
Ayurveda Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"The Vedas, 5,000-year-old texts, talk about everything from Ayurveda, which is the science of health, to the science of warfare."
"Understanding and applying Ayurvedic concepts can lead to more harmonious interactions, as it provides a framework to appreciate and accommodate diverse temperaments."
"When you understand what you are, you see what different combinations of doshas look like."
"There is no such thing as vata, pitta, and kapha; it just correlates with your genes."
"Ayurveda comes from two Sanskrit roots: 'Ayur', meaning having to do with life or living, and 'Veda', meaning wisdom or knowledge."
"In the Ayurvedic worldview, every single thing in the cosmos, including we human beings, are actually composed of five great elements: space, air, fire, water, and earth."
"Food is medicine. What you take in the form of food is something that should fit your constitution, that should be in harmony with your constitution."
"Yoga and Ayurveda are sister sciences... originally intended to be used in complement with one another."
"Ayurveda believes that human beings are fundamentally different and that there are three types of human beings or qualities: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha."
"As we become better digesters as we become less stressed by living Ayurvedic principles in the lifestyle that the diet will change naturally people will aspire to less meat and more sad pig lifestyle on a cyclic food."
"Ayurveda translates as the knowledge of life so it really is a very holistic approach to well-being as a whole."
"The term 'Triphala' literally means three fruits, comprising Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki, each possessing unique properties."
"Ayurveda is derived from ayur, which equals life, and veda, which equals science."
"Balanced state of water is health. Ayurved says disease is nothing but imbalance."
"Ayurveda is a way of life living in harmony with nature."
"Massage can be good as a passive and Ayurvedic principles are thousands of year old principles that are timed true and proven to be intelligent."
"Ayurveda brings you back to that state where you're like the leaves. They don't think about when they're supposed to fall, it just kind of happens."
"I find it's anti-scientific to just call all of Ayurveda quackery and pseudoscience when the discipline itself has come up with certain treatments that are empirically sound like meditation."
"Dinner is ideally a bit smaller and lighter than lunch. But to soothe vata, it needs to offer adequate nourishment."
"The beauty of the science of healing is to know ourselves, to know our Constitution, and to work with that."
"The purpose of Ayurveda is so you can fulfill Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha."
"Ayurveda is the only healing system in the world that deals with mind, body, and spirit collectively using right diet and lifestyle based on your individuality."
"Here, the Ayurveda way is a journey, not a destination."
"Ayurveda promotes a healthy lifestyle; it is the belief that we need to know how to balance changes."
"The Ayurveda system of medicine has a history of more than 5000 years."
"More people will turn to Ayurvedic products and be cautious about eating healthy."
"Let's talk about a different way to cleanse your hair in an Ayurvedic healthy hair care method."
"Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest systems of medicine."
"Ayurveda is something that builds me from within."
"The Ayurvedic principle of interconnectedness comes full circle."
"Classified among the top Ayurvedic herbs, it is a powerful antioxidant-rich superfood."
"She blends her expertise in cardiology with her knowledge of Ayurveda, yoga, Vedanta, and the direct path in her approach to healing."
"Ayurveda provides very simple, very common-sense, and very effective answers."
"Yoga is already a $7 billion industry; Ayurveda is already a $5 billion industry."
"Ether is technically the first element in Ayurveda because it's the emptiness that allows us to be filled with other things: fire, air, water, earth."
"It's the combination of foods that's right in Ayurveda."
"Ayu means life, Veda means science, Ayurveda means the science of life."
"You have good Agni or good digestive fire, good digestion, everything about your digestion is perfect and balanced."
"Panchakarma is five purification techniques according to Ayurveda."
"Ayurveda is all about balance and it literally translates to the science of life."
"Understand what your biological constitution is, or your Prakriti, and understand the current state of health."
"Ayurveda states a lot of disease forms in the mind and permeates into the physical body."
"When doshas go too high, that's when disease and problems in the mind and body begin."
"Ayurveda recognizes six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent, and pungent."
"Agony and Amma: Agni is your digestive fire which is regulated by Pitta."
"In Ayurveda, we tend to focus more on the pastel colors because they tend to be more sattvic, meaning calming to the mind."
"Discover what your Prakriti is, discover what the Vikriti is."
"The number one thing that a person of Vata nature should cultivate in order to control Vata is stability."
"Cultivate that stillness, it's going to help you with any Vata imbalance."
"Ayurveda is a path of helping you to understand what's going to be right for you as a unique individual."
"Kappa dosha governs all of the structures of the body, so our bones, our muscles, our body fat, everything that gives us solidity."
"Vata is the king of the doshas; it's what moves all the doshas out of balance."
"Eating two meals per day works well for a person with a Vata-Kapha nature."
"Moderate exercise is going to be good for a person with a Vata-Kapha nature."
"Ashwagandha is often used in Ayurvedic practices; it's an adaptogenic herb known for balancing stress hormones."
"It's a private retreat center, an Ayurvedic Healing Spa just up from the beach."
"Rebalance your skin's moisture levels with the intensely nourishing benefits of ayurvedic oils."