
Generational Knowledge Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Educate not only investors but parents and grandparents about how the world is changing."
"One of the ways you keep it going is by passing these traditions down."
"There's a lot of passion about the origins of the internet, and it's not just from CERN; it's about people who want to keep this stuff alive so newer generations can at least appreciate where everything began."
"The most important thing you can do is to pay everything that you learn forward to the next generation."
"I realized that I had been fed a false narrative growing up, which I then unknowingly passed on to the next generation of students."
"This used to be normal. We used to have where families would pass on a trade for generation after generation."
"They're almost taking what you've taught them and doing even more with it."
"I challenge everyone to share with the younger generation something unique."
"We came out we found out later we just from our generational coming up we knew who's the neighborhood."
"You create this system where you infantilize, you strip them of the generational knowledge, so parents aren't passing down anything to their kids anymore."
"The internet can be used to show to people on a multi-generational way things that people normally only can learn by being alive for 40-50 years."
"Wisdom is being lost but hopefully it's being picked up again by someone else."
"Every problem that you encounter in life has been encountered by countless generations. There are much wiser men than I or probably any YouTuber today who have written down solutions to these problems long before."
"You don't have to be a boomer to know all of this."
"Talk to your parents, talk to your grandparents, those lessons are valuable."
"What is the one thing that would fix all of the problems... it's because our parents didn't know what to do."
"Listen to your grandparents: wisdom stands the test of time."
"The memories, life skills, knowledge, fears, strengths, and practices of one's lineage are imprinted in the DNA of their descendants."
"Knowing the name and supposed cultural characteristics of your generation is fast becoming a baseline expectation of cultural literacy."
"The only thing we can do is kind of grab the lessons that I've learned and pass them down."
"We need to pass the torch and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light."
"That's wisdom that our parents brought to us."
"Passion for cars like this is entirely predicated upon that attitude being passed down as subsequent Generations."
"Cherish every moment you have together and take in what they pass down to you so you can impart it onto your own kids or random strangers for future generations."
"Teaching our kids the things we feel like we didn't learn."
"Your elderly Chinese mother is bringing with her the wisdom of generations of millennia."
"Floating in an endless void was better than allowing that ageless horror to consume me."
"We can always reach into generational wells and draw up living hope."
"Modern humans show up and every generation is something new...to build on the experience, knowledge, and wisdom of elders."
"Teach these things freely unto your children."
"It's the young people that have the technology, but it's the old people who got the theology."
"Hunting is a discipline passed down from generation to generation."
"If you have a favorite biography or if you have a favorite chapter in the American story, pass that on to your children and grandchildren."
"I learned this not about ten years ago and I'm not gonna lie it is the easiest and strongest knot I have ever used in my life in fact I've actually passed it on to my teenage boys and said this is the one you need to use the rest of your life."
"We know a lot more than our grandparents did."
"Being nobody actually is very hard, you guys, yeah, you have to know a lot of songs that came out when your grandpa was young."
"...32 or more beauty tips... passed on to my children and my grandchildren... and now I passed on to you."
"A lot of that stuff is lost and a lot of that stuff is more like generational."
"This is a story of choices and roads taken, and how knowledge and values are passed from one generation to the next, indelibly connected by strings of history and affection."
"Kids nowadays probably know more about how technology works than their parents do."
"He who knows only his own generation remains forever a child."
"You know, my grandpa told me the very same thing when I was a kid."
"The elder generation has the stories and the knowledge and the history all in their minds, and if we don't connect with them and if we don't begin asking for it, then it's going to be lost."
"Do 20-year-olds know that song? The Ying Yang Twins, absolutely."
"The young fox is no match for the old fox."
"The practice of philosophizing must be passed on from generation to generation so that the mind is prepared to use the technological setting to work of science for the betterment of the world."
"Mentoring is magical because it moves information from one generation to the next."
"Ask your father, and he will show you; your elders, and they will tell you."
"The accumulation is the sum total that is passed from one generation to the next."
"We learned a lot about the farm, it's a five-generation farm, started back in 1938."
"There is now a generation born to the knowledge that man can leave the Earth."
"I could take all the experience of my father, my grandfather, in just a few years... I'm very fortunate to learn with him."
"God wants his presence in every generation, so he gave us children to pass what we know to them."
"Every generation builds on what the previous generations have discovered of how the world works."
"The old timers know how to do all this stuff, the young people don't know how to do it."