
Gaming Impact Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"DSX... a masterclass of storytelling and... one of the most important games of all time."
"These games meant so much to me; they are the reason I got into history."
"The Taken King absorbed me... It was no longer just a place for me to hang out and unwind after work or classes; it was a lifestyle."
"Hollywood and every sports league out there should be trembling right now."
"The importance of everyone having an equal opportunity to share their story and their perspective through a game and what it means to shaping our perceptions is critical."
"It's a matter of acknowledging the game's impact and influence but also accepting its shortcomings."
"Nintendo GameCube was an absolute rock star of a system."
"Let's Plays... have not only become such a unique and important part of the gaming landscape as a whole but they've also had an immeasurable influence on the way developers design, test, and market games today."
"Who knows where I'd be in life today if I never owned a Nintendo 64."
"Even the biggest Square Enix haters can't undermine their impact on the genre within the gaming ecosystem."
"Black Flag is one of very few games that has ever made me relate on a personal level and for that I will never forget it."
"Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild... it's like the first time you watched a crazy computer-generated flick... like how people felt when they saw that Avatar movie, the first Jurassic Park."
"If you make a decision that ruins my favorite champion, then that's something you got to live with."
"Having a warlock in the group is just massive, just so high impact."
"It felt like Legends arus was a whisper and Scarlet Violet was a shout."
"Landorus T: utterly devastated pretty much anything that wanted to switch into its powerful earthquakes."
"Fortnite has completely taken over the gaming landscape and has become that mythical money-making dragon that tons of other franchises are forever chasing. You don't ever catch the dragon."
"It's choice and consequence is super powerful."
"Narcisa made it feel this decade that speedrunning mattered, and that, my friends, is truly irreplaceable and will never be forgotten."
"A day that would change speedrunning forever."
"If I would have been able to play this when I was this age, this would have made life easier for me."
"The Metroid Prime games are some of the most important games to be released in the 2000s."
"Super Dreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe closed games like nobody's business."
"I'm excited to see what type of damage he can get done with this."
"The tremendous success of Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is a testament to the ongoing importance and irreplaceability of the franchise."
"For this game to have any kind of meaning or resonance with the players, they're on some level they have to see the impact of their choices in play."
"The Witcher 3: Shaped the way I view gaming, set the standard for quality and excellence."
"A video game is a joyride to insanity. It's a journey to our inner nightmares and fantasies." - Eugene Jarvis
"The power of Tetris and I think a few other sudoku, you know, fits into that category."
"The story of Arthur Morgan was a beautiful 50 to 60 hour journey that was an emotional roller coaster by the end that I will cherish forever without a doubt."
"Character customization does serve an impact."
"The stories and the joy they bring to Gamers around the world are more than just a snapshot in time. They are Timeless."
"Together we can make gaming a reflection of the world we don't just want to see but we can change it into the world we want it to be."
"Many moons ago a game was launched that shook the gaming industry with such a force it can still be felt today."
"Wind Waker shaped a lot of my views on what a video game could be."
"It's a big wowing thing, bit like black myth Wukong."
"Call of Duty has taken the gaming world by force."
"This was the Sonic that grabbed the attention of a whole new generation of kids, helping save the franchise."
"The new bar for Pokemon battle animation had been set."
"I genuinely feel like a much more balanced, happy, decent person now that I'm not pvping much anymore."
"Metroid Dread seems to have been not only one of the most anticipated games of 2021, but also one of the best-received."
"Red Dead Redemption is a generation defining title it's a textbook example of when absolutely everything works."
"Pharisee was an amazing defining piece of Gen 5"
"Pharisee had an incredible competitive career"
"A shining glimmering example of what a remake could be."
"These don't necessarily have to be concrete scenes or actions just any moments I've had playing games that impacted my understanding of what they can do."
"Signalus is one of the best games I've played all year and it has a profound effect on me by warming its way into my brain and refusing to leave."
"This seems as though it's going to be that game that really defines what the generation at this point can be."
"Operations was a revolutionary game mode and it became the centerpiece experience in Battlefield 1."
"Every WoW expansion that has introduced a new class has been an absolute Banger and remembered as a genuine Stone Cold classic."
"Elven Ring is transcendental, something I didn't know I wanted."
"If you think about a video game after you play it then it's a good game."
"WoW has been the most influential experience of my life."
"Primeape has been one of the Gen 1 Pokémon with the best careers."
"Gmod 13: the monumental update that changed everything."
"Master Dark Law: Easily the best hero monster overall and one of the best fusion monsters in the game."
"1998 and 1999 what a year for first-person shooters."
"The ETB effect of vishgras is very cool, it's so powerful."
"Every nat 20 is diminished. Every success in the face of danger is diminished."
"Breath of the Wild effect: proving the Switch's potential."
"Deoxys defense didn't take long to go from bl to a genuine ou pokemon as it had already established itself as the new face of the hyper offense playstyles immediately in the wake of deoxys speed's banned in black and white one."
"It's a festival of emotional turmoil that continues to play with your feelings throughout the entire game."
"Caps in the mid lane really set the tone for the rest of the game."
"The game that made the biggest impact in terms of just playability these days? Mario Galaxy."
"Craterhoof Behemoth maybe doesn't win the game every time you play it, but it's absurdly powerful."
"Not all media are created equal... even within video games... different video games have a different effect on your brains."
"The Halo series has always made an impression."
"But I doubt there will ever be another game that impacted the world as much as Minecraft."
"My objective is to differentiate as best as possible."
"Zombies was way more than a game... It really became the common ground that myself and many others made lifelong friends on."
"Counter-Strike would be a lot less interesting without it."
"That's a lot of damage that comes out with that." - Acknowledging the impact of a powerful ability or item.
"These games aren't just sensations; they're worldwide sensations."
"Sports games tend to stand out as great launch titles, showcasing the capabilities of the hardware."
"If Overwatch released today it would light the [__] gaming world on fire."
"If we lose our way with Halo, we lose our way with Xbox."
"It's always really exciting to see a game that focuses so much on history."
"The game felt like the largest and most epic video game that had ever been produced, permanently changing the face of gaming as a result."
"This is the first side quest where you really get to have a strong impact on the story."
"The Outer Worlds quite literally revived its genre in one simple stroke."
"Video games are bigger than movies and music combined, doubled. That's huge."
"Slender brought about a revolution in horror games."
"That game was a you know lit the fire under a bunch of people then they were able to make a second and then they're able to make Witcher 3 which as we all know swept a lot of Game of the Year awards."
"Of all the free-to-play games that came out this year, Call of Duty: Warzone for sure had the biggest impact and it dropped out of literally nowhere."
"It's Bioshock, man. Bioshock to this day still left its mark in the industry."
"Sonic Advance 2 does make one heck of a first impression."
"Undertale didn’t just make me rethink RPG’s, it made me rethink gaming in general."
"Bed Wars has turned me into a strategy genius and given me confidence that I'm smarter than other people."
"This is gonna be a game of the year Contender."
"This game is going to take over people's lives for the next like 10 years."
"Once Halo Infinite releases, that'll be a game changer."
"Your choices as V do have an effect on the world."
"Early reviews all agree this game [ __ ] rocks."
"Skyrim was just a game that was ahead of its time... Skyrim blows on like 90 different levels."
"Despite piracy largely being something that harms game console sales..."
"This game taught me how to wait for a better opportunity to come. I played this game for 11 years, and when you do anything for that long, it's going to change who you are as a person."
"It's almost like a breakthrough in terms of what games can do in terms of what games can make you feel."
"It's not even just Nintendo characters now and I think that's revolutionary."
"BG3 is a game changer and its peak on Steam of over 850,000 players is insane."
"Every now and then a game comes along that defines a genre."
"I think that this game might actually send a message and it might be impactful enough to show people like, hey guess what, this is real-world stuff."
"Among Us defines an entire age of YouTube and the internet."
"The negative impact of games may lead to widespread regulations."
"It's hard to overstate the impact software has had on gaming, from birthing its own genre to inspiring countless developers."
"Horror games have been instrumental to gaming, even looking like what it does today."
"Let's not forget where it all started: with a game that truly made cooperation a necessity."
"Detroit become human feels like the complete realization of aspirations set in motion decades earlier."
"The Uncharted series set the PS3 apart from its then rival the Xbox 360."
"Utilizing mainstream appeal, Call of Duty marketed Modern Warfare to be the game that you were truly missing out on if you didn't take part in it."
"We are deeply curious people, capable of performing the mental gymnastics to say I can simultaneously enjoy killing innocents in this game and also recognize that I have no desire to do that in real life."
"Grand Theft Auto 4 is absolutely a game that has defined a genre—it's a transcendent title that breaches all known phases of gamer and beyond."
"Characters were animated using motion capture and let me tell you seeing well animated humans on a handheld in 2012 was jaw dropping and so is this water."
"Super Mario 64 was yet again another revolutionary addition to gaming. Fans and speedrunners still finding new secrets."
"This game has not slowed down in terms of amazing me."
"This game completely changed my life and I have some of the best gaming memories I've ever had with this game despite all of its flaws."
"He might end up having a bigger impact on the game than stripe or dr. doom when they came out."
"Fez still manages to feel like an essential entry in the indie game pantheon."
"When you talk about gaming, you can't talk about games that changed the game in the industry and not mention the humongous, entertaining and beautiful Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas."
"There's overwhelming evidence showing that a lot of teenage suicides that are caused by dungeons and dragons are caused because the player has finally lost touch with reality."
"Sunday Gold came in out of nowhere and immediately caught my eye with its gorgeous art style."
"Breath of the Wild owes a lot of its success to how amazing it was to explore its world."
"SSD is a game changer." - Neil Hill, Far Cry 6
"If people unsub and it's not fun, Blizzard gets that message."
"Chrono Trigger transcends just being the best Super Nintendo role-playing game."
"Twisted Fate is the biggest nerf of the patch and I think that it really can't be understated how much this will change a lot of his laning phase interactions."
"Moments like this were as close as the game got to jolting me out of that arcade-y mindset and actually forcing me to think about the wider implications..."
"Urgot's new passive and ultimate cemented his new identity as a slow but brutal death machine."
"Seriously, you made some of the best memories for me as a kid and I'm sure for many other people too."
"Minecraft is the most important video game of the past decade."
"When everything goes right meta wise... he is terrifying."
"Good games will change things," - Commentator
"Call of Duty Vanguard is teaching an entire generation of teenagers that your great-grandfather stormed the beaches of Normandy with a f***ing EO Tech."
"Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria, the source of nightmares for an entire generation of let's players."
"That blew my mind, eleven years old, that is what I think, that is why I just absolutely love these GTA games because of just how game-changing they were."
"Mario Odyssey is an evolution, not a replacement, reminiscent of Breath of the Wild's expansion."
"Bloodborne kind of broke me... it completely raised the bar."
"Choosing to spend time playing one game means not spending that time playing any of the other games. That is just a fact of being alive and having to make choices."
"Having the blind spot monitor is always a good, nice idea."
"That's one of the greatest strengths of games, it gives you the ability to put yourself outside of your comfort zone."
"PT is brilliantly made and I still think about it now four and a half years on after playing it, you will not be the same again."
"Fighter is potentially the best melee ability the traditional Kirby games has ever seen."
"Bam's Minecraft VR video literally made me get the catwalk and everything."
"It felt like a once in a generation title that pushed the boundaries of what games could be."
"It just further shows that they put more eSports on the map for it."
"The harm comes to the people that unfortunately already do."
"Fear revolutionized first-person shooting in its day."
"My love for video games wouldn't be as dominant if it weren't for the revitalizing and enveloping video game soundtracks of my childhood."
"One of the best functions of games: generated empathy."
"It just lowers the skill Gap like I think that's all it really does is just kind of tighten up that skill Gap a little bit especially now."
"Halo 2 made a huge splash when it showed up."
"The best way I can describe The Last of Us Part Two is that it is emotionally exhausting."
"Generation 9 released some of the most powerful dark types of all time, terrorizing OU."
"Hitmonlee was an important piece of offense in Gen 6 UU."
"The impact reverberated through the air culminating in the monster's defeat as it collapsed under the force of Crest's blow."
"Tony Hawk's Underground was a tectonic shift in gameplay and identity for the series."
"He retook the Counter-Strike scene by storm."
"Suun was just released in generation 9 in the Indico disc but his distant cousin walking wake was released after a Pokémon direct and has proceeded to unleash unprecedented Terror on the OU meta game."
"In the last 10 years, that's the game that I think has affected me the most and I've invested myself in the most."
"The original Gran Turismo revolutionized how cars and racing were viewed."
"Lucario has been an absolutely tremendous competitive force since its inception."
"I don't know if this is gonna screw my skills if I do this."
"Goldeneye succeeded in making the player feel like James Bond."
"Possibly the greatest video game remake of all time."
"This game just kind of bit my mind and made me reconsider what a videogame could be."
"This boost mechanic the Eureka's and the inspiration will have wicked effects on your gameplay"
"Max Payne's gameplay did for gaming in general at the time."
"Beat Saber is still going strong to this date and it trailblazed probably one of the biggest paths for the mainstream to get into VR."
"Breath of the Wild was a mind-blowing experience, revolutionizing the genre in a way I kind of struggled to go back to other games."
"Access code talker is synonymous with the speed and power of Yu-Gi-Oh accelerating to nearly unreasonable Heights."
"Super Mario 64 truly is a landmark in gaming."
"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for halo and its powerful impact on gaming."
"Oh man, DPS, that's gonna make a huge difference in my battles."
"Alham was almost immediately instated as one of the best characters in the entire game where he has remained ever since."
"Rescue A has been a game-defining deck for the last quarter of the year."
"Breath of the wild was so good it was so groundbreaking in so many ways that it it deserved a sequel if any Zelda was going to get a direct sequel breath of the wild was the one to choose."
"If this game came out as the very first installment of the Kirby franchise, Kirby would be a much bigger icon than he already is today."
"This game is genius and has proven to be one of the single most influential titles ever released."
"Nobody can deny the impact that Resi had on the gaming world, breathing new meaning into the term survival horror and creating a much more mainstream mature audience."
"The most powerful force in all of gaming: player-generated content."
"Batman: Arkham Asylum was a pivotal moment for the superhero genre."
"Gaming has made such a positive influence on my life. I mean, it's literally changed my life."
"The Legend of Zelda... responsible for revolutionizing the gaming industry."
"This is going to have the biggest impact on the meta for me."
"Metal Gear Rising was a reminder of how powerful games can be when it comes to being an escape and giving us an experience that can jolt us."
"5.2 was massive, massive to a level really patches just don't come close to."
"It's surreal...I got like huge Metal Gear Rising vibes...it's so good."
"Goku Black continues to be a game changer. He's so dang good that he allows you to do things on Global that you could never do on JP."
"Cadaver is hitting like an absolute freight train 825 k per hit."
"The definitive experience for at least a decade to come."
"It's not a fun game to play when you may end up in the hospital."
"Megaman X will always be something special to you because it was the game that made me realize that I would be completing games every single week for the rest of my life."
"These games helped make the Game Boy a success."
"This pack might change everything, 99 stamina and 99 aggression."
"Galaxy 2 made such an enormous impact on 3D Mario in a way we hadn't seen since Super Mario 64."
"That game quite literally saved us, I think."
"Can you imagine you're a voice actor in a video game that becomes one of the most beloved story-based video games of all time?"
"Disney Infinity turns 10 this year, but its impact on gaming will live infinitely."
"Something will never have the same impact that the release of Minecraft did."
"It's a win by itself, considering Mortal Kombat X marked a change in the style of character designs."
"You don't exist in a vacuum your choices can directly affect the game in a negative way for other people and that's a factor that always has to be considered."