
Monogamy Quotes

There are 337 quotes

"Monogamy works for a lot of people, so it's all about what works for you."
"Stable monogamy is the best solution that we know of."
"We need more monogamy because as monogamy decreases and less men have a partner, you start to see a rise in crime."
"We don't celebrate healthy, dynamic, lasting monogamous relationships enough."
"Marriage asks you to sacrifice the possibility of sexual variety in favor of one partner."
"Monogamy is amazing... but I also think that people use monogamy as an excuse not to get better at dating and socializing."
"I think most people are wired for monogamous relationships."
"Monogamy is a beautiful standard for a relationship, and I think if you agreed to hold a monogamous standard in your relationship, you should do your best to uphold that."
"Monogamy is the life for me, but you are an intellectual, and your polycule includes science, technology, engineering, and math."
"Peterson, when he says enforced monogamy, he does not mean government enforcement. He means a societal standard that promotes monogamy."
"Monogamy is good for you. It makes you a better person."
"Monogamy is good for you. It makes you a better person. It urges you to control the drives that are not supposed to overpower you."
"Ultimately, producing all of the wonders that modern society has to offer in cohesion with women monogamy and relationships between pair-bonded couples is ultimately what allowed for the prosperity of human intelligence to flourish."
"Being attracted to somebody else who isn't your partner does not devalue your love for them."
"I'm celebrating monogamy, envy what about you?"
"Enforced monogamy is not unknown to evolutionary theory."
"Everybody has relationships that work for them."
"Not all monogamous people are incredibly jealous."
"Monogamy may not be natural for a man, but it's certainly socially normal and enforced."
"There's nothing wrong with being monogamous. It's not unnatural, it's not like a socio-political construct that's totally artificial, none of that."
"It's extremely valuable for making a ton of money, I mean literally a hundred thousand runs every run and you can do that in twenty to thirty minutes."
"There's a lot to be said from society's perspective for monogamy being the state that is the best that is the most compatible with the values that we all share..."
"Monogamy is essential to trust... in my experience of doing this for a really long time there's usually one partner that's not okay with that and they're just not confident enough to say something."
"Monogamy was for suckers who didn't have options."
"God have one wife, that one wife is one people."
"Attach yourself to one human being... You will lead a happier life."
"Monogamy may be a social construct, but so is using a toilet."
"It's harder to make a monogamous relationship work."
"Hopefully my overall goal, I guess like Abby, is to be in a monogamous relationship."
"I'm a huge monogamous at heart. I want undying commitment from the person that I am dating and that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with."
"Both parties have to put in the work for a faithful, monogamous relationship."
"If you want monogamy, start to think monogamously."
"A system that encourages monogamy is going to end up with an even more evenly distributed sexual distribution partners."
"Would you consider tilting your perspective and opening your minds to the possibility of the monogamish?"
"Yo Elliot, my question is how could you be with only one woman your entire life and not get bored nor have the feeling that you need to seek someone else?"
"Men are not meant to be monogamous... men throughout the history of mankind have been labeled as polygenis."
"Your marriage and definition of monogamy can be as traditional or unconventional as you want it to be."
"God's plan of one: one God, one man, one woman, one marriage, one sex partner, one flesh, one lifetime, one picture."
"I just want to have one woman and be have it be meaningful."
"Monogamy is committing to a person and saying I choose you."
"Once you reach a certain level, [monogamy] is just not honest to yourself."
"Choose to be monogamous. It's entirely up to you."
"Monogamous relationships form the foundation of the family and the family is the foundation of human civilization."
"Long-term sexual monogamy doesn’t come naturally to our species."
"Men are designed genetically to not be monogamous spread their seed and women genetically are designed to be monogamous."
"If you're the type of person who wants to have a singular wife and a family and a committed relationship, you're also probably not the type of person who would want to be in an open relationship or a polyamorous one."
"I don't believe in the sleeping around things, you know?"
"Humans aren't very good at monogamy... in fact, we kind of suck at it if you look at all the data."
"I never signed up for monogamy. I never did. Been really unhappy. He's been a very unhappy person and so it's been a lot and it's been a challenge for our relationship."
"God designed our brains for monogamy, and the more that we design our brains only to be triggered and turned on by our spouse, the more brain chemicals are being released to reinforce that bonding and connection."
"I like the concept of monogamy. In practice, it's not realistic."
"Polyamory challenges the norms of monogamy, advocating for love without limits."
"Only by the grace of God can I look at my wife and say, 'Look, my wife in the face and say I don't look at other women because I want to be that for her. I want to be the best father and husband I could be.'"
"When I'm single, I'm single like if I'm in a relationship with you and I'm your girlfriend I wouldn't cheat on you."
"God doesn't really talk about marriage that much either... but it doesn't really talk about like, 'Hey, have a monogamous relationship between a man and a woman.'"
"Monogamy seems to work today if you're the highest value male to her."
"A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, how many wives? One wife."
"You must be willing to commit to one person."
"Some people are wired for monogamy, while others desire more sexual novelty."
"Monogamy, the practice of mating with a single individual for an extended period of time, isn't that popular in the animal kingdom."
"We are married to one person, one person only."
"Monogamy is such a stable structure. I feel secure in my relationship. I don't ever have to worry about my partner leaving me or sleeping around with other people."
"Masculine men operate with honor and discipline if we he makes an agreement he will stand by it monogamy included masculine men have control over impulses it's feminine men that will cheat no honor."
"Guys that are high value, that are top shelf, that are willing to be monogamous, you better treat him like a god."
"Do I believe in monogamy? Monogamy is right and I think it's the perfect situation in which to raise a family."
"I think that like non-monogamy is the default state of humans and our adherence to monogamy is socially destructive."
"It's not about you being in a relationship with one person; it's about whether or not they can have sex with other people."
"The natural order of things is promiscuity, and that monogamy is based on insecurity and it's socially destructive."
"Across the country, millions of couples are embracing a radical reinterpretation of monogamy."
"Is monogamy the only way for a couple to live happily ever after?"
"Honestly, I don't know that we were really meant to be monogamous just because society has imposed that judgment on us."
"Are we really created to be monogamous?"
"We were designed and built to be with one person and to spend our life with that person."
"Unless the man is a super rich millionaire, polygamy should not even be considered, period."
"If he broke, if you still gotta work, if he got a boss, polygamy should not even be spoken of."
"I wanted to be with one person for my entire life."
"I see it will be a monogamous relationship or marriage but at the same time it's not like you're restricting each other, it's very much free but full of trust if that makes sense."
"What we need is for men to get with one woman and build a family."
"I've been with multiple women, and I've been with one woman, and being with one woman is just so peaceful."
"If I'm going to commit to someone, I'm going to cut off all the hoes and just be committed."
"When you are going to be monogamous, you got to be monogamous."
"When it comes to relationships, I'm very focused on one person and one only. I'm not interested in flirting with other people when I'm thinking only about one person."
"...you are wanting somebody who's going to offer you that monogamy, who's going to offer you that stability, who's going to offer you that symbolic gesture of 'I am choosing to do life with you, the good and the bad.'"
"Such a relationship, due to the absence of suppression of genital desires, is more apt to prove happy than strictly monogamous marriage."
"You just want to talk to the person every day, you want to see that person. So, you're in love with a person, does that restrict you from wanting somebody else? Yes, it can."
"I'm in a full-blown monogamous relationship with Squarespace."
"For a man, the primary place where we open our hearts to feel pure love is through a committed monogamous relationship with a woman who loves us."
"I fully believe that we are actually enlightened and that although monogamy is waning that it is not waning because there is a superior system."
"We agreed to take things slow, but we both stopped seeing other people."
"Monogamy is not natural to some. Now to some it is. Like, I've met people, they were married 60 years. I'm like, 'Why? Why would you do that to yourself?' But they're in love and it's like ungodly that that can exist, but it does."
"A man cannot be in love with two women at the same time."
"In committed relationships, actually, women get bored with monogamy much sooner than men."
"There is tremendous freedom that can come from redefining monogamy as a primary emotional commitment that may or may not include sexual exclusiveness."
"And doing everything that you talked about makes successfully executing a monogamous commitment likelier, by giving each other permission to desire others but not act on that desire, not policing each other's sexuality or erotic life entirely."
"A man who has slept with more women than anyone says he thinks monogamy is better than anything."
"Monogamy opens and gives you range to be who you are."
"When the vasopressin levels get high enough, that's actually when a man becomes monogamous."
"Out of all of these shows, the contestants on Are You the One come closer to vocalising a doubt in monogamy as the only option, simply because a couple of them have been in non-monogamous relationships before."
"What's monogamy? It's just two people. One date. Huh?"
"In monogamy, the structure itself is so strong and stable that you can lean in on the structure of monogamy itself to experience that safety and security."
"Monogamy is a choice every single day. It's hard as hell."
"A boundary is, I believe we are in a monogamous relationship and I don't want you to be with other women. That's a boundary. It doesn't work for me if you're with another woman. Then I don't want to be in a relationship with someone that's going to be with another woman."
"Your person definitely wants a lifetime partnership with you, like, they're not planning on, you know, like let's, let's be together for a year and then, and then we'll go on somebody else. I feel like your person's pretty um, pretty monogamous."
"Men are not gonna keep being monogamous."
"Penguins propose to their significant other. They're monogamous, and after choosing a mate, the male gives the female a pebble to show his affection."
"Ultimately, if we lived longer, we wouldn't be monogamous. Monogamy is a silly concept."
"I only want one man now, and I hope I'll be enough for him."
"We're just as committed. You know, we're monogamous, we care about each other. It's a partnership."
"We're wired for monogamy. I can give you six scientific arguments as to why we're wired for monogamy."
"It's great because a lot of monogamous relationships people are so worried."
"I just don't believe monogamy should be the only social norm."
"Polyamory and monogamy are different but equal."
"I'm in a monogamous relationship and that works for us."
"Human beings are the only animal on the planet... that practice monogamy."
"I really believe all relationships work for somebody, so I'm a big proponent of monogamy, I'm a big fan of open relationships."
"I look at monogamy like a business construct. I look at it like a business contract, okay? Talk about it because I think that business, yeah, like, you should have LLC. It's literally a marriage contract. That's literally what it is."
"Monogamy is challenging. It's not easy. It's pressure. It's not unrealistic, it's hard."
"Anybody could be under a monogamous relationship."
"If a man cannot be monogamous within a marriage then he needs to remain single."
"If you're looking for loyalty, monogamy, I know just because you're loyal and faithful, you being a good guy has no effect on how she's going to treat you."
"Monogamy serves important social, emotional, and financial goods for adults, for children, and even for the community."
"Monogamy actually reduces things like rape, murder, assault, robbery, and fraud."
"I think commitment is one of those records it's a lot of feeling and commitment yes yes come absolutely I'm a girl that likes being committed I enjoy being with one person you know I'm saying that's how I'm able to you know how some people like her."
"I don't believe in multiple dating at the same time, multiple partners, jumping from partner to partner."
"The Bible never affirms a relationship outside of a monogamous one flesh union between a man and a woman."
"Most guys don't want to be monogamous. It's not in our nature."
"Being monogamous to one girl is the dumbest thing you could do as a man."
"Jack Sparrow in 'The Curse of the Black Pearl' is the sum of all the specific unique things he has done and lived through."
"Monogamy is not equal between men and women."
"A real man picks one woman and figures out every way they can satisfy them for the rest of their life."
"As a man it is extremely stupid of you to rise to a certain level and be monogamous to one woman."
"The way that they reproduce, especially within birds, makes a lot of sense for birds to be monogamous."
"Monogamy means dissipating passion or boring sex? They say this is a myth."
"It seems like lines get blurred as soon as it's no longer monogamy."
"Polyamory is okay. Monogamy is okay."
"The Navi are monogamous. They mate with one person in their whole life and form a bond not just a physical bond but a psychological and spiritual bond."
"Are you in a monogamous relationship with her sometimes? Sometimes not."
"Would you be willing to tell us how you feel about monogamy? Oh, that's up to each person. If somebody feels to be monogamous, let him, let her be."
"I don't want a husband who is okay with sharing me."
"The idea that women who are in a happy marriage could somehow be like 'Oh, but maybe I could get...' That's not a thought in a healthy monogamous relationship."
"Men definitely can be happy in a monogamous relationship for sure."
"If we stop privileging monogamy, we could become a less repressed society."
"Humans aren't monogamous. It's not in human nature."
"I'm not promoting serial monogamy, but most of us are slated to have two or three very significant relationships in our lifetime."
"Man, when you didn't live that kind of life, you don't want no two women."
"A lot of folks in monogamous relationships just have a lot of expectations."
"For those of us who are monogamous and just don't care about other people's issues, go right ahead."
"Most men want to have multiple women and you agreed, right?"
"...I personally think monogamy's not the natural state of humans."
"Monogamy was the first form of the family not founded on natural but on economic conditions."
"You stick to one woman, one wife, monogamy - and to say that in the world of those days was revolutionary."
"Women typically want to have sex with as few partners as possible. They want to get their source of sex from one guy if possible."
"If somebody can't [__] with that [__] then they can't [__] with that [__]. Can I be monogamous? Yeah, I've been monogamous. It's easy as [__] right when you truly find your person."
"Every couple negotiates monogamy with themselves and creates their own definitions of where they cross the line."
"Now that sounds like monogamy, which means one. You take your choice. I'm not knocking you, you know, I'm just, this is what the Bible says. You have one."
"I just never believed that it made any sense this long-term monogamy thing that humans do. Obviously, you can't have sex with anyone else but many times you can't even be the person that you were before. I just was incapable of long-term relationships."
"...women are meant to be monogamous men are not."
"Women can be monogamous if they find a guy that they truly respect and admire."
"Will we ever settle down with one woman and be monogamous? No, hell no."
"I will have a family and have a wife, but I'm gonna be monogamous to her because I didn't bust my ass to become successful to have one wife. That's stupid."
"Do you think that monogamy is the natural state for Homo sapiens?"
"I don't think that I would want to only be with one partner."
"But I do sometimes wish that polyamory as a label was really reserved for people who felt a similar sort of revulsion towards monogamy that I do."
"Your person only has eyes for you."
"I just want to be with one girl and that's her. Like, she's all I want. That's enough woman right there for me, you know?"
"I think that long-term monogamous relationships have value for those who want them."
"For me, being in a relationship means sharing a special bond with just one person, not multiple people."
"They choose their partner for life."
"Relationship's hard enough. I can't imagine having multiple at once."
"It's not biologically natural for people to mate for life. Well, ducks do, but who the hell cares what ducks do?"
"If you have great communication and you build a rapport and you've been together for a long time and you're monogamous, and you're going outside of the relationship, something's wrong in the relationship."
"You only need one woman, not 10. So don't despair."
"I think it's better to have a monogamous relationship."
"I'm a big proponent of dating one person at a time."
"Humans aren't very good at monogamy; we're kind of monogamish, more of a one person at a time sort of species."
"I want my first marriage to be my only marriage."
"Marriage is one man, one woman, one flesh, one lifetime."
"The only relationship that is truly monogamous, where you are the only one, is in your marriage."
"Monogamy is always gonna be a hard thing, but my girlfriend is such a beautiful girl inside and out, the way she loves me, the way she takes care of me mentally and physically, spiritually... I will never ever ever find anything greater than this in my mind, in my heart."
"Have thy choice of men, but I could never love again. He is the only one for me, Julie."
"I believe a girl should be contented with one man at a time."
"This personality loves deeply and they are definitely drawn to long-term monogamous relationships."
"I believe that not just women, but men should just have one partner at a time."
"Does being promiscuous affect a person's ability to have a long-term relationship? No, as long it's not promiscuous within a monogamous relationship."
"I'm at a point where, especially if I fall in love with somebody, I don't want to be with somebody else."
"Monogamy can't and shouldn't be assumed."
"Getting over monogamy squeamishness allows people more room to breathe."
"When you love somebody, when you are with somebody you truly wholeheartedly are in love with, you don't even think about anybody else."
"In a perfect world, yeah, definitely you want to be monogamous with a child, you know, a father, a mother in the household."
"Monogamy means that you will take care of my needs so I don't have the urge to get them met anywhere else."
"I'm 100% loyal; like when I'm invested in that person, I'm just that person."
"Men are not raised to be monogamous... it's gonna be a bumpy transition, but glad to be on the ride if you love with me."
"One wife, one job, one school. How many people can say they can accomplish that in life?"
"She loves Robert very much, and he's the only man in her life."
"Some people are into monogamy, some people aren't."
"The maned wolf is as monogamous as a living thing can be and will form male-female pairs when they're good and ready."
"Seahorses are monogamous their whole life."
"I want to honor God and two, I want to be monogamous."
"I definitely, if possible, would love to be with one person."
"Wolves are monogamous; they live their entire lives with one female."