
Relationship Issues Quotes

There are 569 quotes

"What people think they divorce for is that they couldn't communicate. But why they didn't communicate is because they were doing one of these four things: criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, or contempt."
"This challenge totally shows what's wrong in our relationship."
"It wasn't the girls being the friends that bothers me. What bothers me is that there was zero boundaries and there was zero respect."
"Fear of commitment is a serious deal. It's basically a state of perpetual avoidance."
"If you're struggling in relationships or feeling unhappy and stressed, it's a sign that you might be lacking in one or more of the four pillars of emotional intelligence."
"I can't do this anymore, Edwin. Your constant use of emojis instead of actual words is driving me insane."
"If your partner says no, that has nothing to do with parenting; that is a core relationship problem."
"You can tell this is about to be a disaster when you don't feel good within, but then you're with someone who you almost feel like you're not worthy of being with."
"You're divorcing me because you're trying to go to Canada with him, aren't you?"
"Most times, dissatisfying sex is not a problem but a symptom of the problem."
"I was trying to make the marriage work, but you can't make someone else want to." - Janet Jackson
"It's not a money problem, that's a relationship problem."
"There is perhaps no more insidious a killer of relationships than miscommunication."
"Everything's fine, I just, I kind of screwed up things with Zelda a little bit."
"Cheating, lies, and betrayal are like the hallmark of reality television."
"Not saving her from herself leaves you asking the question: where did this come from?"
"Sexlessness in relationship can happen to anyone."
"If you love somebody and you stop being with them, you're not really happy on the inside until you have the conversation."
"If someone denies their behavior anytime you confront them about an issue you are likely in a darvo relationship."
"Cheating is not just physical, oh mental cheating is way worse to me than... like if you find out your girl is like having... long text histories with other men."
"Her aggressive attempts to cheat on her husband of 15 years will make you want to get a prenup, and I can't wait."
"When Betty confronted her husband he denied it... that just did not sit right with Betty."
"When Betty saw a photo of her husband in Linda's office... that is really strange."
"Broke that trust, somebody broke that space in which you were vulnerable and open."
"It is astounding to me the amount of times a man that has said 'I care about you, I love you' and I don't want to hurt you will continue to hurt you every time, no matter what. It's just, it's talent honestly."
"This marriage has not been great for a while... there's clearly stuff going on here between all of these people."
"Money, sex, or kids. You may think you're arguing about something else, but really it comes back to one of those three things."
"Cheating is almost always a result of a weakened intimacy bond between a committed pair or married couple."
"All of Vincent's mental spiraling eventually causes him to break up with See Catherine."
"At some point in their marriage, Asgore was forced to sleep out here on the couch."
"I think so much of cheating actually stems from insecurities..."
"Complacency in relationships is not an overnight thing. Complacency comes when one or both people in a relationship get bored, distracted with other priorities, or simply take each other for granted."
"He got upset and said I was weaponizing sex and being financially controlling."
"But ultimately, we end up in that seething resentment, and that's where all that sort of the resent-o-meter 10 happens in a lot of the divorce."
"Marriage does not fix everything. You can see the problems. There are so many problems in this room."
"No one knows what the heck is going on when it comes to dating."
"Manipulation is damaging to a relationship. People manipulate others to get what they want. They may feel the need to punish, control, or dominate their partner."
"If we can fix attachment issues, 99% of our problems in the West will go away."
"You're [ ] another dude bringing him to Hawaii on a family vacation, so that's strike two."
"If Amber Heard cheated, she gaslit Johnny calling him paranoid. Still can't beat somebody physically for that."
"Imagine watching your husband, the person you love, behaving violently that way, like a wild animal."
"Sucks that she's making herself hate our problem huh."
"How many relationships have folded under the weight of unprocessed trauma."
"I feel like someone's really hurting over the fact that there's not more stability in this, basically."
"Breaking your heart means disappointment that is painful yes disappointment essentially somebody disappoints you."
"Some men will desire you while being in a whole other relationship."
"Infidelity isn't as clear-cut as you might think; whatever the reason, cheating hurts."
"No woman should go through what he put me through. He was very apologetic."
"Cheating is the end of a long story of relationship problems because neither either her or her husband didn't have the skills to communicate that stuff."
"If feelings are primary, then it's the male's feelings versus the female's feelings. Whose feelings come first?"
"Stop ignoring the red the deal breaker stop it jen just just stop it just just stop it."
"The cognitive dissonance that you experience as a result of being with this person this explains what happens within you when someone's actions and words are not aligned."
"A lack of vulnerability from a partner is a sign of a lack of love."
"Send emails which are really nasty also she would slash his tires that is very very scary behavior."
"I just need to let Maddie know right now that I do not appreciate her being shady towards me."
"These people became suicidal, their mood tanked, their relationships got screwed up. This is a fed up human being, and so it must be brain damage because the whole person is fed up."
"The events that played out that night are the summit, the breaking point, of a relationship that could've been, should've been so much better."
"You've got somebody that doesn't involve... She's a very loyal. She doesn't value honesty, she doesn't value communication, she doesn't value commitment."
"Greg feels guilty over putting Ginny through a sham of a marriage."
"Your person is also very much being affected by the fact that this relationship is breaking down, they have now realized that you were the one they messed up."
"They're silent on the subject, they're kind of skirting around the issue."
"I want a fresh start. I'm tired of hiding my house, tired of hiding my bad relationships. I want a fresh start."
"When I don't feel appreciated in general, it's kind of like what's the point of being in this relationship."
"Now you're treating me bad because you don't need my money."
"You get jealous when you're not sure of yourself or your partner."
"When your girl tell you she don't feel desired you are doing something wrong."
"You've slept with another guy while I was taking care of our daughter. And I don't wanna have anything to do with you anymore. Period."
"I'm sorry that I can't be the man that you want me to be I'm sorry that I'm not who you're looking for I love you but I'm sorry."
"Signs that your partner is not over their ex."
"He promised he was going to kill himself if I didn't go back to him."
"I proceeded to tell Oscar that I loved him and wished that we could be together but that I don't see how it could ever work with things like what he was doing right now."
"The breakup is primarily because there was a drop in emotional attraction."
"People get tired of being mentally abused, physically abused, verbally abused."
"You're stuck in a vicious cycle of giving chances, feeling let down, and then pulling back."
"A breakup is a symptom of something being wrong or a relationship that was never meant to be."
"If a man demotes you after you've messed up, put you back in competition with other women, he's not valuing you as you deserve."
"Leaving an abusive relationship is so dangerous."
"Most people try to hold on to relationships that need to end or that should have ended a long time ago simply because they fear the unknown and worry about finding someone of equal or better quality."
"The communication is so off, despite efforts to express and take action."
"Every day people end relationships, but this is bigger, it's been simmering."
"So she filled that void, but then it gets darker and darker."
"Lies just build upon other lies and then it becomes so many lies." - Narrator
"Our relationship with food becomes so complicated and at times very difficult."
"The reality was they had been separated for a long time. I was portrayed as the villain because Kate asked for the divorce."
"I don't think so. Okay, which part? Oh, wait, wait, yeah, what he didn't think he [ __ ] up."
"Just imagine if your everyday chick brought her husband on Instagram to tell the world that she had an entanglement with somebody else."
"Someone needs to honestly discuss your feelings with each other, someone may be holding back."
"We were just very broken human beings and we both were just sabotaging the hell out of our relationship."
"It might be preceded by crisis in the romantic relationship."
"People fall in love with you... they tend to develop these dark shadow traits of possessiveness."
"Even if you like the fact that he did, he only gave you one month."
"Nights are sleepless, do we need space, yeah maybe you'll break or you're my weakness."
"If you find yourself constantly cheating on partners, no matter who they are, there's a problem there."
"Most things in life come down to bad communication."
"You don't take care of your appearance, and that's a part of the reason why you're having issues."
"They're not really communicating how they're truly feeling about you."
"They're giving you the silent treatment, but they're thinking about you heavily."
"Cheating is not the cause of the breakup but a symptom of what was no longer working."
"Emotional withdrawal is a form of abandonment."
"The shape of the earth doesn't seem that important until you really expound upon the deepness of this conspiracy and how far-reaching it is."
"I think he's gonna retroactively say that the love they had for each other was not pure and true in any form."
"I understand the feeling of being in a very manipulated state in a relationship where you know you're betraying yourself."
"They want to overcome their wounds, their inner demons."
"When you roll your eyes at me when I share my frustrations with you, I feel really frustrated and dismissed. I want to feel close to you. I want to have a good connected relationship with you."
"The frustration of the narcissistic relationship is the issue, not staying up and playing Candy Crush at bedtime."
"They kicked her out, she left, that's her side of the story."
"Not only is she pregnant, but she's also dealing with a breakup."
"This is the story of how my best friend stole my girlfriend... I never stole your girlfriend!"
"Abuse isn't always obvious; it can be a thousand paper cuts."
"I literally found someone like cheating on me in my own house."
"The last time that it got crazy between us I really did think I was gonna lose my life."
"You have lost yourself amidst your obsession with success for its sake."
"Women have a lack of appreciation for the things you do. If you do 50 things and she does one, she feels like for that one you owe her that 51st thing."
"It's like a ghetto ex-girlfriend smashing your car up with a baseball bat."
"Chris went on to blame Encyclopedia Dramatica for the collapse of his relationship."
"Cheating is always just a lack of communication."
"The bride insisted they should fly first class for their honeymoon, while the groom insisted it's a waste of money."
"I'm tired of throwing darts at this can phone book because you never seem to be happy."
"Men are the more responsible party for failed relationships in 2021."
"It hurt a lot when you love somebody and they don't be there for you."
"They feel like you did them dirty, like you really betrayed them and abandoned them."
"There's something truly special about having your inactive dogs account unfollow me first..."
"Look at the pain and suffering that she's put this poor guy through for years."
"Are you trying to tell me that you're falling out of love with me because that other day you complained about me leaving my floss on the counter?"
"Sometimes it happens, and it doesn't mean that the individual cheating is a bad person, is a psychopath, is lying about everything."
"So, deception, jealousy, betrayal, backstab, toxic sexuality, seduction, silent treatment in reverse."
"If you've had some complications in love and romance, some things came up with a romantic partner, this will be straightened out, this will be resolved."
"I'm pissed at him right now behind that forever Mac boy either you love somebody baby food you know I'm saying but that's a company."
"Distance in a relationship, secrets causing a lack of harmony."
"Your person is emotionally avoidant because they've witnessed divorce in their childhood."
"I said love you more, keep the evidence put away. Evidence away, I'm not there to save you no more."
"Your person is definitely feeling stuck on this."
"If this is a guy who's willing to take his fiancee out of rehab as a recovering..."
"You're dealing with someone that you know is in this energy of 'Oh, Gemini's not paying attention to me, Gemini's not appreciating me.'"
"The fear of losing someone causes so many people, women in particular, to accept bad behavior."
"Ross and Rachel's breakup and the emotional fallout that subsequently followed was one of the most heartbreaking moments in the entire show."
"But it's clearest in the finale: Hoshi even uses the saving the world excuse to justify his cheating."
"That's when you know it's pretty much game over for the couple."
"There's a foundational issue that needs to be addressed and fixed."
"If you having girl problems, I feel bad for you, son. I got 99 problems but a ***** ain't one."
"This person's heartbroken. Someone is in their feelings because they know they screwed this up."
"Hidden fears and insecurities are blocking our connection."
"Our community is dysfunctional when it comes to intimate relationships."
"And for all that sacred and holy, if she is still bugging you after 10 months, coming up on a year, I think it's high time to get a restraining order."
"I knew he was cheating but I hadn't really got any proof."
"He's a narcissist and I'm gonna tell y'all why."
"It's like you're worrying about your neighbor's marriage while your marriage is falling apart."
"Well, if divorce is the only answer, then we better find out what the question was and tell everybody to never, ever ask it."
"Lily felt bad complaining about their relationship when she knew how good she had it compared to so many others."
"They regret not sharing themselves with you, not fully exposing their feelings."
"Diamonds is having a wandering eye, and that's just not fair to Augustus at all."
"I'm so miserable in this house right now because all I want to do is spend time with you, and I can't."
"Ghosting is the most cowardly way to break up with someone."
"You think you have a marketing problem, but nobody has a marketing problem. Everybody has a relationship problem."
"She came up! Damn, she played him, poor soul."
"The problem is, Aquarius, I don't even feel like this person is aware of the lack of growth or the lack of changes they're putting in themselves."
"Ignoring things, ignoring the fact that I'm giving to the wrong person."
"Instead of acknowledging the issues between the two of you, they're stirring the pot a little bit."
"The Betrayal experience now I've been doing this for a long time was the greatest betrayal I had ever heard."
"You have some work stuff coming up that you would really like some support on."
"They feel like you're cold, detached from them. They want more communication or messages, basically they want this to start."
"That was the biggest slap in the face that tells you right now he doesn't care about us."
"I'm done trying, have fun with the dudes that can't treat you like I did."
"Even if you talk all about easy taking or anything because it's a woman that I still love."
"You simply can't expect to have a serious conversation with someone who isn't interested in anything aside from taking complete control of the room."
"Your feud with your brother is clearly getting in the way of running your business."
"This was the final straw, she told me that she didn't like what I was turning into, that the fame had gotten to my head, that I was becoming a monster."
"This person is emotionally shutting you out because they feel like you guys are not on the same page emotionally."
"This person doesn't feel loved, respected, or valued by you."
"The whole issue is that he lied to her, yeah, and now she's moved here, Colt is setting himself up for Success man."
"They're gonna express their heart... but they may kind of beat around the bush... not be direct."
"I love her and would never force her to do anything that would put her in that mental space but it's been three weeks and she's canceled this talk over 10 times."
"This ain't nothing but an abusive relationship."
"Gaslighting is always turning a problem around and making it the other person's fault."
"Am I the [__] for getting mad at a guy for sending my girlfriend 500 flowers for her birthday?"
"There's something that needs to be healed and I maybe it's because this person didn't treat you right."
"There's no other pain like it. To know that your woman willingly allowed another man to enter her body, there's no other pain like it."
"Even though that you guys are on a break and there's been a breakup and there's this difficult situation, deep down you still have the hope that this can be reunited and celebrate."
"They want this relationship, you know, but they're failing to be honest about who they are."
"They feel that maybe you don't appreciate them or what they have to give."
"Cheating ex-girlfriend sends apology letter, guy sends it back graded using red pen: achievement unlocked."
"She didn't just stop calling everybody for no reason."
"If you're going to keep lying to me, that's not going to keep me."
"I am the one always living, the one messing in every relationship before it starts."
"I knew he had hurt her before, but I never thought in a million years he would do this."
"You saw me at my worst, Ash. And I lost you once, Shepard, and I almost... How could you put me through that? Why didn't you try to contact me? Why didn't you let me know you were alive?"
"The dudes that are most memorable to them are the ones that they had tons of fun with and then the guy just instantly ghosted them and never gave them the closure or explained why they did that."
"I believe that there were real issues between Adam and Lydia."
"You brought another woman to a party which your girlfriend was gonna be at."
"I left my husband because the sex was boring."
"You may feel like there was a failed attempt to reunite with someone."
"Every relationship goes through problems, you know? We haven't been happy with each other."
"He looked at talking to a counselor or a therapist as a bad thing. And whenever you're dealing with a man like that, there's no growth in a relationship."
"You need to address the root cause. The reason why we are out here accepting these half relationships, these breadcrumbs from these men, is because of our childhood neglect."
"Wait, so he didn't have time to spend with you, his living partner, but expected you to sit at home while he went out to meet other girls to []? What the []?"
"You can feel unwanted for a year versus not knowing for a year and at the at that year you know the whole year that they never wanted you to begin with."
"I've realized that she lied to my face and took me for a complete idiot."
"Four years and counting, got you feeling like options be tired of hearing 'I don't know what's happening.'"
"Legacy wound... difficult to trust... toxic, abusive relational system."