
Life Direction Quotes

There are 437 quotes

"The roadblocks are showing you what your strengths are and these roadblocks are showing you what is for you and what is not for you."
"Your life begins to materialize around what you think about yourself and what you're saying to yourself."
"You are being shown what direction you need to take in life."
"Understanding the difference between happiness and fulfillment is key to feeling good about the direction of your life."
"You're literally going down the river trying to swim in the opposite direction; the universe is like please, I'm taking you to where you're trying to go, just flow with it."
"It is time to get uprooted a little bit so that you can plant yourself where you're actually meant to go."
"The trajectory of your life bends in the direction of your habits."
"Your word is a lamp and a light that guides me and gives me direction in life."
"Dreams are dots on the map of your life that pull you in a direction you're meant to go, but you might never end up there because you're meant to end up somewhere else."
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your entire life."
"Your potential in life is so amazing, so vast, you could take your life in any direction you want."
"In your 40s... it really is a fork in the road moment."
"You're the one that has to look for what you want to do, where you want to take your life."
"Your thoughts have incredible power over the direction of your life, but the good news is you have incredible power over where your thoughts are taking you."
"Acknowledge the Lord in all of your ways, and he'd direct your path."
"Values focus on what we become rather than what we achieve, keeping us moving in a direction that matters to us."
"Find your purpose, everything else can fall into proper alignment when you figure out where you're going."
"I can say confidently it's not a direction I thought the wind was gonna blow me in, but here we are."
"Memory is not a photocopy; memory is not a documentary. Memory is an act of emotionally infusing narratives that can either guide your life to a better or a worse destination."
"If you don't know what to do with your life, make a damn plan."
"Wherever you look, that is where you are headed. So if you're always noticing what you do not have, you're headed into more of the 'I do not have it.'"
"A book about someone who has absolutely no idea what they want to do in life."
"If you do not have direction in life, you will never get tired of developing your link with your maker."
"There's no neutral ground when it comes to the direction our lives are moving in."
"Whatever direction you're moving in life, technology will amplify that."
"Your purpose is greater than going down the rabbit hole."
"You gotta know where you are to decide where you're going to go. Otherwise, you don't even know what direction you're going in. You could be heading backwards for, you know, years."
"The path forward, your future, whatever you've been waiting for, is going to be revealed to you."
"Every decision we make either takes us closer or farther away from ourselves."
"Ultimately that's directing your own life I don't know it's kind of cheesy but this is why I got that tattoo."
"You're gonna feel exactly that you should be where you are but moreover, you know where you're going now."
"We're in a valley of decision... we have to decide who we're going to serve."
"The real challenge happened when I told my father I'm not taking over your churches."
"Falling in a dream is a red flag from your subconscious that's something in your life... is going in the wrong direction."
"You need to figure that out, like you can't just be confused. You need to figure out where your head is at, where you going in life."
"I don't know where I'm going in life, and I think there's a metaphor in there."
"They're very loyal, but they don't really know what they're doing in life."
"Is this really the direction I want to take this? Is this really where I want to go? I don't want to end up in this stalling battle."
"The decisions you make will lead you in the right direction."
"Move forward in the direction of your creation."
"The eight of wands is an energy of once the opportunities present themselves, it'll help move you along in the direction of making these things."
"Oliver and the Channel Growing was just confirmation that we're kind of going in the right direction with our lives."
"I've blessed you already with all spiritual blessings... everything pertaining to my will for your life."
"Every time we make a decision we point our life in a certain direction."
"You get to choose which direction you want to go down."
"We're finally feeling like there's just this calling, we feel like we're being pulled in a certain direction."
"Trust in the Divine Plan. Everything is moving in the right direction."
"A belief system functions like an invisible autopilot guiding your life."
"You are always free to choose the content of your conscious mind but in so doing you are choosing every other part of your life."
"You got to pick the one that's right for you, that's going in your direction."
"Your direction of where you want to go... where are you going to be?"
"Destination can change, but if I'm heading in the right direction in my life, I'm not losing track."
"It's really your intuition that is the compass of your life."
"Ignorance is not necessarily bliss; knowledge and trust and faith are going to bring you where you need to be."
"Change at the top is pretty much the prerequisite."
"Allow your spirituality to dictate your direction in life."
"The subconscious mind works on focus. Whatever you focus on, the content of your focus is what you move towards."
"Ultimately it will be for your benefit because it's gonna put you on the course of the right track of where you're wanting to go."
"Whatever you're doing, it's causing a lot of jealousy, okay? Like, it just is. So, I feel like they see that you're happy, you're doing good, you're, you know, where you're going. You're following your north node."
"Dreaming that you are sailing represents being in control of your life."
"To me, two sixes says you're going in the right direction and you're basically on the right path in your life at this time."
"Chris Smoove really saved my life, man. He gave me hope, another direction, drive."
"The stations are not only slowness, which is a point of motionlessness outside, but often it's when we pause that we really figure out what direction we're going to head next."
"Discover your purpose and take charge of your life's direction."
"Stay who you are and go where that truth leads you."
"Happiness is not a destination, happiness is a direction."
"Trust in something in your heart, follow your heart, do what brings you Joy and everything will flow right, will go in the right direction."
"You can follow your heart, and that's going to guide you in the direction of where you should be going."
"Everything will point you back in that direction."
"Inspiration is when an idea gets a hold of you and takes you where you originally signed up to go."
"Having a definite chief aim brings clarity and contrast."
"If you keep walking the path that you're walking where will it lead you? Will it lead you where you really want to go?"
"The universe is agreeing on your path and it's going to push you forward in ways that you're gonna be flabbergasted."
"It's better to have a goal than to wander aimlessly."
"I think you have the ability to always be reaching higher and that can be a blessing and a curse but I think you know I think it'll lead you in the right direction."
"Ask yourself, does it move me towards my goals or not?"
"Change your circle. Get around people who are going in the direction you want to go."
"Make your own choices, move your life in the direction you want."
"Wherever your time goes, your life will follow."
"You know what you don't understand is where everything is leading when all of the signs you see still point to overload."
"Now is the time to focus and find direction and find your purpose of how you're moving forward in your life because this is the universe giving you a blessing."
"For the first time in a long time I feel like I am grabbing my life and steering it in the direction that I want."
"When you have that deep center that is so strong, then you can look at every other part of your life and know basically if you're moving in a right or wrong direction."
"The wheel of your destiny has arrived and it's staring you right down."
"Words are so important and affect our destiny beyond anything else."
"Life is pulling you in that direction to expand you out."
"He had something he was driving towards, which can be a really big help for someone who's feeling a bit directionless."
"The questions you ask yourself will determine the course of your life."
"Sometimes you've got to go backwards just to replay it, sometimes you need to know where you've been to figure out where you're going."
"The steps of a righteous person are ordered."
"Happiness is not a destination, it's a direction."
"Follow the compass in your heart, pointing towards birth priest."
"I declare that nothing shall hold me back from you and you will have total control over every area of my life and every step that I take."
"The universe is nudging you along, pushing you in New Directions."
"If you don't know where you're going, you might not like where you end up."
"You follow the right thing, not the easy thing."
"Changes are real, you change my whole direction."
"Life is choice-driven. What are the choices you're going to make?"
"Every day you are presented with two paths, one leads to your true potential."
"The decision alone will shift the overall direction and pattern of your life."
"Guard your spirit diligently, for it determines the course of your life."
"Distractions always come with the haze, and it's going to be hard for you to identify destiny lanes when you are getting directions from a distraction."
"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you're headed."
"Just being able to talk to him and see him with a clear mind... it showed me where I needed to be."
"It's a trajectory... you develop in the direction of what you are."
"The direction you're moving in is your destiny."
"Your life will follow the direction of your conversation."
"Your heart is your compass to your happiness."
"Amplify your power to direct your own life and manifest that which is important to you."
"You basically did, like, a 180, right? You went in this direction for part of your life, and then the other direction."
"Imagine starting every day with purpose, energy, and a clear sense of direction."
"It's time to give up the boat that's going in the other direction."
"Focus is like direction, and as you have an intention for something, you're going to start to see more of a reflection of those things coming into your life."
"Anyone who is unclear about their life purpose, vocational aptitudes, what you're supposed to do with your life, if you don't know, ask yourself."
"A person should have his roots deep in a great moving current, a moving stream of conscious direction which will keep him on course."
"Your tongue is your rudder... it's gonna steer the direction of your life."
"You're going to be moving in a new direction very very soon."
"The choice now is which path you want to take."
"What God has ordained for your life, it doesn't matter what somebody wants to speak on."
"Your life is moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts."
"You're not supposed to feel stuck, stagnant, and confused in this situation. You are supposed to feel like you have Direction because you do have choices."
"You can't go back. Saul would not allow him to go back to his family."
"I'm just happy now that I know where I'm going and what makes me happy."
"Step out of the great stands of life and into the fields that I have placed you to move forward."
"You move towards what you feel drawn to do, and God will sort out the rest."
"When you find that sense of purpose, everything has a direction."
"We're upgrading our soul contracts this week. We're upgrading our commitments to ourselves, then in the new moon, we're upgrading what daily life is going to point towards and what we believe our daily life ought to be."
"Everything is in divine order, and so long as you continue to accept that, you are going to continue swimming in the right direction."
"This full moon seems to be asking you to reevaluate your life direction based on how it is impacted by what's happening in your partnership sector."
"I don't want to live another day without knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt where I am going to end up."
"Trust in your life, trust that you're going in a good direction, trust yourself that you can guide yourself through this."
"Concentrating on self, what do you want, where do you want your life to go?"
"An opportunity to reimagine our lives and to take our lives in a different direction."
"I had this gut-wrenching feeling of, 'This is not where I'm supposed to be.'"
"No one is responsible for where they come from, but you are responsible for where you're going."
"You don't have to let someone else write the next chapter of your life."
"No, I know what direction I want my life to go in, what I see for my future, what my goals and aspirations are."
"You control your destiny of which direction you want your life to go in."
"Sometimes coincidences point you in the proper direction."
"Embrace the movement. Trust in the direction it takes you."
"Your direction may seem totally random, but your subconscious is really driving this shift."
"I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving."
"It's very clear what his path is going forward."
"Steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord."
"You can't be walking in a completely wrong direction and think you are going to get into the right destination."
"Embrace the clarity that shows you a new direction, it's meant for you."
"Where you set your mind will control where you go in life."
"The moon is your deepest feeling. It's the thing you fear most, and it dictates your path."
"The star, it is your north star, the thing that guides you in your life."
"You're deciding where you want to put your energy."
"Choose wisely; the right direction is based on your choice."
"Life does, you usually have some kind of say in where it goes, one hand on the steering wheel."
"The will of God for my life is God settling controversies concerning my life."
"Eclipses are like the pushes of destiny in the right direction."
"Every single day's decision you make is either bringing you to your destiny, or taking you from your destiny."
"You have to keep checking in with yourself because otherwise, man, you start doing, you just get into a routine and there's no direction. But if you have a real direction, the hardest thing is actually identifying and defining what you want."
"Moving forward...just about us moving forward...places God wants you to be not for you but for them."
"It's gonna ignite your passions, ignite your fire, and it's gonna give you a sense of direction."
"This is what happens if you go left in life."
"You're headed in the direction of fulfillment."
"The universe is constantly pushing us towards something."
"This energy is going to be significant to pinpoint those particular areas in your life that haven't been moving on towards the direction that you would want."
"Find your direction, trust in the universe, and go for it." - Tarot Reading: Six of Wands & Chariot
"As a man thinketh, so is he... Your life moves in the direction of your most dominant thought."
"Eclipses are the universe's way of pushing us in the direction of our destiny."
"There's nothing that dries a woman's [ __ ] up more than being rudderless in your life."
"Your life was not meant to be drifting on the tides of time."
"Everything is bringing you to that intention, that new way of life, that new experience."
"Lean into it, no matter how uncomfortable it is. Go towards your north node."
"Know where I'm going, I'm in alignment with my highest and best good."
"Do you have hope in your life, do you know where you're going?"
"I was perfectly willing to go anywhere... but sure as that didn't hurt."
"We don't get to choose how that sanctification process is going to be worked out, but we do get a choice of whether we live out of our old nature or out of our new nature."
"Your angels are pointing you towards your blessings."
"Hard work is ultimately what determines the direction of your life..."
"Even with that you get a new sense of purpose a new sense of direction for your life."
"I felt directionless for a while... that's not the dream anymore."
"Life has a way of pushing us in the right direction."
"You're on that pathway, you know where you're going, you know what you want to do. Trust is called for here."
"It's a choice point right now to consciously choose."
"I always know the path I'm walking. I know exactly where I want to go."
"Be the light that you're looking for, go the direction that you want to go in."
"Life gets easier when you definitely and definitively decide the direction you want your life to go."
"Your soulmates reside where your excitement is, where your enjoyment is, the direction your soul is meant to be moving in."
"Trust your intuition and the guidance of your North Star."
"As long as you are working, as long as you have a sense of direction, as long as you're going towards something that you care about or you believe in, that's all that matters."
"I am the way, the truth, and the life. If you follow me, I will show you the way to everlasting life."
"There is a difference between running to something or from something."
"Walking with God, he'll reveal the right direction."
"Everybody has to choose for yourself where you're gonna wind up."
"Certain of where you're going in life and trust your intuition."
"The Wheel of Fortune is what creates change in our life. It comes in when our life has to go in a different direction."
"It was life-changing. It basically changed the entire direction of my life."
"God, I want you to direct the outcome of my life."
"I have made up my mind that this book is going to be the compass for my life"
"Your life is now, look where you're heading."
"Get your mind going in the right direction, and your life will go in the right direction."
"It creates an overall feeling of well-being, inner peace, and an increased sense of optimism about the direction your life is heading."
"Life will throw you on the rocks if you don't determine where you want to go by making conscious decisions."
"If you can start to notice when you're triggered, you can change the course of your life."