
Heartbreak Quotes

There are 2397 quotes

"When you experience true heartbreak, it is one of the most devastating feelings in the world. You're a zombie; you're dead inside."
"This heartbreak is actually going to trigger some sort of creative inspiration in you that is going to lead you to fame and recognition."
"Healing from heartbreak shifts your energy and brings new possibilities."
"Everybody has that first love that they thought was going to last forever. When it doesn't work out, it feels like you're going to die."
"I lost...the love of my life, the one person that I've truly been in love with is not in my life anymore."
"You guys aren't gonna have a few love options coming towards you, and you know, you guys are out here breaking hearts because you're looking for the right one."
"Let your heart break, and your soul will heal."
"Your heart isn't broken... your capacity to love is always there."
"Friendship breakups really break your heart more than romantic relationships, in my opinion."
"Your heart is growing when it's crying, when it's hurt - it's part of things, so allow it to be."
"They're totally heartbroken without you or the thought of not being with you."
"My heart has been broken a thousand times this past year, and things in my life may never be the same."
"You're going to realize that that heartbreak ended up being your biggest success and ended up being the best thing that could have ever happened to you."
"When your heart is really broken, you need to take time out and focus on healing."
"Sometimes our hearts are broken by people because we've invested too much into people and not enough into our God relationship."
"It's humbling and heartbreaking at the same time."
"With every heartbreak, he only gets hungrier."
"Sometimes the heartbreak really does break you through barriers that you were just holding back forever."
"Heartbreak really gets you; heartbreak, I think, it teaches you a lot."
"The way that this ends is with her finding somebody that 100% fully satisfies and fulfills her, and then you're going to get dumped at the wayside and then you're going to be left with absolutely nothing."
"I feel like we focus so much on relationships breaking our heart, but failed friendships can 110 percent break your heart."
"This person is feeling heartbroken because I feel like you've walked away from them."
"Romantic relationships tend to be the relationships where we invest the most of us and often find that we leave feeling the most broken or hurt."
"Heartbreaks are a mirror. That's the one time you get to really see yourself."
"Heartbreak is something that no one can describe, other than you just feel empty, you feel worthless, you feel nothing. But I promise you, that goes away. Time heals everything."
"Everyone processes heartbreak differently, so you may process your heartbreak completely differently from your partner. It's okay however you deal with it."
"You are not alone. Everyone, at some point, is going to go through heartbreak."
"Have to accept the past. Accepting that it didn't work out is often the hardest part."
"Time. These things take time. You need to give yourself a realistic amount of time to heal."
"Kang is nothing more than a guy who exists out there in time and has experienced a broken heart an infinite number of times."
"Heartbreak is as painful at 44 and 64 and 84 as it is at 14."
"The best things to remind ourselves when staying objective and reasonable about heartbreak, codependency experiences: bless your grief flow, really appreciate your pathway reconstruction team."
"When you're heartbroken, it's like you're cracked open. It's truly like in salah, in dua, it's real. It's pouring out of you, it's genuine."
"Every muscle, in order to build it, has to rip. The more you are willing to feel and let your heart break, the bigger your heart becomes."
"You had my heart inside of your hands, and you played it to the beat."
"My heart in all its Brokenness will always look for you."
"You are meant to experience heartbreak, joys, and enjoy the physical condition."
"I pretend that I'm happy without you, but the truth is that I'm heartbroken over you."
"It's a heartbreaking day without a doubt. What we've seen today has been catastrophic."
"We clogged, we chained our hearts in vain, we jumped, never asking why."
"I don't think your heart could be broken identically twice. After the first one, it's like they don't hurt as much."
"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away."
"The hardest thing I've ever been through honestly in my life was going through heartbreak."
"I felt literally empty. My chest, she was like literally a shortness of breath in my chest every time when I think about her. Literally, there was a vacancy in me."
"You had dreams of marriage with this connection. It's so hard to let go."
"What breaks my heart is when I see young children get cancer. It's disgusting."
"I really think it was just my heart was broken or I was just suffering from a broken heart."
"Britney Spears went scorched earth and finally told all, and guys, it's heartbreaking."
"Sometimes the things that break your heart end up fixing your vision."
"Heartbreak can be detrimental to someone's mental health."
"This poor mother, oh my God, it's heartbreaking what she's had to deal with."
"Breaking your heart means disappointment that is painful yes disappointment essentially somebody disappoints you."
"There's a lot of hardship and a lot of heartbreak, but there's also a few glimmers of hope."
"I actually feel like my heart just like fell out of my. I guess when you're a teen, you don't even know."
"I'm nothing without this pain, love sick girls."
"Your heart really can't be ripped out any harder."
"Explain what?" she says quietly. "Do you want me to stand here and listen to you explain how you didn't mean to fall in love with your dead brother's wife?"
"Heartbreaking sentence: 'It is painful for me to realize that youngsters growing up... have far less chance of rising economically, educationally, or otherwise.'"
"After a heart has been broken, it often takes time to heal and be made whole again."
"Our hearts keep getting broken. Enough is enough."
"A broken heart is one of the most painful things a person can endure."
"It's so much more than that and it really provides the story with a lot of heart and honestly a lot of heartbreak."
"You're gonna end up getting your feelings hurt a lot, you're gonna get your heart broken."
"You need somebody in your life who breaks your heart, and I mean that's a forever thing."
"All I can do is tell you how I feel. And I feel a little bit heartbroken."
"You don't realize how fragile your heart truly is until you've experienced loss like that."
"Having to break your own heart and someone else's in the process of saving yourself is so hard."
"It was heartbreaking, absolutely heartbreaking."
"Anger and resentment fuel the process of heartbreak."
"It breaks your heart to have to push someone away."
"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is ideal for hopeful romantics with broken hearts."
"Break my heart a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway."
"She was gonna be my wife, And I was gonna be her man, But she let another guy come between us, And it shattered our plans."
"It hurts so much to think of you with someone else."
"It's necessary, you know. You're not heartbroken because of the people so much. Your heartbroken that you didn't see it sooner."
"That person is your world. When you get broken up with, you literally feel like you don't want to live anymore."
"Heartbreak is not something to be avoided. Heartbreak is the greatest clue of our lives, right? Because what breaks your heart is different than what breaks my heart."
"It's just a matter of time before they're able to track down Brian Laundrie."
"Heartbreak can teach you that you are stronger than you think."
"Being negative during a time of uncertainty is not going to help you."
"Nothing breaks as easily as a heart nor mends as strongly."
"My heart physically hurts just typing this out."
"You're starting to ask yourself why are you holding on to something that continuously breaks your heart."
"When you give your heart, when you really go in, and when you feel the love deep as the ocean, but then it goes away in the wind, it makes you broken."
"Here we stand, worlds apart, hearts broken into."
"Tell me is a song about Taylor wanting an explanation to why her lover left her."
"I hate that, I hate trying to describe this feeling of like that broke my heart and it bangs thank you."
"Your person loves you but feels like you're bailing, not acknowledging pain or heartbreak."
"Sometimes you have to cry... but the pain opens spaces in the heart for joy."
"One of the worst feelings that you can experience as a human being is heartbreak."
"Connie Corsos love like obsessed love like your first love that you love and they broke your heart and you're obsessed with after they broke your heart."
"Are you gonna, I don't know, heartbreak is so real, but also healing is so real too."
"I forgive him... but love heartbreak is more painful than physical pain."
"Be open to falling in love, be open to getting your heart broken."
"The last thing I want is to come between the Donnelly brothers again, but the truth is that Donnelly stole my heart a long time ago."
"Heartbreak is a part of life. Don't look at it as a regret, look at it as a lesson. And it is a life lesson."
"You will survive a broken heart. You'll come out through this stronger than ever."
"That moment of realization, hard to achieve but god damn invaluable."
"Hearts can be broken but souls should be shared."
"They feel a lot of heartbreak that you're not with them, missing you, thinking about you."
"There's no hurt on this planet like being left for a Kardashian or a Jenner."
"It's hard to have your heart and dreams played with like that."
"The need for closure to a broken heart is horrific."
"When our hearts are broken, God is there. God is present to do his part."
"There won't be nothing that will compare to the pain and the heartbreak."
"When your heart breaks and your hope is shattered, that is a fresh opportunity to experience God in a new way."
"Your heart sometimes needs to break in order to give us clarity and openness."
"Certainly I distracted you from the realities of your broken heart and it made you feel, you know, all nice and gooey."
"Somebody is stuck in toxicity and they're heartbroken."
"You're kind of getting out of the heartbreak of it all."
"They're afraid of endings, they're afraid of being stabbed in the back or totally heartbroken if things don't work out."
"This book broke my heart into tiny little pieces."
"Not only is this challenge physically taxing, but Boney Island is rumored to be cursed, and any item you steal from the island is said to haunt you forever."
"The Divine will break your heart as many times as it needs to, with hopes of it opening once again to its full potential."
"Some of you have a temper you're entertaining already who's already fitting that role, and it's kind of like really breaking this person's heart."
"They each get a piece of our heart, and it's almost instantly. So... Yeah. That's why it hurts so bad when they go home."
"Cancer, you needed that heartbreak to get here. It was all a part of the divine order."
"Do what makes you happy, okay? There's no sense in focusing on this heartbreak."
"The broken heartedness is necessary for growth."
"Neil Gaiman at least in this book is just so expert at like creating heart strings you didn't know you have and then absolutely just ripping them to shreds but it's fine."
"Secretly in love and broken-hearted, reading your old messages."
"Sometimes the things that break your heart are the things that open your eyes."
"Heartbreak can be an incredible opportunity to make the unconscious conscious for ourselves."
"What it means to heal from a heartbreak is when you no longer need to avoid any part of your conscious experience related to that person or that heartbreak in order to feel whole."
"You're meant to do something with this heartbreak and this pain other than just suffer."
"Heartbreak and pain and disappointment, it lets the heart open up in a way that we hadn't expected, it lets us see things in a way that we thought, 'Oh well, it can only be like this.' It's like, no, no."
"Don't be afraid of someone breaking your heart, but be more concerned as to how you can heal yourself."
"Recognizing the Heartbreak left in the wake of the missing."
"We rescued 30 horses and that's awesome, but my heart is absolutely breaking because one literally died during the auction after we bought it."
"It always haunts you; why? Any other breakup, and I'd be cool; I could forget about the person."
"Love is most definitely a choice. Men deal with heartbreak a lot harder than women do."
"Casual or not if you have feelings for someone you sure as hell can get your little heart hurt."
"I think sometimes we get our hearts broken as women because we give away our dignity too soon."
"Hands left empty and cold, heart shattered and hollow."
"He faced the heartbreak. It's relatable because in real life it also happened."
"Go for it dude, 'cause heartbreak is always gonna serve you in your highest of good."
"Maybe the heartbreak of killing the love of his life will be too much for him to bear."
"Break my heart, Covey. Break my heart into a thousand pieces. Do whatever you want."
"A broken heart would be the easiest to manipulate, wouldn't it?"
"Some things break your heart but fix your vision."
"For me personally I learned my biggest lessons from just getting heartbroken and going through the experience."
"Do not play with your heart. It's not happy."
"It's very difficult to get over a rejection of someone that you know to be your twin flame."
"There is no cure. Time heals nothing. Heartbreak, if intense and real, is something we carry throughout life."
"People change, and you have to adapt to situations, and heartbreak from relationships and friendships suck."
"Opening yourself up to all the good times, even when it does end in heartbreak, all those good times are what make it worth it."
"It's a really kind of a heartbreaking story."
"Sometimes God has to break hearts to get inside them."
"It literally shattered my heart to almost nothing and murdered my soul."
"It's heartbreaking, it literally shatters my heart into a million pieces."
"It was the most heartbreaking news I had ever received."
"You broke my heart, Tina. How could you do this?"
"Key moment of the game is there any other choice Scott Norwood's missed 47-yard field goals time time expired was the difference between buffalo winning a ring and not winning one."
"Your love interest feels broken. They feel sad, very brokenhearted."
"Just save yourself the pain of having to watch her run off with some new guy."
"If you're wondering why I needed that many e's to get that word out, it's because that's how many e's you use when your heart breaks."
"Your heart is on the line and you deserve to move on to your next."
"I'm not crying over my ex, I just feel jaded."
"Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street."
"If you get your heart broken, you will live. Heartbreak is a part of life."
"Love is always worth it, even if our heart is aching and breaking."
"You are so strong, Scorpio. How you do it, I don't know, but you go to the very depths of your soul to love and, equally, when you get heartbroken, that is like times a million. You feel it so deeply because you give so much of yourself."
"You're very guarded with your heart because they broke it."
"You broke this person's heart somehow some way... they are in this space of feeling quite broken without you."
"That pain is indescribable. It feels like someone has just ripped your heart out of your chest."
"Sometimes the best loves of your life will break your heart."
"But what hurts my heart, what hurts my heart, what hurts my heart..."
"This Empress is going to be heartbroken but I feel like the universe wants this Empress to move on."
"As you embrace that bravery, as you embrace that strength, as you see it because there's something here where you don't see it or you see it and it has hurt your heart."
"I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away."
"How you gonna up and leave me now? How you gonna act like that?"
"You showed up in love with someone else. You share another woman's bed. Your hands touch someone who isn't me. Your lips make promises against skin that isn't mine."
"It's better to have loved and lost and never have loved at all."
"Every heartbreak has a lesson; it's part of the process to evolve."
"He wasn't ready, love, was there for you to lose."
"No matter how many people break my heart, no matter how many people hurt me, I'm always gonna repair my heart."
"Your hopes and fears for this to grow simply didn't. Somebody walked away and it broke your heart."
"Sometimes love is in breaking each other's hearts and learning how to mend that."
"I'm unapologetic about continuously returning to the issue of domestic abuse."
"Because if I didn't laugh, I'd sit down and cry... it just breaks my heart."
"Your love is like a drug, there's not a day that goes by that I don't miss you... your silence is killing me."
"The experience we have of love houses the seed of heartbreak, and the experience of sadness has within it the seed of love and joy."
"You should probably walk away before you get your heart broken."
"Every man has to go through heartbreak at least once. It makes you a savage."
"You don't really get over like a heartbreak until you find somebody who you are just like vibing with."
"I can't get over you, I am still healing."
"Please come back to me, please," she sobbed.
"A lot of people are heartbroken over you guys because you are unlike anybody else and they can't replace you."
"Just another tragic, completely preventable murder, and it's truly heartbreaking."
"...I am mourning the loss of my 2-year relationship with a man who I thought was the love of my life a man that I lived with and trusted wholeheartedly but I don't know what happen but he just isn't that man anymore."
"Love them, no matter how I feel, bro. Love them, heartbreakingly."
"It's about this very ordinary human experience of allowing yourself to be transformed when you're heartbroken."
"The material that is left over in this album is absolutely gorgeous and emotive, but again very heartbreaking at the same time."
"Who do you think you are, running around leaving scars, collecting your jar of hearts, tearing love apart?"
"To be fully alive, your heart breaks again and again and again."
"I've seen people break your heart. Parents are the ones that love you the most, right? But even they can cause you pain."
"I will always love you. This breaks my heart more than you will ever know."
"You gave me all your love, and all I gave you was goodbye."
"It's gonna be this love that you don't really ever get over."
"You know how it feels to be heartbroken, you know how it feels to love something that doesn't love you back."