
Creator Support Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"Healthy player community, healthy creator community, and healthy business."
"Xbox is a place where you know when you're investing in Xbox, you're investing somewhere that is dedicated to making games more successful and creators more successful."
"Remember, YouTube basically hates its own creators and wants us to vanish into nothing, and only liking, sharing, and commenting on videos and subscribing to your favorite channels has any chance of saving them."
"This company genuinely cares more about creators making content that they feel is genuine, honest, and gets the community involved than character sales."
"We're setting aside 150 million dollars to train the next generation of creators to build immersive learning content and increase access to devices."
"You incentivize that community to really support you, to celebrate you, to push you forward."
"Our goal really is to explain what's happening at YouTube; there are real people behind YouTube, and we really care about our creators."
"I just helped this creator gain 100,000 followers in just 30 days."
"Trying to be more creator-friendly, this is a good time as any."
"TikTok's focus on creators right from day one was one of the biggest factors of its success."
"Successful Youtube alternative is going to have to balance the relationship between creators, advertisers, and its own platform."
"Campfire is a browser-based tool suite designed to help writers and creators write and create!"
"Putting the creators first and putting the islands at the top is a critical part of it."
"When he says 'we're Creator first' and then all the actions seem to back that up."
"Grateful for Patreon support, it buffers against such drama."
"It's actually a genius idea and it wouldn't surprise me if we have other creators reaching out to Floatplane being like 'I need this, this is the best thing ever' very, very shortly."
"Early access: allowing creators to make unique content."
"Supercell has made it their mission to be the best company to work with for creators."
"I truly don’t know if I could have navigated the stresses of life as a creator without them."
"Supporting fellow creator: check out Danny at Supercrustan's new English channel."
"There needs to be a better support system for creators in such situations."
"Patreon is great for creators who are serious about what they do and want to make a living being a creator."
"YouTube premium is actually a great service and still helps creators."
"This video took a long time to make, so I appreciate any and all support."
"This is definitely not an advertisement for them, this is not an ad again, the M1 chips are already really, really great for a lot of creators out there."
"XRP joins the NFT boom with a $250 million creator fund."
"I'm a dude out of my house with me, you know, again while YouTube has the resources they say they want to protect creators I think YouTube can go and help and clarify fair use for everybody."
"Nobody gives a [__] about small creators on this platform, especially this damn platform, okay? This is about the political aspect of YouTube, basically feeling embarrassed and shamed."
"I am completely supportive of every other creator, especially if they're a woman and if they've been inspired by me."
"Non-fungible tokens enabling connections between creators and fans."
"Dream set up, we'll be interviewing for one small/aspiring/new creator to join the DSMP."
"It's clear that Trudeau doesn't care about Canadian content creators at all, it invades Canadians' privacy."
"I want to make sure those creators see Xbox as a great place for their games." - Phil
"We want to build a gaming platform where the world's best creators can build games to reach players anywhere."
"This is what you have a mess, an absolute mess in which defy have completely screwed over their creators and their employees alike."
"Let creators get their bag like look the creator economy is booming."
"It's gonna be fun more people playing more games games you know the game creators making more money from from putting their games everywhere I think it's going to be a great generation."
"This move is great for creators but a really bad sign for the business health of Twitch."
"I think that's great for creators but it's not good for the health of Twitch."
"Comic skate is a terrific outlet for indie creators now and I think it'll last a long time."
"Creators need to make a living, hashtag join Patreon."
"YouTube denied that ask at saying that they just wanted to speak to her."
"It's like the Patreon model, it lets smaller creators turn things into a living."
"YouTube premium of course removes ads from the site and supports your favorite creators."
"I really respect their content and I think you guys should check out their channels."
"How do we make it more secure for creators writers and producers? Share the awesome [__]."
"No one cares about Genshin creators though well I think that they obviously do if they didn't care about them they wouldn't be trying to cancel them on Twitter every day."
"Hit that like button, subscribe, really appreciate you!"
"Nebula is a place for videos to be watched ad-free and for creators to try new ideas without fear of demonetization on YouTube."
"It's more important to have a thousand dedicated fans than a hundred thousand subscribers who don't even know why they hit the subscribe button."
"There's really no reason why we can't be respectful in our criticism or comments toward different creators."
"A suite of evolving Creator tools would make a massive difference."
"We're eating our creators and that's the dumbest thing we can do."
"Patreon helps us be more stable... make more ethical decisions."
"One email, one message can change a creator's week, month, year."
"Please don't send any Creator any hate or harassment."
"Your content is really amazing... keep up the great work."
"Our goal is to make sure that there's a pathway for creators and that the audience is always the number one. The only person that we have to perform for, that's the audience."
"Gratitude to the community for data and support."
"It's given them some kind of extra steam... it's inarguable that they did get a little extra audience that has now stuck around."
"Helping creators grow, helping them connect with their audience...it's a way of fostering a relationship that can play out into the future."
"YouTube is kind of an anomaly at how well it treats creators."
"Your true subscribers will come for anything you put out."
"We need more communication honestly, there's only so much we can do as creators other than demand more communication from YouTube's internal team."
"If you enjoyed this tutorial, please do like the video. It really, really does help me out quite a lot."
"Hit the subscriber, hit the like. Those things really help creators like me, especially with all the time I put in."
"Help support me directly in return you can be immortalized in my videos."
"Thank you to all the creators for all your incredible work."
"People subscribe and unsubscribe for all kinds of reasons. Whatever video they did subscribe for, I hope they appreciate me enough as a creator to at least consider checking out my other content."
"Being able to help people be more successful and more creative on YouTube... That's awesome!"
"Your support means the world to me and helps make videos like this possible. I love you."
"I like seeing other YouTubers comment on my videos. Nighthawk and Light always comment on my stuff and I always like it. It's always thoughtful."
"YouTube does not care about its creators they care more about maintaining a clean corporate image and this has been proven time and time again."
"Thanks for watching and thank you to my Patreon supporters."
"It's good to see them listening and actually adding features for the creators."
"I wish all content creators blessings because it is a difficult journey, and I wanted to give up."
"How wonderful is it if we keep getting more queer creators talking about their worldview and their experience?"
"We just added him! Who else supports me as a creator?"
"Creators are struggling right now, and as a person who derives their well-being from creativity myself, it's just so wonderful to know that I can give you guys something."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and being supporting me. We're almost 100k and that's [ __ ] crazy."
"Let's put that negative energy on the side, support good creators in an era where YouTube doesn't."
"Nothing would make me happier than to see all of our partner channels quit their day jobs, do this full-time."
"Trust your gut. Vtubers be vigilant; people see how lucrative and naive you are and will take advantage of it."
"Follow the creators wherever they are and please tip your creators."
"So do your part and at least try to support the creators that you love."
"And yeah, it really, really means a lot that we get sponsors for these videos."
"Thank you to everybody that has been a long time subscriber... you make all of this possible, and I couldn't do it without you."
"Youtubers themselves simply cannot trust you to do what's best for its creators."
"Thank you so much to all of my Patreon supporters, you guys legit make this all possible."
"But before we go guys, gonna give a big thank you to my YouTube and Patreon sponsors."
"So, a good equal win-win thing for this holiday season would definitely be supporting your favorite creators on Patreon."
"Whatever you do, whether it's liking, subscribing, turning notifications on, all of it helps grow this channel, and I appreciate the heck out of it."
"Nebula truly is an all-in-one, creator-driven platform."
"YouTube members and Patreon patrons, you have my sincerest thanks. I couldn't do this without you."
"Online creators are finally getting the respect, attention, and most importantly, the resources that they need to get back to creating to get back to what they loved in the first place."
"I remember there was a time when viewers would actually be happy for creators getting these brand deals with companies that they knew they loved and had used before."
"Massive fan, I want to sing the praises of online creators and keep pushing them on this medium because I think it will definitely shape the 2020s."
"I didn't change my videos. I didn't change my music. I just put up a Patreon page and other creators saw that."
"I'm confident that this will remain monetized by YouTube throughout the entirety of your journey."
"I do think Twitch has been more creator-friendly for sure over the past few years."
"Support the creators that you love. If you have the means, buy the merch, join their Patreon. If you don't have the means, then share their videos with your friends, you know, interact with them on social media."
"Rumble is giving 100% of rants to creators. Absolutely!"
"These videos are only possible because of my patrons on patreon it is because of them that I don't have to sell you internet hosting or a VPN or some stupid video game about Vikings I don't have to do any of that stuff because I have patrons."
"This thing clearly has to be a pretty long term project and it needs to be monetized to the effect of letting creators sell their content."
"It actually shut down gradually but anyway what they're hoping is going to differentiate bite as an early focus on helping the content creators make money something the tic-tock and the other micro entertainment apps largely don't offer."
"Donations through now payments for creators. This would be freaking cool, huh? That would be neat."
"I just hope that its creators see how dedicated and passionate its players are."
"We want to manage through these rights issues and reduce the risk, but enabling creators is just one of the unique strengths of gaming."
"YouTube is just making a statement saying we want to pay our creators more than any other platform."
"I really appreciate the support if you hit that like button, make a comment, and subscribe."
"Good on YouTube for the most part... but I do hope that we see some more changes and more rollouts to all of us little guys."
"Thank you to my patrons for supporting this video and my executive producers."
"It's truly a blessing to have this little audience supporting the videos I work on every day."
"When I see the super stickers, I know that you're telling me that the information that we're providing here on the channel is helping you, and that's why I do it. I do it to help all of you."
"The small amount of ads that are actually showing on creators' videos really do make the difference."
"Crowdfunding allows small creators to reach a wider audience."
"Thanks so much for your support of this channel, especially over on Patreon, that makes this content possible."
"Does that make sense? Anyway, great content, love your stuff here in Africa, keep up the awesome work!"
"Thank you so much, I wouldn't be able to create as much content as I am for you guys without my Patreon supporters."
"It's important to leave nice comments on creators' things, guys. It really does more than you think."
"Thank you patrons, I got a new camera... finally upgraded from my old camcorder."
"Supercell actually sends part of the revenue to the creator that you're supporting. You get items in-game, and your favorite creator gets money at no extra cost to you."
"It does bring the focus back on the art, and the people who do love making art can finally make a living with that."
"Thank you so much to those of you who watch and support me."
"I love the community so much I love the viewers I love the creators I just think it is such a beautiful community."
"We can help inform creators on when and where their stuff is stolen."
"If you want them to keep doing it, they need to be supported."
"The more you use those [links], the more of these videos I can make, and the more appreciative I certainly am."
"Regardless of how any of this goes, I just wanted to say thank you again to Steve Wozniak for just even getting back to me and saying that you watch my channel."
"If this video helped you, I'd appreciate it if you gave it a like and subscribe to my channel."
"Without your support, my videos would not be possible."
"It's been a slippery slope downwards, so we at StoryFire are really truly building a place for creators."
"A YouTube video explaining what Patreon is, how you use it, tour of perks. That is a good idea."
"These are my best recommendations but are not the set in stone concrete best way to make this build if you think I forgot something or you want to make a major change to the build go for it."
"If you do want to support your favorite content creator, you can enter their code in your settings."
"You guys are one of the main reasons why, not only do I want to continue doing this, but why I'm even able to."
"As creators, we all follow creators. I follow and buy from the people that I follow because they solve problems in my life."
"Wow, my very first Patreon goal has been reached! $800 per month. Thank you so much. This channel is really starting to grow into something I can make a living doing, thanks to all of you."
"Recognition from creators that I've watched for a long time... having them appreciate your work is always great."
"Eventually, there will be platforms for banned creators that appeal to the mainstream."
"So, a huge thank you to my patrons for providing me with the only job security that I have."
"All my work means nothing if nobody cares so thank you guys so much. I don't have the budgets and big corporations behind me all I have is you guys and I'm forever grateful."
"It is essentially a decentralized version of Patreon."
"... if you're interested in any of that or just supporting me as a Creator you can jump down to the link below this video and join the patreon there ..."
"OnlyFans stands for inclusion and we will continue to provide a home for all creators."
"YouTube treats their creators really well in my experience, better than some of the other platforms. And so I'm excited to see where that goes."
"A quick thank you to Brad when he reached out to me when I was a lot smaller of a creator. I think I had like, it might have even been before a hundred thousand, but he's always been so kind to me, which is really cool."
"We have secured assurances necessary to support our diverse creator community."
"Think about how much more interesting platforms like Twitch and Twitter would be if you didn't have to pay Apple 30% every time you supported a creator."
"Twitch has dedicated significant effort to helping creators earn revenue on their platform."
"We're always trying to create a win-win, for creators, for the users of a platform, for the platform itself."
"YouTube is way more free, always has been for us, way more Creator friendly."
"I think Community is the most powerful tool at any Creator's disposal."
"The TikTok Creator Fund is now part of a larger umbrella TikTok has formed called Creator Next."
"I appreciate and enjoy your content."
"It's always nice to support your fellow creator friends."
"I want to actually support creators."
"It's stuff like this, when you come and you watch and support creators like myself, we absolutely appreciate it."
"I love hearing back from the creators when they find my reactions, especially if it's supportive."
"Creators can have a much more direct relationship with the people who want to support them."
"Patreon and subscriptions allow you to get more content or more media from creators."
"Paying for access is going to become huge for small creators."
"They are offering to pay creators for streaming hourly, not conditional on running ads."
"Thank you as always to my lovely patrons whom I could not do this without."
"We've helped over 40,000 creators generate tens of millions of dollars and we're profitable."
"I can't do this without your support, especially if it's this easy to silence creators."
"Patreon is 100% the best way to support content creators."
"I always like to talk to people, like other creators, about the importance of having advocates as part of your kind of strategy."
"YouTube takes 30 percent, so it's better to be a Patreon or PayPal."
"I think it's a really good comparison, Etsy and Bandcamp are both really large marketplaces that focus on supporting the creators."
"Just your subscription to the channel and your view just being here is what keeps me going."
"Normalizing other cultures in ways that are entertaining and accessible and in ways that support creators from those cultures."
"They put people on salary, offered creators health insurance and dental plans."
"One of the things that really keeps me going forward is my patrons."
"I hope YouTube takes care of the creators better in that capacity."
"Creators can come to W without any programming knowledge and use AI to create each software that they want to sell."
"We're going to hire and we're going to offer their services for free to creators."
"Thank you so much, if it wasn't for YouTube and Patreon, I would not be here today."
"It's a really nice platform to support creators on their own terms, without the ads and algorithms and stuff like that."
"They're enabling creators to share in the ad revenue and they're being very transparent about it."
"As a buyer, my job is to see value in a project in the form of a raising floor price and dedication from the content creator themselves."
"I think it's really important that other small creators advocate for themselves."
"If you make this headband, please tag me on social media when you share your work."
"YouTube has this awesome new feature that allows the audience to support their creators... it's called YouTube Thanks."
"I always support smaller content creators."
"For every Creator no matter your size, whether you have one viewer or a hundred thousand, will get paid for the hours they stream."
"I always get excited when creators get to do really fun and exciting things."