
Deflation Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Technologically enabled innovation is deflationary by nature. It encourages more and more usage, increases access, and unleashes waves of demand as prices fall."
"Why is deflation bad? Because when deflation occurs, people stop spending money because they expect things are going to get cheaper."
"I see a lot of conversation of people saying you know, inflation is the devil, and deflation is what things should be."
"Bitcoin itself has a limited supply, there is a 21 million cap of bitcoin, which means it's deflationary."
"I'm not sure what a deflationary world does to other aspects of being a human."
"Inflation is when your money is worth less over time, goods and services go up in relation to your money, and deflation is the opposite."
"We've spent a lot of this interview talking about inflation, which is here, and you've got to deal with that, but don't rule out deflation."
"The only way to reverse this is that you're going to have to have deflation across the board, which means prices actually are declining."
"The battle between a deflationary asset and an inflationary asset, that's a big deal."
"Deflation creates the greatest opportunities."
"The one thing that scares the bajeebers out of the Federal Reserve is deflation."
"Deflation is not the worst thing that you can possibly have; it is the reward of free capitalism."
"The government's must do everything in their power to avoid deflation."
"We think that's the bigger risk now out there: deflation."
"Deflation is very, very bad... if it's for the negative reasons."
"Deflation is one of the worst things that can happen to you."
"Deflation has a lot of negative connotations in the economic sphere, but there have been situations historically in America where deflation has been good for the economy."
"I want Neil Armstrong landing on the moon, I want to be sitting around a terrible looking TV with an ice cream cone, you understand, and I want to see the flag standing there all stiff."
"This is a world where we could see I presume we could see massive monetary inflation and deflation in real economy at the same time, is basically what you're saying?"
"There was a massive fiscal stimulus, but the key thing was through that whole period of that deflation is the US was pegged to gold."
"So there's a dollar, debt, demographics and deflation story. It's now the 4 Ds."
"Deflation is not a good thing to happen and if it does happen it could mean disaster for pretty much all of us."
"There is a very strong argument for deflation."
"Bitcoin is being priced in dollars which keep going down in value and bitcoin holds and grows its own value by being deflationary."
"It's been deflationary since the history of time, it's nothing new."
"Technological developments are deflationary and it's wonderful."
"The US dollar is skyrocketing, exporting massive amounts of deflation."
"Deflation creates a recessionary environment."
"Ethereum's burning: not deflationary yet, but getting there."
"The good type of deflation is from technology and productivity increases."
"No currency has ever died from deflation but many have died from inflation, hyperinflation to be precise."
"The only thing which is deflationary is bitcoin."
"When these quants start to come back into the bond market, it's going to put massive deflationary pressures."
"Over reasonable time horizons, technology is massively deflationary."
"Given that we are looking at a situation of declining prices...there is plenty of leeway at the moment to cut interest rates."
"Are we gonna collapse in a deflationary vortex?"
"Bitcoin fixes this and it really leads back to deflation."
"A lot of the people in the Bitcoin Community will say well Bitcoin has to create deflation as an example because it's just math."
"The problems of inflation that plague us today trace directly from the problem of deflation that plagued us from 1929 to 1933."
"As technology continues to become more prevalent, you get deflationary trends at play."
"We've got deflation and inflation simultaneously."
"I think the surprise will be that China will abide the deflation of its credit bubble."
"In most of the consuming world, deflation is the strongest variable."
"Gold goes up in deflation and it goes up in inflation. Gold wins every time."
"A global depression will be deflationary and it'll be the biggest one in history because we've got the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world."
"When deflation happens... it can start a domino effect of collapse."
"China slides to the brink of deflation, adding stimulus urgency."
"Once Ethereum becomes deflationary... the value of Ethereum will be even more valuable as scarcity falls into place."
"Bitcoin is a deflationary asset with that type of mindset."
"Good news for us I think we're going to see some deflationary pressure in some key sectors."
"This is the beginning for Ethereum to become deflationary."
"The healing process is natural. The healing process will be very normal, deflation as bubbles pop, that would help bring down rates down and it would help bring down prices."
"We need deflation to happen, people need to deleverage."
"This signal of deflation in wholesale prices seems to be the result of decreased demand."
"Ethereum supply will now gradually reduce over time, making it deflationary."
"The significant move aimed at shifting away from a high inflation model... establish a more efficient and deflationary token system."
"These are massive deflationary forces."
"Innovation solves problems. Bitcoin will solve problems... we could be entering an era of deflation and Bitcoin will be an antidote to the counterparty risk."
"I expect oil to decline much more, and I still have a target below $10 going into the deflationary bust."
"Inflation is exactly the same thing as wage deflation. It's the opposite side of the coin."
"Japan faces a problem of deflation the likes of which we have not seen since the depression."
"Humor and honest humor especially if it deflates an elephant in the room is a wonderful tool."
"All because of the deflation, he had been gone all night anyway."
"The argument against deflation is if I can buy something for half price tomorrow, I'm a fool not to wait till tomorrow to buy it."
"Maybe we'll get lucky. I was feeling deflated after my conversation with the police. It looked like I was not likely to recover any of my property so my only option was to replace it."
"Flexible wages imply that workers' wages increase with inflation and decrease with deflation."
"If we want that abundance in society, currency must allow for deflation."
"Crypto says user custody is good. Deflation is good. Central banking is bad."
"Digital goods are deflationary in price. The price continuously declines, no matter what happens with monetary policy."
"...it inflates in just a couple minutes it inflates really quickly and it deflates quickly too."
"Deflation is bad. Mild inflation is good."
"Japan has been in deflation for more than a decade and what it is trying to do with a fairly innovative new policy mix is to try to get out of that deflation trap."
"We must expect and plan for a sweeping tide of supply-driven, not demand-driven, deflationary pressure across the entire global economy."
"That's good deflation is going to stimulate a lot of demand going forward."
"Deflation is getting more for less. That’s where things and stuff and wealth gets more abundant."
"The total supply of ether should decrease by a factor of two over the next century."
"Good deflation is when prices are going down because of productivity and technological advances."
"Deflation is good and bad; there can be good deflation and there can be bad deflation."
"Deflation is a general decline in prices for goods and services, typically associated with the contraction in the supply of money and credit in the economy."
"Innovation, especially the amount of innovation that is evolving today, is inherently deflationary."
"Deflation occurs when the prices of goods and services decrease."
"Falling prices are the natural outcome of growth."
"Deflation is not prices dropping; it's the money supply dropping."
"Prices are going to come down; that's what I mean by a deflationary crash."
"In my opinion, there's only one way this ends, and that's in a brutal deflationary crash."
"The world would be digitized. And with that understanding, it became clear that every industry would be disrupted, and it would be very deflationary."
"China needs to act boldly to break the deflationary cycle."
"Deflation, like inflation, can spiral if left unchecked."
"Inflation is when the overall price level is rising, and deflation is when the overall price level is falling."
"If we are stimulating the economy real GDP by stimulating aggregate supply, the price level goes down, we don't have inflation, we have the opposite of inflation."
"We're going to move to a deflationary environment."
"Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are deflationary because there's a fixed amount, making it worth more over time instead of less."
"The greatest deflation in US history."
"Nobody's really talking about deflation... I just wonder where that risk of inflation coming back conversation is gone."
"Technology, which is the greatest deflationary force in our lifetime."
"Capitalist economies ride learning curves of steadily reducing prices, rising values, that effectively mean that deflation is the rule of capitalist growth."
"Innovation would drive deflation, which is in fact what Japan is facing."
"The GDP deflator gets its name because it's used to deflate, i.e., take the inflation out of nominal GDP to get real GDP."
"In order to get down inflation, we either need to raise wages or we need some kind of actual deflation."
"We're either going to have a big deflationary crunch or the amount of fiscal that is all basically monetized by the Fed is going to be bigger than people expect."
"Inflation is the creation of currency and credit out of thin air, and deflation is the opposite."
"We're going to begin to see mass deflation where AI, tech outsourcing, and automations are going to start to drive down cost at a radical pace."
"Technology's deflationary, period."
"Inflation's only got one way to go, and it's down."
"By this time next year, inflation is going to be flat; it could even be negative."
"The supply growth is slightly negative, which is good news."
"Inflation is not going to be an issue, if anything, the subject could be around deflation."
"We're seeing so much activity right now on Ethereum that the supply is deflationary."
"The deflationary impact of technology development is one of the most significant hallmarks of the energy industry."
"The fiat currency system cannot have deflation, which is why these cycles take place."
"It's a fair launch project, deflationary tokenomics."
"Now we're actually seeing deflation."
"Both deflation and price deflation are beneficial in virtually all cases."
"Price deflation resulting from monetary reform or from savings, various growth and so on, is beneficial."
"Deflation can have the liberating effects of bringing down the bankrupt banking system and over-indebted political elite."