
Narrative Importance Quotes

There are 323 quotes

"DSX is one of the most important series of all time, not just from a mechanical perspective but from a narrative one as well."
"We think there's some intellectualization of the argument; we're going to win, but facts don't matter, narrative matters."
"The integrity of our psyches is predicated on the unity and functionality of the stories that guide our perceptions and emotions."
"A good story is really important for a great RPG."
"The most insignificant person in this whole story is also the most important."
"This is a fight for the very idea that relationships like Vi and Powder's matter at all."
"Fundamentally, the story has to be worth our pain, worth the pain our characters are dealing with, otherwise, it's just harmful."
"It could not come at the expense of the Luffy-Big Mom conflict as that has infinitely more narrative importance than simply checking off a box for Kid and Law."
"Whether or not something is canon is not nearly as important as the story, the characters, the events, the emotions, the investment you as the viewer experience because of a good story..."
"Regardless of how deep and complex your characters are, none of that ultimately matters unless we understand the most basic motivations driving them."
"The narrative isn't everything but it's a huge piece of where people's attention is."
"It's amazing how everything becomes important at the end of the whole run."
"Games centered around big impressive power fantasies are great, but the price they pay for this is that these kinds of experiences often gloss over and overshadow smaller scale, less intense, and more personal stories that are just as worthwhile."
"Something is very wrong and this narrative needs to get louder."
"Major characters deserve significant, meaningful intros."
"I really do see this as being the narrative for the 21st century and I think it's being unveiled to the public right now."
"This is the story you tell when you do the New Mutants story."
"This is the equivalent of like the purple man to Jessica Jones and then the importance of the arc is like the Dark Phoenix saga in the x-men stories."
"I believe in discipline... I think a lot of the excuses that we make are really about us not wanting to just be disciplined and just face it head-on."
"Every character has a reason to exist in this story, essential moments where their presence is crucial."
"One of the core dramatic things: you don't believe their friendship then nothing else is really gonna work."
"Sports is about stories. Irrelevant? What people? If it was just about the score, they wouldn't need play byplay guys because they give you the story of the game."
"Yamato's character arc is a very significant loose plot thread."
"The missing Big Mom pirates are a loose plot thread that does need to be addressed."
"But yeah, ultimately that part doesn't really matter. The ending. It's the final confrontation that matters most."
"World-building serves the story, it's everything, it's so much more than constructing the landscape and buildings."
"The damsel in distress in both Vivi and Rebecca, the shadow of the protagonist in Blackbeard. The cast is so."
"It's very important for every video game ever made that wherever you start the story that it comes at a point in which"
"Sports anime aren't about the sports, it's about the stories and characters behind them."
"The importance of a consistent narrative and universe cannot be overstated."
"As long as it doesn't affect the storytelling and other elements of the game or the gameplay mechanics, I really have no issue with it."
"Relationships, character development, is as equally important as a plot."
"The story that you tell every day is like the most important thing."
"My favorite thing in the world is when something that gets played off as a joke in the first act becomes an incredibly important plot point by the third act."
"Storytelling and story understanding is what all of education is about."
"The fate of the Galaxy could rest on this battle."
"It's not just about having a one-off line or Snappy joke about the cliches of a genre, it's got a point, there's significant narrative relevance to it unlike anything I've seen in recent series."
"A story is not exciting unless your antagonist is competent."
"If you're not going to do the goofiness, you have to have a really good story to tell and really good actors to tell it."
"I think it was really smart to use all the back characters to kind of retroactively give them more importance." - Koi
"I think I'm gonna do it for the storyline, but also it just fits."
"Janine is more, more, more lucid... she cares so deeply about her friends, about June and Alma and Brianna and the handmaids."
"It's definitely something important. I'm glad they're giving it to Cyrus and TJ. I think it's something we need to see."
"Assassins and Templars will be important to this game there'll be so much law and it will be there they will be present."
"Genna has three main advantages over the king: her moveset isn't as predictable without nine fights backing its design, higher story stakes, and deep ties to Freya that are important for her to resolve."
"It's really about narrative, and there is no such thing as alternative facts."
"The Minnesota Vikings are the great storytellers of football."
"As painful as it is, we need Charlos for One Piece to have the full depth that it does."
"Red Dead Redemption is a classic and a masterpiece and a story that everyone should play at least once and keep an open mind about."
"Without a sense of motive, nothing in your story can matter."
"Every specific element which is important to these films' narratives is given the time they need in order for you to become invested."
"Every combat should either further the plot, ground the players, or challenge them."
"Every scene is important, sometimes a small moment is more important than something big."
"By turning a blind eye to that, you're sacrificing an immensely powerful storytelling device."
"It was immediately after Mr. Mortimer Tregennis had left the room. That is a very important point."
"The story is as much an important part of the game as the gameplay itself."
"Characters are the heart of all stories. It's all about the people who inhabit it, it's all about the characters."
"I want her to have a plot, I want her to have a character arc."
"It all comes back to Lloyd, undoubtedly the glue that holds everything together."
"Narrative and creativity can never be replaced by this thing that we have here."
"At the end of the day, you gotta do it for the benefit of the story."
"A strong story is the backbone of every film and almost everything in art."
"Narrative matters more than just about anything else in politics." - Michael Knowles
"It's no exaggeration to say that these two who take a very center stage in the entire series are more than likely the strongest spirits."
"Opening shots and closing shots are arguably like the most important because they bring you into the fold and then while you're there right before you leave they're like by the way this is what this has been about the whole time."
"It was really wanting to tell a really impactful narrative... to ensure that this sort of conflict doesn't happen again."
"Stories and narratives essentially orient us to the world."
"It's really important for us that we have these important characters that can be with you in your story."
"It was really important for us to really tell those different stories."
"David's role in the story does not get discussed very often by fans, and I hope with this essay I've been able to point out how crucial his character is to her journey."
"Villains really are something that we kind of attach ourselves to almost as much as we attach ourselves to a hero."
"It's time for this mystery to be solved, it's time for Rose to come home." - Narrator
"You don't play these games necessarily for the shooting aspects you play them because the narrative is so engaging that it drives you all the way through."
"Villains serve a major role... they themselves can be looked at as the great threat that the hero must overcome."
"Everybody gets it whether they know it or not, nobody wants to play through a whole level that doesn't have any narrative content and no emotional payload."
"A character's backstory is necessary to give them reasons for taking certain actions."
"Characters are supreme. If you have effective characters in place, you will be undefeatable."
"Characters should always have a true purpose for existing; they should feel like a natural and organic part of the story."
"It's not about statistics anymore, it's about characters, it's about narrative."
"It's actually the story that drives the characters."
"Atreus will play a bigger role in the story as well."
"I've always thought that you can have the prettiest game in the world but if the gameplay and story falters then what's the point of them."
"This was an opportunity to expand access to a culturally significant narrative."
"It feels like nothing matters in the MCU; it feels like everything matters."
"Palpatine is the key. That's all that matters."
"The real treasure in Uncharted 4 were the relationships we've formed along the way."
"Does that make sense? How important is the narrative self-fulfillment to people?"
"The two most important parts of any game is the beginning and how it ends."
"Never put your universe before your characters."
"Everyone has a story, not just people who are famous."
"The conflict of freedom versus control is simply more important to the story."
"People love narrative, and after a while, as an artist, you start to appear like you're just a Salesman."
"Dragon Age Inquisition: Defined by its cast of characters."
"How do we make death still like a proper risk and something that carries narrative weight in a game where you can resurrect people?"
"It's all about the genie, it's all about him."
"If you don't have a good story, then not much else matters."
"In order for a game to have longevity, everyone has to feel attached to the importance of the story."
"Faith has a twin sister named Kate who plays a major role throughout Mirror's Edge."
"Maybe you think she has an important part to play and an important place to be in the Bleach Universe."
"He’s making a mistake, but a mistake that makes perfect sense of his character."
"She had this strength of resolve and conviction."
"She would become Spira's hero once again in its time of need."
"This is the story of The Forgotten Prelude to the Holocaust."
"Bullet is very important to the game, story-wise. And yes, you can pet the dog."
"Nero breaking up this cycle isn't just important for Dante and Virgil but also for this franchise."
"The importance of Oscar's inclusion in Evangelion's narrative really can't be overstated."
"Go back to knowing what the basics of storytelling are it's the story and the storytelling that makes great movies."
"The story is the most important part... if a story is garbage you have a garbage film."
"If we can accept that video games shouldn't always be defined by their playability alone and that story is just as important than the argument that the Last of Us is among the greatest games ever released holds a lot of water."
"Melisandre played this insanely important role."
"He isn't a one-sided villain, he's a threat to everyone." The studio needs a threat like that to tie it all together. All signs point to Galactus.
"Not a single piece of text seems wasted, even these little thought bubble things that pop up to give you like a blurb of flavor seem vital to the whole experience."
"Swear to me that everything you've said about the fireflies is true." - Ellie
"Vivi has been subtly growing in the background as a force of a character."
"Characters are just so important and integral to any sort of story."
"Question leaders. That's the main point of the story."
"Story is only ever important once. A good narrative on bad gameplay is a bad game, but a good game with a bad story is still a good game."
"That to me is more important, telling the narrative."
"We are all storytellers, it is important to become aware of the stories we are living within."
"Everything that we've talked about with the Kaido flashback, Yamato, Big Mom...this is The Testament to the story of One Piece."
"I wanted to make it so that he was important to the story."
"Quake's historical irony is that the transition to 3D game worlds was how narrative became such an important pillar of game design in general."
"It's the last game in the series that puts the modern day story in focus the way it deserves to have it."
"If you think about GTA, you remember Nico, you remember Claude, you remember visiting Vice City."
"Storytelling as a form, as a narrative device is not going anywhere."
"Everyone likes fiction for different reasons, but characters will always be the linchpin of a narrative, and that is why, when done right, good characters can create unforgettable moments that are impossible not to marvel at."
"The reason that movie is so good is because the story is so good."
"In the end, Game of Thrones is about the characters."
"Good action really has no substance if there's no weight, if there's no build-up behind it."
"It's interesting that the game has something to say."
"This arc is very important for Oda. I cannot see Oda starting this fight without that epic, epic full crew panel."
"The telling of the tail is as important as the tail itself."
"The gameplay could potentially run stale if it wasn't for the story."
"The important part of the story is that Spike knows that he's known not dreaming."
"I like short and sweet games with a good story and skill-based single-player games."
"With the right actor in the role, the character of Rachel should have been a worthy foil to Bale's Bruce Wayne."
"So for me on the whole, if we could just end up with the Azeroth plot being more important, more RPG mechanics, a different feeling world with a bit more in the way of story content, I think that could be a great thing."
"Weaving those little character moments in, I think is really important."
"It's so important in the context of Storytelling to prioritize authenticity and historical accuracy."
"Please protect the Soul Society, Ichigo Kurosaki."
"Social links add to the series so much regressing back to a more formulaic JRPG would take away the very essence of Persona at this point."
"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
"He's sort of legitimized himself. And I think that is one of the incredibly important things in this story."
"The story is more important than the facts in those games."
"Story is that element that really draws you in."
"You can mess up on story as long as you give me character moments that make sense."
"Even the post-renaissance and early revival era of Disney films understood the necessity of villains."
"Neither Icarus nor Tapon would be considered the main character of their respective films, but they each form a dynamic with a pre-existing member of the cast and play pivotal roles in the stories that unfold."
"As a viewer, the more time we spend looking at any element in the story, the more importance it develops in our minds."
"This is the story of what happened. He tried to save the earth and he missed. Well, that's what it's about, telling stories, right?"
"I think that would definitely be one that deserves to be told."
"Megatron carries the whole series, makes it completely."
"Unskippable cut scene. That is the future of gaming. That is powerful."
"Superstitions are narrative relics holding within their folds the essence of human curiosity, caution, and the Eternal dance with the unknown."
"If a game’s narrative is barely worth telling once, it probably won’t be better on the second run, no matter what you do."
"I'm really interested in the perspective of specific people."
"Every great story has to start somewhere." - Beginnings
"Some of them actually relate to the main story."
"It's the character that makes these movies work at all, so with the mysteries behind him being center stage here, this one is a winner in my book."
"If the story's good, that's what they gotta hit."
"The creation of Winterfell was sealed by a Stark sacrifice."
"Chapter 57 is gonna be titled 'Ida' and I gotta say, man, hands down this is probably gonna be one of those really important chapters."
"Oda doesn't typically kill off characters like significant characters but when he does when he does they're important."
"If you can identify the narratives in the cycle, then you know when to get into the market."
"The World building lore dumps are pretty important here because what we're getting now clearly in this chapter this Arc are going to be so prevalent for things to come in the future of the story."
"Lessons in storytelling from Euphoria: the importance of character-driven narratives."
"It's not what a story's about that matters. It's how it is about it."
"This story really isn't much on paper, but in retrospect, I don't think it's really about the narrative, it's more about the characters in it."
"Legendary Lords are the glue that holds this series together, the iconic characters that shape our campaigns and ultimately drive the narrative of this trilogy."
"When we actually go back to his actual story and get his whole [ __ ] he's going to have a piece of the One Piece story that is going to be imperative."
"This is where everything matters the most." - Narrator
"You have to give them that story, you have to give them the 'why.' Why are you doing this? Because Satoshi Nakamoto said so, and it was good."
"It's important to highlight narratives because a strong narrative can be the difference between second place or king of the world."
"This character is beyond important... perhaps the final villain of the series."
"All the big stars... they are serving the purpose of the story, not the image of the star."
"Art's value is way more important when you think about the story, the narrative, the emotion, or the function that the artwork serves."
"Choices that matter, that's a key focus, a key pillar in our game."
"But she's necessary for the story they were trying to tell..."
"There's importance behind words. It's not just about... shooting. For people who live out that fantasy, it's not just Red Dawn. Guess what? Shining a light on something... is sunlight."
"We are the stories we live, the tales we tell ourselves." - Unknown
"Obi-Wan's importance to the Skywalker saga begins at the very start."
"There are so many good stories to be told, and whether they are contentious or not, this is a case that Hollywood should be proud of itself."
"A well-crafted narrative is like a fine campus room—all the thousands of threads interweave to form a harmonious food. If you pull even one thread out of place, the harmony of the tapestry gets distorted."
"It needs to have that story element as well."
"If you want to have a story, you have to tell your story. You can't just say gameplay first and relegate the story to hints here and there."
"Yuji is the key to everything. He is Humanity's Only Hope."
"Story, story, story. Whether you are animating Kung Fu Panda 3 or telling the darkest tale from the middle of the Star Wars Cantina, it doesn't matter. If your story is good, everything else falls into place."
"So here's my idea for the overall story of this trilogy that I believe could give meaning to everything that comes before it."
"It's not Batman that makes you worthwhile, it's the other way around."
"Gwen's journey... the importance of the group."
"Captain Marvel is the key to bringing the dusted characters back."
"This was a nice segment of the story which helped Propel Clark and the rest of the characters around him."
"It's not about the product, it's about a narrative."
"Every man's life if told truly, it's a novel." - Hemingway
"She is no joke... she really is a strong character."
"Story in Final Fantasy is definitely one of the most important."
"Maybe we'll get something that's worthy of that crown that takes the hero's journey seriously."
"Single-player narrative is, in my opinion, a true work of art."
"Not everything has to be about saving the world but there needs to be consequences to actions."
"That final boss fight is okay... it's more about like the story that's happening around that boss fight."