
Demand Quotes

There are 2594 quotes

"Technologically enabled innovation is deflationary by nature. It encourages more and more usage, increases access, and unleashes waves of demand as prices fall."
"The demand for Bitcoin is becoming insatiable."
"The public demand for... good faith conversation."
"When the U.S. does well, the world does well, and U.S. demand is going to help prop everybody else up."
"You have to shoulder responsibility because that is what reality demands."
"The American people want the truth. We need the facts."
"The first one sold out in three minutes, the next one was sold out in 60 seconds. I didn't even know that was physically possible. Insane."
"Your work is about to become very hot in demand."
"When other women see that you're a man in demand, they are going to chase after you even more."
"We now have a society that demands coddling... where a society that coddles you is a better society."
"We've earned the ability to charge what we do for their things because they know that the demand is there and their craftsmanship and work ethic are top-notch."
"We have a lot of industrial demand, so we're just going to have to make sure that we give the people what they want."
"Forerunners are in extremely short supply, demand is huge."
"The demand for AI skills, the demand for machine learning skills is so vast."
"If you want to be paid a lot, you really need to be good at something that's both in demand and hard."
"You're compensated in society based on the demand for your particular type of work... It comes from how many people are capable of doing the work you're capable of doing and then how many people are demanding the type of work that you're capable of doing."
"I really think the ecosystem is going to explode in demand once smart contracts are launched."
"By learning Spring Boot, you will be in demand for jobs."
"Science and analysis skills are only getting more in demand."
"People are demanding more change, and they have every right to because they're in pain."
"The demand for batteries continues to grow, and supply is limited."
"I wish I was a multi-millionaire because what we are preaching is in strong demand."
"Demand... Invoke... You have to demand to see this spirit, this entity."
"Inventories piling up is a very unhealthy sign. It means the retail sector is drying up, demand destruction is kicking in, costs are going up, and your profit margins are going down."
"The increased demand is calling attention to the role of the social safety net and its potential shortcomings."
"If you pray from that authority, which is a demand."
"There is still a huge demand for single player games for high quality single player experiences."
"There will be huge demand for people who've got any kind of skills in cyber technology world."
"All we want is for the cops to be held accountable for what they actually do."
"People love it so much; there's always gonna be an appetite for it."
"People are responding. It has been phenomenal. Everywhere that I've been, people are now saying, 'Do you have any more?'"
"The shortage of bikes available due to the big demand might continue into 2022."
"Everything's gonna fall into place, it's going to be beautiful... there's a tremendous pent-up demand."
"Trump didn't just ask him to pause the certification of the election, he specifically demanded that he overturn the election."
"Art is constantly getting barraged with requests."
"We the scholars of the nation demand Justice."
"Tesla really doesn't have an issue selling their cars right now. Their main issue is production and 2022 should finally be the year that they start catching up on current demand."
"Love me or hate me for it, the question is, did anyone have one they're willing to sell?"
"Doordash jumping nicely amid sustained demand for food delivery."
"The institutional, the traditional investors, the financial advisors, they are having to study up on crypto because there's so much demand."
"To me though, the sheer volume of stuff is indicative of the fact that there is an audience for all this material."
"Nobody has ever gotten respect in this country without demanding it."
"She's the ultimate pop sensation. She's in high demand to appear on TV and magazines everywhere."
"Just tell me what do you need for this to all go away? A resignation."
"Give us our brand back, you stole it in the first place."
"This was fire... We need more of these."
"We as citizens, I would hope that we become vigilant and demand better."
"Power concedes nothing without a demand. Never have, never will."
"Bitcoin and Ethereum institutional demand has flatlined."
"This video is no doubt the most requested video you guys asked me to make."
"An electric current sparking a fervent demand for transparency."
"The key to YouTube success? Find a niche that's in demand, lucrative, and versatile."
"If there's a demand for something in the world and you can find a way to offer that in a high-quality way, you can make a living."
"The 2018 CVO Road Glide all the colors but specifically in the gunship gray by far no question unequivocally the highest demanded CVO of all time."
"The reservations are full, they sold out the first 24 hours."
"To stop the supply, we need to stop the demand."
"Tanks and healers are always needed in games so learning how to tank and how to heal will mean you're always in high demand."
"Satisfy a demand. Find something where people actually want to buy."
"There's such a hunger for new voices, new creativity."
"We demand full individual and institutional accountability."
"Good luck getting the 3080 because they sold out in seconds."
"Your skills, your abilities will be in high demand in your career."
"This is what the people are demanding and I'm a representative of the people. I represent my district, they're demanding this."
"Tesla, which doesn't spend a penny, is selling more than it can make."
"All the pre-orders have sold out everywhere."
"The truth will set you free and we demand nothing less."
"Give me an interesting concept, that's all I'm asking for. It's not much, it's not much."
"He's young, he's got the best clubs wanting him around the world, and it's because he's so good in that back three system."
"So in general, it's going to keep growing and the more holders there are the more demand there's going to be."
"I specifically demanded entertainment and I got it."
"There's been a clamoring for more policy stuff like this."
"If the biggest complaint about our game is that it's too small and people want more from it, that's good."
"Your 2023 trip to Disney World is gonna be more expensive because as demand increases, prices increase too."
"People want graphics cards, they have never been in more demand than now."
"We need this owner to do something he's never done for us to believe he's going to change. That's why I demand Conte."
"14 million viewers want legacy servers back."
"Demand wasn't an issue but production was the limiting factor."
"Judge Sullivan demanded exculpatory information."
"There's something beautiful about the demand from scarcity."
"Ready-to-eat foods are still in high demand."
"Most importantly they were demanding a voice."
"The evidence of election fraud is overwhelming. We demand that on January 20th, a new election is conducted not a recount."
"You can be super demanding and super supportive and then people grow."
"A lot of money for sure, but the demand has proven it's worth it."
"The demand for people with skills in these areas is only growing."
"Applying pressure means to dynamically demand what is just what is due, and what is rightfully yours."
"Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse says the company has more demand for its XRP cross-border payments product than it can currently facilitate."
"As fans, we want our club back... it's important."
"Cyberpunk needs more Edge Runners content while the iron is hot."
"Registered nurses: highly paid, always in demand."
"Show me the money! I need to feel you, Jerry."
"So, I'm answering your question am I Satisfied by that of course I'm not satisfied I would like more investigation."
"Credit is part of aggregate demand and the way that I talk about is saying that aggregate demand, that sum of total aggregate demand in the economy, is the turnout of existing money plus the change in debt."
"What God placed down on the inside of you is in demand." - Speaker
"Absolutely, 110%, we do need something that isn't World of Warcraft."
"Trauma healing, spiritual, physical, and psychological trauma healing will be the most sought-after modality in the next years and decades."
"We want transparency across the board. The dark pools, retail wholesalers, brokers, give us the information. Like why is it behind like a veil of secrecy? We want to look into those things."
"We have to demand the truth be told and he pay the price."
"Hold strong... demand real action, that you have standards."
"They appreciate the backing... but they want more."
"I want my money right now," 50 made it clear.
"Show me the game, give that a game, and I'll play it."
"As we saw over time with our us-based Seasons the fan base demand for the franchise can and does change independently of the supply of drag race Seasons."
"PlayStation 5 sales performance has been dependent on the company's ability to supply the demand, with the console sold out globally."
"This community is enormous and there's not going to be nearly as many NFTs available as there are people that want them."
"Automakers racing to turn out electric vehicles have generated long wait lists."
"Good technicians are always in demand, and good technicians also tend to build their own customer base."
"We want this fixed, we want it resolved, and we want it to stop."
"Intelligence is the commodity that is most in demand."
"Eventually everybody who wants to get Yeezys will get Yeezys."
"When everybody can get one, nobody wants one."
"Walmart is hiring 50,000 new workers to meet increased demand."
"It's weird if you get even the smallest vlog audiences they just want more."
"The institutional demand for Ethereum has literally never been higher. They've never seen anything like it is right now."
"Games where you build up a position and hold it against endless waves? People are hungry for that."
"The power consists nothing without a demand it never did and it never will."
"It was like he knew I'd just seen him because that's when he started making demands: 'Open up, you gotta let me in.'"
"Tesla's gonna have enough demand to sell every vehicle they can make for quite a while here."
"This was fire, I want more. Thank you so much!"
"These guys need to be held accountable in the strongest possible way."
"If it's valuable people will pay they come to food they'll come to porn kind of entertainment all these things people pay if there's value"
"We need all of the footage released, we need explanations, and transcript releases and explanations for the contradictions."
"The black community demanded action by the police."
"The reason we're not seeing inflation is because the demand for money and cash is high."
"She is selling stuff like crazy she's almost completely sold out of everything she had."
"If you're good at what you do, there will always be a demand for you."
"Literally give me back my son, literally give me the money, give me back my son."
"This is one of the last times we can show them that there is demand for more games like this."
"I'm tired of waiting for the games... It is time for Xbox to step up and be ready and deliver this generation."
"Reduced aggregate demand is a major risk factor."
"There's excess demand for a very finite and scarce supply of an asset; that's the bull case."
"Outside the neighborhood wandering citizens were demanding the authorities to deal with the infected inside."
"Riches come... in response to definite demands based upon the application of definite principles."
"Last year around this time we completely sold out of inventory in less than three days."
"The times ahead are going to be extremely demanding for everyone."
"That's racist, so one of the things they demand is a list of bme members of staff that are accessible to all students."
"Counter-cultural books and arguments are more in demand than perhaps they previously recognized."
"They're coveting the black vote without giving us anything substantive for it."
"Enough is enough, five centuries almost is ain't enough."
"People are still gonna want it in jewelry, electronics, aerospace, medicine, and dentistry."
"The country will not get better until people start demanding their party do better rather than continuing to demonize the opposing party."
"I demanded my trade, get me the [__] out of here."
"People just aren't selling, and the houses that do go up for sale are snapped up incredibly quickly."
"Would you kindly develop a new Bioshock already?"
"If anything, it's proving that people are paying for what they want."
"Why hide the data? I would like to demand right now here and now that they release the data on which their conclusions are made."
"We are here to lead, we are here to call out every single politician... to do more than a simple band-aid on a broken bone." - Delaney Tarr
"You deserve to be good to yourself, you deserve to be kind to yourself."
"With BMF, people don't understand, as much as you want to drive, they got as much work for you. It's never a shortage of work."
"We want justice, we want justice, we want justice."
"Nurse practitioners are in super high demand... projected job growth through 2027 is roughly 35 percent."
"The market is ready for it and asking for it."
"Demanding that you give me a physical sign that you are present."
"What we are seeing at the moment is the world is running down its inventory of oil because we've got a combination of increased demand and very high prices."
"Stop asking them to like you... demand that they respect you."
"Tesla gets more demand for their vehicles, helping them maintain prices and margins."
"And most likely the shoe is also going to be very difficult to get and very limited."
"Grapples are one of the most sought-after attachments... I want."
"Get it while you still can... replenishing our inventory has been very difficult in recent months because everyone's buying it."
"Give me the money. Give you give me the money."
"We are demanding complete truth and full transparency. That's all we want, that's all we demand: justice."
"Silver is bracketed by tremendous demand on either side of it, industrial and monetary."
"Everybody out there who wants more Amanda in their life, I totally understand."
"Within the month we had more business than we could handle."
"Everybody wants this bag right now, I really do think that you know this in production they're going to be sending out a lot more shipments."
"Nothing is staying on the market more than three days."
"With each cost decline, each step function down, a new technology unleashes waves of new demand."
"That's all I have to say on this but show me the Masters that's the hashtag right there."
"The men said no more, and society has to listen, they have to."
"I think a lot of people would want to use something like this."
"Java players when Bedrock has something they don't have: 'OMG, fix that parity. We want that too.'"
"That was so fire, dude. I need more, we need more."
"Decreasing demand is actually drastically outpacing Supply."
"Prove your point right now, because that's exactly everyone tell you to prove your point."
"Labor shortages exist partly because demand has never been this high."
"We demand Justice, no preconditions or qualifications."
"It's very impressive to see... Tesla's high demand but also their vast scaling."
"This signal of deflation in wholesale prices seems to be the result of decreased demand."
"We want the demand for goods and services to be the result of a legitimate economic need."
"Why don't you show up right now, explain what your rules are?"
"If I were you, I'd spam them on social media telling them I want want this phone."
"People are starving for it and that's why I think we have a huge opportunity."
"We are seeing very strong early demand for Teslas in our rental fleet." - Hertz statement
"Even with Tesla at scale, it's looking challenging enough for Hertz to get these vehicles as quickly as they want them." - Rob Maurer
"How low do you want to go? It's not even a thought, he has to be sacked."
"The demand for gold and silver would be through the roof and a whole hell of a lot higher."
"We, the people of Tropico, demand the right to bear ramps."
"An overwhelming amount of demand for the stock is a good thing."
"Demand is going to be a major problem probably around 2050."
"Crystal clear that the audience wants more, more, more."
"This completely changes everything, now give me my money please."
"It needs to fit the bill if it's what they want."
"The demand for real estate is still quite high."
"VIP upgrades are already sold out, and the suites are almost sold out too."
"Japan has a strong demand for solar and grid storage."
"We had 10,000 coffee bags and labels ready to go... we were completely sold out of everything in 72 hours."
"Everybody always wanted a preview of a preset."
"We don't know who that money went for we don't know why and all we can get is a speech and a press release I don't want a speech and a press release I want details I want all the details are quality payment."
"The waiting list to volunteer in the Golden Temple has hundreds of thousands of names on it."
"Everybody has been demanding this game and for good reason."