
Childhood Impact Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"The greatest work you'll ever do is to get complete with your first 20 years of life."
"There are two particular movies that I watched as a kid that basically destroyed my psyche and left me a strange and wounded animal for the rest of my life."
"Whatever fosters insecurity in a child...places a person at risk for narcissism in adulthood."
"Show me what your love relationships were like with your childhood caregivers, and I'll show you how you'll show up in your adult romantic relationships."
"The biggest calamity is not what happened to you as a child but that as a result of what happened, you lost the connection to yourself."
"We spend our whole lives trying to undo several moments in our childhood; minutes in our childhood will affect us for the rest of our life."
"I'm sorry. I was never a child. I was born a man." - Theodore
"Children treated as objects become either narcissists or suffer from borderline personality disorder."
"Men aren't really in touch with how their childhood impacted their current relationships."
"Living below the veil of consciousness through childhood programming."
"It's hard seeing your parents go through divorce when you're not old enough to kind of understand why."
"What you're saying in front of your youngest children causes lifelong issues."
"My dad said, 'I'm divorcing your mother, I'm divorcing you kids.' Those words had an impact on me at 11 and a half."
"Every single thing that happens to children stays with them."
"Your childhood was your fertilizer, it was your fuel."
"They're not asking to be famous. They're getting completely robbed of a normal childhood."
"Give me a child until it is 7 and I will show you the man."
"When I saw that as a kid, it just blew my mind."
"This little girl is gonna make a huge impact...she'll probably talk about that for the rest of her life."
"The way we love as adults is deeply connected to the way we learned about love as children."
"I think that when you have kind of needy selfish parents, you're denied a fundamental foundation of you if your parents aren't capable of detaching properly."
"The Disney Renaissance... became the visual storybook for the childhood of millions."
"It comes back to raising some significant questions of what that might mean for the child when they become an adult themselves."
"Your childhood programming becomes your habits of perception and behavior."
"Identifying my emotions and what was causing a lot of my problems and then making that connection to childhood was first of all the start."
"As you get these as you get this knowledge of what was going on in your childhood use this to understand, to forgive and to really heal yourself and to love yourself."
"Parents helped shape who you become as an adult."
"17 children who have to grow up without a father."
"All of these kids around him as he went through this process of studying."
"Utterly incomprehensible for a five-year-old boy who's done nothing but inspire, that these cowards and most of them would be anonymous, these cowards would do something like that."
"Your person is emotionally avoidant because they've witnessed divorce in their childhood."
"You're going to believe what your parents say to you, and if they say to you, 'You're lovable because you're just lovable,' you get a chance to have self-love as an adult."
"Childhood matters a lot because we're raised in these families that teach us what to expect of the world, they teach us what to expect of other people."
"That little wounded child within him is so desperate for recognition and love."
"He did these films that not only played a big part in childhood emotionally, but still hold up today."
"The Peanut Butter Solution: a bizarre children's movie that left many traumatized."
"Communication, I grew up suppressing feelings so much that I doubt if I ever actually dealt with an emotion as a child."
"Your childhood is going to be a little tainted after watching it, but I hope that it helps you protect the next group of kids that comes up."
"Look at all this, you know, look at who we are now, but it started right there in eighth grade."
"How our parents did or didn't meet our needs as children and even teenagers shapes how we act in our future relationships."
"You have to address the trauma first...especially childhood trauma...it really can mess somebody up."
"Look how happy that little girl is. She'll remember that for the rest of her life."
"Whether you love them or not, it's likely that Disney has been a big part of your childhood."
"The impact that his traumatic childhood and unstable behaviors had are still being studied by professionals."
"In an effort to demonstrate compassion themselves and to make themselves feel better about their own privileges they deny the kinds of conversations that they had when they were children to children who need those conversations all the more so."
"If I could have had those opportunities as a kid, it would have made my quality of life so much better."
"What we've gone through growing up in high control environments is hard and isn't something that's widely talked about."
"You mocked my bloodline, turned my childhood into a nightmare."
"Help them to see that that burden of childhood there may have been carrying all those decades wasn't just jolly bad luck it was actually planned fuel or fertilizer."
"That's called childhood trauma, and speaking of old repressed family trauma..."
"Too little validation creates a strong need for external validation in adulthood."
"Star Wars ruined my childhood... if that's gonna be your childhood you never had a childhood Worth Fighting For."
"I was never around a mom who was super insecure... I feel like I really something I want to impress upon my kids is that you know not to complain about myself."
"The childhoods that most of us have grown up in were keeping us disconnected from ourselves, from our life, and from our relationships."
"The only people being judged by Santa are children, and they're not people."
"Destroy him as a child... he'll grow up to be a gangster."
"The power of a child's laughter is 10 times stronger than their screams of fear."
"Jaden grew up in a family home where his father was physically and emotionally abusive."
"If I can affect the lives of children, if I can inspire them to be bigger, better, braver than they believe they can be, then I've left a real legacy."
"Middle schoolers today aren't able to enjoy being a kid in the same way. They're more progressive, with social media."
"Our kids don't know nothing but brokenness, they don't know anything but dysfunction."
"The clearest way I can sort of help you understand it is this: when awful things happen in childhood, it wires our brain in such a way as to... this is going to sound kooky but it's simply how humans work."
"Zero out of 10 none of this is going to lend itself to positive outcomes later in adulthood."
"The cycle of abuse suggests that individuals who are treated disrespectfully during their formative years may normalize this behavior and allow others to treat them similarly."
"Juan was a person whose childhood trauma had projected itself well into adulthood, proving that the things we suffer during our youth have the capacity to echo throughout the remainder of our lives."
"What a child experiences during childhood can absolutely affect their well-being and their development throughout the rest of their life."
"There is no course, no therapy that's ever gonna replace the real lived experience of having good parents in your childhood."
"You gotta heal your ego from a lot of [] though because [] you went through as a child can really affect you later on in life."
"Thinking that girls are just naturally more mature makes girls forego a carefree childhood because they think that they have to or should be ready for these types of relationships when they're not."
"I don't know how you recover from this like how do you ever get to be a little girl again who just wants to ride her bike?"
"The child becomes the vessel of his parents' discontented lives."
"I've seen pages set my nieces and nephews in and it's like you know oh you know they're all pretty youngins but now you're oh they're the best like that you know you're giving kids complexes like way too young doing that."
"Growing up was very fractious... It was a difficult childhood."
"We're a product of our childhood so crazy isn't it totally."
"Train up a child in abuse, when he's old it's abuse, it will not depart from abuse."
"I believe every adult who makes bad mistakes was a child who was either wounded by their parents, peers, or strangers or all three."
"It's great now, but as a kid, man, this would be life-changing."
"Your compassion level, intuition, and understanding are evolved because of your difficult childhood."
"I realize that my childhood had more of an impact on me than I thought."
"This one stuck with me like more than any of them because it was like it was scary you know the the creepy scary stuff it sticks with you way more than all the other [ __ ] I watched 13 ghosts when I was like seven years old I was a changed boy after that movie."
"This is the trippiest kids movie ever. Kids watching this grew up to be [__] insane, that's what happened to us."
"You can't imagine what that does to a child, what that does to a kid to grow up like that."
"That was more given to me than I could have ever given anything... what those kids give back is one of the most incredible things I've seen."
"It's so strange how our childhood literally shapes what we do in the future."
"If you find that you pick partners that are not good for you, you might want to take a look at your childhood."
"The first seven years of your life is very crucial in the way that you will kind of go about the rest of your life."
"The first 12 years of your life can shape the next 50. That's insane."
"We both were raised in very volatile type of homes, and we know how much we were impacted as children from that inconsistency."
"Our childhood programming becomes our habits of perception and behavior."
"Teaching men how to heal their childhood trauma is extremely important because these men go on to create new men."
"Every single person in jail in this country or in the US is there because of childhood trauma or neglect."
"To truly understand, we have to go all the way back to his childhood."
"Childhood emotional neglect is difficult to understand because it's about what didn't happen in childhood."
"Trauma from childhood means something."
"Kids don't really hear what you keep talking about, what they remember most and what impacts them most is them actually seeing you doing the stuff you talking about."
"This crime would have been a horrible, horrible crime that happened to an adult, but with a child, it is different."
"Eventually a lot of the things from your childhood end up manifesting later on in your life, good or bad."
"Everyone has moments from their childhood that defined them."
"These inner child wounds... are still influencing our behavior 10, 20, 30, or more years after the event itself happened."
"It just hit all of us kids at the right time."
"A lot of adulthood is about undoing the unconscious learnings of our childhood."
"We're all victims of our childhood."
"He's a hero, you know. He thinks, 'I'm gonna go out and do good in the world,' but he's hindered because his dad messed him up as a kid."
"These patterns that we develop when we're a kid made us feel safe when we were a kid because they were familiar, but now that they're an adult, they're screwing up our lives."