
Status Quo Quotes

There are 386 quotes

"It's not about changing the world, it's about doing our best to leave the world the way it is."
"Society hasn't changed; we've always known this."
"It's time to shake things up, challenge the status quo, and embrace bold, controversial ideas."
"The issue is not merely deciding to stay with the tinkers because that was the status quo; a choice reveals an aspect of their character."
"I have nothing but respect for those who challenge the status quo."
"They don't want to change the status quo. The status quo works very well for them."
"Think about it, it's food for thought. Status quo is wrong."
"When the status quo costs you, that's when you leave it."
"You have to be aware that the status quo is worse than the possibilities."
"The plight of the worker has never been meaningfully improved by people whose first ideological priority is defense of the status quo."
"We largely value knowledge that leads to wealth and/or power, and we limit provocative ideas that challenge the status quo."
"You've sort of learned that and things are kind of status quo... growing and changing."
"The people that want you to think there are no alternatives are the people that benefit from things staying the same way."
"Any effort to change the system is going to take a consistent attack on all the variables that contribute to maintaining the status quo."
"The existing systems...have no agenda other than the sustenance of this system at large. They are not interested in real change."
"There seems to be a tremendous effort not to disturb the status quo when it comes to the stories such scholars tell about ancient Egypt."
"Given our capacity to make mistakes... the status quo grows less tenable by the day."
"To innovate, we must be willing to continually challenge the status quo."
"When our entire world, down to the shows and movies we watch in our free time, is shaped by those who would maintain the status quo, we end up living in a little propaganda bubble."
"The status quo is now with us and lo and the most difficult thing in British politics and around the world - but specifically the most difficult thing in British politics is overturning the status quo given our electoral system and everything else."
"Lebanese leadership: Has it changed? Some left, some are still around. But the situation remains the same."
"I don't really have a motivation to carry on the status quo."
"Young people tend to question the status quo even when it's great, they tend to grow out of that."
"TYT is all about challenging and disrupting the status quo."
"It's the old generation trying to keep everything the same and the younger generation that was taught by us. Ask questions, question everything."
"The status quo is not good it should be that it's the status quo that needs to be dismantled not the institutions."
"Challenging the status quo often leads to unexpected outcomes."
"To not take a side is to uphold the status quo, and that is in itself a political statement."
"The revolution must be continuous. Once it stops, it becomes the status quo, the power structure that it ceased to deconstruct."
"We're back where we have been for the last eight years." - "We're back where we have been for the last eight years."
"Grateful people tend to be more interested in changing the status quo."
"It's nice to see a celebrity challenge the status quo."
"Acting on the values that you espouse would be hurting the current status quo."
"What you can't do is remove him from the family he is the queen's son and that will continue to be the case."
"They're just there to sort of support the old guard. Oh, absolutely, which really is the old guard's policy now."
"They're often found challenging the status quo."
"There is a feeling that status quo politics just is not working... people are tired of it."
"Don't play god, don't try to fix what's not broken."
"Your vote will lead to more or less the exact system you've got now."
"Advancing and emergent ideas come from the periphery because the establishment has a vested interest in containing its own personal epistemology."
"Why settle for or endure the status quo when we can change it?"
"I think that you're fantastic because you're challenging all authority and you're challenging states quo..."
"Ask questions, why is it like this? Things don't need to be the way they are."
"The status quo has just been getting slowly more [__] over time."
"If it ain't broke, there's no need to fix it."
"You've got to keep the status quo... so that the integrity of the litigation process is preserved."
"To say that woke culture can go too far is to side with the status quo."
"It's no longer outright victory...it's trying to return to something like the status quo."
"He believed that rules of society were developed to keep people down, and maintain the status quo."
"It's kind of already up... yeah, isn't that already the case pretty much...?"
"You don't have to accept the status quo as it stands."
"A major flaw in our society is we are not designed to challenge the status quo."
"But their presence indicates that science, technology, art, politics, economics, are all capable of and have, in fact, changed."
"No CDM, we remain in the same situation, maybe worse."
"Hillary Clinton is a candidate of complacency and a candidate of the status quo."
"The whole political system is set up to produce what we have right now."
"Our values unify us, and people don't want a new direction. That's their plan, and guess what? More of the same."
"It's not good enough to talk about great ideas. They're important but nothing happens unless people look around them and say, 'You know what? This status quo is not working. It's not just, it's not right, it's not fair.'"
"This is going to be a really essential season for you to work with your inner critic and guards that are trying to keep you safe and keep the status quo going."
"Business has been good for them, and they want it to be business as usual."
"The only thing worse than change is the status quo."
"Why would we want to maintain the status quo?"
"No change sometimes can actually equal change."
"It's a little bit like the Red Queen says to Alice in 'Alice in Wonderland,' you need to run as fast as you can to stay where you are."
"A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for returning to the status quo of putting the Washington establishments and the ruling class first at the expense directly of the American people."
"The cost if you keep doing what you're currently doing."
"The Simpsons love them some status quo if the Simpsons could it would marry the status quo."
"I think it's been a good thing for us to wake up and go, 'Well, we need to bring this back in our industry. We need to start challenging the status quo.'"
"Gen z is the first generation to collectively as a whole rebel against the established status quo."
"There can be no pretense that the status quo is sustainable."
"We want everything to be exactly as it was before."
"I think you're absolutely spot on with that one pal, don't change what ain't broken."
"Their unexpected teamwork shows how individuals can challenge the status quo."
"There's really not much to update... unless something major."
"It's a pretty crooked system. It's difficult for people who want to do the right thing if it's against the status quo."
"I don't care what political affiliation you have, I think it's good to complain. I think status quo is never good."
"If you know you can't actually do any better, sometimes it's just better to stick to an old tried and tested formula."
"The world's already got a system in place that has been working forever."
"You can't keep the status quo and just keep feeding money into it."
"The only status quo for us should be what our Lord has given us."
"If it's working and it ain't broke, don't fix it. I can't stand solutionism, man."
"The press is overwhelmingly run by oligarchs who are part of a status quo."
"We're good just like this, ain't nobody died, we don't have to recast anything."
"We're about to see a bit of a shake-up in the status quo."
"Say if it ain't broke don't fix it, especially if it's a villain song."
"Our system basically keeps real change from happening and reproduces present patterns of distribution into the future."
"For every time that there's someone dissatisfied with the status quo, these people are a place for them to go."
"No changes until there's a change that we really want, right?"
"Nothing changed everything is just as it should be."
"How would we be worse than where we are right now?"
"Embrace yourself as more of an outsider and not be afraid to disrespect the status quo."
"Things aren't that bad. Let's stick with what we've got. It's not actually that bad."
"They want more boring candidates because they don't want them to question the status quo."
"Critical engagement with U.S. history threatens the white supremacist status quo."
"Individual people have agendas and beliefs, the power structure that is made up by these people want to remain and keep the status quo in conservatism."
"It's so balanced, I think that's why people don't really feel the need to make changes."
"We should be very skeptical of attempts to change it rather than the situation we have now."
"The media is not the engine of change; it's a tool of the prevailing order."
"There really is no need to change a winning formula."
"Superheroes exist to maintain the status quo. You could argue superheroes are actually the bad guys."
"Bernie Sanders threatens the status quo... that's why there's this visceral knee-jerk reaction."
"Internally and emotionally rebel against the status quo."
"China's red line has been very clear: as long as Taiwan does not declare formal independence, status quo can go on as it is."
"Sometimes it's good to just embrace the status quo and appreciate it for where you're at in life."
"Don't mess up something that already works, don't mess up a good thing."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. It's been the same for 25 years. It's fine."
"Maybe we should not take the status quo ideology as serious."
"What’s truly amazing about the status quo is how long it’s persisted despite being no one’s preference."
"To anyone inside of Europe, it's more of the status quo."
"Honestly, it's been the same for years at this point."
"As long as we keep taking it, and they keep lumping up more and more, nothing will ever change."
"Sometimes you realize something's not broken so don't fix it."
"I mean, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? Wait till there's a new chapter."
"Restoring Hogan's Champion was to restore the status quo."
"Why fix it if it's not broken, right?"
"Change at this point would not be a good thing."
"When things go bad, you pretend that everything is going fine. You stick to the status quo as long as you possibly can."
"He was a curious mind and wasn't afraid to challenge the status quo."
"Some things aren't meant to be changed."
"Whatever we have right now isn't working."
"They don't want you to just accept status quo."
"We have a preference for sticking with the status quo. And partly that’s because we’re much more tolerant of the possibility of bad outcomes that come from a status quo choice, than we are from switching to something new."
"There's serious deep change that needs to be made before we'll actually break this chain. Unfortunately, it's in the interests of the chain makers to keep that chain locked the way it is."
"If it ain't broke, why you trying to fix it?"
"Establish yourself as a consistent challenger of the status quo."
"Maybe we don't fix what isn't broken, you know?"
"People are chronically dissatisfied with the way things are."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I mean, it's broke but it's kind of fixed."
"The future is challenging and it's the main challenge - it is of course - the status quo."
"The filmmakers had an opportunity to change things in their fictional world to make that fictional World any way they desired the real world to be instead they settled for the status quo of Barbie land from the beginning of the film."
"A good time skip should change the status quo."
"It's protectionism, it's simply about closing the door and leaving the trap door pulling the trap door up and leaving those that are in position to stay in position."
"White Comfort maintains the status quo so discomfort is necessary and important."
"It's like if ain't broke, don't fix it I suppose."
"Why fix something that isn't broken?"
"Nobody's going to help. Nobody's going to help, you know? And I felt some areas, they don't even want. They're happy with just the way it is now. Right?"
"Some things aren't broken and don't need fixing."
"Victory always legitimizes the existing order."
"So that's where we are at, alright."
"It's a mess we've created. The motivations behind 'don't fix it if it's not broken' are, I think, understandable."
"Why fix something that is not broken?"
"The risk is overwhelming that these three things will just perpetuate business as usual."
"Legitimate political Viewpoint at this time period was like 'hey let's just keep it what we got just the status quo'."
"The comfortable, the entrenched, the privileged cannot continue to tremble at the prospect of change in the status quo."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Leave it alone."
"Let me acquiesce to the status quo, let me assimilate, let me take the path of least resistance."
"You know what, as long as you can stand things being the way they are, they'll stay that way."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. But I ain't broke."
"I don't think it's a negative thing. I think we should all always be questioning the status quo."
"Politeness is ideological. It's not an eternal standard; it is a lot of the time a defense of the status quo."
"You don't have to be okay with the status quo, you don't have to take that Collective Humanity Karma just by the virtue of participating in this energy exchange."
"We're just gonna return everything exactly the way it was."
"I actually like it more, no status quo."
"It's very funny watching people get mad at the young people for checking out because Biden's explicit pitch to people was, 'I am the status quo, you will not get what you want, but that's okay.'"
"...there's been no progress and we are today where we are."
"Maybe we've been trying to fix something that isn't broken."
"You guys go out there, go on some adventures of your own, live life, beat the status quo. Y'all know the drill."
"The current model of how things are done in the world is not working."
"The show does a good job of setting up a brand new status quo."
"One Piece is what One Piece is now."
"...a healthy status quo is the biggest villain of the show because the insistence on keeping a healthy status quo means that your characters can't change they can't grow they can't go through arcs..."
"That's where the sport's at, right?"
"Nobody got elevated. It was the same guys on top for too long."
"I think they are perfectly intact as they were this morning."
"We've literally not done anything to it."
"They're not ready to move forward. They want to believe in a brighter day, but for now, they're just maintaining how things are."
"Don't fix what ain't broke, right? Exactly right."
"Why change anything generally speaking? Why fix something that's working?"
"The place hasn't changed in any way, shape or form."
"If you really want to save money, you're going to have to walk away from this status quo."
"Don't be so much worried about where you currently are, especially if you don't have much. If you don't have much, you don't have much to lose."
"The status quo is not sustainable."
"Smoke against that Collective that keeps you paid all of a sudden means you have to work a little bit harder to fight that narrative because you must maintain that status quo. That's what that's all about."
"Go out there and go on some adventures of your own, live life beat the status quo, y'all know the drill."
"Vin's story is not just one of personal growth but it's a testament to the spirit of those who dare to challenge the status quo."
"Why change something that's not broke, you know?"
"...the world as we know it is set in place."
"Essentially all it does is just maintain the status quo."
"to be in essentially the same position that they're in right now"
"Let's just go back to nothing how about that? How about everybody, we just don't make any changes and we just do the same thing and maybe we'll have the same goddamn result."
"Status quo is the sort of maintaining how things are now, the state in which is the translation."
"You're not gonna have to change anything for a long time."
"I think people just upset with the status quo just want change."
"For a whole generation, especially in '90s America, superheroes represented an unyielding status quo."
"So we're not going to change any of these things."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it, you know what I mean."
"The people framing the debate are in the top 1%. We've done very well out of business as usual. We don't want to rock the boat."
"We just didn't have a reason to change."
"To preserve our way of life. If you like the way that things are going right now, that's a very small point in history."
"and if it ain't broke don't fix it"
"This changes everything like the show's status quo, it is destroyed."
"If it's not broken, you really can't fix it."
"Let's keep it the way it is because it's popular for a reason and stuck for a reason. Let's keep it that way."
"The ambitions of Los Chapitos extend beyond maintaining the status quo."
"Which is more risky: staying in the status quo or actually making a change?"
"Absolutely nothing has changed, if anything, it's getting worse."
"If I ain't broke, don't fix it and this is a classic that's going to keep on giving."
"If something's not broken, you don't need to fix it."
"Journalism is about maintaining the status quo. So when you ever put someone who's a part of a marginalized population in a power position, the status quo is going to be threatened."