
Giftedness Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"The perks of being the loner, the wounded healer, is we're gifted. This is powerful."
"Don't be afraid to step into what God has given to you."
"If you're a gifted kid, recognize that this is going to be a long road, and the greater your potential is, the longer it's going to take for you to get there."
"When a gifted child fails, what they need more than anything else is a bigger challenge, not an easier environment."
"More important than our giftedness is our godliness."
"The biggest shift in our lives, the things that make us the happiest, is when somebody helps us identify our natural giftedness."
"The first step to happiness today is identify your giftedness."
"The thing about gifted kids is that, you know, we kind of grow up and then especially once we reach adulthood, there's a certain stickiness to being gifted."
"She was said to be the type of person that was just kind of naturally gifted at all things."
"This is a lifestyle, Daniel was one of the most gifted seers in the world and he had to train for three years in his gift."
"Group two people, this feels like a visionary gift."
"Whatever your future child decides to do... they're gonna be successful, they're gonna be successful and gifted."
"Giftedness may manifest in intellect, creativity, leadership, and more."
"You're not crazy. As a matter of fact, you're gifted."
"You are someone who sees things others can't, and that's a gift."
"You're actually very passionate, talented at what you do, and very gifted."
"Autistic kids are crazy gifted though, real [__] crazy gifted."
"You are a divine channel for whatever your gift is."
"You might have been considered gifted, shy, or sensitive when young."
"You are a profoundly gifted person."
"Every moment of every day, I need to be reminded that it's not about my giftedness, it's about his kindness."
"You are very gifted, you always kind of have been."
"Giftedness doesn't necessarily mean a privileged straight-A student because giftedness doesn't have a face."
"Gifted does equal learning disabilities and asynchronous development."
"Giftedness is something people don't get to choose, but with respect, accommodations, grit, persistence, they can really offer the world their talents."
"We are freed from the burden of guilt of having to decide, 'Do I need to give up what I know is my talent and my calling and my giftedness?'"
"You guys are reminded how gifted you guys truly are."
"Every now and then there is a rare artist who can only be described as gifted."
"Elise was incredibly gifted at communicating with the other side from an early age."
"You're actually very gifted, very, very, very gifted."
"...INFJs have such an amazing gift..."
"Your purpose is often found through identifying what your giftedness is and then how you can use those gifts to serve other people."
"But those who have studied the star children phenomenon say that these unusually gifted children display more than just superior intelligence."
"Your daughter is gifted I think she can skip a grade."
"The attachment to intellect is a real interesting thing that has come to me later. I did a show with a guy, Blair Duddy, who's a pediatrician and he specializes in gifted children, which is really interesting. So we did a show called 'The Curse of the Gifted.'"
"It's exciting that they love the Lord, that they love the word, that they love each other, that we stay connected as a family, and that they're using their giftedness in their own area of interest, expertise, and usefulness to the Lord."
"Your giftedness is like your fingerprint, it's a combination of things that identifies you in an absolute, unique way."
"You don't have to be on time to be gifted."
"every autistic child I ever heard of or met are like gifted"
"He was the most gifted, he had the gift of wisdom and the gift of word of knowledge."
"Individual people Ingo Swan, Pat Price, Uri Geller had some kind of extraordinary gift that the rest of us didn't."
"Her IQ was 145, which qualified her as being highly gifted."
"Congenitally blind children became gifted in auditory world."
"They are drawn towards the mystical occult, gifted in them."
"...there's something we should be reverential about - about the natural lottery - and what we are gifted."
"But she was particularly gifted in athletics and sports."
"The highly gifted never fit in because the highly gifted are made to create something big."
"You're a natural conqueror, the highly gifted are always conquerors."
"Anyone that's highly gifted is meant to go through that purpose, you have to, you're equipped with it."
"If you're gonna really be anointed, you're gonna have to operate in your gift with a broken heart."
"You can be extremely gifted and extremely talented."
"You are who God has made you to be, gifted according to the giftings that God has given to you."
"He's like one of those Midas people. Anything he touches turns to Gold. He's just gifted."
"It's so easy to confuse giftedness with character."
"It comes to reveal that Moses inherently is gifted to become a deliverer of the oppressed."
"Gramshi himself was rather intellectually gifted."
"I was actually like unbelievably gifted with mathematics."
"You're holding the hand of somebody that's gifted, somebody who is anointed, somebody who has potential."
"In one way or another, you are gifted."
"You're gifted with a high amount of wisdom, a high amount of intelligence."
"It weighs something to be talented, it weighs something to be gifted."
"You are fearfully and wonderfully made with beautiful gifts that he has specifically given to you."
"This is a school for gifted youngsters."
"It's kind of like Professor Xavier's School for the gifted."
"He's been touched with the talent stick."
"His ability to think outside the box makes him incredibly gifted."
"You're gifted, you're very intelligent and talented."
"She's smart and she's gifted in a way."
"This brother has a true gift, a true gift."
"They may technically sit on the autism spectrum, but to me, they just got their own specialties; they're all incredibly gifted."
"The difference being is that doesn't make me special, it's only the gift that is special."
"Are you a gifted child looking for special opportunities?"
"You are so intuitively gifted, you know things before they happen."
"I was born with more creativeness; I'm gifted."
"You're very gifted, very talented."
"You're very gifted, you're really special."
"To grow in discipline because we understand we have been blessed with incredible gifts."
"Twice exceptional students simultaneously have exemplary strengths as well as extraordinary challenges."
"It's like you have this reservoir of giftedness, of talents, of abilities, and when you're challenged and equipped to put those gifts into action, God turns the valve and that reservoir of what He's put inside of you flows out of you."
"Charisma is something that is a gift."
"What I'm telling you is, you all are gifted; you have blessings; you got some stuff going on about you. Praise the Lord, God gave it to you, just don't forget that."
"Some people are just gifted, blessed."
"We are blessed with the talent we've got."
"He's one of the finest human beings I've ever met, so authentically humble and yet incredibly gifted and confident all at once."
"Abnormals are extremely gifted humans; their base stats in terms of intelligence, problem-solving, and physical abilities are above both normals and specials."
"He's a naturally gifted young man, one of the most talented we've got."
"The gifted brain has greater myelination."
"I don't get hurt, I'm gifted. God gave me a gift."
"You have nothing to boast in; all that you are, all that you have, and even your intrinsic gifting were given to you by God."
"Gifted person is often described as a person who is quick to understand, has particular interest and high dedication, tenacity towards area of interest."
"You are someone who has a very gifted skill set and you're naturally gifted."
"Women and men are seen as equal in functionality, with giftedness, character, and calling being the determining factor, not gender."
"We're bound to have a portion of the population that is gifted out there that doesn't know that they are."
"Because they have a high potential, highly gifted people could potentially be key people to resolve some of the social and environmental problems of the planet."
"You've either got the gift or you haven't, and thankfully, I have."
"You're very spiritual, you're very gifted, definitely in alignment with the universe."
"Privileged lady energy, meaning just upstanding, respectable, you know, gifted."
"There's a difference between gifted and talented."
"A writer of spectacularly unflinching gifts."
"When you are twice exceptional, you are on both ends of the bell curve."
"Deeply flawed in some ways and monumentally gifted in others."
"Giftedness is this advanced cognitive or academic ability or potential."
"The myth is that these people need all the help and that these people are fine, but many of these people, particularly the higher up you get, are more and more different which generally have more and more needs that can make life more and more difficult for them."
"He was an exceptionally gifted young man."
"You're talented, gifted, and meant to shine on your own."
"You're someone who's super gifted and really talented."
"A bright child has to hear something six to eight times to master it; a gifted child may only need one or two times."
"A bright child prefers straightforward tasks; a gifted learner thrives on complexity."
"A bright child learns with ease; a gifted learner may already know."
"A bright child understands humor; a gifted learner creates complex abstract humor."
"I see that my life is special. I see that I am a gifted being of humanity."
"Most gifted, someone is very gifted here."
"He was also said to have been polite, educated, remarkably gifted, and wise beyond his years."
"He was identified as gifted and talented."
"Gifted students will be fine on their own" is a myth. They actually need a lot more attention and challenge than a lot of people realize.
"A student with disabilities or who has bad grades can't be gifted" is absolutely false.
"Just because they're gifted doesn't mean that they don't need our help."
"When you're gifted, either you attract drama, or sometimes you are the drama."
"...we know that Andrew was a good lad; he was well-behaved and described as gifted."
"You're someone that's very intuitive, very gifted."
"Gifted children can be dyslexic or have a learning difficulty; there is no proven link between IQ and dyslexia."
"You have a gift or you're gifted at something."
"Billy was a very intelligent boy with a higher than average IQ."
"The High Priestess may not have a following, but is known to be much more spiritually gifted."
"You're someone that's spiritually woke, spiritually gifted."
"The universe blessed you with some kind of gift."
"You have a gift, you're very gifted."
"They see you as someone very gifted, someone very spiritual."
"Everybody's got talent, but everyone's different; another word for it is to say you're gifted."
"You have so many gifts here: your gifts, your maturity, your wisdom, your artistic talents."
"Life sometimes puts a spotlight on some of us and says, 'No, you go and set the standard, you go and raise the bar,' and that's the curse of being gifted."
"But like I said, them chosen ones, baby, too much is given, much is required."
"As we go through life, we encounter certain people who are so gifted that they suffer from the curse of the gifted."
"You're extremely gifted, you're extremely talented."
"You are especially gifted, some of you in multiple ways."
"He is not only a gift, he is very gifted."
"You and your person are very, very gifted."
"You're someone that's very strong and spiritually gifted."
"Don't doubt yourself, you are very gifted."