
Daily Routines Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"I keep sacred the daily habits that make me feel good and allow my cells to vibrate at their highest potential."
"The secret of your success is hidden in your daily routine and habits."
"Rule number 40: Have a good evening routine."
"Life is made up of the very small number of things that you repeat every day."
"People wake up in the morning and the first thing they do, you know, their brain is a record of the past. They start thinking about their problems and those problems are associated with certain people, certain objects, certain conditions, and certain times in certain places."
"The morning routine is something that will set anybody up for success."
"Every day I try and- I go to the gym almost every day. That's a big activity of mine."
"The only times that ever happens to me is when I hardly drank anything that day... drink a liter of water right when you wake up."
"Make it simple: a cold shower a day keeps the doctor away."
"Print out your chart every single day."
"If it's 8:00 AM on a weekday, we'll display the coffee shops and bakeries more prominently in the map, while at 5:00 PM, we'll highlight the dinner restaurants that match your tastes."
"Neither is bathing, that's why you do it every single day."
"A lot of Christians, they have a hard time digesting the concept of hell. Oh, we can listen to messages about heaven all day long, but we don't want to hear about the reality of hell."
"You must wear sunscreen all day every day, even if you stay indoors and even if it's cloudy outside."
"Every day must start with coffee, that's without a doubt."
"The average amount of crying a day for a three-month-old baby is A) Four hours per day, B) Three hours per day, C) Two hours per day, D) One hour per day."
"Human beings will spend more time brushing their teeth than on personal development."
"Performance is also about actions that repeat over and over again in our daily work."
"Goals happen through daily execution checking off these items every single day is literally how you can change your life."
"Have a morning routine and a night routine like putting time towards yourself."
"You know, you had your staples that you always went to."
"People who wear makeup every day, they may have a little bit of a protective advantage from the damaging UV rays that age our skin."
"There is nothing more satisfying than having your morning routine fully organized."
"Find something where it's just like really routine for you... even cleaning up your house or just sitting there and actually just meditating."
"That will set the tone for the entire rest of the day, and you will never regret doing that."
"So my husband and I take our ritual vitamins every day but then I thought I have a teen daughter and not only that my seven-year-old daughter needs her vitamins."
"Daily routines are all of the things that you do on a regular basis. Pretty much every day of your life."
"There are a lot of things you do usually right before you go to work or go to school if you leave the house."
"Everybody can and should fast every day. In fact, everybody does fast every day when you're sleeping, you're not eating, and you break it with breakfast in the morning. It's an interesting process."
"When we pray first thing in the morning, we're saying to God you are the most important part of my day."
"Expanding these practices beyond one moment in time to our daily habits and patterns."
"Find the routine that works for you, but it must be a routine."
"The secret of success is always found in the daily routine."
"You program your mind... especially if you do it early in the morning."
"Bins, I would say, 'I need to take the bins out.' Did you take the bin out?"
"Life hack: got something you need to do at a certain time every day? Start giving your cat a treat right before you do it. You may have trouble remembering, but your cat absolutely will not."
"Are we unwittingly cultivating a daily routine that significantly heightens the health risks?"
"Incorporating turmeric into your daily routine can have a positive impact on your overall well-being."
"There are so many mental and physical benefits to daily exercise."
"It's almost like a meditative state... It really clears my mind for the rest of the day."
"Start our day with God, before the rush begins, aligning our hearts with His will."
"The way you begin your day determines the way you're gonna live your day."
"Finding your daily rituals, finding your daily habits, finding your practices that act as the foundation."
"That when we get up in the morning, we would set the trajectory of our day to make it about Him."
"The first 20 or 30 minutes of your day is such a profound effect on your whole entire day."
"I work out for like mentally; it's nice. If I don't work out in the morning, I just have a really shitty day."
"What are lines or quotes that you have found yourself saying on a daily basis?"
"Sometimes just starting your day off right is one of the best ways to make sure your shots are on point."
"Do the daily proving grounds on easy and medium 100% every day... keep six of every single tier 2 class catalyst."
"Daily habits and routines that keep your mood high, your stress low, and your peace right there."
"How we spend our days is how we spend our lives."
"Just going to Starbucks a couple of times a day is kind of like what grounds me."
"The morning sets the tone for the rest of the day."
"How you start the day is how you end the day. You want to start the day in an amazing way."
"Finding 30 minutes of time throughout the day should be pretty manageable for everyone."
"Focus on day-to-day tasks, routines, and responsibilities, finding pleasure in work and health."
"Set routines... create a checklist... practice affirmations and Dua."
"It makes getting dressed every day so much easier because I look in my wardrobe and I'm like yes."
"Develop a workday shutdown ritual to prepare for the next day and improve sleep."
"Meditation: clear your mind, set your day for success, reduce stress."
"It was an easy grab because it's early in the morning."
"Meditating is probably the most important part of my morning routine because I get to relax my mind focus on what I want in my day and then to create it when you set intentions you begin to create your reality and how it's going to go."
"If you have time for hot lemon water and to film your day, you probably have time to grab like a banana or orange on the go." - Abby Sharp
"There's nothing worse than starting your day and you still haven't... it ruins the entire day."
"Non-negotiable: prayer time, meditation, exercise, reading, journaling, planning, and visualization."
"We all deserve easy mornings let Daily Harvest give you one less thing to worry about."
"She wants to put some makeup in her drawers and be able to just sit here and get ready and get all pretty."
"The most important thing you can do is win the morning."
"Everybody in the game will have their own unique daily routine."
"Best time of the day is when you start streaming."
"Having a good morning routine is like the key to a good day."
"Making your bed in the morning I feel like it's just the best thing in the whole entire world."
"I'm realizing the power of habits and repeating actions, positive actions in your daily life every day."
"Daily bread works not because it's a new recipe every day, but because it's fresh."
"At least I'm not living that life... least I could do is get up and spread my bed."
"I've always put my outfits together and I know I just love it. It's like a fun creative part of my morning."
"Most of us spend the majority of days simply maintaining Our Lives rather than meaningfully building toward what we want our lives to be."
"Just reaching out to them, texting them, calling them, whatever it is, just reach out to two friends for sure every single day."
"Boring is boring but routine can be more peaceful."
"This is my new daily right here, this is a daily case."
"I think the way that you start your day is one of the most important things for guaranteeing that you're going to be successful."
"That beer is the signal to your brain that says the work day is done."
"Making my bed just kind of gets me motivated to keep going and do something else."
"I've never done daily before, but I've been loving it."
"Should you really be taking a nap? It's the first thing on my list."
"Shifting the way that you think about your routines or your habits is such an easy way to romanticize even like these really boring things."
"Part of life, part of life. Both, oh my god, both, but preferably night because the morning time everybody, you know, you just waking up."
"Don't let the first thing you throw out of your routine be your religion."
"Keep the core part of your routine realistic."
"My favorite parts of my day are my morning and then my night... it's just special to me."
"Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince or a nobleman, and dinner like a pauper."
"Make meditation a part of your routine for mental clarity."
"It's just that starting your day with positive momentum and just starting your day laser-focused."
"Every day that followed, Erin would come home to her stuffed animal, her ‘Poncho II’ as she liked to think of it."
"Maximize your morning routines; it sets you up for so much success and productivity."
"Starting your day with gratitude sets a positive tone."
"Avoid routines. Routines can normally get boring if you like every day we come home, we eat, we watch TV, we go to sleep."
"The latrine relieves a small amount of stress when used which is fantastic."
"She called every night to say goodnight to Andros."
"Setting your day up before you start your day will make your day immeasurably smoother."
"Create non-negotiables so regardless of what goes on in your day, these few things get done."
"Our family favorite tradition is ruining other family traditions. No, that's not true. We watch anime every single night at dinner together and I love that."
"The taste of freedom I get every morning with my black rifle coffee."
"Waking up early sets a spiritual tone for your day."
"Fiber does way more than just make you poop in the morning."
"Journaling, skincare, making your bed, watering your plants... these little things you do for yourself every day."
"Finally, the little dog with a big following whose daily forecast has become a must for millions..."
"The way you spend your mornings and the way you spend the time just before you go to bed, they are really important times in your day."
"Routine cleaning rituals can be comforting amidst chaos."
"Coffee is a simple part of our day, but in a pandemic, it can make a world of difference."
"I want to wake up with our limbs still entwined, to shower with you, to eat with you, to make love with you, to sleep in each other's arms, and wake up and do it all over again."
"Every single day I'm going to get up and put on even a tiny bit of makeup to differentiate getting up in the morning and it being daytime."
"Sometimes a broken routine is why you've got a broken life."
"Every day is a little bit different, but I try to include a lot of different practices that help with my overall well-being and health."
"Hand washing dishes for me can be so calming, especially when I treat it as a relaxing moment."
"I recently got completely addicted to hot yoga and it helps jump start my day."
"Pay attention to what is on your mind every single morning."
"If I can love myself a little more each day and it's just it can be as as as meaningless as as maybe brushing my teeth and flossing you know U I did it you know it those little small accomplishments do matter you know uh."
"How you organize yourself during the day is important."
"Having micro meanings for each part of the morning keeps the dopamine going."
"The sixth house is what we do naturally—it should be our natural routine, everyday routine."
"My neighbor admitted that she dances for her mental health and claimed they only dance in the mornings for 30 to 60 minutes."
"People who make their bed are happier people."
"It definitely makes weeknights a lot easier."
"What if the essential things can be the fun things? What if you can make the things that used to seem like drudgery into fun rituals?"
"Something that's really been keeping me sane is working out which is very important to me and it's you know you're moving your body you're creating that blood flow circulation all of that having a calendar."
"There's nothing like a shower to really relax me at the end of the day, and there are three things that relax me: shower, working out, and a good night's sleep."
"Cold water after you've brushed your teeth actually hits different."
"I don't think gluten matters for that, but yeah, working out and waking up the same time every day is important."
"I hope you guys have enjoyed this glimpse into the day in the life of a part-time farmer."
"My alarm is always 'Stronger' by Kanye. That's like the best song to start your morning, yeah, that's true."
"Journaling is a really amazing way to start your day."
"I dare you to give me something better than that. You're not gonna be able to because there's nothing more relaxing than after a hard day's work taking a load off, flipping on a hot shower, and ordering yourself some McDonald's from DoorDash."
"It's time to kind of take a step away from that... focus a little bit more on your day-to-day routines."
"Every single day you eat every day for the for your health you brush your teeth every every day for your hygiene I need you to learn and grow every single day um for your mindset."
"Having morning and evening rituals to look forward to... can make your life just feel a lot more cozy."
"I started seeing him at my gym every single day."
"You feel fantastic afterwards. You are energized throughout the day. I'm going to the bathroom nice regularly and it looks good when it's coming out."
"First thing in the morning I would recommend your hair right on time."
"Once your bed is made, you can be so much more productive."
"Eating meals together is really important and doing a lot of reading."
"I am a firm believer that your bed should be made every single morning."
"I think everybody should stretch when you wake up in the morning."
"Lunchtime was like you had your set thing to do at lunch."
"In absence of clearly defined goal, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until we ultimately become enslaved by it."
"Every day can be a different intention... create habits and rituals and daily routines that align with what you are trying to get to." - Nate
"Your morning routine is your best shot at changing how you show up in life."
"What's your routine like we all got to have a routine."
"Build your own confidence routine. There is so much magic in the routines and the habits that you carry out every single day."
"Social media is my social activity for the day. I'm gonna go back to playing PUBG for hours."
"I think having the routine gives me some balance throughout the day versus just winging it."
"Some people don't vacuum at night because it's too loud."
"I tried the shirt on not because I had any doubt about whether or not I was going to keep it. It's because I wanted to show some daily love to the shirt."
"Try to find 10 minutes in your day at a minimum of 10 minutes first thing in the morning."
"Why make your bed in the morning if you're gonna mess it up at night?"
"When you command your morning, you can command your day. If you command your week, you command your week. If you command your year, you command your life."
"Every wealthy person that I know starts earlier in the day and then they go to sleep at night. Reward yourself and don't reward yourself at the front end, it's back-loaded."
"I think it's important that we have little routines and I love like in the morning going to the gym and then setting up with all of this skincare stuff it's like a good 20 minutes of your day to really look after your skin and look after yourself."
"Blush makes me look awake... just a little bit."
"Hand sanitizer has become commonplace in pretty much all our daily routines nowadays."
"Throughout all of my 20s, I don't think I ever made my bed like once, like ever."
"I literally am using these quick access links daily at work."
"This stuff is just like very simple exercises that you just do on the daily."
"The dailies just bring so much more progress to your life. If you're 30 times videos, 30 times reals per month, it's just unparalleled."
"Peace is something you're constantly training yourself to look for. So what I would say is that people should try and find the one activity they have in their day that brings them peace."
"You just be showering and cooking with [__] on in the background."
"I really enjoy listening to those because it really kind of sets my mood for the day."
"The way you get there is you set daily rituals, daily routines that move you toward that a little bit every single day."
"Our lives are made up of our habits, rituals, and routines."
"Every night when we lay in bed, we always make a little snack."
"I love watching people's everyday routines, seeing what I can learn from them."