
Personal Best Quotes

There are 1906 quotes

"It's not about changing the world, it's about doing our best to leave the world the way it is."
"The only thing we can do right now is to pray for each other, of course, to support each other and be kind, but to do the best we can about our own lives."
"Invest in yourself, to choose yourself... at every given step I chose what was best for me."
"It was the best season of my life so far. Four wins, plus second at World Champs."
"You may not win the show, but you win the show because you are your best self."
"Your best is going to look different every single day."
"Live your freaking life to the best possible way that you can."
"People do their best when they do something they love when they're in their element."
"It's not so much about you succeeding or not succeeding; it's about being the best you that you can be."
"Excellence is not extravagance, it's not perfection, it simply means doing the very best that you can."
"Just do the best that you can, whatever that looks like."
"I don't feel guilty about it. I mean, this is what it is. I just always try to do my best."
"Everything you do should be about excellence. The best you can do. If I'm going to wash the dishes, I'm going to be the best person washing the dishes."
"If you're putting out your best work, then someone will enjoy it."
"The best course of action is always to keep your calm, step back, and think, 'What would my best self do in this situation?'"
"Be the absolute best that you can be, whatever that ends up being."
"It's not about how you do against other people, it's how did you... meet the person you could have been."
"Your best is always good enough when it comes to putting in effort and trying."
"It's not about being the best, it's about just doing your part as well as you can."
"We are at our absolute best when we get beyond ourselves."
"When we rise to becoming our best, when we are vibrant and connected and we are fulfilled because we're doing work that we love, that's when we get to change not only our lives but we could change the world."
"When you're at your best, you can do great things."
"Every single one of us is doing the best we can with who we are, with what we've got, and with the resources that we have available to us."
"Your unconscious doesn't need you to live a perfect life. It needs you to just do the best."
"If you're not in the flow state, you're not the best version of yourself."
"I'm the best that I can be, and I want to continue to be the best."
"If this turns out, this is by far one of the best cheesecakes I have ever made."
"If I can't even be the one percent in what I'm good at and what I'm passionate about, how on earth am I ever going to be the one percent at this engineering firm?"
"My whole goal in competing is to have the best Jiu-Jitsu I can."
"The goal of life is not to be the best, the goal of life is to try your best."
"We're at our absolute best when we get beyond ourselves."
"You and I are at our absolute best when we get beyond ourselves."
"That was the best ride I have ever had on a roller coaster in my life. I'm 25 years old, I've been riding coasters for what, over 15 years, and that is the best ride I've ever had in my life."
"Mythic plus and BFA that was the most fun I've ever had."
"I don't fear death, I just fear not being the best human I could have been."
"You don't have to have it all figured out, you just do the best you can do each and every day with what's put in front of you."
"As long as you try your best, then that's all we can ask for."
"A successful workout is not the sweatiest one, it's the one that you do to your best intensity."
"You have to do your absolute best. You have to do everything in your power and [___] energy, every fiber in your body."
"I managed to achieve it in just seven days the best possible rank and the best possible rewards."
"Personally, I don't like the advantage calculators give, and I'd rather have a personal best time without a calculator."
"Ultimately, it turned out for me to be the best thing in the world."
"This is Taylor Swift's best rendition of Shake It Off."
"You're doing the best you can with what you have."
"I think he's gonna be the best kickboxer I ever faced."
"I just want to be one of the best of all times irrespective of male or female."
"I maximize my ability and that's all you can ask for anybody."
"This is the cultural influencers these are the people who make the culture in which your kids engage."
"Feeling strong so there is no one who can beat me, I'm the best for myself."
"Be the first you, be the best version of you."
"Every fighter has one of these fights, one of The Grudge Match that really brings the best out of them."
"If you stop acting, your best will come through you."
"All my moments are special... but I always say my best moment still to be the next moment."
"I'm in this to challenge myself to be the best that I can."
"You want to make sure 2022 is the best year you've ever had. Not a good year, not last year, not an incremental growth, but the best year you ever had."
"Do the best that you can do and don't give a [ __ ] about what other people are gonna think about you."
"It ended up being my most impressive run that perfectly represented my abilities as a gamer."
"Oh, I just here's what I'm going to say, that was actually the best run we've had so far."
"Just because you're doing the best you can doesn't mean that that's like the right way to do it."
"I improvised a pitch, probably the greatest pitch I've ever done... about a book about power."
"As long as I'm doing my best, Heavenly Father sees that, appreciates that, and is willing to take me from where I am to where He knows I can be."
"Everybody, including ourselves, is doing the best we can."
"This is the most fun I've ever had streaming."
"Create the best version of yourself that you can."
"You just got to do the best they can and I think they've made really good choices a lot of the time."
"We all tried our best, that's all you gotta do."
"The Mamba mentality simply means trying to be the best version of yourself."
"I honestly cannot overstate... just incredible run at this point."
"Shower them on me, bless me with what you know is truly best for me."
"Drake gives his best work in adversity... when he's mad at Kanye, he said 'that's when the [expletive] got into the beef with Pusha T...'"
"I don't think that I'll ever read a better book in my life."
"Produce the best version of that for yourself, make something that you would want to watch."
"This is some of the best things I've ever made in my life."
"The best you can on Monday might not be the best you can on Thursday."
"I feel God I'm correct you're a failing God if you were the best version of yourself and you were waking up every day trying your absolute best to be unique and special individual then you would not be failing God any longer."
"This has been by far the most fun series I've ever done."
"I'm not obsessed with the result, it's about me doing my best."
"The best workout is the one that you're gonna do."
"With 21 goals and 15 assists, season number 10 was our best season to date."
"Without a question, this is the best thing that we've done."
"Do your best with what you reasonably have available to you."
"I just wanted to look like my best self at 68."
"Tyan Wallace, 76 yards for a game-winning touchdown, that's how you take your game to new heights, man."
"We're doing our best and that's all we can do."
"Cherry's number three, at one point her top rank was like three."
"Lou had decided to go for 207 kilos, a new world record in the total and a personal best for him."
"It's not about being perfect, it's about being the best that you can be for yourself."
"He did the one thing that was the best for him in his entire life."
"You are the only person who can figure out what is your curated path in life."
"I just want to be the best version of me in this game."
"I just want to make sure I die doing my absolute best."
"Progress of the world will call for the best that all of us have to give."
"Trying your best is always the best thing. If you don't achieve something but you tried your best, that's fantastic fair play to you because at least you've put the effort in."
"The best biscuits I have ever, ever made. I will link the recipe down in the description box."
"By far the flakiest biscuits I have ever made."
"This was me last year in September, this is where I looked the best I've ever."
"I believe in true love, in people digging down and finding their best selves."
"I have to feel my best in order to work my best."
"Just be the best who you can be every single day."
"Played Breath of the Wild years ago, best gaming experience yet."
"No one knows what's best for you other than you."
"I think I'm very close to the best possible version of myself."
"I'm happy I chose to find the best version of myself and stick to it."
"This is without a doubt for me the best in the wave."
"Everybody is at their best when they are being themselves."
"This is hands down cardio was the best workout I've done this whole month."
"It's not about the number of times you can cross the finish line, it's about the best finish across the finish line you can get."
"I just take every single day, I try and do the best I can to win today and make sure I'm ready to compete tomorrow."
"All you can do is just do your best to be as kind as you can."
"What the Golf is the most fun I've ever had playing a game."
"This may well be one of the best if not the best game I've ever played in so many different ways."
"I want to be the very best like no one ever was."
"Like I said, my peak, the most I've ever made in one hour is probably $100,000 or $200,000 in an hour."
"Easily one of my most enjoyable speedrun projects to date and probably my most impressive speedrun ever in terms of execution."
"The best you can really do at any given moment is to show up"
"You try everything you can to try to make it as good as it can."
"As long as you are happy with the way you look and you're trying to be the best you can be."
"It doesn't matter what matters is that you do your best to be the best you that you can be."
"Yo, helping other people, there is no right or wrong way to it. We all do the absolute best we can."
"All you can do is all you can do, but if you do all you can do, it's gonna be enough."
"If what excites you matches what you're very good at, that's peaking."
"I'm pretty sure it is literally impossible for me to get anything better than this."
"This has been the best birthday I've ever had in my entire life."
"Thriving is doing the best you can in the season you're in with the resources you have available."
"You need to be the best version of me in every moment."
"The captain gets four goals and two assists."
"I felt like I did the best I could to win the race today."
"The Palme d'Or, to this day, has still been, as far as laurels are concerned, my single absolutely positively greatest achievement of all."
"You follow? So when I'm coming up to my thing and I'm gonna try and do my thing, I am going to do it to the best of my—do you see what I'm saying?"
"I just hit possibly the best night of my Minecraft career."
"I've had the time of my life and I never felt this way before."
"I did everything I could I possibly could, you know, to be the best I am right now and you see how it work paid off."
"I don't consider this a failure, it's still a lifetime PR more than I've ever gone in my entire life."
"I promise I was doing the best that I could at the time."
"Let's go win, let's go succeed, let's go be our best."
"If you find something you're good at, you're going to do it better than anybody else."
"I'm here to push you to your best, whatever that is."
"This is the best moment of my life. Oh my god."
"Take every opportunity to do your best and don't be distracted by somebody else's opinion."
"Whether you've lost in your life, just you know, be the best you can be, make them proud."
"I love it if they'd say that... but the most important thing is that you take the talent that God gave you and do the best with it that you can."
"I ain't trying to be controversial, I just wanted to be me, be the best me."
"Stay focused on what you're absolutely the best at."
"I've got myself as fit as I've ever been in my life after the big 'C'."
"Just wake up and do the best that you can and then that's about it if you want to wake up and and do very little that's fine like just do the best that you can in any day I'm giving your current state."
"You must trigger that. Remind yourself to be your best self."
"You're not going to be able to do 100% of everything, so do your best."
"I have ended this art Challenge on the highest note possible."
"This might be the best rib I've ever, ever, ever had."
"Abandon expectation. Try and move forward and do your best."
"I was at one time the top number one overall Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 player in the world."
"It's been so crazy... I put into every single workout just like... the best I absolutely can." - Justin Medeiros
"If you don't love what you're doing, you're not actually going to be the best."
"Give it your 100%, not mine or anybody else's."
"Never doubt yourselves, always just trust yourself and do your best."
"Just give it as you lay it all out right here."
"Whatever your 100% is, whatever your maximum effort looks like, I want to see that."
"That was one of the best fast food Burgers I've ever had."
"Should you not offer God the absolute best writing and performing you can? Able offered the best he had to God."
"I don't ever see myself seeing something as good as Coco."
"If you're not having fun with her, you're not showing up as your absolute best."
"You owe it to yourself and your complementary opposite to express your highest and most dominant form. You owe it to yourself to be your best."
"I'm doing my best and that's all we can do, isn't it? Doing our best."
"The brownie was, hand on heart without a hint of irony, the best brownie I've ever had in my life."
"A huge part of loving who you are is just being your best you."
"This could be his biggest moment in his history."
"My first Olympia was my best show, I just, you can't, you can never forget it."
"It's the best FNAF game I have ever played, period."
"I have promised God my best. And my best is to honor him."
"14 jackpots in one day, one of my best winning days of all time!"
"Follow your heart, listen to your intuition, you know what's best for you."
"There's nothing that will ever compare to me getting to the top of Jump King."
"You've got to commit to doing the absolute best you can every single minute of every day."
"You don't need to blame yourself, we all do the best that we can with the information that we have."
"It's about being the best version of yourself, always improving."
"This is an opportunity to bring out the best in people."
"Yo hello you just PB'd, you did it! What really, what time is it?"
"All that matters is that you tried your best."
"Your best chance of winning is to be the best version of yourself."
"Doing the best I can with the time I've been given."
"Just do your best. There really is not much more to it than that."
"We're all just doing our best at all times and that's all we can do."
"He wants you to see him at a level you've never seen it before."
"I can't complain, I really can't complain. We pulled an amazing amount of good cards. Let's go through them all because this was actually... this might have been the best opening on my channel thus far."
"Competitive greatness is going out there and trying to do your best all the time."
"This has to be one of the best wins you've ever had."
"I just focus on being my best and lifting it to the best of my ability under my current situation and not comparing myself to anybody."
"The original version you were created to be is the best possible version of yourself."
"It's pretty much safe to say that Justin is going to smash his time from 2017."
"We're all trying to do the best that we can."
"The fourth agreement asks that we always do our best."
"All you have to do moment to moment in the 3D world is to do your best."
"Hands down, the best transformation I've seen."
"Everyone achieves a personal best now and then."
"He likes it when things are stacked against him whenever people think he can't that's when he's at his best."
"We do it for the love and we do what we think is the best."
"I thought it was the best piece of rock theater I had ever seen."
"That one was actually the best one yet that was the best one."
"The key to bouncing back is just recognizing that you need to do the best of what you've got."
"Do the best you can because in life, if you give it your all and you do the best you can, that's it. But that's all you can do, and that's enough."