
Mutual Benefit Quotes

There are 843 quotes

"The more you put people together who can benefit each other, whether it be as friends or in business or career, you're adding value to all other people in multiple ways."
"Pursue and invest in solid, mutually beneficial relationships."
"In a free market exchange, to the two parties who voluntarily exchange, are by definition better off because they have both chosen voluntarily to perform that particular exchange."
"The negotiation should be that you both get something better than either of you would have had if you were separate."
"This is literally a win-win-win type of situation."
"Everything and everybody prospers me now, and I prosper everything and everybody."
"This person sees you as a wish fulfillment; you see them as a wish fulfillment."
"It doesn't have to be equal, however one wants to define equal, but it has to be mutual. You're feeling goodness from the relationship. So is the other person."
"Bees carry pollen for themselves, but it helps the flowers bloom."
"Once you understand what somebody else is experiencing, you can create a win-win for them."
"Trade is wonderful and it benefits both parties."
"My biggest frustration is the ability to move our society better in a direction of equal rights and mutual benefit, where people assist each other."
"You want that overlap, you want that win-win."
"This relationship will be beneficial for both parties."
"Sometimes even a marriage can be a mutually beneficial relationship."
"If you're trying to collaborate with a creator that you admire... it really just has to be about whether they respect your work and whether you could help them in some way."
"Cats are not low maintenance, and there are actually things we can do that benefit them and us."
"Both of you get what you want, and only when both of you feel like you're getting more than what you gave, then a deal is made."
"We're after the solution that causes both of us to feel relief."
"Negotiation is really about collaboration. It's not about your way or my way but finding a third way where we both get added benefit."
"Everybody on earth benefits from us all getting along."
"Every human being is self-interested, but the best position you want to be in is where both of your self-interests are aligned."
"You've done as much for us as you think we've done for you."
"Anytime anybody buys or sells anything with anybody, both people are better off after the trade."
"The best way to get what you want is to make sure that those around you get what they want."
"I encourage the dynamic that I do because I'm looking at what's going to be truly beneficial for both sides in the long run, in a loving, healthy relationship."
"This is a mutually beneficial and win/win agreement. It will bring about stable economic growth, promote world peace and prosperity, and is in the interest of the producers, consumers, and investors in both countries."
"If you're gonna get rich, it's 'cause you're gonna help somebody else get rich."
"Most friendships begin by necessity, and a lot of the best friendships are based on common mutual necessity, at least for men anyways."
"Relationships are about the value you bring into each other's lives."
"This relationship, I feel, is gonna be very beneficial to both of you."
"I much prefer the sponsorships where I do get money but it actually helps other people."
"It really is a win-win situation for everybody."
"Compromise is where everybody comes to the table and everybody gets up with winning or getting something."
"The best bromances are always mutually beneficial."
"Eco Hada and Junichi Sato's relationship quickly became a symbiotic one."
"Marvel wants DC to succeed because it's good for them."
"What I always try to do is I try to make it a win-win for everyone to participate, to help, to extend this."
"Daenerys kind of has that similar connection with her dragon eggs, you know? They give her strength and she gives them strength, and that was part of the reason that they were able to be hatched in the first place."
"Playing ball is usually a better result for both of you."
"Your success does not come at the expense of your neighbor."
"Literally everybody wins, the sponsor sells their product, and they're also supporting people they like."
"One country's success need not come at the expense of another."
"The more successful you are, the more over I stay, the more successful I become. It makes me look good, right? It's a win-win."
"I knew that I really liked stand-up, and stand-up really liked me."
"Mutual Benefit: Cooperation and symbiotic relationships lead to success."
"A good relationship allows for each person to be better than they would be on their own."
"It is very important for the United States and Pakistan to consistently engage and honestly engage to find mutual benefits."
"Understanding that when you're negotiating, it's what's in it for the other party as well and it's not just self-serving."
"You spread the wealth by spreading yourself to people who you can help and they can help you."
"Realize no one's really self-made. It's the people who they were benefiting that propped them up."
"The best kind of relationship is one where there is mutual benefit and each party feels heard, valued, and respected."
"Do something because it's mutually beneficial and because it's the right thing to do."
"May your relationships be mutually beneficial."
"My stability is your comfortability, my comfortability is your stability."
"Symbiosis is simply an interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both."
"It's a win-win dream come true for everyone. Just do it."
"It's a positive that Ineos wants to work with me and I want to work with them."
"I want the community, the project, and myself to win. I want everybody's interests to be aligned."
"As iron sharpens iron, so friends sharpen friends! Choose your friends wisely!"
"You don't get rich unless you enrich other people in the process."
"Hit that code up, it's definitely going to help us out and help us help you."
"When you provide value to others, they will then make sure that you have a secure life."
"I could never throw Yay away because he's given me more than I've given him."
"Everybody benefits when we help each other succeed."
"If we help each other, we both are successful."
"We cannot simply gain at the expense of others."
"Hold your intention for a relationship that is mutually beneficial."
"All stakeholders have to benefit, representing the optimal strategy."
"Noise cancellation is not a gimmick, it really works."
"The dream is to create a system that you can love and they can love you back."
"When you help somebody else, you help yourself as well because... I get so much joy from doing it."
"It's everyone's long-term self-interest to contribute to both the company and the people around you."
"I think both sides in this get something that they want."
"If you make it valuable for someone else, chances are they'll see the value in it as well."
"When it comes to being in a phenomenal situation that I know is going to help me and I can help them and pour into them in order to be successful, that's the goal."
"Money permits no deals except those to mutual benefit by the unforced judgment of the traders."
"Everything Changes...it's like a win-win for everyone."
"Everyone definitely came out winning in this scenario."
"We hope we can get the opportunity to negotiate with them and get an outcome that's good for both of them."
"The win-win-win is that you have to win, the affiliate has to win, and most importantly their audience has to win."
"As long as you lead with truth and fairness, it will be a win-win situation for you."
"Only a win on every side as far as I'm concerned."
"Stay open, get it out in the open, and then do something mutually beneficial."
"Long term, that doesn't really work. The best business deal is one where everyone benefits."
"It's a win-win-win. Yeah, it's a win for us. It's win for others in the world. Gratitude epidemic."
"Whatever we take, we give back, and so we both are thriving. That's the concept."
"Opportunity could be knocking for the both of you."
"That hug was as much for me as it was for you."
"Trade should be conducted in such a way that there is mutual benefit."
"We're all colleagues, and what's good for one of us may be good for another person."
"It's the other way around, just like when you give sadaqa, the charity, the one who was in need, you didn't honor them, you didn't favor them, they favored you."
"It's like everyone's gonna benefit when we're all kind of in it together."
"China's approach to Africa is built on mutual gains and shared prosperity."
"If somebody does something good and it helps another party, both sides can benefit."
"An interview is not just an audition. It is a negotiation between two parties who are trying to figure out if they can work well together."
"It’s a famous story of co-evolution that has seen flowers and bees live in mutually-beneficial harmony for millions of years."
"It's a win for everybody and that's how you do affiliate marketing."
"It really is kind of a win-win for everybody situation."
"It's not if I win, you lose, and if you win, I lose. If we both get along, we both win."
"It's a win-win for everybody because it ends up helping us grow and it helps you save."
"If people have something to offer and people are willing to pay for it then there's just it's a beautiful transaction where everybody's whole and pure."
"High-level networking: Serve others and create value."
"Compromising comes from a place of what they're getting out of the relationship."
"A success shared creates more success for more people and in return everyone benefits including you."
"There is a mutual gain waiting to be enjoyed if both sides would be able to make a move from a hardline position."
"This is the hunt that people who don't want to be uncomfortable and just might have a ton of action ought to be going on."
"Everybody was nice, and it's in everybody's best interest to be kind."
"If you invest in them, they see what you did and invest right back."
"The more we love on you the more success comes to both of us."
"A win-win outcome is forecast, finding a solution where both parties will be happy."
"That's a win for everyone, and that's my favorite kind of win."
"Essentially, think of trade like sex. If you're doing it right, it can be good for both partners."
"If he can get just as much out of it as they're getting from him, I think it's great."
"Human existence is not a zero sum game. It is possible for me to benefit and other people also to benefit."
"Let's coexist with the sounds of nature for mutual prosperity."
"We could destroy or we could solve our problems; the gains from cooperation are very strong."
"I'm asking you to partner with this ministry because it's been a blessing to you and because you want to be a blessing to me and to our ministry."
"The employer-employee relationship is a dance, and without two willing partners that complement and sustain one another, the relationship cannot survive."
"Iron sharpens iron. Both sides get stronger when you're attacking each other."
"We could very easily all of us cooperate for the mutual benefit of everyone in society."
"Community makes you guys teach each other, and in turn, it results in a better"
"If you succeed, they succeed, we all succeed."
"Human relationships are always a value exchange. Everyone should benefit."
"It's a win-win. You're rendering them service by harvesting honey."
"It's a win-win-win I think it's a terrific idea."
"Real estate is all about creating a win-win situation."
"Bitcoin did not need Elon Musk. Elon Musk needed Bitcoin."
"We should align with people on issues where there are areas of mutual benefit."
"Reciprocity means I do something for you, you do something for me."
"China's idea of mutual gain means yes we're going to help you develop your ports so that you can grow and your growth will provide your ability to have the money to pay for the loans that we've made out of your growth."
"Communication, collaboration, and investing in others will bring benefits back to you."
"Relationships should add value to your happiness."
"Let's work to make something better for the both of us."
"The key to successful advertising is finding a way to marry the needs of the advertiser with the needs of consumers."
"I want to get insanely rich while helping everybody get what they want out of it."
"That's usually the first, original, initial starting point is, 'Oh, you're a great guy, let me buy you lunch, let me do this,' well, and you know, 'help me out, help you out.'"
"I just built my career based off talking to bigger people that and kind of bringing something to them that they would want to help me out in the long run."
"It becomes this cycle of you helping others and others helping you, and that's how growth in general happens."
"The success of one author is ultimately a success for all authors."
"I think Eric Bailly to Roma... is a move which suits all parties well."
"The reality is when women win, men win as well."
"We're gonna make each other better, and if you're not making me better then what the hell are you doing?"
"By choosing what's best for our planet we ultimately get what's best for us."
"You deserve to be happy, and so does this person, and I feel like there are happy days ahead."
"What is best for her spiritually is what is best for me spiritually."
"What is really beneficial in our relationship is the technical collaboration."
"Mutualism: a relationship where both organisms benefit from the arrangement."
"So it's a really nice symbiotic relationship between them paws."
"It's like you're both going to alleviate each other's life."
"These are opportunities for us to learn a lot from each other."
"Thou shalt protect the Safety and Security of thy relationship at all costs."
"Finding a good fit means creating a situation that is mutually profitable for you and the client."
"This is about coming to agreement and figuring out how to solve problems and enhancing prosperity, and sometimes making some concessions because you need to get to a better outcome."
"It's not a zero-sum game; we can help each other."
"It's a great way to support and also get something fun in return."
"So, make a deal, Marcus. It's safe from now on. You keep me alive with those tasty dreams, and in return, I'll let you see reality with no more tricks."
"I think this is a win-win for a lot of people."
"I think mentorship should have some type of reciprocation."
"You can have worker power and you can help businesses too by paying them money."
"If I'm making it win for me, win for the other person, and win for divine or infinite intelligence, it's like boom, all of a sudden the power is given to me."
"The true wealth is from you and me creating a product or a service for each other."
"Thank you for enjoying the content, I hope because that means we both win."
"The viruses learning to exist with us, which is better for the virus and better for us."
"Facebook actually wants you to succeed because if you succeed you spend more money with them, and it's great for everyone, right?"
"You win when everybody else is winning and you're all winning together."
"That's a win-win for everybody, especially for them."
"The idea of cultivation is exactly the right answer... everyone wins."
"WWE needs Bad Bunny more than Bad Bunny needs WWE."
"Fundamentally at bottom, the essential idea of the price mechanism is that both parties to a transaction can benefit provided it is voluntary and not coerced."
"If it ain't fun and I can afford to help someone else out and they can help me out in the process, I'm all about it."
"When a company reaches out to you to sign you, it's not them doing nothing for you, it's your crowd where you have them want to be a part of."
"Forget give and take, this is called give and give, that's how we all win."
"Compassionate action is a two-way deal, creating peace and healing for both those giving and receiving."
"Lorraine offers her home to him... all she asks is that he helps her with his research."
"The open metaverse requires companies to have enlightened self-interest."
"This is gonna be a life-changing connection that will improve both your lives for the better."
"They're worth more, and if we get paid more, you will get paid more as well."
"Spirit is bringing this together in a way that's beautiful for both parties and in a way that serves each person's journey."
"Trust that this is definitely happening for both of you."
"Cooperation is the greatest thing that comes out of the free market that people co-op they are able to have to help each other to profit by helping each other and it's a tremendous it's a tremendous thing."
"Helping other people benefits. We're all here together."
"The only people who will like you are people who also don't provide any particular amount of value."
"Your person is wanting this relationship to ascend into something that is a lot more beneficial for the both of you."
"The world can exist only when humans complement each other."
"The better people do, the better we all do. That's the bottom line."
"Make sure it's a win-win situation for everybody."
"The best way to build social connections is by having win-win deals that you can offer... when you realize whoa even social connections come out of Golden Tickets."
"The Ana Taylor-Joy casting is a win-win for everybody."
"Life is not a zero-sum game; in a free market, both people can benefit."
"Love is when you make the other person better because of your mutual presence."
"I just think that people should link up with people who's talented and fungus both people have something to contribute and get out of it."
"Let's make it a win-win-win and I think it'll be an awesome experience."
"You can have anything you want in the world... once you help the people around you get what they want."
"It's the best bit about the job is the bit where we can do the actual match and it enriches not only the dog's life but their doctor's life as well."
"The best friendships are the ones where each person brings something to the table."
"When man and woman collapsed together, they both win. That's the greatest prize."
"This connection is helping propel us to greater success."
"Love is more about acting in a way as to satisfy another, or to benefit another, or to serve another."
"If you do what's best for yourself and others, then that will actually be even better for you."