
Stocks Quotes

There are 392 quotes

"The winners in stocks are going to be leading-edge companies on the leading edge of innovation."
"Investing in stocks or shares is a great way to earn passive income."
"I think these stocks look super cool; they're actually some of the most aesthetically pleasing stocks to me."
"The three ways to get ahead in America: people that own property, people that own stocks, and people that own businesses."
"When you invest in stocks, you are buying a piece of ownership in a company."
"My strategy is to do the same thing I do with stocks: get diversification."
"You get a high dividend yield and exposure to that upside in stocks at an expense ratio that's basically negligible."
"Behind every stock is a company. If the company does terrific over a long period of time, the stock will do terrific. If the company does lousy, the stock's going to do lousy."
"I'm here to help... those five stocks and I only knew two of them to tell you the truth."
"As soon as GME squeezes AMC also goes to the moon."
"Using an ETF is a good way to go if you were worried about trying to pick the perfect stock."
"Stocks will end up outperforming in the long run as they end up appreciating over inflation."
"Value stocks are going to have a nice rebound."
"Statistically, this is the simplest way to build wealth for probably 99% of investors."
"I do see huge growth here and it is a stock I wanted to diversify that's not 100% crypto-related."
"Those value stocks that are related to the commodity sector... should do very well and outperform."
"Ultimately, as the previous examples have shown us, both stocks and real estate can continue going up even when interest rates go up, although anything can happen."
"Warrants don't add shares to the outstanding share count."
"This is the best way of rating the value of stocks, whether they're fair value, undervalued, overvalued, or in a bubble."
"Be less involved in stocks, be more involved in bonds and own a little bit of gold."
"In the long term, stocks are going to grow and grow and grow if you invest in good companies."
"Stocks provide the best rate of return over the long term."
"Stocks do tend to be something of an inflation hedge."
"AMC is starting to do exactly what we wanted it to do."
"I don't ever recommend buying stocks at all-time highs."
"So, what does it mean to buy stock in a company? When we buy stocks, we actually become a part owner of a company."
"Global stocks over the long term offer you the best return usually they beat inflation by around 5 or 6% over many decades."
"I love watching the concentration of his stocks; it is truly awesome to see the portfolio that they have put together."
"They're forcibly pushing the stock down and making so much money with it that it's ridiculous."
"There are likely shares out there that shouldn't exist, suppressing the actual stock price."
"I'm telling you, there's more to this than meets the eye."
"I own value stocks, dividend-paying stocks...quickly catching up to the underperformance."
"I'm very bullish...on gold, silver, and these stocks."
"Individual stocks can definitely be a great way to invest if you have a knack for it."
"Stocks is a key wealth building tool and should definitely be part of somebody most people are investing in stock market without them even knowing it because of the form on k plan."
"This manipulation does hurt investors in stocks like AMC and GameStop."
"Dividend stocks aren’t going to make you rich like some of these passive income ideas can but it does offer a source that takes no work to set up and will start making you money immediately."
"This is a stock that has been hitting a home run for everyone and heating up everyone's portfolios and making their pockets super full of money."
"This is confirmation of the momentum and the trend that is starting to build behind AMC stock."
"Remember, buying a stock, you are an owner in that business. Stocks are not to be traded, they are to be bought and held for 10, 20, 30 years."
"Investing in stocks is like owning a small piece of a company."
"ETFs are publicly traded as if they're one stock, but they're really just a collection of stocks."
"I want to buy a little more shares before 5g starts to really take off like crazy."
"Tesla's stock itself absolutely surging after their quarterly results."
"I'm a fundamental old-fashioned guy kind of I want to see real numbers look at the numbers here this stocks up 88 percent this year."
"Kathy Wood and ARK Invest are leading us into the future by empowering these innovative and disruptive companies. Many of these are true growth stocks with the only downside being their high valuation."
"Tesla stock falls one percent, he'll then double down and make a meme out of that and say hahaha you know so he just doesn't care."
"The hottest table by far remains Apple with over 1.3 million contracts traded today."
"Stocks like these are prone to fluctuate a bit all the time."
"Hold onto stocks forever for long-term gains."
"That's kind of me just babbling about my thoughts on real estate versus stocks."
"Those Reddit stocks kind of getting hammered back down."
"Both of these penny stocks still have high potential."
"Most of my investments are held in pretty safe funds, but now and then I do want to take a concentrated position in a growth stock such as Apple, Tesla, etc."
"Volatility comes from uncertainty, and when you have a stock that is almost 90 percent or 100 built on hype instead of real value, that means that it's all based on an idea."
"It's likely that we do get a pre-anticipatory run or at least a post-earnings boom followed by profit taking."
"In the short run, stocks are a voting machine; in the long run, they're a weighing machine."
"Diversify your investment across many different stocks."
"My biggest winners were on stocks up more than 10% on the day."
"We expect to make capital gains over time; why would we own the stocks otherwise?"
"Stocks are the real inflation-busting investments."
"Most investors, both institutional and individual, will find the best way to own Common Stocks is through an index fund."
"If the legal expenses aren't too crazy in regards to this Fubo situation, don't be surprised if the stock pops 20 to 35% this week."
"The way you're going to make a lot of wealth is having the emotional fortitude to wait out the rise and falls of stocks."
"'If you are shopping for common stocks, choose them the way you would buy groceries, not the way you would buy perfume.'"
"The only thing that's really relevant is Tesla... Tesla is up about 133% this morning."
"If it's one of those stocks that's gapping up into all-time highs, I don't want to short it because there's no previous resistance."
"Always look at buying stocks as if you're buying the whole company."
"Tesla currently holds the distinction of being the second most shorted large cap stock in the S&P 500."
"You need to understand the mechanics of why a stock is moving in either direction."
"Every stock has its own personality."
"The possible return for a long call is unlimited because there's no cap to how high stocks can possibly go."
"Qualcomm stock has been on a serious run lately going up by over 40% in the last 6 months"
"Quality dividend growth stocks allow your dividend income to increase even during bear markets."
"I never touched crypto, just because I felt that's my worst investment to wake up and lose $5 million like I see. But that's not stocks. I cry tears like I bet I shed two tears."
"Covered calls involve selling call options on stocks that you own and collecting cash for selling those calls to call buyers."
"We hit that for a big amount of shares there, breaking through that 41.20. Enough is enough."
"The cash cow is in as we have four big winners all on board right now."
"Stocks are up guys. Am I not supposed to express joy about it?"
"Your average holding period for stocks is the best part of 11 years."
"The guys that developed the framework and followed it when setting up stocks, they got their success rates up there above 75, 80 percent."
"Ideally, you should buy as many stocks as you can as young as you can."
"You know what else isn't having a bad day? The weed stocks."
"Boeing, a gift yesterday on the downside."
"So, what we know is that stocks that have thinner level twos typically have lower floats, the shares outstanding, the number is lower."
"It's like buying the stocks before the company blows up."
"All the squisher names are in green today, so that's excellent."
"When everything's negative, you're terrified, and there's lots of stock setups, believe the stocks. They're right a lot more than your opinion."
"Crazy stock of the day award goes to this one."
"Stocks on Pace for their fifth straight month of gains."
"Investing in stocks figuring out what they're worth, what your circle of competence is... these are complicated issues."
"Buying a stock below its intrinsic value."
"It's not always how to make money in stocks, but how to make money in stocks. It's not always the absolute peak that it has to go over, you're looking for some sort of area of resistance."
"So I choose stocks I believe will still be paying dividends 10 years from today now of course it's just my opinion but I believe it."
"Stock selection is your best form of risk management."
"Stocks themselves are options in a sense, with a zero exercise price."
"Trading the stocks that have gained a lot of momentum during premarket hours."
"Boeing Shares are down a quarter."
"Stocks were mentioned, out of which five are currently in stock."
"The soft one just took VWAP here. I think for the first time now. The closes at this, in this way, this will be the first time Softy closes above the volume weighted average price since 10:30."
"It's up to you which ones you like to take, but this is how I find the highly liquid options sort of stocks that we are always talking about trading."
"I think Square goes a hell of a lot higher than that though."
"So why would you own stocks if you could get the exact same return in a bond that had significantly less volatility or ups and downs? Well, the answer is you wouldn't you only do so because there's a premium there."
"...I thought with this number happening today and what's been happening to these growth stocks, you see AMD through 79 already."
"Now, let's go ahead and start with a stock purchase because every stock portfolio needs to first start with the purchase of some securities, whether that's a stock or an ETF that you want to own."
"What I love about stocks is it's not a negotiated transaction. What I love about stocks is the price is set, and I'm not negotiating with the other person."
"When you put money into stocks, keep in mind that you should have a time horizon that’s at least a few years out, if not five or 10 years, or more."
"If Traders dedicated themselves to only buying a stock that was demonstrating the picture of power at or near the 20 period moving average, their accuracy would go through the freaking roof."
"Not having a stock watch list is like walking into a grocery store hungry without a shopping list."
"The point of stocks is to get money to companies to go build products."
"When stocks fall, it's never going to be fun, but if you have been looking for stink bids, maybe we get a chance."
"Stocks are real businesses, providing real products and real service to real people."
"...stocks with moderate volatility are generally preferred as they offer the potential for Price appreciation without the excessive risk."
"...select stocks with stable financial backgrounds and growth potential to maximize returns and minimize your risk."
"...stocks have beaten inflation on average by over six percent per year."
"Proper stock selection is probably the best thing you can do to mitigate your risk."
"If you buy and sell stocks with limit orders, then this is a strategy that's for you."
"Sofi is a growth stock but trading at very good value."
"It's going to be good for US stocks, good for the US economy."
"You make far more money buying carefully selected mining stocks than you will gold."
"The stock market and more importantly the US market is heavily relying on just a few massive companies doing very well."
"The stock exchange has suspended Delian Ocelot shares, so I suppose Sarah won't be divorcing you now."
"Invest in low volatility dividend-paying stocks."
"Stocks like this go up a couple percent because of a lot of reasons, but they go up meaningful amounts over time."
"This is one of the rarest stocks I've ever been involved in."
"If your goal is maximizing returns and growth, stocks are the place for that."
"A lot of these names that do these 100 million, 200 million a day are really good for this style."
"Stocks can continuously go up higher and higher and higher."
"It's important to have some cash to cushion against down days especially severe down days in your best stocks."
"Growth stocks have the potential to increase in value fast, but they are also more volatile and risky. Income stocks, on the other hand, provide a consistent stream of dividend income."
"...the stock price of Trump's struggling media company fell after the company posted major losses."
"Learn to buy stocks to pay you now and forever."
"Regardless of the quality of the gap, you can almost disregard it if a stock gaps up just above the 200MA."
"I think the mining stocks are going to outperform massively."
"Mistake number one: scalping stocks that are not in play."
"I realized I really did learn a lot because I traded Apple from its inception. Amazon. Every stock that was around at that time, it was a really big name, I went back from day one and went candle by candle, just next, next, next."
"Once we know that the market's ended up trend, we're looking for the strongest stocks and the strongest groups."
"Every time a stock touches a key level, it's a potential trade."
"Stocks traded into the red Tuesday after higher than expected wage data raised fresh inflation concerns."
"It's not about pumps, dumps, this, that. Earnings. Stocks move long-term on earnings. Earnings breakouts are the most powerful movement in stocks."
"A stock doesn't necessarily have to fill the gap all the way through."
"In the short run stocks are voting machines, in the long run they're weighing machines."
"When you find a stock that you really like, you just gotta hold on to it tight and hope Fuji doesn't discontinue it."
"cdrs are a lot like traditional stocks."
"It's a really amazing way to get all the best Canadian dividend stocks all in one."
"Dividend stocks offer a more stable and predictable return."
"...I feel very comfortable trading stocks that are between 3 and 10 atr."
"Stocks are assets just like a home is. Investing in the stock market is much safer than owning a home."
"We stick to the stocks that are moving why? Because that's where the money is of course."
"A cheap stock can always get cheaper finding the cheap stocks to buy right now the ones ready for a rebound means using technical analysis to find those inflection points in a Stock's price."
"...in today's video where we're going to be looking at four dividend paying stocks that will have us earning one thousand dollars every month and again this is a four stock portfolio."
"Take advantage of the income, and defensive qualities of dividend-paying stocks."
"Understanding how to value growth stocks without putting extraordinary emphasis on future cash flows is crucial."
"When you comment and you like, it puts me into YouTube's algorithm and it shows my videos to more people, so more people can learn how to trade stocks."
"The advantage of a covered call in this scenario is that with stock you don't have to ever sell your shares of stock."
"I'm usually looking for stocks that have implied volatility greater than at least 45 percent."
"History shows that when you zoom out over decades, stocks are very clearly the best asset class." - Clay Finck
"A stock has to get to intrinsic value at some point. That's a Bedrock of Benjamin Graham, right?"
"The FANG stocks are appropriately valued today for the opportunity that they represent on a risk-reward basis and they're fantastic business models."
"Delta basically tells you how much you're going to make with a $1 increase or decrease in the price of the stock."
"Stocks come and go, human behavior never changes."
"Stocks with good momentum are likely to continue rising."
"A stock should really be screaming to you."
"Now that Steve Jobs has gone from Apple his former partner Steve Wozniak is buying up Apple stock."
"...stocks win in the long term... there was no 20 year period... where stocks underperformed the competition."
"Stocks with a Catalyst that falls within the current theme can have explosive moves."
"As long as I look over and see stocks in a range... S&P is going to push toward 5,500 and maybe then higher."
"Yes, for a company's stock to drop 80 percent, a technology company's stock, even during the financial crisis, they're not just in the penalty box, they're like getting kicked to the curb, right?"
"The patterns that work best are stocks trading on high relative volume."
"Cisco, one of the biggest winners of the decade, showed a double bottom base with an early entry on the day of the follow-through day."
"Under Armour, it's just breaking through quarters, we're long at 22.30."
"Short interest for AMC, around the same now as GameStop, in the 30-40% range."
"I really want to focus on the stocks that show extreme relative strength."
"You don't want to be a pioneer in a stock. You want to buy a stock that is already showing evidence that it's under accumulation, that the big guys are buying it."
"I go through hundreds, maybe even thousands, of charts and stocks each and every day."
"'You have two free stocks when you deposit $100 on the platform with one of the stocks potentially worth all the way up to $1,400.'"
"...picking individual stocks and I'm not gonna bother to benchmark it because I don't care what the index is doing... there's no reason to invest in individual stocks unless you can outperform the index."
"Just like the Stradivarius violin in the musical world, the stocks that are made by this man are sought by some of the best Shooters in the country."
"Buying a quality stock for a low price is a quality situation."
"I think virtue Financial a publicly traded competitor so they're they're public and virtue Financial they make a lot of money but they're they make a lot less money than I would have thought and I think the stock is trading where it was in like 2018."
"Imagine buying Amazon stock at a discount price instead of $250 you pay $200, $175 or $100 for the same stock."
"Real estate stocks producing 200 100% return over the next 6 years."
"Dividend ETFs vs. individual stocks."
"Seeing a company able to grow fifty percent on average year over year, that's a growth stock you need to pay attention to."
"Investors decided to take their profit sending all but two of The Magnificent Seven stocks lower."
"You have bragging rights... if you're the type of investor that likes to invest in individual companies."
"These sequential order types are really situational specific and ones that you really want to make sure you understand why the stock is trading the way it is and what really should happen."
"...stocks are really, really easy. Buy good companies at a fair price and go to the beach."
"In an ideal world, you're able to watch the stock as it's pushing through a pivot."
"Stocks should not be bought far away."
"Because of the nature of the risk, we regulate stocks and bonds. They are speculations too. We need to regulate this."
"...trading stocks that are a little bit more expensive for me it feels simpler."
"You have these stocks where you get really big moves on actually very light liquidity, light volume, and the problem there is because there's not a lot of liquidity."
"All the stocks do is they allow you to own businesses of different types."
"Beautiful stocks, beautiful patterns even if they don't have enough reward risk you can play them most of the time because they will exceed your targets."
"These are ideally stocks you want to just buy and hold since the goal here is to collect dividend income every month."
"In most cases these Strong's earning stocks will take a few days to consolidate gains and then it'll break above that earnings day one high."
"Picking individual stocks is essentially the same concept, except it's way simpler to manage."