
Mental Stimulation Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"I don't do well when I'm bored. My mind needs something to be working on."
"The more stimulus that you put on your mind, the more that you're getting out of autopilot."
"We're intentional with that, so I'm going to even say this...find somebody that causes you to have a mental orgasm."
"The kiss that you only imagine giving can be just as powerful as hours of actual lovemaking. The mind is the most important sexual organ."
"It's like experiencing raw unfiltered brain electricity."
"You should always be learning. You should always be doing things that keep your mind stimulated, and I don't care what age you are, you're always learning."
"The goal is not just to forge a shortcut to the end; this room has been carefully crafted with conundrums to expand our minds and foster our creativity."
"This job because I like being mentally stimulated I've talked about this a million different times and I'm my own boss."
"The intellectual sort of strain, it's like going to the gym. This show, that in the most interesting way."
"The series, also known as Brain Training, is designed to stimulate your mind and improve your intelligence."
"The largest sexual organ is the mind, so you gotta learn how to make love to the mind, not to the body."
"Challenging your mind is one of the most important ways to keep your brain healthy in the long term."
"The key is always keeping your mind stimulated."
"Technology can artificially ramp up a hypoactive mind."
"Stimulating thoughts positively influences hypoactive minds."
"They need a job to do mental stimulation will get you so much farther than physical exercise."
"Most people after drinking a cup of cinnamon tea will notice greater mental alertness, liveliness, and what some herbalists refer to as the inner tingle."
"It's brain food at the same time it's like steak vegetables and candy all at the same time."
"Comedy is a place where the mind goes to tickle itself."
"What's going through your head... it's like a drug, it's a rush."
"Don't skip working out, it'll [ __ ] change stimulates your brain."
"It's really important to make sure you're doing things that stimulate your brain and aren't just constantly consuming."
"I'm convinced that everyone has a little bit of batshit in them and I don't think that's a bad thing."
"Learning a language is one of the best ways to stimulate your brain."
"Doing something unusual is a great way to quickly wake up your sleepy brain."
"Reading improves your own vocabulary, your own intellect, and it keeps your mind sharp."
"Attraction so many caregivers are taught to redirect when someone is either depressed or they just need to get that uh spark when someone is alive inside because they have been attracted it's a totally different brain effort."
"Operating losses at the direct to Consumer businesses saw a meaningful trimming."
"It's important for living a full life... to constantly be learning and challenging our mind."
"I used to love things like that. It made your mind go in loops... and I just love that." - Mr. Ballen
"You can literally dream yourself into a new reality by rewiring your brain they're visualizing and mentally stimulating your mind to embed new signals into your cells and circuitry."
"It doesn't do all of the work for you, which is fantastic for your brain."
"I am a star, you are the cutest, they said diversity, all that covered, I thought maybe if we could do some exercises if we ever get a little stir crazy over here."
"Old souls, they're not just stimulated physically, they need to be stimulated mentally and emotionally. Slow motion inside."
"You're gonna feel attracted towards them because of how much they mentally stimulate you."
"Poker keeps my feet on the ground... it keeps my mind active and alert."
"I automatically find myself stimulated into a response that generates ideas."
"Read every day; it's therapeutic and stimulates the mind."
"It's really just one of those like, 'just one more minute' kind of games where it really forces you to keep your mind active and engaged at all times."
"I'm just trying to make you think you know like start some process that's what consciousness is all about."
"It keeps the wiring in your brain firing, and you need that. It's like a muscle; you need to keep it going."
"Reading should be an activity that keeps your mind going."
"With Jupiter transiting Gemini, not the most comfy territory of your ruler, but some of you can be leaning into this time around making your home environment perhaps somewhere that is more mentally stimulating."
"With Jupiter in the third house or in Gemini, your partner is going to be extremely chatty and extremely mentally stimulating for you."
"Mental stimulation can be the secret to staying sharp and extending your life."
"Content that will kick your brain's butt and help you bear down and step up."
"Every time you make me think, that is a friction point."
"I feel like I need to be mentally tickled Yeah by music I mean it's a different different game now."
"It's like glowing brain stuff for me, I come every time I play it, I just walk away with more and more appreciation for how active my brain was for the last four and a half hours."
"If you need your mind occupied, try to learn something new."
"There's nothing like having a young person around to put the old brain on high alert."
"Activities that serve your purpose, that are challenging and are complex, are much more beneficial for the brain."
"Mental stimulation, man, it's some serious stuff."
"It's like a little bit of a time. Keeps your brain active. I always remember a few years back, I used to think about death a lot."
"Boredom is good and we call it boredom but, you know, maybe it's just your brain having to play a little and [ __ ] around up there."
"You much rather have a woman who's stimulated with her mental, opposed to a woman who's just physical."
"It's important also to have at least 30 minutes in the morning period and 30 minutes in the evening period every single day of something that's mentally enriching for your dog."
"Something new and challenging for the mind is always great."
"It's good for your brain because your brain is like fully engaged."
"Education and furthering your education... continue to work their brain waves."
"There's no orgasm more powerful than the orgasms that occurs in the mind."
"Not only do we use these toys as a way to keep Willow's brain active and keep her busy, but this is also the number one thing that I put down when I leave the house."
"Kickstart your smarts and massage your mind."
"Have fun, learn a bunch of things that you never learned before, and just keep your mind fresh."
"You will sweat, you will burn calories, you will boost your metabolism, you will work your brain and your body."
"If you are someone who likes to sit down and do a crossword or a sudoku and finish it and have the reward be the process and the mental stimulation and the satisfaction of finishing a task, then this game will be a deeply rewarding experience."
"Physical enrichment is all about making our dogs run, play, go on play dates, go for walks, but mental enrichment is all about making our dog think."
"It excites the brain and it soothes the heart."
"Creative brains can't stay dormant."
"We're exercising our muscle, we're exercising our brain."
"You've got to keep the mind alive."
"It's a good way to exercise our brain for a couple of hours every day."
"If you want to make your dog happy, let them use their brain to learn new things and solve problems."
"Exercising your dog's brain is a great way to exercise them more wholly."
"Art is supposed to punch you in the brain, and it's supposed to stay punched."
"It's good to read, man. It sharpens your mind a little bit."
"It scratches a part of my brain that nothing else can."
"I need to know that when we get older and the looks fade, what's going to keep the relationship young and fun, are you going to stimulate me mentally."
"Do you want to have your mind be not bored on a daily basis?"
"Learning new skills, doing scent games, and food puzzles all give dogs a mental workout."
"Learning something new also keeps our brains healthy and active."
"I love this [__], my brain kind of feels like it's on fire, but in a good way."
"I love doing walking meditations and just walking and focusing on something positive because it helps my brain continue to be stimulated."
"It's like a treasure hunt for your mind."
"Fantastic to have during the summer time to keep your kids' brains from going to mush."
"You're going to be physically uncomfortable, but your mind is going to be surfing and dancing in a way that you've never thought possible."
"What I'm looking for is some mental stimulation to create some new synapses in your brain to get yourself fired up."
"I need to pick up a hobby because mentally I need to be learning something new."
"I love how complex it makes my brain work hard."
"Tell them of a story or something that is going to challenge their mind."
"Rosemary invigorates the mind and also is a powerful antioxidant."
"Mental stimulation is far more tiring, relaxing, soothing, calming to a dog than just physical exercise alone."
"It's a brain exercise, but also they're genuinely fun to do."
"I want to do things that will keep my brain going, I want to do things that make me feel like, okay, I'm on this right path."
"I always talk about mental enrichment, things we can do different."
"Reading is the best kind of mental exercise for you."
"I have a thing for organization... it just tickles the brain, you know?"
"Successful people stimulate their brain with quality content."
"Physical exercise is not enough for a Belgian Malinois; they really truly need the additional ask of behaviors and mental work."
"You never get bored... it always keeps the mind sharp and active."
"I've got a plan: get the food organized, clothing figured out, figure out a way to keep my mind entertained."
"That is mental enrichment and it's really important to do that, especially with your really smart animals."
"I like to see young people taking an interest in the hobby; I think it helps to build character, stimulates the mind."
"This is what Sudoku does for us so often, absolutely fascinating."
"I abhor the insipid routine of existence. I crave mental exaltation."
"Always keep your mind stimulated, always feed your mind with nourishment like your body."
"It's good to challenge your brain like that and not always be doing the same thing or doing something easy."
"If you don't challenge your brain, it probably won't maintain itself."
"I need a constant sense of growth that's kind of like my mental addiction."
"Dogs are really smart animals, so it's important we exercise their bodies and their brains."
"Gemini season is all about mental stimulation and being curious."
"Nurture your mind by engaging in activities that stimulate and engage."
"Mentally, I love it because it makes me far more on fire to be alive."
"It's exciting to stretch our brains a bit right now."
"I'm always trying to find ways to keep them occupied in the house and mentally stimulated."
"Reading for me is both relaxing and also like mentally stimulating because I'm waking up on my own terms."
"It's not just something that you can utilize to keep your brain fresh and learning new things, but it's totally something you can use in your homeschool."
"The need to stimulate the mind, the need for multiple options, flexibility, doing lots of things at the same time."