
Civility Quotes

There are 1421 quotes

"We can't have a good community unless it's safe and civil."
"I think that's too bad. I think we need more actually more friction is good. The more public friction, engagement, debate, we'll get to that point where it's like, alright, we're up on stage debating, but then we go to the green room, and we could talk about kids, music, sports, whatever it is, everything, and just be a nice person."
"It's fun to talk to people who disagree with you but are polite about it and capable of engaging in long-form conversation."
"I'm always happy to have civil dialogue with people, whether I agree with them or disagree with them."
"Discourse and dissent are important aspects of democracy, but harassment and threats are not."
"Even if we disagree on things, I believe in civility."
"Every day we're going to try to meet the standard set out by the president in treating others with dignity and respect, with civility and with the value for others through our words and our actions."
"We should be cultivating respect for our fellow citizens and we should be cultivating reason and not force."
"What's helpful is to recognize one another, men and women, with mutual civility and respect, and even love has been known to happen."
"Anything that promotes more discussion is great. I only wish that people were sometimes a bit nicer."
"If we refuse to treat our opposition with respect, what respect can we expect in return?"
"We can join forces, stop the shouting, and lower the temperature."
"Is there room for a candidate who wants to focus on civility instead of fighting the culture wars? Maybe that's not the answer you're expecting."
"We should always be open to open conversation in a very civil manner."
"Democracy does not have to be a blood sport; it can be an honorable enterprise that advances the public interest."
"In order for society to function, to be well lubricated to not have a lot of friction, you have to have some minimum level of buy-in in terms of how you treat the people around you."
"I promise you that if I were in a room with Chris Cuomo, I wouldn't be insulting him, and nor would he be insulting me."
"We're here to help Hurricane Harvey. You guys are acting like animals. Everyone calm down. This isn't, we're not here for a meet and greet. We're here to get supplies to the people in Hurricane Harvey."
"You can sit down with a person that maybe doesn't share the same opinions with you and you can talk things out and maybe disagree but be polite to each other."
"Thanks to everyone who wasn't a dick for the last year."
"The number one sign of intelligence in 2023 is the ability to disagree on issues and stay civil."
"I wish people were civil, but they're not. There's no discussing hard issues without conflict."
"Everybody just yells and screams at each other; nobody's civil anymore."
"Civility is not about not fighting. Civility is not about agreeing. The issue is how we disagree."
"What has happened to civic debates in this country is a crisis of incivility."
"You have the right to your own opinion, but please be constructive, not hateful."
"I urge people to come together in a civil manner so we can work and live up to our standard American ideals."
"Civility is important, being polite to each other is important."
"We have to be really careful, civility is important, being polite to each other is important."
"We're talking to one another, let's stop screaming at one another."
"Even if we're going to have an interesting conversation, I'm going to have disagreements in this debate perhaps, but I'm not going to sit here and insult anybody."
"What we might take to be normal impulses to be modest, restrained and dignified are the hard-won fruits of a long and always unsteady civilizing process."
"Human beings have gradually and painfully learned to tame the beast inside for the sake of propriety and kindness."
"We're taking fascinating care to tame nature within us."
"We can have our political disagreements, sometimes even yell and get very heated, but still walk offstage and not wish any ill upon each other."
"Civility is one of those things that -- it’s like the air you breathe."
"So we need to learn to be more civil to each other."
"We have to bring the nation together. We have to treat each other with a little bit of decency."
"Creating itself is an art form. It's not supposed to be a screaming match with insults flying but to discuss the topic."
"Young Americans for Freedom is dedicated to fostering a culture of decency, civility, respect, and finding common ground and understanding with those who may have a disagreement or difference of opinion."
"We're going to show Americans how you can be outraged about an issue but still keep your dignity and discipline."
"We reject calls for civility that are frequently leveraged against the marginalized to silence dissent."
"The frightening thing is there are far too many Americans who seem disinterested in the degradation of civility."
"American politics has entered a sort of fractious, troubling phase. There's a breakdown of civility."
"Wouldn't you prefer a political climate that wasn't reduced to just dismissing and smearing opponents?"
"I refuse to hate people I don't know simply because I don't like the way they vote. I invite you to join me. Let's make America civil again."
"Let's be civil, let's be cool with each other, we're all here just to have a good time."
"I know death threats are inevitable; we're talking about Star Wars here, but just try to be a decent human being in the comments below."
"Although they were pirates, they were not uncivilized."
"Civility is a tightrope between chaos and censorship."
"I just want to thank you for your service to our country and especially today I want to thank you for your civility in your composure amidst what has been a needlessly an unfairly hostile environment."
"Talking pints over a drink, we have a civilized conversation."
"Please maintain civility and respect for everyone involved in the comments below."
"We agree, disagree, and we're civil about it."
"Let's have a civil discussion and see what everyone thinks."
"Opinions are like [ __ ], but that doesn't mean you have to be."
"We may never return to that kind of civility in politics in our lifetime, but we can damn sure fight for it."
"Even though we're different, we should still respect each other's differences and not be ugly to each other."
"We are literally coming apart...diminished our ability to act with civility."
"Agree to disagree without becoming disagreeable."
"How do we make it not acceptable to punch people in the face because we disagree with them?"
"There is a desire to have a civil process to the best extent possible."
"Having a robust debate is one thing, having an opinion is another, but vulgarity is the main issue."
"We need to be gracious, loving, and strong, but respectful. Otherwise, there's no point in any conversation."
"Nobody deserves a flood of hateful messages for a gaming mistake."
"Healthy robust academic discussion, please don't be dicks."
"The civility in politics that did exist is completely gone."
"I wanted to show how we can set aside differences and truly have a debate with civility."
"Don't have hate in your heart, let's have a civil discussion."
"It's terrible the condition of our political climate today where there can't be just civil discourse anymore."
"Violence, threats, and intimidation have no place in political discourse."
"This is so much more civilized than Mysterium."
"We need more than civility or tolerance, we need to love our enemies."
"The scenes in the House of Commons yesterday have no place in a functioning democracy."
"Everything that we esteem as civility in this world is nothing but a veneer."
"You can argue in a civilized manner without quarreling."
"Stop attacking people that try to have this conversation."
"We can disagree strongly, but we can do so without being disagreeable."
"But beyond that, don't be a dick, don't be an ass, be nice to people. This goes for everyone, everyone."
"Treating each other with more civility, as Americans we're all in this together."
"You gotta be fair with people, you gotta be civil with them."
"But really this isn't going to be about making fun of Blair or calling names, anything like that. I simply want to use this as an opportunity for some education."
"It feels very important to show what is at stake for the American people in terms of protecting our freedoms, protecting our democracy, and protecting the fundamental civility of a country as it does its work."
"Try to make things work, try to be civil, try to be an adult."
"Politeness and constructive criticism... can go a long way."
"Just because you disagree with people doesn't mean you gotta diss them."
"Let people enjoy what they enjoy and if you don't like it, you just kind of keep your mouth shut about it."
"It goes beyond all possible bounds of decency and is regarded as shocking, atrocious, and utterly intolerable in a civilized community."
"How can we disagree with civility? I don't understand that concept has been completely lost."
"Just disagree, okay? You don't have to be hateful, spiteful, or rude."
"The abandonment of civility from the right feels like a return to some of the worst political elements."
"We should be allowed to disagree without being disagreeable."
"Please look into the history like I looked into the history. Remember that it wasn't so long ago that we were ruled by our civility and our dignity."
"We work to combat extreme polarization through civil and respectful debate."
"Practice civility in your own life even when it's not practiced by others."
"Let's aim for more decency in our public discourse."
"Please try not to make the comment section vile."
"You can have a mutual respect and not just be dismissive of someone."
"Justice Scalia, he can barely talk tonight. It's bizarre, powerful reminder that we can disagree on fundamental issues while treating each other with decency, dignity, and respect."
"But the most important thing is to not be jerks about it and to get out there fight for what we believe in represent what we care about among one another and then get out there and take it to the country."
"Justice Ginsburg's close relationship with a friend of ours, a friend of mine, Justice Scalia, is also a powerful reminder that we can disagree on fundamental issues while treating each other with decency, dignity, and respect."
"It's okay to not like things, but don't be a jerk about the things you don't like."
"Do not lose faith, but do not keep a blind faith. Stay vigilant, stay honest, and stay civil."
"I strongly believe in term limits. We need to have those debates but we don't need to hate each other."
"Either you can use the apocalyptic rhetoric and take this thing seriously, or you could actually use true rhetoric and then maybe we could be a little bit civil to one another."
"Everybody should have a civil conversation, it doesn't have to go into screaming."
"We are fighting to restore civility and respect for competing perspectives."
"There's no place in the world for being disrespectful to others."
"Learning to disagree without destroying one another."
"Civility is always in order, respect is always in order, proper decorum is always in order."
"We need to start being kind to each other, we need to start being respectful to each other, we need to start restoring the comedy to this chamber and to the rest of America."
"Hopefully civilian casualties are minimized as much as possible. Just try to tone down how crazy people are being."
"Carrying ourselves with more dignity, more civility, still standing up for principles, I think in the long run, I think this is the way to go."
"We can have a difference in opinion and still be civil and respectful to one another."
"If you've got nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all."
"I want to forgive Benedict, I want to let it go."
"I'm a law-abiding citizen, and you're being bloody rude."
"We can have a discussion without bringing up the word hate."
"Ensuring a smooth transition is vital to a functioning democracy, similar to norms of civility and tolerance, and a commitment to reason and facts and analysis."
"Opinions are like [ __ ] but that doesn't mean that you have to be."
"The goal is to create a community of conversation that's convivial and civil, free from trolls and censorship."
"You can be civil even with people that you disagree with and that's how you can come together and get something accomplished for the country."
"It's not useful to riot, to break things, to throw rocks at people."
"Instead of calling them names, I would rather have an intellectual conversation about it."
"Thank you everyone for being encouraging and showing that we can talk about politics without fighting over politics, just learning together."
"The media's default setting is even-handedness and civility regardless of context, and they will use that to their advantage."
"Our cancel culture today, we could just model a civil, cordial, respectful conversation across a pretty significant worldview divide."
"The important thing here about the rhetoric from Cruz and other Republicans when they engage in it is simply to draw a line between what is is and is not acceptable in political conflict, right?"
"Opinions are like [ __ ], that doesn't mean you have to be."
"Thank you for your time and for showing that anger is not part of American political discourse."
"Let's be nice even if we disagree and know that it's okay to agree to disagree here."
"It's nice to see people overcome differences and be civil."
"The basic glue of society requires rational, law-abiding citizens."
"What we need in this country is someone who's going to go back to the question can we all just sit down and have a basic niceness towards each other."
"Discussion and speculation can be enjoyable and civil with just having an open mind."
"Perhaps if these people decided to actually embrace civility they could actually convince moderate individuals in this country to agree with them on some issues and make some changes that will benefit them."
"We've got to learn to disagree with each other without getting disagreeable with each other."
"If it's accessible to the public, you really shouldn't be treating members of the public like that."
"That's not hate. It's not toxic. It's an opinion."
"I always hope that someday we will have some civility and people will respect others."
"Please be nice to people and listen to people regardless of who they are. Just be civil."
"Replying to hate speech with hate is not an option."
"Civilized discussions can happen and will carry on happening."
"Seeing people not go off the rails and seeing the conversation itself not get derailed is possibly the most hopeful thing I've heard in a while."
"Not agreeing is great and we can all disagree with one another in a civil way."
"Civility is gone, decorum is gone, people being nice, that's one thing, people having an ounce of class, no man, see that's the thing."
"It's the true liberals and conservatives that are actually civil with each other right now."
"Reasonable people win. I don't care whether you're a Democrat whether you're Republican whether you're an independent I want normalcy to triumph."
"I want the comments to have a vigorous but civil discussion."
"Having a reasonable civil productive conversation with those with whom we disagree is at the heart of the American experiment."
"It's never okay to spit on people, hit people, or disrespect people to any capacity to get your political views heard."
"We've got to get back to understanding the importance of decorum."
"Let's have healthy, strong debate about things but let's be civil to each other, that's the only thing I ask."
"That utter lack of empathy, that utter lack of civility, and frankly, common sense."
"I think it's important to have intellectual and civil discourse."
"When you step away from Town Hall you can still be neighbors and friends."
"I just hope everybody in a comment section be civil to each other um and if you want to talk about it it's fine don't fight don't say horrible things."
"Congratulations, you can actually be members of a civilized society."
"Treat people with dignity and respect. It's great to disagree, but be respectful."
"I appreciate it when people can disagree with me politely."
"One of the qualities of civilized people is civilized people protect the less fortunate, the less able to protect themselves. Civilized people do that."
"We should have a civilized discourse focusing on criticizing arguments, data, and methodology rather than people's character or motives."
"Open-minded curiosity and civility, those things I think are paramount."
"I just believe in decency, civility, and having a discussion with people."
"As long as those people remain peaceful... that is just great."
"Disagreement is acceptable, disrespect is not, all right."
"Let's strive to just be able to talk about movies civilly."
"I think we can disagree without having to be disagreeable."
"You don't have to be best friends. You can be civil, be adults, be mature."
"We can disagree with them in public or in private and still get along."
"Protests should be peaceful and polite, that's in the Constitution."
"You can show them where they're wrong without being rude or hateful."
"We can agree to disagree without fighting with each other."
"Just being a civil, normal human being could just break that down a little bit."
"It's like a Muslim version of the atheist experience, full of philosophy and civility."
"Thank you so much i'm really glad that you guys came out to show the truth and thank you for like coming and being nice" - Expresses gratitude for civility and genuine interaction amidst contentious circumstances.
"Can't we all just get along, bro? Can we sit down and hash this out like civilized people?"
"Respect isn't it? Basic civility and courtesy amongst people."
"You cannot accomplish much of anything unless you have civility."
"Let's have a civil, cordial, and respectful discussion in the comments."
"Be nice even when you disagree with someone. We're all people, and we're all gonna die."
"Just please be respectful, that's what we got to do."
"We were allowed to speak and converse, and that made us more civilized."
"Here's a truthful atheist saying goodbye to you have a good day believer."
"You need to think about your opponents across the aisle as opponents, not enemies."
"But we can do those things in a civil way in a way that preserves a person's dignity and can do so in kindness."
"At the very least, can we ask the people involved in this debate not to be so self-righteous about it all?"
"Be civil to each other, be civil to yourself."
"Disagreement doesn't have to be disagreeable."
"We have to learn how to disagree without being disagreeable."
"Please be civil and respectful with what other people are passionate about."
"It's okay if you have a difference of opinion, but we should still be able to shake hands and get along."
"Our nation is hungry for a new type of politics one that transcends the dividing lines of politics one that transcends a fighting and the name calling and the canceling."
"Hillary Clinton is saying that Republicans do not deserve civility because Republicans, conservatives, libertarians disagree philosophically and politically with the ideology of the Democrat Party."
"Just be nice, okay everybody, be nice in the comments down below."
"I'd much prefer to push instead for civilized conversation."
"I could go at it with somebody with politics and civil discourse... without a personal attack."
"I can still disagree while maintaining an agreeable nature."
"Our goal is to get people together to test their ideas against one another civilly and respectfully."
"If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything."