
Societal Contribution Quotes

There are 593 quotes

"Providing value for people, isn't that what we kind of want to do societally?"
"We're not separate from our society; if we're not helping ourselves, we're not actually going to be able to help others as well."
"Your passion is for you; your purpose is for others."
"Redefining [a billionaire] is someone who impacted the lives of a billion people."
"You take for granted the world produced by the entrepreneurs and the capitalists."
"It seems reasonable to me to suggest to young people that they do have a destiny that gives their life significant individual import and that is to take arms up against the inequities of existence, to act forthrightly and courageously to minimize unnecessary suffering and to constrain malevolence."
"I'm glad it [academic institutions] continues to exist because if it wasn't for the institutes out there, people would be too busy with their jobs or too political to come up with new ideas."
"Is built on the backs of strong men and I'm trying to teach men to be strong because it makes them feel happier inside. It solves men's mental health and it also makes the world a genuinely better place."
"You have to be able to afford your choice, and society has to be able to afford your choice."
"US gets the best of all when they get the migrants...the bad apples tend to be the exception."
"When you start thinking about your generation and the kids that you can't see, and what you're leaving for them, you really move different in this world."
"Just because someone might have antisocial personality disorder, that does not mean that they're going to be violent, doesn't mean that they're going to be bad or even dangerous, or can't even help out society."
"I'm committed to continuing my learning until all of my toxic layers are shed, and I am ready to re-enter as a contributing member of our beautiful society."
"Take care of what's local and immediate before you dare ordain to presume that you're capable of doing something more abstract."
"Never be ashamed of your masculinity my hairy friends because it built the roads beneath your feet."
"I can't be a great contributor to society, a good friend, a good mom if I am not living the life that I want to live."
"Our accomplishment, what we're supposed to do, is conquer the world, is to add value."
"The arts have unfortunately too much become business, where the investment is to get money back, rather than to produce something that is so necessary and beautiful that it actually contributes to society at large."
"What you look like has no impact on how you can positively impact this world."
"Incentive structures we inhabit shift human action towards making rather than taking."
"They really got to think of serving others. How can I serve others? How can I be of greater service?"
"Your experiences turn you into the person that the world needs you to be."
"Aristotle argued that knowing good was not good enough; the person had to practice being good to benefit himself as well as society."
"The only way to prosper in a capitalist society is to identify what somebody else needs and to provide it for them better than they can provide it for themselves."
"He's changing that perception of what immigrants can do."
"People with ADHD: the world needs your ear and your innovations right now."
"Every young man and woman who can do it must take the responsibility to bring life into the world, to create the world anew."
"I like the structure of capitalism in the sense that I think if you contribute more to society, you should have better things."
"The primary goal of the individual should be to serve the community."
"It is now energetically time for you to put yourself out into the world and to speak your truth."
"Our nation hasn't just been built by the leading figures of the day who go down in the history books, but by a vast army of workers of all ages dedicated to doing some really horrific jobs."
"It is regrettable that many personal fortunes are made by people who simply manipulate money and contribute nothing to their society."
"People work incredibly hard, and what we need to do is get off people's backs so they can contribute more to society."
"If a child is educated and healthy, the chance that they'll contribute...they're going to pay more in taxes."
"To become as useful a person as you possibly can... even on a very basic level, if you have a plasterer come to your house... just be a useful person."
"To prosper over time, every company must not only deliver financial performance but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society."
"The way to give kids self-esteem...is to have a lot running alongside their education, their responsibilities, and their contributions to their society."
"Pharmaceutical companies are meant to serve the good cause of making the world a better place by trying to find a way of abolishing simple or more complex diseases and life-threatening ailments."
"The purpose of life is to worship the creator. Worshiping in a comprehensive sense, not just praying five times. Worship means helping humanity, respect your parents, be a force of goodness in society."
"Your job as a parent is to prepare your child for society, to be a functioning and productive contributing member of society."
"Fulfillment is achieved by going through intense struggle to accomplish something meaningful that makes your life a net positive on society. To most people, that's having kids."
"Taxes are how we have society, and I like society."
"Not everybody is capable of contributing to society in the same ways that other people are, but I still think that it's just, it makes for a better world for everybody."
"The Medici were the most powerful family in Florence... imagine a family that can produce two popes. It's much more than producing two presidents of the United States."
"Support our veterans. Veterans are the backbone and the spine of this country."
"Socialism means that the vast wealth produced by this country, produced by the society by so many tens of millions of hard-working families, that wealth we actually put in the hands of those people that create it."
"The best thing you can do for the world is raising your children correctly. It's the number one contribution anyone on this planet makes."
"I've come to appreciate how much I'm standing on the shoulders of people who did so much more with so much less."
"We all contribute to a larger Consciousness."
"Let's be generous open our doors and let them come here we'll look after them and they can work for us here too refugees aren't people who just gonna sit on street corners begging they'll get out there do jobs they'll contribute to our society."
"Just do the bare minimum to take care of your own kids and parent them and teach them how to be contributing decent members of society."
"What makes someone who has worked hard and struggled through America's difficult immigration process less worthy of participating in the society than someone whose family came in, let's say, the great immigration wave of the early 20th century?"
"Ultimately it's all so that you can make this world a better place and leave this world a better place."
"I just want to do my work and make other people's lives better."
"How do I channel all of this connection into being an efficient human being in society, into giving back? Because for me, love is everything."
"That humility gives you peace, makes you a more productive, helpful member of society."
"Spoiled parents raise spoiled kids a public-minded generous and polite parent might shower his or her child in privilege and presence and still raise a public-minded generous and polite child."
"To see you bringing back this focus on you know the utility of philosophy for helping people live good lives I mean that's it's really it's been a fantastic contribution."
"Black people deserve a lot more credit than that."
"It's useful for everyone to know that if you don't live up to your potential, you leave a hole in the fabric of being."
"We can live for ourselves today or help secure tomorrow for everyone."
"Wall Street didn't build this country, working people did."
"People don't realize how important what we do is to people and how big of an impact it actually is."
"Every Muslim is supposed to be a part of the bigger society to make the society better."
"This man is not a threat to anyone anymore. He's paid his dues to society."
"Christianity gave the separation of church and state, an invaluable gift."
"A man is supposed to leave the world in a better condition than he received it."
"Don't think of migrants as a drain, think of migrants as a resource."
"Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you got a business that you didn't build that somebody else made that happen."
"The people who feed Canada are the people who are free in Canada."
"If all artists decide to stop making art, the entire world will fall apart."
"By virtue of being born a black female, my voice has become abundantly important in today's day and age."
"She can use her new knowledge and change of heart to do good."
"If somebody is doing something that is useful to the rest of society, I think that's a good thing."
"The things we do don't define us. It's how we act and what we do for others."
"Like the everyday woman in modern society, Esther contributes to the good of society."
"If you are a relatively intelligent person that has good morals that wants to see good happen in the world that you actually have an obligation to have children."
"We want to nip it in the bud early... so we can have responsible adults growing up who can be an asset to society."
"There we go, just a gamer, gives back to society, cares so much about people. He's a cancer survivor, just an amazing man."
"Your psychic skills - born to be healers, teachers, a guidance to society."
"There's probably no other group of Americans that are more deserving of celebration and no other group that's more often overlooked."
"Protest is healthy, however you choose to protest is helping."
"Getting the sense of contributing to society is fulfilling."
"It's going to take the people like you with your skills to come up with solutions because that's the only way we're going to."
"Socialism works when you have the golden rule of law and order and everybody contributes."
"America wins when citizens with a criminal record can contribute to their communities as law-abiding members of our society."
"Britain's history...made by a whole host of ordinary people doing a lot of really terrible jobs."
"Thank you for being the hidden heroes of the progress of civilization."
"We the people... the people who do most of the working and pain and living and dying in this country."
"The charity world needs so much more discussion."
"Are we actually creating value from our higher education system in this country or not?"
"I'm not going to make the world better, I'm going to give the world the opportunity to make itself better."
"Everybody has to contribute to society... there's a lot of dignity and nobility in labor."
"As long as they and others like them continue this work, there will always be hope for even the most forgotten, unlikely champions."
"Women played a very important role in the New Republic."
"The life that I'm living is one that I think is useful for the world around me and makes me happy."
"The most important thing we can be doing is developing good humans."
"How about showing us a range of positive male characters? How about acknowledging that men actually have something to offer the world?"
"This country is a great country filled with great people doing great things every single day."
"He's been more useful dead than he might have been alive."
"The vast majority of work that is vital for society to function could be performed on a part-time basis."
"If we had truly equal chances and if we deliberated about what social contributions really were worthy, then the greatest rewards and honor should flow to the people who make those most valuable contributions to the common good."
"Immigrants make up the lifeblood of this country."
"You guys are heroes keeping the society going."
"We are at a monumental phase in our human story. And we are writing the next chapter."
"We owe them a lot. The people who did some of the worst jobs in history shaped the world in which we live."
"A wrong turned right, a mission that matters."
"The true crime community can make such a difference."
"We must do the most useful, helpful thing possible."
"Prisoners want to be valued as contributors to our society."
"Representation here you go. Ready, hear me out: Does not matter. Contribution does. Actual talent does. Hard work does. Family does. God does."
"Work is meaning for all of us. And it's relevance and it's our place in society--is dictated to us by what we contribute and what we're paid to do."
"The purpose of a job is to provide something to society this man cannot provide to us as the people."
"Everyone has something to contribute and we're all better off when we're betting on everyone in America to pursue a good life and make a contribution."
"Let's help them use their special talents to put their mark on the world."
"You wanted to make a difference, give back to society, see what the rest of the universe looks like. I am definitely an explorer, I prefer exploring, so yes, I agree with."
"America's greatest strength going forward are people."
"This game is a warning for us not to shut our hearts to the needs of others, to focus on the good of the world. We too can have Gordon's Journey Back to the light."
"A person who has virtus applies all their best attributes for the benefit and glory of the Republic."
"Regardless of what you think of him... he's made his Mark in this world."
"You all are what is good and decent in this world."
"Work equally hard to preserve and provide that same blessing of moral agency to others."
"Each of us as individuals have a role that we can play."
"We're just wild animals who grew up a little bit. Try to make the best of it. Roll up your sleeves and get to work."
"You just have to approach things with... okay, what's the problem? What exactly am I contributing to society... Is this something that can help me?"
"I am driven by passion and the desire to give back to this country or to my Society what this country has done for me."
"You are a library of wisdom that you came with to share with all."
"If men are the providers, what have we been providing for our community?"
"It's important to have children and to create the new generation."
"His contributions to society such as the air brake or alternating current changed the world."
"We should reflect on what we are doing right now and how we can improve our systems to contribute to nation building."
"They become productive members of society who go home and start like million charity organizations."
"Each individual is a potential helper in the perfection of civilization."
"You don't get rich unless you enrich other people in the process."
"I think we become better people. I think we accomplish more, we contribute more, and we build a more just society."
"I mean, you know, they'll put up with a lot if you've made their lives better on a very tangible level."
"A lot of people are still out here working putting their lives at risk."
"Everyone has a hand in pushing forward society, particularly through technology."
"People from Hong Kong will make this a more successful country. They will make this a more decent country."
"Just try to succeed individually, and if you manage to reach the pinnacle of your success, that itself will be a contribution to your nation, to your society."
"Learn from mistakes, mine or others', and make the world better."
"You don't have to wait until you're retired, until your career is over, until you're old and you've made all your money... to give back."
"After spending the day with these essential workers in the food industry, I've learned just how much they put their safety on the line in order to ensure people are fed and society continues to function."
"Some people live really incredible lives in terms of success, but that's not what I want my obituary written about."
"Our brains, our voices, our opinions matter."
"Developing critical thinkers is one of the greatest contributions we can offer."
"He was never a net drain. He was never a net burden. He was always a net positive."
"There's often such missed opportunities for being a productive member of society. Let's be productive here, man."
"What have you done for humanity before bringing another being into it?"
"If you're not excited about the future, that quote about Society functions when old men plant trees under her shade they will never sit."
"Black people make up 13% of the population and look at what we have done."
"We like to teach and learn from each other. This is the source of our wisdom, in fact, it's the source of our wealth, in fact, it's the source of our survival."
"We're preparing people to live lives of meaning and purpose."
"Basically the moral of the story is immigrants work hard. They're some of our hardest working people."
"Your dedication to re-evaluating, reconsidering, and reorganizing your basic assumptions about life has expanded the expressions of civilization itself."
"I feel like everyone has something to contribute to society, you know there's always something you can give and you should always try to give it."
"Our value is not determined by [ __ ]. Our values determined by what value do we add to the world."
"You are doing something great. You are the heroes of our time."
"In this household, we respect librarians. They're literal warriors out here doing the Lord's work and they deserve all the love and support."
"Every single life is so important. We need to protect kids and protect lives because we don’t know what kids could grow up and accomplish."
"You have a six or seven year old inside you that wants to make the world a better place."
"I think it's a wonderful thing for civilization when wealthy individuals and wealthy institutions spend their money in a way that is inspiring and uplifting."
"Make the world your debtor by serving humanity."
"Jews have become essential parts of nations."
"The world needs you. Any of us should want the world to be a little better off for you having lived in it."
"Your existence has changed the world more than a lot of people."
"Family, faith, fidelity to the common good." - Narrator
"Your actions your choices your voice matter."
"The most creative people live outside of the university system."
"That civilization of grace is what defined our own."
"You have to put something out of value... because we're still living in a merit-based system."
"America has been the greatest country ever and I think it will continue because of a lot of good people that stand up for the right things."
"I love work and I love working hard. I love providing for my family and benefiting society."
"Everyone has enough... If everyone contributed, the world would be changed."
"I don't believe that wealth is a measure of a man. I believe the true measure of a man is what he contributes to society, to uplifting society."
"I want to build a world and a country that my kids can live in, can thrive in, can prosper in, and that I can leave and be proud of."
"Just remind yourself where you come from, that is powerful."
"The common good balance sheet is meant to be a visible hand."
"We need both liberalism and conservatism... liberals and conservatives bring different yet useful things to the table."
"Your character counts. Your character and your contributions to the world. That's what people see."
"What the world needs is more individuals using their own talents and ideas to solve problems. It needs more entrepreneurs, more innovators, more risk-takers, and it needs more freedom."
"It's about all that almost everything you do offers some kind of path towards moving your society and planetary group forward."
"The best thing you can do for society is get married and raise good people."
"I want my legacy to be what I do after I was released from prison."
"It feels like I'm doing something good in the world, you know? And it feels like I have an impact. That's all we want, right? We want to give, and that is my main priority."
"I owe it to anyone who cares to put some real thought into it."
"Giving, raising frequency in society instead of deteriorating it, instead of pulling it down."
"The bubble around the solar system was formed about 14 million years ago, during the explosive birth of the bubble."
"We promise that we will be good citizens to society."
"I think we can do this, I think we are supposed to come of age."
"Win or lose, I'm still going to be a parent, I'm still going to be a patriot, I'm going to help move the country forward."
"Stepping into trust means focusing less on finances and more on giving to the world."
"Having more sex can be an act of social solidarity."
"When somebody is on the outside and they're really fighting to change and be a productive citizen to society and be an example."
"It will not be enough to build wealth but rather what is your contribution to humanity in whatever you're building."
"Even people with pretty serious mental illnesses can do things...they want their lives to have purpose and meaning and value, right?"
"You innovate and create meaningful, long-lasting contributions towards the advancement of mankind and society."
"This isn't just work of governments, it's work of our peoples sharing their innovation and insights."
"Shout out to all the people going out to work this morning, shout out to other people coming in from work."