
Relationship Boundaries Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"It's like a 'oh are we just completely on different pages about what is or isn't kosher in the relationship?'"
"If you're at the point where you're checking your partner's phone, you should just exit out of the relationship."
"Enough for me, I've had enough of you. You're just too much, I'm way too good for you."
"When they're hurting you more than benefiting you, that's when you know, like, bye."
"You can love somebody unconditionally, that doesn't mean you stay with them, that doesn't mean you move with them, it means you."
"Stephanie draws the line at murder, that's it, that's where you lose her."
"As long as you're respectful of us in an intimate space, that's it."
"You can show that he can then see what he is signing himself up for by moving forward you without you doing all these extra things in the moment that might put you in a bad position."
"The best you can do is communicate with your partner and understand what boundaries you are both comfortable with."
"It's like he's literally texting them while we're in the band."
"It is not an okay or normal thing to be monitoring how much time your partner spends in the bathroom."
"You're gonna have to cut somebody off. They're not right, they're not right. It's either a feminine energy or somebody that embodies feminine energy."
"They need to know the truth, they need to know where they stand with you, and a lot of you are not having it, you're like 'Nope, I'm moving on, I've already made plans to do that.'"
"Just because someone loves you doesn't mean you ought to give them the whole damn world."
"Stop trying to convert people when they show you who they are, decide where they fit and move along."
"I don't want kids. I'm sorry Ben, I don't want your babies."
"If she won't let you do it, find somebody else."
"If somebody wants to run, let them go respectfully. If I gotta put a leash on you, I don't want you."
"I never wanted this. Now, do you love me enough to respect this and leave?"
"It breaks your heart to have to push someone away."
"You shouldn't be giving them these wifey privileges."
"A test to see how willing you are to do whatever they say is not the play."
"If you forgive someone, you're choosing to give up the right to bring it up ever again."
"You're gonna have to choose which you want: your integrity, your belief system, to live according to your lights, or to have this guy as a friend."
"Don't let no nobody you're in a relationship with disrespect your child under no circumstances."
"Never go back to someone who takes you back."
"I would consider cheating to be anything you do with another person without your primary partner's consent."
"If a girl has the gall to put her hands on you, bruh, it's a wrap. You break up with her. Yeah, you break up with her. You walk away. That's your only power as a man."
"Only ghost if you genuinely have zero intentions of coming back."
"If you're having to fight for it, the answer is no. Throw the sword down."
"Don't even go there, you might think he's just a friend, but believe me when you're alone, you don't know what's going through his head."
"No matter what somebody else does to me, I need my character to be so Resolute."
"You are not the idiot. Jesus Christ, there's no reason he should be buying a car for anyone else without consulting you."
"If somebody isn't treating me right and I have continued to speak to them about it and it hasn't changed, I would begin to examine the beliefs that I hold around myself that are creating me to choose that, i.e to stay."
"He does not talk to any other women in front of you."
"Sex is a big deal to me like it's not like we're together and you have sex somebody else I'm never talking to you for you."
"You can't put all of your grief and trauma on someone especially your romantic partner."
"If they are unwilling to put forth the necessary work to overcome this and you know that their depression is too much of a burden for you to deal with, then you should not move forward in a relationship with that person, plain and simple."
"At the end of the day, when you make amends with someone, that does not mean you have to be chummy with them."
"You can be kind and compassionate but you can definitely let somebody know what you want and you don't want."
"You can't usually move backwards from boundaries."
"You can't change someone; you are your own person, they are their own person."
"I can't be with a person who won't admit that they're wrong."
"Does that not sound really yikes though? That you are so averse to validating their identity that you would rather completely cut them off and never speak to them?"
"If someone burns the bridges, I find it very difficult to kind of let them get away with it."
"Am I the [__] for getting mad at a guy for sending my girlfriend 500 flowers for her birthday?"
"You're done with people who aren't serious, you're done with people who can't make up their minds, who are flaky. It's in the past."
"Would you guys ever tell your girl like you're being you're too friendly to guys?"
"If you honestly feel you cannot open yourself up positively when this person reapproaches, then I don't want you to do it."
"If you're going to keep lying to me, that's not going to keep me."
"You should be high maintenance and have high standards so that these kinds of people want nothing to do with you."
"You will never take him back because he shattered the trust. His current relationship status has zero bearing on that shattered trust."
"I'm only submissive in a safe, loving relationship."
"You're protecting your heart from this individual."
"And at this point, at this point, not earlier, not back at Wall of Reactance, not at Test Drive, not at Riding the Dragon, but only at this point. You can draw a line in the sand and tell your ex, you know, no, I don't want her to other people."
"You must cut off any sort of personal contact."
"Entertaining another man on social media is cheating; women need to understand how serious it is."
"You don't need to know my body count if we ain't building nothing together."
"Once you show me who you are, that's that. I'm gonna take that and keep that."
"Sometimes you need to take the action of releasing partnerships and even friendships that aren't fully respectful to your sovereignty and your spirituality."
"Loyalty isn't gray, it's black and white. You're either loyal completely or not loyal at all."
"You have to be prepared to walk away as a man. So you have to look at any relationship you're in and say okay, I'm a nice guy, I love her, she loves me, but I have boundaries."
"I refuse to stay in a relationship where somebody has cheated on me. I forgive easily but I don't forget because I have a really hard time letting go of things."
"If something doesn't feel right, end it. They need to come towards you, they need to do the right thing."
"If you make a choice as an adult to stay, then leave if you choose."
"No amount of money is worth my peace. I'm not about to be fighting with you daily."
"No, I mean, you're a cool friend man but I really value our friendship. Well, yeah, I also want to know if we were dating who would be the big spoon."
"Don't mess with girls that are married or in relationships."
"If he can't say yes, then I'm afraid, my dear, the answer is no."
"The decision to distance oneself from a relationship that disturbs your peace is not to be taken lightly."
"Blood is not thicker than water. Set those boundaries if someone is toxic for you."
"At some point, you have to realize that it's not your responsibility to put on the captain save-a-ho hat."
"You're either interested in me or you're not."
"Communicate what you're looking for and walk away from what doesn't serve you."
"I don't necessarily jump to the conclusion of thinking she loves me less, but I would jump to the place where I'd say, 'Okay, this probably isn't for me.'"
"Don't allow anybody to lower your standards or boundaries just because they can woo you."
"It's blocked because their intentions aren't pure."
"He would go everywhere with me. If I didn't invite him, he would get offended."
"He ended up calling me on a private number, questioning me, grilling me."
"Love is not the same thing as enabling. Sometimes the most loving thing you can do is allow a person to experience the consequences of behaviors."
"If you do sense that somebody's a little bit too friendly or a little bit too eager to get on the inside with you, you need to listen to what your heart and head is telling you."
"He arrived five minutes later flying into the parking lot in his car got out but I told him I was not going back in there."
"I'm literally about to slap you, do you think we have an open relationship?"
"You matter and your feelings matter, and it's really not an issue between you and his mother, it is an issue between you and him."
"There's always going to be a level of attraction if that's ever on the table. That's not a real friendship."
"You guys are gonna be really into one person that's gonna be a little bit off-limits."
"Love is not conditional... It shouldn't be about, you know, 'I love you, but...'"
"I forgive you for me not for you, I'll probably never deal with you again."
"Honestly, if I was in your shoes, I would be thanking my lucky stars that my finances were separate from my significant other. I mean, this kind of behavior is just not okay."
"You cannot carry somebody else's lesson on your back because that is the meanest thing you can do to somebody."
"You have to love yourself enough to provide consequences... When you say it's over, you need to mean that it's over."
"Cheating is anything that you don't want your partner to see. Anything you wouldn't do in front of them."
"You never sacrifice what you need to do for yourself for any woman."
"If he just hurt your feelings or broke your heart, that's not an excuse to harass them."
"Be careful of how much you're willing to put up with just for the romantic idea of it all."
"Love does not mean access, and forgiveness does not mean trust."
"Nobody should be trying to tell you what they're willing to do or not do."
"Am I the [ __ ] for refusing to be my best friend's maid of honor after she told me my fiance is not invited to the wedding?"
"I'm dropping the maid of honor role because I refuse to be disrespected like that."
"Best relationship advice: 'Don't sit on my couch in a fucking bathing suit!'"
"You don't get to tell people how to love you. You get to choose whether or not to participate in the way they love."
"Some women have red flags, others have a red velvet rope. Everyone knows not to cross the velvet rope, but some people will test it."
"If you betray my loyalty and my trust you're done there's no getting back on the train it's permanent."
"You like bloodsport yeah I literally at one point our relationship said Nia if you hit me again in an argument I'm breaking up with you"
"Boundaries in a relationship require self-excavation to avoid being controlling or evangelical."
"If someone would rather put you at risk for something or have you worrying while you're having sex then you definitely don't want to risk your body on that kind of sex."
"Never be afraid to tell them... what you like, what you don't like."
"I want a man who respects my boundaries sexual romantic and otherwise."
"You don't get to get me for free after I've invested all it is."
"Location: okay. I think we should have each other's locations, not in like a 'I'm gonna check it every day' type of way, but in like a 'if there's an emergency, I need to know where you are'."
"I won't allow you to f*** up anymore of my money."
"It's healthy to set boundaries in relationships... remember that no is a complete sentence."
"Some of us got some uncivilized much in our families and as much as you love them and you've had good times with them they got to go."
"You have to stop standing in front of your ex-girlfriend's house to meet your next girlfriend."
"If you are controlling your partner to the point where they're not allowed to have like, friends or a life outside of you, That is a problem."
"True love is freedom. Love for yourself means you simply will not stick around or let other people stick around in your life who try to diminish your magnificence in any way."
"Don't hate them, don't date them, just trade them."
"It's not your job to fix me and it's not my job to fix you."
"If it's not working, you have every right to let it go."
"You deserve all the good things in the world; they're not in a space to give you what you deserve."
"I'm tired being told who my friends are, Alex. Don't. I'm going back, doors extend staying with Farah's army."
"There should never be any sort of uncomfortable commitments."
"If I saw a sign where you're not consistent, I'll just cut you off."
"If you don't tolerate that type of stuff then you know it's not gonna work."
"Is she cheating or she's just talking nasty with people? I think that's cheating."
"The fact that you give her boundaries doesn't mean that you love her any less. But it means that 'no' is 'no.'"
"If they like you more than a friend, just stay friends."
"Set boundaries, expectations, and limitations, and if she's not with it, you pack it on up."
"Stop playing the game. No contact. Yes, block. No contact."
"Cut them off. You do not deserve to be stood up by anybody."
"Relationships should never obstruct a mission objective."
"And yes, he's right. I have put him out, because I won't-- I can't put up with that. I deserve better."
"I don't wish malice for other people. You don't have to limit my terms for me to be a good person or partner."
"If you walk away from something, you have no right to act like your person owes you anything."
"Why would anybody have access to your social media? He feels like he should have access to all my social media."
"This is about integrity and this is the absolute last time that I gave myself to be dishonored by this man."
"If you bring it up and you talk about it and nobody even cares to try to work to correct anything, it's probably going to be time to walk away."
"I don't want a relationship with you and I'm not in that space either to have one."
"Even if it hurts them, someone's about to cut someone out of their life."
"You're not allowing anyone who comes in just for attention."
"You're not going to feed anybody's ego, you're only going to offer one cup."
"You're not wasting your time on people that are wasting yours."
"I want you to quit Zane because just because when I see you around it, it triggers me."
"Stop giving wife privileges to a man that is not your husband."
"Just because she was with me for a long time doesn't mean she owes me anymore."
"If she cheats right in front of me, it's done, d-o-n-e."
"You're ready to cut this person out in a heartbeat."
"If you have a good friend, he's not supposed to poach your wife."
"I can love you past your pain but I cannot fix you I can't fix something I didn't break."
"You gotta put a cap on it. Let me go, don't hold my hand right now. Give me a break on that."
"It's kind of like saying another man should sleep with your wife because they'd be better at it."
"I said, 'You come in, you're asking the wrong question to the wrong person. You did this. I'm not getting married, so stop asking me.'"
"The first time somebody put their hand on you should be the last time."
"You don't need anybody's permission to say no, I'm not going to date you on a long-term basis."
"If I caught someone in a lie multiple times after we had already talked about it and discussed it and moved past it and they do it again, it blatantly shows you that they don't respect you. You don't need that in your life. So personally, no."
"You do believe in this person but you also know that you cannot continue to support that type of behavior because that's not that's not what you're about you know you want more you know you desire more."
"If you didn't choose me before, don't choose me now."
"He's got to respect that. The problem is that he's not supposed to have non-negotiables."
"...I think every relationship has its own boundaries, I don't think everyone has different things, you know..."
"I explained that her toxic influence had reached a breaking point and communicated my intent to prioritize our marriage and emotional health from now on over maintaining a connection with someone who had repeatedly shown a penchant for stirring chaos in our lives."
"If I don't like you as a person, I don't even want to [__] you."
"If you beat me, I'll stay away from Lily, but if I beat you, you stay away from Lily for the rest of your life."
"I think the move is if your partner [ __ ] somebody in the group they should respect you and not even if you're in the same party they will have to try their best not to even like interact with them with the just hi that's it."
"I don't want this relationship to go any further if he's not going to be loyal."
"Cheating is relationship treason."
"Oh honey I'm so sorry I'm about to be 25 like I can't I can't talk to you."
"First of all, her boyfriend should not be calling anyone of the opposite sex 'beautiful' unless it's her."
"You should never be afraid of being ridiculed, ignored, abused, or punished by someone you say you love."
"When you choose to date someone whose life is in disarray, it's not your job to save anybody."
"If you need to find pleasure outside of your relationship, you no longer have a relationship. It's over."
"How do I set boundaries so that a relationship can turn out into the loving, committed relationship that I'm craving, and not the temporary, disappointing experience that I keep having?"
"You're the one who's going to keep that boundary; you're going to be willing to walk away from a perfectly grand Saturday night with somebody because it's somebody who doesn't want a relationship."
"It doesn't make anyone insecure or controlling to have the conversation about your boundaries when you are starting to date someone."
"I'm not gonna do anything that my body will in a sense physically remember that would negatively affect my relationship."
"There's no way in hell I'm gonna be in a relationship in which my significant other cheated and here I am willingly staying."
"You can't expect someone to completely change for you."
"Put a energetic and physical fence around your relationship, put yourself in that couple bubble and keep people out."
"There's no good reason to make believe that we could ever exist again. I can't be your friend, can't be your lover, can't be the reason we hold back each other from falling in love."
"I trust my wife, but I do think some things can stand to be a secret in marriage."
"There's no honor, there's no respectability in lowering yourself to come and be the second in a man's life."
"I'm all for forgiveness, honestly, but cheating is cheating."
"It really doesn't matter to me that you didn't take her to a hotel room; the fact that you have the strong emotional connection leads me to feel that you have violated our relationship."
"My promise is I'm gonna sit with you and we're gonna figure out what's going on with your mental and emotional health, what's going on with boundaries in your home and your relationships."
"You can put as many or as little restrictions on a relationship as you like; you just have to both of you need to take responsibility for what impact that's actually going to have in your relationship."
"If you're not in it for love, I'm out of here."
"It's important to know when to set a boundary, when to continue that connection, and when to take the risk of asking your ex out, seeing if they want to meet in person."
"I'm not closing the door on ever having a relationship with her, but I need her to back off."
"I'd rather catch you in the act than invade your privacy."
"Being a good wife is about making sure that you have established boundaries, communicating your needs."
"It's fine to have some level of boundaries, I think everyone in a relationship has some level of what they're comfortable with."
"A boundary is the ability to give someone the ability to show that they care about you."
"Name something a man might buy for his wife that he'd be upset if her boss bought for her."
"You can't force someone to treat you well, and you can't force someone to be happy."
"No woman waits for any man forever."
"If you're sleeping with someone that's going to make you question whether you should have body hair, then you shouldn't be sleeping with them in the first place."
"You don't need permission from the other person to end the relationship."
"Don't give husband benefits to boyfriends and don't act like a wife when you're a girlfriend."
"I'm not the jealous type, and I know where I stand."
"You need to set boundaries and expectations for what you need in the relationship."
"Any man that genuinely cares about a woman is going to have boundaries and standards."