
Player Choice Quotes

There are 380 quotes

"Warren Spectre wanted to make a game where choice was king, one where the player could play how they wanted and still reach the end."
"Blending first-person roleplaying with immersive sim design, the series has championed player choices that have tangible mechanical impacts on the player’s experience."
"Choosing how long to linger is a small choice, but leaving it to the player lets that interval of contemplation feel just right to each player, whether that means slamming the button and skipping it entirely or letting the feeling of wonder sit."
"The bullet hell section and the menu choice... you're aiming to create a challenge for the player that makes them weigh up their choices."
"You should never hit a point where you just end up picking the same thing over and over again."
"Socializing is alive and well in many MMOs because the choice is there, while it's also not being forced."
"The choice. I have never seen an advantage or a good time created in a video game whenever you take a choice away from a player."
"A great RPG ends up being an amalgamation of many features that translate into an experience that allows you to choose a certain role in a world to play and does it well."
"RPG players want good choices and that's very subjective, but they want to feel like that's valid for them."
"Every conversation feels like a scene, it has a beginning and an end, and you feel like you're making meaningful choices."
"If developers do decide to add an easy mode, I agree that nothing's really lost as long as that's completely optional."
"If you're a player, we shouldn't be choosing for you what content you can or can't buy. If you're a developer, we shouldn't be choosing what content you're allowed to create."
"Dynamic rivalries that can adapt to situations, injuries that are random with different return times, and branching cutscenes that could change the way the storylines go along with choices that creates new storylines could help fix the problem of a linear and repetitive Universe Mode."
"When prompted about a morality system during an interview, Dan Houser replied that it's left up to player choice."
"Players can be moral or immoral by choice rather than having morality imposed on them by the game."
"I think the answer is just giving people a lot of options for how they can play a game."
"I just like the idea of giving players the option on how they want to play rather than forcing everybody into a very restrictive system."
"The difficulty of this game is however much you want it to be."
"Looking back, I'm glad we had both of these different styles for our maps offering in Black Ops 2 because there was something for everybody."
"Elden Ring is all about letting you play the way you want to play."
"But with something like 'Mass Effect' where a lot of the things you can do have severe consequences on the story and characters, taking the player's choice away in the end of the game, the conclusion, sucks."
"The Stanley Parable makes delightful use of the player's impish desire to not play along with a set narrative."
"The covenant you choose decides which zone you're pledging your allegiance to, which perspective you will see the story of the expansion through."
"With a deep, open-ended medieval sandbox that provides a huge amount of player choice and replayability, Mount and Blade can provide hundreds of hours of enjoyment."
"Even 10 years later, what this game offers is still something you can’t really find anywhere else."
"Player choice is paramount to the Mount and Blade experience."
"Player choice means you get to choose the content. Player agency means you own your character."
"Neither choice should be wrong, and the important thing is that neither choice can be wrong while still preserving player agency and giving weight to the decision."
"Moral essentialism actually undercuts the greatest strength games can bring to storytelling: the player's own power to make meaningful, interesting choices and judgments."
"Do you want to kill the four kings before doing anything else? Well, guess what, you can. You can get their Lord soul first thing if you want to."
"Player freedom and choice is incredibly important to us, and we think it is vitally important to a good Fallout game."
"Hopefully, the next Fallout game will make the player's choice matter a lot more next time around."
"We also want to give players more opportunities to make impactful choices to customize their gameplay and express their own vision of how their characters engage with combat."
"Your choices really make a difference both in the story as well as in how you progress your character in the gameplay."
"People praised Zelda: Breath of the Wild for its open world nature and the ability to fight Ganon whenever you felt ready. Well, Chrono Trigger not only let you take on the final boss whenever you like but also has 14 different endings depending on when and how you do this."
"This is absolutely a game of role-playing and playing as maybe a two-handed axe wielding Sturgian Berserker or a Battanian Fian on foot, whatever it is, play the way you want."
"Explore the vast world with friends or embark upon an epic adventure alone. The choices you will make will shape your destiny."
"You get to choose from one of three op options... ranging from common all the way up to Exotic."
"New Vegas playable races: 'Originally, we had this idea where the player would be able to choose between three races: human, ghoul, and Super Mutant.'"
"The narrative is extremely vast and contains branching consequences based on your choices that span from the opening couple of hours of the game all the way through to the very very ending."
"You guys always have the option to play the way you want you can opt into these challenges as you see fit."
"You could play this game any way you wanted to."
"Your Weapon of Choice dictates your playthrough."
"The Stanley Parable is both a richly stimulating commentary on the nature of choice in games and one that offers some of the most enjoyable, surprising, and rewarding choices I've ever been confronted with in a game."
"The freedom to play how you want is something Di RISE does well."
"Choice that goes beyond a simple dialogue option."
"Elden Ring gives players more options than ever before."
"You just wanna kind of see more and you're not worried about how fast am I getting through this game? You have volunteered for the lengthier experience if you've turned that on." - Guybrush Threepwood
"League of Legends gave you something no other competitive experience did: complete Freedom of Choice."
"It's the freedom we give the players, like there's no right way to play the game."
"Your journey is defined by the choices you make. Welcome to The One."
"The freedom the system gives you allows you to level and to your heart's content."
"You can actually make a game where you can fight, sneak, and talk."
"Adding a more casual mode seems, yeah, well, more options are always better really."
"For this game to have any kind of meaning or resonance with the players, they're on some level they have to see the impact of their choices in play."
"Sunsetting hurts player choice; variety should be the pillar of design."
"Bioshock 1 proves that you don't need an open world to be believable, with eight packed levels full of options to the player."
"The starting quest in New Vegas has a wealth of player choice involved."
"Completely optional and offers such a unique perspective."
"Soma is all about asking the hard questions and leaving it up to players to find their own answers."
"Character customization does serve an impact."
"Play it however you want... that's what I love about Elden Ring, there's so many options to make your own fun."
"It's better to have content be optional in most circumstances."
"I love how you can play this game, no matter what way, whatever way you want. You can play it. I love that."
"The freedom of approach in this game is crazy."
"The Dark Brotherhood's quests often involve real choice in how you carry them out, which cements them as the game's best."
"It's going to be nice having... more choices."
"Mankind Divided asks you to go from A to B through a level but lets you pick from a few paths as you go."
"Freedom is at the heart of everything... tears of the Kingdom is absolutely devoted to providing the player with as many options as possible all the time."
"If they wanna use up four second-level spells or nearly half the charges on a consumable magic item to open one door, that seems like a choice they should be able to make."
"Dishonored gives you a huge amount of freedom."
"Play wherever your friends are like if I'm playing and I want to move over to my PC I should have my character go with me." - Destiny meeting players where they want to play.
"In Bioshock, there are no wrong answers; the game allows you to play the way that you want to."
"This freedom of choice is what makes the quest so interesting and fun."
"A game where the main storyline, although important, can actually be ignored."
"The very best part of the game... your operator doesn't auto-heal... forces you to jump between different operators."
"Whether you want to jump in [ __ ] all, air dash out, air dash into immediate death, or never return to the ground, there's a place for you."
"Choice is a big part of what the Dragon Age franchise is about."
"At a macro level this massive World exists to be explored...it's no longer about what can I do it becomes about what do I want to do."
"While the franchise may have taken a slight stumble with Absolution's more story-driven experience, it emerged better than ever building on the freedom of choice and experimentation that made the series such a hit to begin with."
"What really sets Diablo 2 apart is the amount of customization and builds you can create per class."
"I would have better liked to be able to talk to the man himself... maybe even having the option of shooting him."
"I always look favorably on any quest that gives you that many ways to resolve it."
"Please choose the appearance of your playable character."
"It's just giving players what they want: choices, consequences, Freedom."
"Mabinogi allows players to play the game how they want to."
"Microtransactions break my immersion, well then don't play the game."
"It's really about this idea of choice. Playing your games wherever you choose to play them."
"We want players to be able to play how they want to play."
"People say they want open world and free choice but they also want to be told where to go."
"Clyde Edwards-Helaire falling for us, another player that I've been drafting non-stop..."
"Mass effect's morality system recorded actions on a different scale known as Paragon and Renegade."
"Even if Gamers aren't picking certain choices the fact that the option exists makes players feel that much more empowered."
"We want the PvE player to feel that they can have a full awesome experience without ever ticking the PvP box if they don't want to."
"Not a single player in this game would have experienced this expansion in a less profound way if they could freely choose their covenants."
"Phantom Liberty absolutely offers real choices."
"Rebecca Ford felt that from the get-go the game gave players a lot of options which led to players deciding how they wanted to spend their time and not feel limited in how they approached their objectives."
"Just try to find what works for you. The more mods you unlock, the more choice and the better builds you'll have."
"Your responses will reflect Abel as a character and that I very much liked in the context of a role-playing game."
"There’s nothing a CRPG can do more to impress me than to give me a choice to talk my way out of the final boss confrontation."
"Let people play the characters they want to play."
"Psychological gameplay influences player choices, making for a deeper and more immersive experience."
"It feels quicker and easier to dive in and get invested because now if you're playing with motion controls it's because you were given the choice rather than having no other option."
"The quest system works in this game because quests actually branch."
"Each session will have a critical path quest, but the way you approach that quest is up to you."
"Player choice is key for the story and missions."
"You can play it your own way, and I think that's what's important."
"The game has more than generous amount of different weapons that can shape your playstyle."
"Each javelin gives you a different way to play the game."
"And let's be clear that's very good I like the idea that there's a lot of different ways to accomplish the goals in the game and this is a game that I'm very much looking forward to."
"Combat in these games is massively improved the more choices the player is allowed to make."
"Forcing players into a choice is not a choice; it's a non-choice."
"You can finish the whole game... without killing a single person... not only the netrunner is able to give you a little... every player however you want to skill your character..."
"Players can if they have enough money to buy the military R themselves they could do it that way so they constantly emphasize that this is just one of many ways this could all play out."
"Keep in mind that that's only one ending per game, that can realistically be achieved in as little as a few minutes per game, but I really respect that choice."
"It's a great way to increase the excitement of progression without removing too much choice in the game."
"This is after all a series that extol the virtues of player choice."
"Players can finish the entire game without killing a single person."
"I don't even have to kill them all. I can just go, yeah, check it out. I don't even have to."
"The game's structure is more like a Choose Your Own Adventure book than a traditional visual novel."
"Which will you pick first? Street kid, nomad, or corporal?"
"True / Canon endings only otherwise you just have a bunch of optional bad endings."
"It still feels like the choices you make don't mean anything."
"We wanted to make it so you have your life path opportunities throughout the whole game."
"One of the most fascinating things is how the game allows for meaningful player choices."
"We wanted the player to still be mobile... but we wanted to make sure that this isn't the only valid option." - Combat Designer
"Character customization: offering a wide range of options and styles."
"There's much more options when you're customizing how you appear in the game."
"Wear a freaking hodgepodge of different armor, wear some light armor, wear some medium armor, wear some heavy armor."
"It's up to the players to decide the best moves for themselves."
"I feel like any time that you force a player that doesn't want to PVP into PVP it's a bad thing."
"Play whoever you want to, whoever you feel the best with because at the end of the day all of the legends can do well and everyone can get good with any legend in this game."
"I want meaningful choices, consequences, drama, tension. Give me these classic elements."
"Players love things when they choose this storyline, right? They chose this character."
"For set pieces, it should be either James Ward-Prowse or Mount. Spot on."
"Who's your running back here? Taylor, that's Taylor for me, it's Bijan for me."
"I guess from this very specific point of view that this camera is always in this time it's time awakened ones you have reached the luminous cave have you come here to evolve."
"There's so many people out there who are playing on Horde because it's just simply more convenient."
"That's a good way to sort of like introduce a flawed character and then again now the character has room to grow they can redeem themselves they can give in to their corruption and that offers the player a choice."
"Half-Life 2 is sometimes criticized for perceived walk back in player choice, but neglects the fact that the gravity gun alone opens up a wormhole of combat depth never before seen."
"Another major component of RPGs is being whoever you want to be, starting wherever you want to start, and just in general doing whatever the [__] you want to do."
"Player choice is the only thing that separates a game from an animated movie."
"If everyone's going to pick their crusade upgrades and go for the strongest things and that's kind of fine."
"Games are more fun when you can play how you want to."
"Ultimately the PvP mode that I'm proposing is a completely optional player versus environment challenge."
"I think it's cool. I don't want it to be nerfed, I just want it to be a choice."
"Features a variety of different endings, all depending on your actions."
"But romance choices and scheduling are far from the only things you can do in the game."
"It is much better to allow your players to choose. If you pressure them into doing a thing, their hearts probably won't be in it, and it may feel like you're railroading them."
"You can actually target what kind of loot you're after."
"Diablo 4 is committed to the principle of player choice."
"This game gives us a choice in how we approach conflict."
"There's going to be all kinds of endings and it's really sounding like you'll be able to create multiple different types of stories with these characters."
"I think it's important to underline the fact that the competitive mode is not the only mode."
"Players will be able to explore the world how you want, where you want, whenever you want."
"Todd Howard reiterates here... to say yes to the player as much as possible."
"There should be an incentive to try again with a different approach. Game balance is an art but there's room to do this correctly."
"The level boost effectively only allows the player to cheat themselves out of an experience."
"It would be especially neat considering that all major decisions in the game are left up to the player."
"Good game design allows you to play the game in different ways."
"The player will play as V, a highly customizable mercenary."
"I'll be completely fine drafting Terry McLaurin."
"We want players to have their own start similar to alternate start mod based on race and class."
"In the meantime, though, I have other stuff to play from franchises I simply care more about."
"Appearance should be something players can change separately detached from the stats."
"For Odyssey to truly prioritize Choice as advertised and told to you in game, the player would have a saying decisions as significant as marriage and Parenthood."
"Surprise Fallout players are interested in what fallout has always been about, which is story and pcs exploration in meaningful choices."
"Systems like this is what people are so happy and excited about, because you can do whatever the [__] you want to do."
"There's a lot of stuff for players to enjoy if they opt into it, and if that's their intention."
"It's mainly the player who decides when they have beaten the game in their own vision."
"The sheer fact that the game just let me do it."
"The level of player choice in everything you do makes the game feel almost infinitely replayable."
"Nuka World offers a new take on playing fallout 4 because on top of the sizeable new area in all the quest chains, Nuka World allows you to be the bad guy in Fallout 4 for once."
"They really wanted to double down on customization, going very in-depth with lots of options."
"The goal is to have really powerful impactful choices that good amounts of our players feel are valid and want to explore."
"Diablo 4 is all about player choice. It takes all of the pillars of the Diablo game and just expands them with all the new features that people really love and appreciate like modern games."
"There's a solid element of player agency in determining the level of risk versus reward."
"After all, that's what Fable is about: choice."
"Game design is about getting players to make choices."
"The best thing about the original Fallout games was the sense that its world was full of choices and consequences."
"This isn't Sakurai's game, this isn't Nintendo's game, this is your game of Super Smash Brothers Melee, and it is up to you what character or even game mode we select."
"Rarely is the default or recommended way to play the game the only way."
"Players really respond well to... making this a player choice."
"It's your game, you play it how you want to play it."
"The honor system here will change the way certain cutscenes go, certain missions go..."
"It's honestly amazing that a game has this degree of choice and thought put behind character motivations."
"Cyberpunk knows that we love its characters and it uses those feelings to create difficult choices for the player."
"I'm glad you guys made that choice and didn't just make a generic war game."
"You get to imagine the path you want to go for in this game, which makes this Pokemon game stand out and feel like a dream come true."
"The core concept of Mega Man was to make a game where the bosses can be played in any order and I think this is something that they did a really good job with."
"Influence players into liking a character and feeling a sense of commitment to them, leading to the choices, whether forced by the narrative or otherwise, being made in the best interest of the companion rather than the character they are playing."
"We do like to whenever possible give people options so they can play the game the way they like."
"Innovations are one free invention whichever one you want in any order you want totally up to you."
"Selecting quick match offers four options: any duels, United combat, and combat ordeal."
"There was a big focus in the game description about choice and consequence."
"For the first time in a long time in a game, I really want to go back and see how it went the other way."
"You're now completely free to do anything you want, main quest, side quests, anything, anywhere."
"You don't even have to kill them all, you just gotta get past them, that's what I like, Mirrors Edge doesn't force you to be a killer."
"There really is just no need to level in blood."
"Everything, it's just more options to play aggghhhhh exactly the way that you want."