
Contempt Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Contempt is the killer of them all. In the contempt, there is a real degradation of the other."
"If one member of the couple showed contempt during the initial intake interview, they were 93% likely to get divorced."
"Contempt is the only universal emotion that is asymmetric; it doesn't look the same on both sides of the face."
"It's not credible. They've treated the British public with contempt."
"The powers that be are treating the general public with contempt."
"The past four years, we've had a president who's made his contempt for our democracy, our Constitution, the rule of law clear in everything he has done."
"They don't care about you at all they have complete contempt for you and your interest."
"Contempt... it's the number one predictor of divorce."
"Contempt is anger directed toward someone of a lower status than you."
"Nothing so epitomizes President Obama's contempt for American values and traditions as ramming two bills, the stimulus package and the health care bill, through Congress in his first year."
"They have contempt for the common man, they have contempt for political leaders, they have contempt for science."
"Stomp on it. Just wipe your feet on that thing. This thing is a doormat."
"He disrespects them, he thinks they're dumb, he gouges them for all they've got."
"For us to look back with contempt is outrageous." - Reflection on ancient knowledge and myths
"He will never work for someone as pathetic and fat as him."
"Resentment and contempt are the biggest contributors to problems in a relationship."
"Contempt not only destroys a relationship, it also destroys the immune system of the person hearing the criticisms."
"Wow that entitled Karen is an absolute scumbag."
"Not only is contempt or best predictor of divorce but it also predicts how many infectious illnesses the recipient of contempt will have in the next 30 Years."
"... contempt incorporates criticism into it but it's something critical that said from a place on high I'm so Superior and there would always be a little bit of scorn in it."
"... contempt not only destroys a relationship but we learned through some studies with a professor in Immunology that they also destroy the immune system of the listener."
"...what will kill relationships is chronic criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling and the killer of them all is contempt."
"I wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire."
"They're literally, oh God, it's so gross. Oh, it's disgusting. It's disgusting. I hate both parties involved so much."
"True love must never treat homosexuality with anything less than utter contempt and loathing."
"If you love your neighbor, this is to be treated with contempt and loathing."
"The death knell of a marriage is contempt."
"Such a low life wouldn't even take two strokes."
"The chief cause of the loss of states is the contempt of the art of war."
"Wow, if you didn’t already hate these spacesuit wearing world nobles, then surely you do now."
"When the narcissist comes across a potential love interest, this generates in him a reaction of contempt and rage... because he feels threatened by love."
"Chen looks contemptuously at this bunch of idiots."
"He thought it was contemptible, all the compromises, all of the social posing, all of the hypocrisy."
"I've never seen a [ __ ] so excited to ruin the world, this is top tier hating right here."
"The judge sneered, 'The revolution has no need for geniuses.'"
"He's the repugnant piece of [ __ ] that thought he should be president of the United States."
"Familiarity breeds contempt is the opposite of how can I miss you if you won't go away."
"She genuinely hates the audience."
"He's a [ __ ] joke. Nice sneakers, I guess, if people like those. But give me a break."
"It is pretty fantastic seeing that um these people will be left in the dust, these dumb [ __ ] right-wingers that claim they're part of these communities and part of these fan bases."
"When you develop a contemptuous narrative of your partner, it's a pretty good indication that the relationship is going to end soon."
"Why didn't they hold me in contempt?"
"I don't give a [__] about him. Yeah, he can definitely eat a dick."
"In my view John Canaan will take the secrets of Susie lamplu's death to his grave. I cannot see him opening up and admitting that he had anything to do with it or showing any remorse about what happened at all. I have nothing but contempt for this man."
"Contemptuous people are lonely, but they're not just lonely, lonely. They're resentfully lonely."
"What are you doing, you sad little man?"
"Your level of douchenozzleness is just increasing by the second."
"We might have made something of you," he sneers. "Goodbye, Alithia, and good riddance."
"I'm sorry, she's just Garden variety Scientology trash."
"Dump him, relationships can survive many things, but they cannot survive contempt."
"Remove her from this chamber before she infects us further with her inglorious and shabby self."
"She showed absolute contempt for all of the civilities."
"True, genuine contempt is just the reverse of true, genuine pride. It keeps quiet and gives no sign of its existence."
"I hate that. Bees are [ __ ] losers."
"It's just sad. Pathetic probably would be more accurate."
"Opposites attract, but indifference breeds contempt."
"Consumed with self-hatred with their submission to the Ruinous powers, such contempt for their weakness would give way to a new ideal."
"I have no respect for people like that. None at all. None. Not zero. No respect."
"Familiarity breeds contempt, I put me in the basement when I want the penthouse of your heart."
"The new upper class holds ordinary Americans in contempt, disdain."
"One thing was forgotten: this b**** is."
"You're a dirty, disgusting sewer rat."
"The number one killer of relationship is contempt, contempt is the lack of empathy."
"I will never respect anybody like that ever."
"Nagash wishes to be a god and has contempt for the other gods. Ascension is a core part of his character."
"He is just a zit on the ass of humanity."
"Contempt is criticism from a place of moral superiority, expressed through sarcasm, name-calling, or mockery."
"I simply raised one side of my upper lip until it shaped itself into a tiny curl of contempt."
"Familiarity breeds contempt, so eventually it's going to turn into something a little different."
"They are pathetic. When I tell you pathetic, it's disgusting."
"Familiarity can sometimes breed contempt."
"She famously said in court, 'On the contrary, Your Honor, I'm trying my hardest to conceal my contempt.'"
"She looks at them like you guys are trash."
"Think about how in Spongebob, Squidward shows contempt for Spongebob's childishness, for blowing bubbles, for having fun at work."
"Scummiest man I've ever seen in my life."
"Contempt thought Tyrion, the universal language."
"Contempt is defined as a lack of respect or reverence for something, a willful disobedience or open disrespect for a court, judge, and legislative body,"
"Ignorance is curable, but contempt is not."
"How does your car feel about that? Well, because it's so important to you, you [ __ ] loser."
"Contempt is the one thing that makes people lead to divorce."
"I believe that unsuccessful people have not bothered to learn it and so I feel contempt for them."
"My courtroom is not going to be a place for this behavior. I'm holding them all in contempt."
"'Contempt for your audience kills creativity.'"
"You're nothing special to me, you're just a bag of trash the city overlooked."
"The migrant smugglers in my opinion are the lowest of the low."
"I simply think of them as idiots. It is time for their world to change forever."
"You're the most pathetic, smallest forms of life. You have no feelings, you don't care, and you don't even know you exist."
"You flatter yourself. I have contempt for what you are, but hate, that's too important an emotion to squander."
"I hunt the scum of the earth: sailors from tramp ships—lassars, blacks, Chinese, whites, mongrels—a thoroughbred horse or hound is worth more than a score of them."
"Resolve to learn to live without contempt."
"You cannot have contempt for things that you love."
"I abandon contempt. I can live without it. I'll be better off without it."
"Hate is for the weak-minded and the heartless."
"Familiarity breeds contempt, that's what happens."
"Beast looked at black like he was disgusted and walked outside the circle."
"Contempt is a form of dehumanization."
"The biggest killer for relationships... is contempt."
"You're the most vile, odious, pernicious waste of corpuscles that I've ever had the misfortune to lay my eyes on."
"The most likely indicator for a failed marriage is when one partner has contempt for the other."
"I wouldn't [expletive] on John's face."
"Familiarity breeds contempt; that's one of the greatest dangers to any person in the military or police."
"That I may show you in deed my contempt for that by which you live, I waive the two millions of which I once dreamed as of paradise, and which I now despise."
"Familiarity breeds contempt, and scarcity creates a feeling of value."
"After all that just happened to me, I didn't know how long it would take me to regain my resolve, but gods like you just remind me how pointless your existences truly are."
"I love and admire good soldiers and brave men; I hate and despise slackers and cowards."
"Even though Basquiat strove to be accepted by the institutions of the art world, he harbored open contempt for them."
"You know you can laugh, but I have witnessed a millennium of treachery and oppression from the males of the species, and I have nothing but contempt for the whole bloomin' lot of them."
"I don't concern myself with the ambitions of insects."
"Familiarity breeds contempt. Sometimes you've got to distance yourself from it to try and fall back in love with it again."
"I've never heard the word 'lover' sound so disrespectful and dismissive."
"Contempt for the other side's ideas, contempt for the people of the United States and their wishes."
"If there's something I really despise, it's people who take advantage of their power."
"The Lords of the Vale have always spat upon the hill tribes."
"Contempt is the most corrosive thing in marriage."
"We're ignorant, and I've always despised ignorance."
"You have offered me unconditional love, and for that, I have offered you unconditional contempt."
"We're turning ourselves into a supine culture of victimhood, and it will reap the rewards which contempt deserves."