animal museum and a taxidermy museum."
"China, like Russia, is a remarkable civilization... but not conducive to the values and institutions that the people in the United States and our allies hold dear."
"When in a culture that uh, corrects for where there's what that are egalitarian that treat men and women equally before the law and in the culture the differences between men and women actually exaggerate."
"Race in antiquity was more about culture than appearance."
"Most common opinion: Japanese version much better than English."
"Five Guys in France uses these chips to prevent you from getting refills like in America."
"I think it's underwritten in some people that they automatically go in on the foreign players more than they go on the British players."
"You can't go wrong with Jamaican food bro, but what's the difference between Haitian food and Jamaican food though."
"He can say that, British judge, you can't say it but you can think it."
"Heroes may be a generic term for us in the US, but in Japan, they call him yuusha, which is almost synonymous with Dragon Quest."
"Because it's like I mean in Sweden like and and do you just do you um I mean not only they probably have better leadership."
"Now obviously sometimes people die. Wow, we're getting real dark. Bereavement leave is something that you would really expect at the end of the day for both countries to have but they don't."
"In all cultures, men and women are seen as having different natures."
"That's how the fans see anime, and then if you're like watching it through the eyes of you know some normal non weap eyes, then then you see okay maybe it's entertaining maybe it's cool but it's not like life for meaning fulfillment."
"Islam tells women they are equal with men but different."
"Every time in the UK... it's a British version of that."
"Our name in the around the world outside of the United States is the planet."
"If you tried to pitch that in America, people would've been like, 'What?'"
"Haitian food is vastly different from that of the Bahamas."
"End in two days in India I think the world sort of does look the other way."
"This conversation wouldn't happen in China, this conversation wouldn't happen in places that don't have free speech."
"The winter of 1917, considered horrendous by the Europeans, was mild by Canadian standards."
"Gator jerky is actually very good. I don't understand why some people don't like the idea of it."
"Americans have quite different tastes when it comes to cargo and passenger vans than in the rest of the world."
"The fact that I can speak English should be already something I should be decorated with, not you know not insulted by a Danish guy who actually gets teached English pretty well at school. Come on."
"But like obviously Koreans don't reach out to me to the same regards... but a Korean player in uske yes okay."
"The exchange rate is massive between Baht and most European American currencies so the kids would always be like, 'It's only a few hundred quid in our money or whatever.'"
"It won't work in small town in Rural America but Urban America will end up looking like the Netherlands."
"It's sad to see the American comic book market compared to Japan's."
"What applies to some part of rural Amazonia somewhere is not going to apply to Urban India."
"Some people fail to bring up the fact that prettiness... can vary from place to place."
"Next week, I'm going to talk about Korean handwriting. I got lots of comments and messages from my student that it's very difficult to read native people's handwriting because it's different from us, different from the computer font of course."
"It's just a weird movie, I feel like if this was like an anime, this would probably be like their most loved thing."
"Europeans visiting an American store might be left doing a double take at their bill when they reach the register."
"I don't understand fenit I don't understand pounds I think the measure here in America they're very like I don't know why you guys you want to complicate your life do everything in grams do everything like in centimeter it's so easy."
"So there it is again, and I know that most of you will disagree with me on this culturally speaking, but empirically speaking, there's no harm or problem with a big age difference in two adults being in a relationship together."
"If you ask the Western player base, they want something different."
"Jokes and comedy differ from culture to culture. What some people find funny, others will not."
"The difference between you and Donald Trump is that his grandchildren will be raised Jewish."
"People on the west coast, they're nice but they're not kind."
"Alcohol was always a good one, but only if you're over 18. Or 21 in the US, I think."
"An agricultural society might have a very different sense of divinity or the divine than a nomadic society."
"Life is short, but it is a different ball game in a country where obviously the culture is you go by a certain way."
"People don't really understand [ __ ] don't [ __ ] around like that out here."
"I don't know if I'm being brave or stupid, I just thought in America you just say what you think."
"If the shoe was on the other foot, do you think that the Chinese officials would be treating a situation with kid gloves? Not in your life."
"Navigating Interpersonal Waters: A Story of Cultural Misunderstanding."