
Distractions Quotes

There are 405 quotes

"Let go of distractions from people who are not helping you build your life purpose."
"Managing our attention is so difficult, especially today when we have so many objects of attention that we can focus on."
"Streaming is a huge distraction. Imagine... it's like basically playing a video game in a room where there's a party and there's also multiple crying babies in the room at the same time."
"Self-discipline is one of the hardest things to master and implement because we live in a world filled with distractions."
"Life is filled with many distractions, but in your yoga practice, you have to keep continuous focus, regardless of what's happening around you."
"The enemy... recognizes that if he cannot destroy you, then his next mode of operation is to distract you."
"An addiction to distraction is the death of creative production."
"Don't get lost in the distractions. There's so many distractions. The distractions will confuse you and lead to a lack of clarity."
"Finding a distraction that's not food is probably the best way to go."
"The greatest danger in our time is being in harmony with distraction, out of sync and out of touch with reality."
"You can't let others define you, you can't let others distract you from your goals."
"Don't allow distractions to keep you from what you're trying to get accomplished."
"I've been saying that like part of trying to get in shape for me is like no distractions."
"You're getting rid of those things as a kind of practice right, you're probably trying to clear the decks. If you're occupied with lust, if you're occupied with alcohol... then you're not focused on becoming a person who loves."
"All great thinkers have one thing in common: they spent long periods of time away from diversions, distractions, trivial interruptions."
"Every distraction has a price to pay, the price you can't see in that current moment."
"The only thing that I care about professionally is to put an end to this outbreak. The other things are distractions. It's a distraction that I don't pay attention to because if you pay attention to it, you can't focus like a laser."
"If you don't like distractions on your display much, I think you'll like the Max more."
"Remove any potential distractions before you start working."
"Dealing with distractions ahead of time is infinitely easier."
"Don't be fooled by all the flashing lights, bright colors, and loud noises. They're only there to distract you from the insane, terrifying, and downright ridiculous things you don't notice going on around you."
"Some of you get so carried away with your children, you get carried away by your business, you get carried away by these things that you start taking you away from God."
"The world wide web is stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey, full of an endless buffet of distractions."
"Take my advice, let no trifling diversion or amusement or company to coy you from your books. That is, let no girl, no gun, no cards, no flutes, no violins, no dress, no tobacco, no laziness to coy you from your books."
"Meaningless distractions turn people away from a life they deserve."
"Sometimes the festival of distraction is so appealing, we forget what's really happening."
"Not only are my possessions not making me happy, but they were actually distracting me from the very thing that did bring me happiness."
"Do not let anyone distract you with all this nonsense, all these culture Wars, all these lesser jihads from your own inner work."
"People want distractions, and that's what we can give them. It's just distractions, man. That's all it is."
"Stefan Rossina continues unaffected by all the dramas going on around." - Focused determination amidst distractions.
"What if it's more beautiful and more strange than we can ever imagine?"
"Distractions. Sometimes we don't want to fix the problem. We just want to be distracted from them for just a tiny little bit. But it never solves it."
"One of the least important issues that we have going on in our society...complete waste of time...a distraction...video game violence is a distraction."
"The losses on the right side have been reintegrated so they no longer stand as distractions."
"Create barriers to cut yourself off from infinity pools of distraction."
"The group who was not distracted not interrupted scored 10 IQ points higher than the group that was."
"Stick by your decision. Distract yourself with friends, activities, and self-improvement."
"I ignore all the [__] that lets that happen."
"You got to lower those number of distractions."
"You will never get to your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks."
"Don't let someone mess you up on your wave or distract you on your wave."
"There is a strong temptation this week to get knocked off course from what you're building."
"Don't allow anybody to pull you off your path."
"It's a lot of distractions, and that's the thing when you're honed in your craft and you know what you're doing, you don't need distractions."
"Culture wars distract us from actual wars where people die."
"The war is not a matter of the enemy defeating you, he's just hoping if I can distract you enough, maybe you'll quit."
"Stay the course with blinders on about what you want because the rest is noise."
"It's too easy to get caught into the distractions of the world."
"Your environment can either enable you or distract you from going where you want to go."
"Stay focused on your goals, no matter the distractions."
"This is the importance of bros to catch you when you're falling down, and they will be there for you unless there's a hot girl."
"We got to eliminate all distractions, we got to get a new vision revision."
"Clippy was universally hated and deemed way too distracting."
"A lot of that stuff's put out there to distract you... They want to distract you from the real issues."
"If you're not careful, the offense will become a distraction from the calling."
"Life right now is like those old game shows where you get the money if you keep your eye on whatever it is and you don't look at the 800-pound gorilla that's wrecking the stage around you."
"But when I'm trying to make a video and there's like nothing but Pilgrim barking in the background..."
"Technology always being at our fingertips, right? It can be a distraction but it can also be a very, very helpful tool."
"The distraction of human sexuality is largely minimized."
"Boys are distractions, and for me to be one of those people that always preach about putting your career and your money first..."
"We're constantly fragmenting our limited attentional focus with both external and internal distractions and multiple tasks."
"We have always been powerful people. The thing is we just let petty nonsense get in the way."
"They're overwhelmingly drawn to you, despite any distractions."
"The [] we have to distract us is the best [] ever. I mean, it's the [__] coolest."
"You create interests you can never finish, therefore you're always distracted."
"You're wasting time with distraction if you're not excited to make something come true."
"Distractions on the global theater... all add to a volume of things that the West has to deal with."
"You have to say no to nearly everything else that I'm not going to get distracted with golf not going to get distracted with the piano."
"The devil will use any tool he can to distract you from God."
"The Buddha can make errors, self-correct like great, can we keep doing that?"
"Don't let the noise get to you because this is absolutely noise."
"Keyboard is loud, let me just get rid of this. Dog, go away."
"Every top performer prioritizes focus over distractions."
"Focus is nothing more than the absence of distractions."
"Don't let distractions sway you, stay focused on your dreams."
"As humans, how easily we can get distracted with the mundane things of the world."
"When you ask God for your destiny, the devil's here too. He sends you a distraction that looks like destiny."
"We are controlled, manipulated, and distracted by a society awash in electronic hallucinations."
"Don't be distracted by the big obvious plays because those are usually diversions."
"Every time a notification goes off it distracts us... my goal in those situations and in those settings is to be fully present in the moment."
"What the heck was that? Someone was yelling at me, good, I got distracted."
"Soundness is of a necessity today because there's many things out there pulling the people of God out to it that's not worth nothing. That's right."
"Prioritize what it is you want to accomplish over the distractions and over the people who are not helping you accomplish those goals."
"If you want to go to the next level, you have to let go of people who are distractions."
"Cut out the noise and whatever that means in your own way, like the people, the distractions, the habits."
"Honestly, this is a pet peeve of mine. I cannot imagine playing D&D with a Dungeon Master who's distracted with a fiancée yelling in the background."
"Distractions always come with the haze, and it's going to be hard for you to identify destiny lanes when you are getting directions from a distraction."
"This is how we began actually collaborating on work... but it also puts you in that state of constant distraction which makes it hard to do work."
"Understand the distractors and focus on the essential information."
"For all her lies, Priscilla Ashvane spoke one truth: the war between the Alliance and Horde has kept us distracted."
"Always be on the lookout for what they are pushing out in the chaos while we're all looking over here."
"Focus on your path, don't be distracted by the commercials of life."
"Don't let notifications beat you to your knees."
"Trust in your intuition and don't get distracted by someone else's tomfoolery."
"If your clothing, your speech, the way you run your church service... distracts away from the creator of the universe... that's an issue."
"We all need things to just laugh about and sometimes have distractions."
"Every distraction is trying to pull you away from your soul's calling. Stay focused."
"The iPad and the computer and the TV and the phone, they are tricking you."
"We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures, and games."
"Social media is a distraction. Everything is a distraction from something else."
"Don't let a distraction be the main attraction."
"Don't let the Devils distract you; don't go out here going against the grain trying to force situations."
"In a world where we are constantly distracted, invited to settle for a sort of empty half-life."
"Ray honestly is too wrapped up in her own journey to pay attention to the porgs." - Emphasizing Rey's focus amidst the chaos.
"Be prepared for the universe to open a can of worms to try to distract you."
"But see when there is distractions it's all a bit mad because you know what like being good together in the villa when there's no distractions is great."
"Turn down the noise and focus on your goals."
"Just kind of having those distractions can really... be really good for you mentally."
"We're relatively set for this, we're not gonna take if we take level threes they say no right? Yeah, bother me now with such petty distractions."
"Step away from distractions, focus on you, and get [stuff] done."
"I don't get distracted very often from anything."
"Conspiracy theories: A distraction from purpose."
"If you start paying attention to what distractions are."
"I've been distracted with other things, recording with other Hermits."
"Allah says oh you who believe don't allow your wealth and don't allow your children to distract you from the remembrance of Allah but whoever allows his wealth and children to distract him this person will be from the losers."
"If the devil can't make you sin, he'll make you busy."
"No matter how much stuff they throw at us to try to distract us, keep focused."
"You want my reactions? So give me no distractions."
"Keep marching on forward here and don't let little things distract you."
"There are so many distractions in culture today that sometimes it takes a minute for us to get rid of the distractions so that our hearts are actually pliant for God."
"Breath of the Wild was designed to constantly keep you exploring on foot by giving you distractions."
"Creating spaces free from distractions can help us engage more deeply with the present moment."
"If you eliminate distractions, you'd be shocked at how much you can get out of a 1-hour practice session."
"Ignore the noise, try and ignore the noise, very important."
"...Su Jin invited them to go to a bar and forget their worries."
"Chasing the wrong things is something that we all are susceptible to doing."
"It's time for you guys to move in a straight line, don't get distracted, don't pay so much attention to distractions."
"It's just like there's so much and it's so easy to get caught up."
"The more people you have in your life the noisier your life gets the more distraction you get in your life."
"The desires of our flesh can distract us from the things of God. Jesus shows us how to overcome distractions and put God back at the center."
"The two things that will stop sleep: the chat room and looking at your phone."
"Clear out any distractions that keep you from focusing on your actual goals."
"Focus on God and not on all the chatter of the world."
"Turn off all distractions. Mute notifications on your phone, mute WhatsApp on your computer, anything that might ring, ding, or buzz."
"Ignore the noises that are occurring, there's just people with two dual Sanders like orbital sanders just going ham outside the house."
"...practice as often as you can and ignore the curtain Twitches of which there will be many..."
"Your life is too valuable, your calling is too great, and your God is too good to be distracted by things that do not last."
"Anything that competes for your attention competes for your affection."
"So, you know, we get pulled in a lot of different directions."
"Exhaustion was catching up with me in a big way now that there were no more distractions."
"Whenever God puts a calling on your life, do not think for a moment that there will not be distractions. Satan is the master of distractions. He'll try to turn you aside from what God has said to you."
"Life kind of takes hold of you and pet bunnies just can't hold a candle to hormones and cars."
"We need distractions because it's hard, but don't let the distractions distract us."
"Idleness... endless hours on computer games... just chilling hanging foolish talk... all these kinds of things that young men preoccupy themselves with."
"Aesthetic dopamine-inducing distractions are covering up your notion dashboard, taking you away from doing the important tasks that need to be done."
"Don't fight battles that are not between you and your destiny. Most of the things that come against us are simply distractions."
"Oh I don't really want to spend time with you I'm really all about the where the uh microphone is placed and getting the correct audio out of in the lawnmower outside"
"The joys of this world can either lead you closer to God or become a distraction."
"Just make peace with distractions. The mosquitoes in Thailand would always do wrong to me."
"Seek distractions because we're afraid of peace."
"Distractions... usually we start with a clear sense of priority we know where we're going. Sometime in the year something becomes more important and we change our sense of priority and start prioritizing on something else."
"You always feel vulnerable when you're married, don't you? There are so many distractions for guys."
"It's exciting again, yeah. It's exciting without the external rush, without the external distractions."
"If you want to meditate, you must ensure all the mosquitoes are at least driven to your neighbor's house. Otherwise, they won't let you meditate."
"Texting or calling while driving is incredibly dangerous. The same goes for eating and drinking while driving."
"...it actually harms both your mental and your physical health. Also, there are too many distractions nowadays which makes it hard to focus on what you actually want to be doing."
"...it makes it really easy to make it very clean if you have too many notifications popping up."
"I need to issue an apology to my chat before we start. There's some dude who keeps using TTS to give updates about this owl that he's trying to capture a photo of or something."
"There is so much noise in our world today."
"You still got that dog in you? I'm going to put my mind on something and go for it and block everything out, women, clubs, whatever your distraction is."
"Every one of us has the ability to focus and be very good at something. It's just the trap is there's so many things nowadays, there's so many entertaining things that we want to engage with and be good at."
"Cutting out distractions makes those hard things feel more interesting."
"Distractions come in many forms: emails, texts, random phone calls, or your kids running into a room when you're on an important interview."
"Minimalism really is that middle path, it's simply rising above the distractions, the messaging, the impulses."
"By putting in all that work and ignoring a lot of distractions on the side, I was able to increase my knowledge base significantly."
"A hungry man can't smell the flowers."
"With all of the technology and stimuli that we have all day every day, we have phones, TVs, social media on our phones, text messages, computers, emails, all of those things, most people are really unaware of themselves because they are so busy doing things."
"Also, don't mind my dog's barking."
"You have the power to block distractions."
"I had to kind of find peace I had to kind of be grounded with my process to understand why I'm at and why I need to go so I feel like once I was able to kind of starve all my distractions and really feed my focus it allowed me to kind of amplify my process."
"Once I was able to kind of starve all my distractions and really feed my focus it allowed me to kind of amplify my process."
"I believe genuinely, Michael, that we in the West have nothing to fear except our own obsessiveness with all this irrelevant stuff that is distracting us from the things that matter."
"Distractions just lower the intensity of our anxiety or trauma triggers enough so we can engage in those more difficult process-based coping skills."
"People that try to distract you or try to diminish your success will not be able to successfully hurt your feelings when you have so many wins stacked up with you."
"Escaping into distractions is a common strategy to avoid feelings."
"The fiercest enemy of thinking and acting strategically by far and away is the whirlwind of day-to-day operations."
"Don't get distracted by the blessings and forget about the harvest."
"Don't let Shan within two three minutes destroy a whole day of knowledge."
"How many temptations and distractions are there around that cause people not to get enough done?"
"Can you focus on the main thing rather than chats?"
"Turn off all notifications. They are ruining your life."
"As long as you're looking over here, you just can't find a million dollars over there."
"It's hard to concentrate when there's a lot of um, input and energy around you, you know?"
"If you can sit through a movie at home or at a movie theater once a week and not look at your phone, you will see benefits in all the sorts of things you do in your life."
"They're constantly, I have to take time out of whatever I'm doing and they're quick compulsions often."
"Focus on the long term. Don't get caught up in the day-to-day noise."
"The key to laser focus is to remove or forget that which distracts you."
"We'll come back to that later, we're dealing with a plane anyway, so we'll go back to airplane."
"Don't put red herrings in your path."
"If I hadn't been fussing with the camera that would have taken what, ten minutes, fifteen minutes?"
"Don't make this an excuse to go have side conversations at the expense of your family and your goals."
"Environmental noise, like construction sounds or overlapping voices, can disrupt communication by creating distractions and making it difficult to hear."
"For me, I have a path. I see my path and I see things on the side to distract me."
"Any shiny objects that I can take off of my radar will, I think, help my journey in the long run."
"Just focus on the game... people pulling you from different directions, you have different requests and opportunities... but you gotta lock in and focus on the most important thing, which is the game."
"We live in an addicted society that promotes distractions, keeping us busy with fixes and consumerism."
"Prove your love for him by removing the distractions that detract from your relationship with him."
"So yeah, that took me about an hour with waffling, with mistakes, with faffage, and with answering the door halfway through."
"Anytime that your timeline is crunched or anytime that your photographer is pulled away from the camera being in front of their face it is removing them from being able to create that artwork for you."
"Wandering eyes always cause a loss in intimacy."