
Cultural Awareness Quotes

There are 476 quotes

"When you travel and realize that people live differently than you were brought up, it makes you more tolerant to all different kinds of life."
"I think it's important to recognize that like, oh yeah, growing up in the society and the culture that we've grown up in, we do sort of automatically discriminate against certain groups of people."
"Making that a priority, I would say, is a healthy thing. Learning about other people's tribes too, because that's just the curiosity and funness of being human."
"Inclusion is not closing your eyes and pretending like everybody in the world is the same... Inclusion is understanding that the world is diverse... and embracing that."
"One of the things that many foreigners probably don't know about China is how ethnically diverse it is... China's more like a continent than a country."
"It's important to remember that English is not the master language for everything."
"Dem tell me, dem tell me what they want to tell me... but now I checking out my own history, I carving out my identity."
"I think you avoided joining a cult, or a different culture than the one you're already in."
"The Asian-American community is extremely diverse, so I don't want to suggest that the experience is singular."
"Right now in the United States, there are over 550 federally recognized American Indian tribes and Alaskan Natives."
"You guys want someone who's like willing to travel and do different things and are well-traveled or knows about different people, cultures, open-minded."
"The culture of Sri Lankan cricket... we had to be conscious of our social duty."
"It's important for Americans to break free from that bubble."
"I'm gonna dab, okay? Don't dab 'cause that's double appropriations. Don't do it, that's a good yoga pose."
"My family has been so supportive, my daddy's very strict but they were so supportive when I told them I wanted to go for Miss Ghana."
"If you're a k-pop stan, you should probably be additionally more critical of the way that this industry destroys the artists."
"The more diversity you know it's again a reason to support biodiversity because we actually need biodiversity in our bodies as well as we need biodiversity out in nature."
"I've never heard of this woke, what is this woke that you speak of?"
"Hopefully reducing the ugliness of racism so prevalent in society today."
"Even some people in your staff don't know what hummus is."
"What does it really mean? So one thing that I think about all the time because I work out a country so often is that if I'm shooting outside of country it should not look like I'm in New York."
"Everything exists in a cultural context, and the only time you don't see that is if the prevailing opinion agrees with you."
"If you live in America, I gotta tell you because you're gaslit by our entire culture, this is not normal."
"Black history 12 months a year... We really need to be talking to white people about black history and being comfortable with having that dialogue to eliminate racism."
"Just stop stereotyping millions of people into one group."
"In today's world of canceled culture, you have to be careful."
"An awakening is underway around issues of intersectionality, sexuality, and gender norms across all industries and art forms."
"June teens isn't that it celebrates the anniversary of freeing enslaved people."
"Black History Month is a month of Celebration, not sorrow."
"The severe abuse native children had suffered amounted to cultural genocide."
"It's really this ecosystem that radiates out even from a name that might not on face value look like it's offensive. It's ever the culture that radiates out or the way that rival fans will use hate speech when they're cheering against those teams."
"The amount of times that we've spoken, it never dawns on me that if there were different cues from different nationalities."
"This video really illustrates the importance of understanding microcultures and cultural differences in people."
"Tumblree Has now added blank to their list of sexualities. Tumblr has now added The Jews to their list of sexualities."
"It's always fascinating to kind of know what people outside of your bubble think of you."
"It's really important to be respectful of that person's culture."
"Ultraman is criminally unknown in the west despite being a huge household name in Asia, but it's a legitimately thoughtful and classic sci-fi franchise. I will rank it on par with Star Trek."
"Really the moral of today's story is Mind ya business, Stop being so quick to judge, Keep ya damn hands to yourself, Stop touchin' black women's hair period."
"But we shouldn't become so jaded that we fail to notice the considerable escalation happening in our culture right now."
"Please check yourself before you even make that trip because the white saviorism everyone's talking about actually comes with a preconceived notion before you even get on that flight."
"Well, in the sunken place, that's real. That's very real. As a matter of fact, by the rich, that's too real. So I suggest we read 'Behold a Pale Horse.'"
"When a kid's movie acknowledges that other religions exist."
"While traveling is a great way to learn about other cultures, it's important to respect them too."
"I thought it was important to highlight this video I mean it just speaks volumes about why Africa is where it is today."
"Don't wait till black history month to support."
"Understanding others and the other nations will help you become whole." - Uncle Iroh
"What I think is feasible is to teach succeeding generations of Americans that different forms of language are different, but not worse."
"There is a world outside of Tumblr, and a lot of people live in it, and I know a lot of people who are non-binary who are over 25, over 30 even."
"I'm here to show you guys that not all Asians look alike."
"Knowing the name and supposed cultural characteristics of your generation is fast becoming a baseline expectation of cultural literacy."
"Learning about other cultures helps us understand different perspectives within the world."
"Why are we not seeing images of the pandemic in terms of human cost? It's really a cultural one."
"When you meet someone of a different culture, you begin to realize what your own beliefs really are."
"I don't think that looking at things and being aware of the level of trouble that the culture is in is conspiratorial by nature."
"What they want to do is change yours, your behavior, my behavior, get us to change our ideology, get us to change what we know historically and culturally to be truth and get us to embrace a lie."
"That is not a man who has ever seriously attended a black Protestant Church."
"Embrace the culture because it's quite different, so be open-minded."
"Even nowadays it's very interesting to see people learn more about Ukraine and unfolding the history."
"There is definitely a fine line between appreciating a culture and appropriating from it."
"Mayan culture is still alive and thriving today."
"It's about being intelligent and realizing what it takes to have a sustainable culture."
"Understanding fashion doesn't mean supporting problematic figures."
"Fans knew who Larry Hoover was. That's why you don't know who Larry Hoover is. I'm sure they do now as a result of the show. And I think that's more."
"Europeans are fighting back, but the US population is sleeping, numb to the reality."
"All funds from this live should go to cultural education."
"Knowing more about the culture you're consuming is better; it'll make you know more, it'll give you a better experience of that thing, and it's just better for everyone."
"The way all this talk and discussion has made a lot of young straight men in particular realize that the way they have sex and what they get from sex is not satisfying."
"Africa is nice, man. Africa nice. Africanized. Don't listen to the media and everything. Come here, come to the continent, man. You'll see it with your own eye. Come to the continent."
"Black history has been overlooked, minimized, or even worse, erased."
"It's Black History Month, that means you guys can't be mean to me. Damn, I forgot, that means happy Black History Month, dude. Thank you."
"Once you understand what your damn culture is, the politics, the education, the economics, the judicial, everything falls into place."
"I'm not gonna act like it's all bad and I'm not telling anybody to just run away and stay away from all Jamaican men that's not what I'm saying I'm saying be careful."
"All black women want is proper representation."
"We've got to get our people out, we've got to get this ingrained in our consciousness."
"You're illustrating how internalized the white gaze is within you."
"If this were happening in another country, the United Nations would call it a cultural genocide."
"What it says is really the cultural ignorance of not understanding how we are a diverse society."
"How can we expect mainstream support for sovereignty, self-determination, nation-building, tribally controlled education, health care, and jobs when 90% of Americans only view my people as one-dimensional stereotypes?"
"We are a brand new ethnic group, a whole new, I won't say brand new but a whole new, we are not lost and don't let nobody tell you you lost."
"Happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa, happy whatever you [ __ ] celebrate!"
"Take your time with this life, don't grow up too fast and don't believe some of the information out here that they're really putting out about who you are and what our culture is."
"We should have a really good, strong sense of Native American food."
"Where are all the Native American restaurants?"
"The typical person doesn’t think much about their cultural biases."
"Cancel culture seems to me to lack an understanding and compassion, often lacks context."
"Throughout centuries, black people have faced systemic oppression, including cultural erasure and the distortion of their historical contributions."
"What the discovery of African writers did for me was this: it saved me from having a single story of what books are."
"The single story creates stereotypes and robs people of dignity."
"Happy Juneteenth everybody! I think it's so important. If you don't know what Juneteenth is, log off of here right now and go google it."
"I think the greatest tragedy is within the next ten years you talk to the average black adults they will be able to tell you way more about Wakanda than they'll be able to tell you about the Black Panther Party."
"She was black without apology, and what does that mean and how does that inform how we should be thinking about ourselves?"
"Are we witnessing literally the exact same thing just coming from two different cultural backgrounds?"
"If you're hired as a diversity officer, that means you believe and understand the idea of racial equity, of racial inclusion, cultural awareness. That's you."
"We're not going to be silent about it and just like now we're coming up on Indigenous People's Day in October."
"Don't put your chopsticks vertically in your bowl of rice, it can be seen as an offering to the deceased."
"Respect history, learn how to respect history."
"An average Yoruba that is smart enough knows what is going on."
"You may not personally find these cards salty, but you need to be aware that there are others in the greater Magic community that may find them salty."
"Communication can happen when you gain knowledge about other cultures." - Korea
"Knowing history and knowing stories is important."
"It just makes you think about how many pieces of human history either have been erased or are unknown."
"Maybe instead of standing problematic behavior or giving it massive platforms to succeed on, we could just like not do that."
"Travel is the antidote to ignorance of some sort."
"Your ancestors left the stones for you right right now we could leave right here and I could take you to Prospect Park and show you the pyramid that's in the park, but the white man calls it a hill and you believe it."
"People without the knowledge of their past history, origin, or culture is like a tree without roots." - Marcus Garvey
"Sure, ignorance might have been understandable about 30 years ago, but even today, TV and Film still have no clue how to represent this monumentally successful entertainment industry."
"My culture is not your costume folks when you go out and get hammered today."
"You should be educated when you travel, the shit is like really scary."
"This moment, as well as what it represents, very cool and a welcome corrective."
"So many people who aren't even Christian know this verse."
"In recent years, there has been growing awareness and efforts within Masai communities and by international organizations to end this brutal practice."
"Nobody is standing still... they're moving forward... if we don't get our heads around... we're cruising for another summer of 2020." - Glenn Loury
"Learning a different language gives you a different way to see the world."
"Chinese people would be like less ignorant at least they know there are poetry in Somali language and Somali there are like rich culture in Somali and not just pirates."
"Hopefully over time we're getting to a place where there's an understanding that everybody has their own background."
"You have to understand the culture of an environment."
"Many people seem to think that tribes are a thing of the past that our world has evolved so much that no tribe could possibly exist today. Well, my friends, that's completely false."
"If white supremacists love them, perhaps we ought to avoid them? Just saying."
"You never know who you're gonna offend or what belief system you're gonna offend."
"Living overseas really opens your eyes onto the world and your personal identity."
"Pluto is the one disconnecting them from their own history, and then he blames it on them, despite, as we already covered, these civilizations in real life being very aware of how they were connected."
"He realizes that the world isn't so different from where he came from."
"There is more to Russia than the stereotypes on the internet."
"If you're going to choose a path of working with a lot of deities from different pantheons, you need to be aware of closed practices."
"If you don't know these things, then it's a big oopsie or a sin."
"Can you be an actress? They get so mad at you for not seeing shit, right? 'What do you mean you haven't seen it? You're an actress!'"
"That's not something you say publicly. That's not something anybody wants to hear. That speaks to our culture."
"I feel like this is a special example where people in the United States should look at this situation, kind of understand what's going on here..."
"Less than 10% of America could name 15 artists."
"Black history month was not simply meant to make us feel less racist or more culturally aware. It was designed to show us what America really is and always has been."
"Nobody knows nobody's learning about they barely learn about slavery."
"A LEGO set with the word 'slave' in it stands out like a sore thumb. It's a word with a lot of muddy history and atrocities behind it."
"There's never an excuse to be wearing these symbols even if it's done out of ignorance."
"I would say that Scott Adams is woke enough to understand his position in all of that."
"This is American history and we need to talk about it because if you don't talk about it you don't share it."
"When I go on a foreign cruise line, I should treat it as if I'm stepping into a foreign country, and all that that means."
"We need to emphasize slavery in history as one of the many things that happened to us."
"Helping her make sense of her identity outside a Eurocentric lens would ultimately be beneficial for her."
"Miyazaki and his team are quite aware of these cultural truths."
"We are waking up, we are doing the research, and we are identifying our people in our history."
"Should we be bowing? I feel like we should be bowing."
"What we have done for so long in America is whitewashed our story."
"Thanksgiving, the only one here that actually knows what Thanksgiving is."
"Africa understanding Africa gives you options doesn't mean you gotta go they don't mean you gotta live there I don't think I'm live here right."
"We tried to warn you about culture appropriation."
"They're the Taliban. What are you expecting? What do you think their views on women's rights are?"
"You have to be a complete fool to hear this over and over again from different Native American tribes and not think there's something to this."
"I think people get it confused like they just think it's for women but it's not it's for men as well."
"I learned so much about black history by doing my own reading."
"Do y'all realize that this is not a Jamaican format that is broadcasting this?"
"No race is more important than another race and one culture isn't more important or better than the other."
"There's nothing worse than the ignorance of this amazing world full of culture and art."
"The sum of two fourth powers can't be a fourth power."
"We are all guilty of being dismissive of things that are not our own tribe or community."
"Maybe the world has changed a bit, people are more mindful of other cultures now, and I hope this is a sign that we are moving in the right direction as a society."
"You get to meet a person's personality before you even know their nationality."
"Nobody knows red man in my world and that's crazy."
"This is bigger than the manosphere people really realize."
"I always spoke very positively about it and I will limit how many videos I speak of Brazilian women."
"Don't run up on them brothers. There's a reason why black folks don't run up on them."
"At some point, this is going to seep into the public consciousness."
"Being curious about cultural context is crucial in ministry. Ask questions, don't assume."
"It blew my mind too, like I've always obviously known that this type of thing existed."
"Let's stop playing like we like these cultures, let's just call them out when they need to be called out."
"We got to understand how important our information is and how important our culture is"
"Good to know these programmers are down with the memes."
"We're progressively getting worse, we're obsessed with Black History Month, but we haven't overcome anything."
"Black-owned media can't be ignored, it's time to be smart, bring your eyeballs home."
"Black people must know thyself, and to know yourself is to know melanin."
"I find it to be quite upsetting because if you've never left the United States, you never experience another culture, how do you think you know so much about it?"
"Don't get so immersed in your own culture that you can't see outside of it."
"When you are, um, you hear about a revival event today, you want to be really careful that that revival event isn't actually a Gnar revival event."
"Do you know that there are over five languages in this world?"
"When you visit a foreign country, you're the foreigner."
"Going abroad really helps you be open-minded towards other cultures."
"Think carefully about the statements you make about your culture because you will be held accountable."
"East Asians are more aware of context and see reality as a constellation of elements."
"Love is love, but girl y'all do know sometimes these [ __ ] get with these women outside of black women"
"Educate yourself before visiting the countries."
"Respect other cultures as a general principle, but there are some traditions that aren't worthy of respect."
"Small acts of respect can foster deeper appreciation for the local culture and create positive memories for your family, with a little bit of planning and a sense of adventure."
"One of the most egregious mistakes I see Americans make when they travel Europe is assuming things are the same."
"Learning cultures are usually a great basis for people to feel good too because nobody wants to stand still in their career everybody wants to learn and evolve and grow."
"I really enjoyed this movie. I really enjoyed this movie. I always feel like I've filled in like a gap in my cultural awareness when I watch one of these classic movies that I've never seen. So, I really enjoyed this. I really enjoyed this movie."
"Where would they do this? It's got to be one of those four Asian countries or Brazil" - Reflects the guessing game aspect of trying to identify international flavors, demonstrating the process of elimination and speculation.
"He was certainly well aware of the necessary changes in culture well before any of his peers and even people today."
"I apologize. UK and Ireland, I did not know that."
"I thought everybody talked the same... I thought everybody spoke this fluent lower 48 English."
"...you don't understand the basic assumptions of your own culture if your own culture is the only culture you know..."
"There's like a uncircumcised mod like there literally there's like Sims [ __ ] mods we need that, yep we need it's representation."
"You can't really be a 'citizen of the world' without some element of living abroad."
"I just keep my mouth closed. I just don't even understand why it's a conversation, bro. Like, bro, like you of big rich affluent educated individuals you're not ignorant to what you're doing just allow it, man."
"These are really important, and I think for anyone who wants a nuanced understanding of a culture, you should be at least aware of these books, right?"
"I never even thought about the Greek honestly when I was a kid."
"The moment she found out he was black, yeah, shout out to you Nigerian woman. She said, 'Hey, you a brother!'"
"Persepolis is considered a vital text in debunking many implicit biases the West has about Iranian culture."
"You just need to respect the locals and that's a given everywhere."
"There's a couple of rules of thumb: look at the culture that you are using and determine how consistently has that culture been harmed by misappropriation in the past."
"You should be considering the culture and the history of the region."
"You've seen the lights, but don't be that English stereotype who tries to wipe out other cultures."