
Volatility Quotes

There are 835 quotes

"The volatility is normal, but then again when you look back historically, that volatility which feels so awful at the time turns into looks like a blip if you look backward."
"Better days are coming. Right now, there's still a little bit of volatility, but you got to zoom out. When in doubt, zoom out."
"This pace of change makes societies volatile, really volatile."
"Bitcoin isn't volatile; it's the people who are volatile."
"Do your own research before purchasing or looking into any of these cryptocurrencies as they have the potential to absolutely collapse but they also have the potential to skyrocket."
"Cryptocurrency has been going pretty much straight up for a couple of years now, almost after the 2020 pandemic. But what you got to remember is nothing can go straight up forever."
"Nothing can go straight up forever. Not crypto, not real estate, not stocks."
"Since we know it's volatile, you just need to take at least a four-year time frame and ideally a 10-year time frame."
"Volatility is the price you pay to get 10x the performance of the S&P. If it wasn't volatile, you wouldn't have the opportunity to make such significant gains."
"Bitcoin isn't volatile; it's actually just reflecting the chaos in the fiat currency market."
"The stock market is extremely volatile from month to month... but in the long run, the stock market follows an upward trajectory."
"You can't have 100x, 000x returns without volatility."
"The volatility is difficult, we've all been there before, and hopefully, we should come out of the other side eventually, even if it takes a while."
"Bitcoin fell to prices not seen since 400 p.m. yesterday."
"The opposite of fragile would be something that likes volatility and likes variation."
"The bottom line is that there isn't one single answer. So it depends on how unstable the markets are and how volatile the underlying estimates are, given the data."
"Historically, every time Bitcoin makes a fresh new all-time high, the market tends to see some short-term volatility and even sharp corrections."
"High volatility equals more risk for the stock investor."
"Ignore short-term volatility, focus on long-term prosperity."
"Liquidity will give you both the courage and the means to take advantage of volatility rather than being taken advantage of by volatility."
"The options market is implying an average move for these stocks higher or lower of more than 45%."
"The more politics becomes psychological, the more volatile and therefore more dangerous it becomes."
"Implied volatility always overstates the expected move of an underlying stock, ETF, or index."
"Strategy always trumps direction in this game, meaning that you have to be on the right side of volatility to be successful."
"IV rank is actually more important and should be the basis of how you determine if implied volatility is high or low."
"Implied volatility is the number one thing that you have to focus on."
"Volume and volatility are not the same thing, but they are very closely related."
"Low volatility could be the quiet before the storm."
"Are we going to see a huge pump or a huge dump?"
"This cycle is different and will be less volatile."
"High share of investor demand means more volatility, more up and down, bigger boom, worse bust."
"Liquidity is what's going to curb volatility."
"Bitcoin is not going to now be steady... it's going to continue to be a roller coaster."
"Workers should not have to have an economy that is volatile."
"Diamond hands, don't fall for this volatility."
"If you miss out on the best days, your profit goes down significantly."
"Messiness is absolutely a shortcut to growth. It's a cheat code, but things that blow up quickly will go away quickly."
"Looking at the fear and greed index, it was in the 30s. People were terrified. Now we're right back up in the 70s. So it can change just like that. Always keep that in mind."
"Morning shockwaves: stocks briefly pushed into a bear market today after the S&P dropped 20% from the all-time high in January."
"Honestly, it's an opportunity if there's volatility in a stock which is something you're looking for with call options to day trade."
"I think this is actually gonna be a really volatile heavy kill meta."
"Gold is wild and it can take you. If you put, let's say, 15, 20 pips, it's really easy for gold to pull back."
"Gold is like that bipolar girlfriend you have."
"I want to be exposed to as much of that volatility as I possibly can because Bitcoin allows you to send and receive any amount of money with anyone anywhere in the world basically for free and there's nothing anybody could do to stop it."
"Things that go up at a high pace are the first things that come down at a high pace."
"Sentiment can change in a dime. It doesn't take long for people to completely do like a 180 on sort of like what their predictions are."
"Risk on, risk off is not about direction... it's about changing volatility dynamics."
"These wild fluctuations are just the latest indication that many private equity firms, hedge funds, and other investors... are treating the stock market like a casino."
"AMC is green on the day, people are freaking out over a red bar."
"Perhaps nowhere is Nikola's short and turbulent history as a company represented better than in the roller coaster ride its stock price has taken since going public."
"XSPA has proved for the last 20 days to have insane spike ability."
"Volatility will occur and markets will continue to have these ups and downs. I think that's a great opportunity."
"Opportunity comes about when there is more volatility in the market... This is the buying opportunity, this is how you get in early."
"Bitcoin's future: Volatility ahead, but largely upward."
"You want the imbalance, you want the volatility, the chaos..."
"Things are very volatile. There's a lot of anger. That anger is legitimate."
"I hope apes get out of the mindset this is going to pop any day, this is going to be a long bumpy ride."
"Volatility is our friend; we love volatility; we look for volatility."
"This year is extremely exciting...way more volatility."
"Whatever goes up has a tendency to come down."
"Cryptocurrency is about to pop, it's gonna be on a very good upline for the next week or two, it's gonna drop in the next two weeks and by the end of the year it's going to be through the moon."
"That's the reality of being invested in a growth stock; there are ups and downs, there is volatility."
"Endure the current volatility to win in the long run."
"BNB tends to dip more than other 10 cryptos and the market dips and of course then when it rebounds stronger it goes up more than the other kryptos in the top 10 do."
"It's not fair or intelligent to assess the short-term performance of a long-term investment strategy which is inherently and openly acknowledged as being very volatile."
"What freaks people out is how fast it's gone up. The rate of change of velocity is acceleration."
"It was 11, it jumped up to 18.92 in the off hours when you have a parabolic move like that, it's always going to retrace."
"Momentum trades can do that, momentum trades they're great when they're hot but when they're not man they they just they can kill you fast."
"There's never a dull day in the cryptocurrency space because this market is completely out of its mind."
"Capitalism has volatility... but it's still the best system."
"Volume drives volatility, volatility drives higher price values."
"Valuations got stretched... a whole generation of investors forgot or never learned what volatility was."
"Nothing's really going to happen... it's a very volatile situation right now."
"If you understand Bitcoin, you understand volatility."
"Crypto is pretty volatile, and that's just how it is."
"Eventually Bitcoin is going to get a retrace, we're never going to go just straight down."
"When we're on these high time frames, we need to understand that there's room for volatility."
"Be prepared for that because it happens a lot in the bull markets."
"Bitcoin and all the cryptocurrencies could go to zero... That's what it comes down to, it's confidence."
"Fear and greed index, prepare for a liquidation wick at any point."
"Set stop losses and be careful with volatile coins like doge."
"This is the kind of market you want to trade in; volatility has evaporated from the market."
"When you have a lot of Bitcoin flowing off of exchanges, it can produce volatility, but what does it also produce? A supply shock, a supply crisis." - Speaker
"Markets don't just go straight up, they can have a crab market."
"Investing tends to be a lot like that... events begin to develop really fast."
"It's not like you're going to go make a high one day and the next day you're on your way in the bear market."
"Understanding the volatility, it's super volatile, like a Tuesday at 9 AM."
"Looks like it's been on quite the roller coaster ride so far."
"If we hit 100k we'll retrace to 50k worst case scenario maybe 60k."
"We're always a day or two away from a massive rally."
"It's like you kind of see how fast this could be taken away because there was a lot of guys a lot of people that got bigger and then boom amanda cerny."
"Macro volatility is decreasing even if it feels like volatility is still really high."
"High resistance doesn't mean like support and resistance it means it's resisting clean price runs where they just run big ranges speed efficient run right to where you want to go that's how you want to trade you want to trade in those conditions."
"Easy come, easy go. Bitcoin tumbled as much as 17% amid news that El Salvador's cryptocurrency rollout was faltering."
"We're in a situation where stocks are going to continue to go down they might bounce around and go down bounce around and go down."
"I think the only thing you can predict with certainty is volatility."
"Volatility is going to be the order of the day."
"There's volatility... starting out the new year with some uncertainty."
"I remain very constructive... more printing, more credit defaults, more inflation, and more volatility."
"The Israel-Palestine, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria situation is highly volatile."
"Dollar cost averaging makes volatility simpler."
"Activision Blizzard's stock took a big dip this week."
"The long-term trend of crypto is upward, despite short-term volatility."
"Cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters: volatility and opportunity."
"If you think bitcoins being fun and games for the last 10 years in a relatively stable environment you ain't seen nothing yet."
"Consolidation doesn't mean prices not going over. It's up, down, up, down, up, down."
"Have you seen what's going on with Luna? It's crazy!"
"Cryptocurrency could be more than just an insanely volatile way to gamble."
"When you look at a stock go from 3,000 down to 100 or 200, it's pretty much the same thing."
"Bitcoin is a wild ride, but there will be times where you get tested."
"If inflation makes a U-turn, then you could see a change in what the Federal Reserve Bank says, you can see a change in what the market predicts, and all these things can create more volatility, but they create opportunities."
"It's very possible this continues growing throughout the bull market but keep in mind it is going to be very volatile."
"The Perfect Storm, the perfect setup here for such a huge pullback of double digits in a single day."
"Nice. And it’s these types of products like futures, micro futures, and options that will be instrumental in decreasing the price volatility of crypto over time as more people and money enter the market."
"As long as it has such a low circulating supply, it ends up going up fast."
"I think one of the hardest things to do, especially when you're in a higher volatility environment, is that line between are you being patient and letting the play develop versus are you just not sticking to your trading plan."
"Number one channel to keep me sane in the midst of insane volatility."
"Crypto evangelists will of course praise this as yet another reason why crypto actually is the payment method of the future. But it is still so volatile that someone is taking a risk."
"The consequence of having a lot of cash set aside is that I was able to take advantage of that volatility."
"Bullion is cash. It's volatile cash. It's good cash."
"The vix has topped for now and it is a time for a pullback."
"Bitcoin dropping 15% in a single day is absolutely massive."
"Stock prices are moving around in a much bigger way, much more frequently on non-fundamental things and are much more divorced from fundamental value in a much bigger way than at any point of my career."
"The market goes up like an escalator and then down like an elevator. So always going to be more volatile on the way down than it is as we're kind of grinding higher on low volume."
"But DWAC was going to get to up nine percent and look right when we got off air for the morning show that is and then you went to Trader Pratt DWAC did this breaking out on huge volume through 73."
"People who are really high risk, high reward, really volatile, really something that you have to be thinking about a lot."
"The market will fluctuate, so knowing that, just like I said in the steps before entering a trade, when you get your entry, try to have a good enough stop loss for breathing room."
"I saw some lines, I saw some candles, I saw some trends, I saw some bottoms. What is going on with the Bitcoin market?"
"The longer we go within the band, the higher or the lower the explosion will be outside of the band."
"I think we have months more maybe even years of volatility and slow but steady declines across the board."
"The bearish argument for the VIX, the bullish for the market is the predominant one."
"Until the VIX closes the day below 20, the bulls are not out of the woods yet."
"The arrogance will be washed out of the stock market once again in the most brutal and violent fashion."
"This rise would be punctuated by terrifying drawdowns along the way."
"The market sure has been a bit crashy crashy today, has it not?"
"The only thing guaranteed this week is volatility."
"The world is potentially as volatile as the early Cold War in Europe in the 1940s and 1950s."
"August and September often bring the volatility, bring the opportunity."
"Stock market volatility doesn't mean anything long term."
"The stock market has been taking huge hits recently as analysts say we may be in a huge bubble."
"Most of them are very short-lived, some of them are very long-lived, but the longer-lived the fear sell-off, the better historically your rewards are."
"Volatility in a woman, not good for the long term."
"Volatility is the price you pay for the world's best performing asset."
"Crypto currencies, they're very volatile but you can still make money with crypto."
"Bitcoin can pull back 10, 20,000 or something... the idea that it can't do that just because of a few on-chain metrics is completely ridiculous."
"Cryptocurrency solves all this except for the volatility, but if the volatility is mostly upside, that's just extra yield."
"We are experiencing some more volatility in the markets."
"Keep your eye out for divergences... that is the true definition of volatility."
"Cryptocurrency is a dream because of the volatility but I understand how to exploit that volatility."
"It's gonna be shaky, but overall you'll be net positive."
"We are in for a wild couple of weeks in the country and gold and silver in cryptocurrencies."
"Look at the chaos that's going on. Up and down, up and down, up and down."
"A man like Travis is a walking contradiction, a ticking time bomb of angst and anger just waiting to be unleashed upon the people he believes deserves it."
"You cannot make this up, yet people call XRP a scam. No, do you know how volatile any of these assets are going to be until there's regulation, until there's high enough liquidity where it's less volatile and grows over time?"
"Having a look at Bitcoin - short term could be a little bit crazy, long term to the moon."
"It's kind of interesting what world would you like to drive through in this new Mario Kart game."
"We're going to see a huge blow off top whether it's at 300,000 or 700,000."
"Crypto is unpredictable and that's actually the thing that we really like about it."
"Bitcoin pumps, Phantom pumps more; Bitcoin drops, Phantom dumps more."
"That's a great point. So what's a good safety range for volatility in your portfolio?"
"Usually anything that rises that fast usually comes down just as quick and it's always interesting how that works out."
"Big money is piling into bitcoin and ethereum... it will create a big explosion."
"I don't think you'll ever know the full extent of how much you'll have helped people by speaking about this because the impact that you'll have on a lot of people are listening will be incredible."
"In this madness, there still is absolutely juicy trading opportunity."
"The market goes up, it goes down, it goes sideways."
"The rubber band thesis... the more you go up the easier it is to snatch right back down."
"Society is the largest volcano on Earth, the thinnest crust over the largest volcano imaginable."
"It is in the nature of unregulated markets to be volatile; bubbles are allowed to inflate and then inevitably they burst."
"It's hard to imagine that that support shelf doesn't get broken at least for a very short term flush."
"Crypto tends to move more discreetly, then moves really fast."
"It wouldn't surprise me if it shot up to 250 quickly, but it also wouldn't surprise me if a year from now we were only at 110."
"Bitcoin will get there but it's going to be a wild ride."
"It's volatile... things are changing so quickly."
"None of this makes sense; the fundamentals don't matter anymore, until they do."
"When we're seeing historically low IV in the past few months for AMC already and we haven't remained unchanged on a seven and a half percent green day, we can't ask for much better than that."
"These crashes are part of the boom-bust nature of crypto."
"For anybody that just blatantly says like, 'Oh just buy and hold on,' in theory that sounds great but the reality is that most people don't do that because of price volatility."
"If you're worried about volatility or worry about 44,000 bitcoin, know that as more and more people institutions and countries fight over the very scarce bitcoin, the price will go up."
"We go from scandal to scandal, and people totally shift and do a 180."
"I feel that this is great opportunities to be using the volatility to make some cash."
"At the end of the day, they had a very volatile relationship."
"The entire country has been a massive roller coaster ride with way too many drops already."
"If you were to give Martin Lewis 10 million quid and a couple of political advisors he would probably be polling at 10 to 15 percent like it that's how volatile the system is at the moment."
"Ignore short-term volatility. Think of it as a golden opportunity."
"Bitcoin is more like the people's money... too small and volatile to be on most radars in a serious way."
"I do think this one's more bouncy than not in the higher-term time frames."
"Very interesting times for Bitcoin as a whole."
"Very likely to continue, but watch out for monthly volatility extremes."
"Always make sure to do your own due diligence on these companies because electric vehicle stocks, in general, are extremely volatile."
"History is not regular and cyclical and predictable. It's actually pretty noisy and volatile and unpredictable."
"So it's usually a big move kind of an explosive move so I don't know which way this will go based on my economic projections I'm gonna guess it breaks down but again there's no guarantees with a wedge pattern."
"When everybody thinks that the bottom is going to happen when the VIX pops to 50 or 40, it probably gonna happen before that."
"The DD's been done, if there's high volatility, well, yeah, no, that's more exciting to watch."
"When you look at earnings, you're looking at an implied one-day volatility movement of 4.7 percent."
"Crypto has your pants down and this is what it does."
"Bitcoin will be somewhere between $5 and $500,000."
"Bitcoin, sadly, I would still love to see a nice big bounce but gosh darn it, just don't have it."
"Volatility comes from uncertainty, and when you have a stock that is almost 90 percent or 100 built on hype instead of real value, that means that it's all based on an idea."
"Volatility is the price you pay for the highest performing asset in the world."
"Don't be surprised by it, look out for the dip."