
Conduct Quotes

There are 1135 quotes

"I treat people well and I'm respectful... that's a way to live."
"President Biden behaved the exact correct way that you are supposed to."
"Morality is a set of principles that decide on right and wrong conduct."
"Her conduct should be measured against the strictest of scrutinies, held to the highest of standards."
"There's enough room in the middle of the court that you never have to play out of bounds. Stay ethical."
"You trash talk before the match to build hype for it. If you trash talk after the match, you're basically just an asshole."
"How you do one thing is how you do everything."
"Our business here is not to know all things, but those which concern our conduct."
"I always say, judge me by my conduct. If my words align with my conduct, then you can trust me."
"This is just not going to be tolerated anymore. Any sectarianism or unacceptable conduct will be eradicated from our football grounds."
"To speak evil of no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men."
"Speak a straightforward word. He would repair your deeds and forgive you of your sins."
"In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works."
"I'm leaving it at that, class act as always."
"Act in a manner benefiting the uniform that you wear. Nothing less should be tolerated."
"Don't harass them, don't go after them, be the bigger person. Don't sink to their level."
"Make sure to always have good manners in life."
"Our religion talks about peace, how we should conduct ourselves with humanity and respect, not about persecution or oppression."
"If it's wrong, don't do it; and if it's wrong, don't say it."
"Each brother was pledged to a strict code of conduct that reinforced the sanctity of a place where angels tread and prayer was constant."
"By the mercies of God, walk in a manner worthy of the calling by which you have been called."
"Rei, the principle of respect, encourages demonstrating respect in manners, actions, and speech, even towards enemies."
"The real servants of Ar-Rahman are the ones who are walking with gentleness on this earth."
"The best of you in your Iman are those who are the best in your o'clock, and the best of you in your Allah are those who are best to their families."
"Allah is beautiful and loves beauty... and he loves the good manners."
"You're gonna get banned, so just be a decent human being and you'll be able to have fun."
"I'm choosing to be cognizant of how I conduct myself and the kind of energy that I exist in because for the sake of my family, my husband, and my children, it's necessary."
"The kind of rhythm to a courtroom proceeding can't be kind of overwhelmed by like pizzazz and showmanship and lies."
"I hope you realize in life that you shouldn't be disrespectful to people."
"Stick up for your friends and don't be a meanie."
"My identity is found in what's written in that book and it's Who I am and how I conduct myself each and every day."
"Belief always rules conduct it works wonders when you believe it signs and wonders but belief always rules conduct"
"I believe in being happy I believe in joy so it rules my conduct and everything I do"
"This behavior is unacceptable from anyone, regardless of their popularity."
"We go over there helping out... we don't go over there calling people names... we just don't."
"They went low, and in response, we went high."
"Prosecutors are considering the implications of the conduct that we describe in our report."
"Do not be transphobic in the comments. Transphobia will not be tolerated."
"Their conduct and that's really a dangerous dynamic."
"Conduct yourself with dignity, decorum, and respect."
"Just because someone's terrible to you doesn't mean you have any right to be terrible to anyone else."
"Catherine is impeccable in the way she conducts herself."
"Set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity." - 1 Timothy 4:12
"Your conduct often times is going to predict what happens to you in your life."
"It's because their apparent conduct here is what the hell and so that creates an unfavorable impression on me."
"NPCs react to how Arthur conducts himself within the world."
"Actions and ethical conduct are considered more important than adherence to a particular set of beliefs or dogmas."
"Whoever cheats us is not one of us... cheating and lying and being deceitful is not part of Islam."
"It's not okay to swear around your kids, but apparently manhandling a child that's not yours around your kids is perfectly fine."
"They carry themselves on social media with class and dignity."
"He was absolutely professional right down the middle."
"We need to remain as diplomatic as possible."
"Always be ready to give an offense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that's in you yet do it with gentleness and reverence."
"I try to conduct myself in a way that people have a positive uh interaction."
"If you're not bold enough to go say that to somebody's face then you probably shouldn't tweet it."
"You don't have to be nasty, you don't have to be rude or disrespectful. It's all in your approach."
"It explores the negative impact power can have on one's ego, sense of self, judgment, and happiness."
"I do not promote, encourage, or endorse any kind of mean, negative, harassing, malicious behavior."
"What it means to be an anti-hero is that you always do the right thing but you don't always do it the right way."
"We have to be careful and mindful of what we do."
"Behave yourself wherever you go." - Richard Sampson
"Those who abstain from immorality are the ones who have pleased their Maker."
"India has a certain policy about how its Army conducts itself."
"The standard you walk by is the standard you accept."
"The conduct since October 2022 has honestly been appalling."
"It's not acceptable, it's not the way you should be. It shouldn't be happening, it's bang out of order."
"Extremist beliefs, behaviors, and conduct are not consistent with our core values. They have no place within our navy or our navy culture."
"The best among you are those who treat their wives in the best possible manner."
"Don't threaten violence. Don't attack people. Don't throw projectiles at people."
"I like Rico as a friend. I just can't have madmen running around."
"Disqualifies himself by his conduct and his comments."
"Acts of belief, that is of real assent, do effect [conduct]."
"Live your life in a way that people don't wish somebody else's death was yours."
"If you touch a woman just because she has revealing clothing on, you are weak."
"Your conduct should be governed accordingly to instill public trust."
"I think it's useful to understand how the environment works."
"No killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no false speech, and also no intoxicants."
"High value men don't carry themselves by evoking violence on people because of words."
"It's not that hard to be professional and set boundaries."
"Respect isn't gained by wearing a uniform; respect is earned by day-to-day living."
"The game is rigged against you if you can be found to be privileged in any way, and privilege is relational so everybody is privileged in some way."
"What do we do? We have to enact virtue, not vice."
"Love is the highest law governing our conduct."
"It's more important for us to embody peace and demonstrate it."
"In this world, you must conduct yourself in a way that's worthy of protection."
"Shame on you for doing it so cut it out and you know that applies to everybody big channel or little doesn't make any difference."
"We want to make sure that we keep it classy."
"Always exude stellar behavior and good character."
"Your manhood is not measured by how many slaps you give a woman."
"Live and conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Lord."
"No one should have to endure the type of behavior detailed in the attorney general's report."
"My spirituality is about my conduct and how I behave rather than telling other people how they should behave."
"Be holy yourselves in all your conduct. It means be set apart from the world by godly character and moral courage."
"Husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them abusing your wife is not acceptable."
"There's a couple rules, don't hurt people, don't take their stuff."
"It's all about how you conduct yourself when something happens to you, man."
"It's just not a nice thing to do. Don't bully anybody."
"It's not hard to not sexually harass people... In fact, don't do it."
"It is never acceptable in any capacity to assault someone because you don't like what they're doing."
"Just because you endure w's doesn't mean it's okay to be an abuser or it doesn't justify being an abuser."
"The only thing you have during a crisis is your conduct during it." - Johnny Cochran
"Harassment, bullying, threats, any of that sort of stuff is never, ever, ever okay."
"Threatening and insulting people...is just wrong."
"For this reason, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in the wrong spirit will be guilty of dishonoring the body and the blood of the Lord."
"Act with good thought, good words, and good deeds."
"Do all things without grumbling or disputing."
"Preserve, said the Roman philosopher, at all times a temperate and pacific posture towards the world."
"Kindness can never be an offense."
"Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish."
"I am subject to a code of ethics."
"Lauren has been impressed by James's good conduct and social skills."
"We do not talk negatively about people, that's what we don't do."
"I'm a very respectful person, I don't like putting people in lights that aren't positive."
"If you don't have anything nice to say, do not say it at all."
"We have a philosophy, we have a line of conduct we have to stick to that, and I'm convinced that we will be successful."
"Let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ."
"You've handled this very professionally."
"A contract of sale can be done orally, it can be put in writing, it can be implied from conduct."
"There's never an excuse for that, and any man who does something like that isn't a real man."
"Treat each other with respect, especially in the workplace."
"More people really do need to be held accountable for their actions."
"What sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness."
"The conduct of his men against impossible odds would become the standard expected of knights during the Middle Ages."
"Membership is indeed a privilege that can be revoked, misconduct or failure to uphold the club's values can lead to expulsion, a stark reminder that these hallowed halls demand respect and adherence to their stringent codes of conduct."
"Masculinity in six words: Do no harm, take no [__]."
"We all Kings bro, yeah we all on top and that's why I do respect, because I know I'm pretty sure a lot of people have been waiting to see what I got to say about that, yeah. But I do appreciate how he conducted himself yeah, right there like a G."
"We're called to be representations of Jesus everywhere we go."
"...his Gallant conduct was continual throughout those 10 days."
"Conduct is the great profession. Behavior is the perpetual revealing of us. What a man does tells us what he is."
"I sincerely apologize for my conduct, this is most unbecoming," Eda said softly.
"Perhaps we should best remember the pirates for their behavior with one another, enshrined in their codes of conduct."
"If a ruler's personal conduct is correct, his government is effective without the issuing of orders."
"Let the superior man never fail reverentially to order his own conduct and let him be respectful to others and observant of propriety."
"I really appreciate the level of care and precision that you bring to your work, and the way in which you acquit yourself and conduct yourself in the digital space that as we all know, is kind of rife with a lot of bad behavior right now."
"You can't just say whatever you want and do whatever you want...you have a moral compass and a code of conduct."
"The floating dollar trick - imagine getting away with this type of conduct in an office setting."
"Degenerate beings, because they have no sense of right conduct (Dharma), do not know what they should do or not do."
"Hustling is a mentality, it's a code of conduct."
"Treasure God's wealth of Patience by bringing your conduct your deeds into line with his holy will and do so without delay."
"There’s a total link between the way you conduct yourself in one area radiates out in all of these other ways."
"As obedient children, be holy in all your conduct."
"I tried to play the game with as much Integrity as I could."
"This code of ethics gives us a basic overview on how to do that."
"I just try to live my life as a good person."
"The fact that we didn't honor this is not something that is extreme and outrageous conduct on our part."
"...Respectful and pure conduct..."
"It's your conduct that's gonna reveal it."
"Realization is determined by the mysterious artistry of your own conduct."
"Please take a moment to read our reactor code of conduct. We ask that you be kind and respectful to everyone, including our speakers. We want the reactors to be a place everyone feels welcome."
"Don't walk in insolence on the earth. It's a prohibition of arrogance and an enjoining of humility."
"Whoever is righteous in conduct has faith."
"There's never been a better time to think about conducting yourself with dignity, respect, and kindness towards others."
"Thank you for all the help and teaching me the things that I do know right now and how to conduct myself."
"God is calling us to be holy in all that we do."
"There is a modicum of professionalism I think that we expect from people that hold office."
"You need to learn to accept responsibility for your conduct and for what you contribute to life."
"The problem of my conduct was solved."
"Always show respect in everything you do."
"He conducted his house without Enterprise but with eminent decorum,"
"Your life and your actions and your influence in the world will depend upon the degree of Truth which you are unable to perceive for truth will not manifest in creeds but in conduct."
"Don't fancy that all that frantic astronomy would make the smallest difference to the reason and justice of conduct on planes of opal and the cliffs cut out of pearl. You would still find a noticeboard: 'Thou shalt not steal.'"
"The overarching message of this section is winning the respective outsiders through your conduct and specifically through your suffering."
"Democracy demands honorable conduct."
"Let your conduct be worthy of the Gospel."
"You know, I think Demosthenes put it best when he said: 'He cannot have a proud and chivalrous spirit if your conduct is mean and paltry, for whatever a man's actions are such must be his spirit.'"
"Because of your bad conduct, and that's why many people in the Quran, what do the Muslims say? For the disbelievers?"
"Why would you bring that type of behavior or that type of, like, you know, whether it's sexual in nature, whatever those types of like temptations, why would you bring that to a space like this?"
"The Prophet Muhammad was a great man...beautiful conduct."
"...ensure that the project has a code of conduct to ensure that it's an inclusive space."
"Conducts which are consistent with the right to freedom of expression can never be considered seriously prejudicial."
"The black belt is a belt that places some expectations on you in terms of how you should comport yourself."
"Could unbelief produce belief? Could unbelief produce righteous conduct? Could unbelief produce a willingness on the part of those who listen to him to obey God and to make him the exclusive object of our worship? No sir."
"Be most careful then as the New English Bible says, how you conduct yourselves like sensible people and not like simpletons."
"Walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called."
"...his conduct as the supervisor of this game."
"And then they started up again about a year later, you know, with all these guys that were not affiliated, that were just regular Serenos and regular Woods and people that had to be accountable for the way they conducted themselves."
"The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds and through commendable and seemly conduct."
"You measure a man by his mistakes, you measure a man by his conduct when he's wrong."
"The very fact that there is inconsistency and that they're very patchy in their nature and application should be a big red flag about how we are conducting ourselves here."
"Whoever offers praise glorifies me, and to him who orders his conduct a right, I'll show the salvation of God."
"Life itself, consciousness itself in its highest sense, the real being within us, is able to rapidly manifest itself in our conduct."
"We have to find some method in this world by which principles are given an opportunity to guide human conduct."
"I don't like the way he conducts himself in the Oval Office. And he doesn't conduct himself very presidential. And we all know that."
"Even fools have a code of conduct."
"As obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct."
"He just protected us and really made sure that we knew how to conduct ourselves."
"Chivalry ends up being something like a coded version of the honorable way to fight if you have to."
"...your Camp must be holy so that he will not see among you anything indecent and turn away from you."
An advert for Jesus. "Keep your conduct among the Gentiles"—that’s amongst those who do not believe. "Keep your conduct … honorable."
"Have the right motivation and have the right conduct. Motivation is your conduct."
"I've tried to make my mom and dad proud of how they raised me and try to conduct myself as best as possible on the racetrack."
"My thing is, it's our show. Don't try to dictate how we do the show. If you act crazy, I'm gonna kick you the [__] out. That's just how it goes."
"He who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct."
"The general rule for player conduct in most casinos is, as long as the player's betting enough money, they can do and say whatever they want."
"Sexual harassment includes unwelcome conduct which is either of a sexual nature or which is directed at an individual because of that individual's sex."
"I don't have a secret. There's no secret to us. I mean, interestingly though, your name came up probably six months or more ago in regards to this sort of whole question of how should Christians conduct themselves in the midst of these questions."
"Your character will be connected to your conduct, so who you really are eventually is going to influence how you behave."
"If you want to protest their policies and their conduct, in my humble opinion, you should forget about the two-witness rule and focus on how Witnesses violate God’s law."
"True wisdom knows that the best life we can live... is shown by our good conduct."
"That's not how you treat people and that's not how you do things."